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Port Perry Star, 17 Nov 1992, p. 35

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PORT PERRY STAR - Real Estate Section - Tuesday, November 17, 1992-7 SAND, GRAVEL, STONE , seplic sand, fill, limestone & reclaimed asphalt. Call Gary Carter - 985- 8588. SATELLITE DISH - 12' diameter. Satellite system includes 12' dish, Uniden receiver, Macom video cipher 11 $2500 OBO. 986-5597. SEASONED FIREWOOD $60 per face cord, 12 inch. $10 extra for delivery. 985-7745. SEASONED HARDWOOD cut 8 months, splitting daily - $160/bush cord, split . 705-786-1458. SOLID OAK large dining room table with two leaves and four chairs, good condition, $400; sectional cedar garage door and hardware, good condition $250. Call Gail or Ralph 985-7351 or 986-5983. SOLID PINE TABLE 39" round $295; loveseat with one recliner, grey $225; dark amber recliner $50 OBO 985-3258. SUPER SCOPE c/w game car- tridge - $50; Game Boy - $45; Game Boy Games - $15 each. Call 985-9020. TARPS - Orange woven poly. Your total cost - taxes included - com- pare! 6'x8'=%$5; 8'x10'=$9' 9'x12'=$12; 10'x15'=$17; 12'x18'=$25; 15'x20'=$35; 18'x24'=$49; 20'x30'=$69; 30'x50'=$172; free delivery. 985- 7558. TYPEWRITERS, FAX MACHINES, ribbons, service and supplies for all makes and models. Jenkins Busi- ness 728-7591 985-9783. WALTER CAMPBELL prints framed: Abbey, Valentine's, Skating Party, Christmas in Valley, and oth- ers $400 - $550 each. 985-9973. WASHER AND DRYER, full size, heavy duty. Must sell $350 for pair. 986-9629 after 6 p.m. WATER FILTER, NSA, countertop model $75, regular $239. Makes your water taste great. 985-7815. WILLOWTREE ORCHARDS, 700 Reach St., R.R. #1, Port Perry - APPLES - Mcintosh, Courtlands and Spartans for sale. 985-9205. WOOD SHAVINGS at wholesale prices, compressed bags, $2.90 plus GST, free delivery on large orders. Page Holme Farms, Uxbridge. 416-852-6005. DRY HARDWOODfirewood, cut, split and delivered $180 bush cord. 1-705-786-2423. ELECTRIC ORGAN - Lowrey Genie 88 home spinet with revolv- ing Leslie speaker $2000. 986- 5597. ELECTROLUX - service, supply and sales, 60 Van Edward Dr_, Port Perry. Overridge Retail 985-0715. FIREWOOD - all hardwood, cut & split 167; also firewood logs. 985- 3361. FIREWOOD seasoned hardwood $160 cut and split. 1-705-786-1458. FRIDGE and STOVE (almond) $800 pair; dishwasher (almond) $200; brown fridge $225; man's tweed topcoat, size 38-40 $35; curl- ing shoes size 10 $20. Phone 985- 2830. FRIDGES, STOVES, washers, dry- ers and freezers. 986-5312. GMC VAN seal, complete, and refrigeration vacuum pump - good condition. Call Chester 986-4926. GOLD SHEERS with lined drapes 90" long by 144° wide; four mini blinds 36" wide, 1 white vertical blind 80" x 80" 985-7503, 985- 3015 GREAT GIFT for Christmas - new silver fox jacket, make offer; also live year old freezer 3'10" x 2'3". 985-8573, GUNS WANTED - old or new any amount, also swords, bayonetles, ammunition. Immediate cash. 852- 3986. HADDEN SATELLITE SYSTEMS - Satellite systems, towers, rotors, Cantel cellular phones, alarm sys- tems, sales, service, installation. 852-3796. HAY & STRAW, delivered, round & square bales. Small or large lots. Tom Beers 705-432-2675. KAYCAN VINYL siding, 50 yr. war- ranty. D-4 or D-5 cove white, 52.00 per sq. color; $54 per sq. 5 per cent discount if 10 squares or more. 705- 359-1597. "MAKE YOUR OWN BREW" Less than $7 per 24. Nonquon Beer & Wine Supplies "Wine Art Products" - 985-9409. MOVING - custom wall unit 10.6x8' black; Merc 9.5 outboard; 60" draft- ing light table with track machine; belt sander 6°x120°; paper cutter 28" blade. 985-3329. ONE PRESSURE WASHER - com- pressor and bay lift. Call 385-8786 after 6 p.m. ONE THOMAS BOBCAT loader $2500. 985-0713 8 a.m.-5 p.m. YAMAHA ORGAN - excellent con- dition, has Swing 5 985-2359. _ Cau 1970 V.W. BEETLE - many new parts - $1,200. Call 985-9506 alter 6 p.m. 1978 OLDS CUTLASS mechani- cally good, low mileage, needs body repair. 985-7176. 1980 MALIBU two door, 133,000 miles, p.s., p.b., auto., new body and paint. Must be seen. $1750. 985-2750 or 985-3291. 1984 SUBARU GL Special Edition, loaded, 5 speed, $1500 OBO ocerti- fied. Call after 6 p.m. 985-8771. 1984 VW RABBIT diesel 166,000 km's, excellent condition, 4 door 985-0009. 1987 CHEV. CELEBRITY Eurosport, V6, air, aulo, slereo. loaded - $4,500 certified. Phone 985-8928. 1987 DAYTONA 5 speed, am/Im stereo, good condition, will cerlily Asking $2200. 986-5952. 1989 BONNEVILLE SSE, black with tan leather interior, buckel seals, sunroof, fully loaded, new tires and brakes, $11,200 certified 9-6 p.m 985-9746, evenings 985- 0436 ASTRO VAN 1991 43 L, V6. ar. extras, warranty, 18,000 km. 1-705 786-1455 Trucks for Sale 1988 JEEP SAHARA YJ am/im casselle, 6 cylinder, 5 speed. 86,000 km, excellent condition, cer- tified - $9,900 or B.O. Call after 6 p.m. 985-8771. PROJECTS - 1941 Dodge 1/2 lon 455, auto, new box, new rims, lis goes on - $3,500 or BO. 1962 Commer, British Panel delivery. candy apple red, rolling chassis $600 or B.O. 576-5844 Dwayne TRUCK CAPS, box liners, running boards, sales & installation Van & Truck World 579-6868 "Notice CHOW PUPS - $300, no papers, ready lo go. Days 668-4321; nights 434-7805. SIX YEAR OLD registered male beagle. Excellent for running rabbits - $250. Phone 986-0922. FREELANCE ENGLISH 1 riding instructor available. British certified, basic dressage and jumping - $15/pr hr. Free assessment lesson. 985-4865. HORSES BOARDED - box stalls, great trails - $150/month. 986-4343. 87 YAMAHA EXCITER - excellent condition with cover. Asking $3,900 or B.O. 985-4509 days; 985-0145 evenings. CONDOMINIUM 234 Water St on the lake, beautiful view, two bed- room, two full bathrooms, jacuzzi tub, laundry room $199,000. 985- 3258. 12' SPRINGBOK c/w 9.9 Merc. $1200 OBO. Call 985-9020. 1992 TEMPO - 4-DOOR, STEREC, LOW KMS gp or' *9,500. 1992 TAURUS - 4 DOOR, V-6, AUTOMATIC, A/C, POWER WINDOWS, CASSETTE. *15,900." 1989 F150 REG. CAB - V8, 5- SPEED, A/C, CRUISE/TILT, CASSETTE. $10.500.% , . 1986 F150 CUSTOM PICKUP - AUTOMATIC 300 V-6, AM/FM RADIO. *4,900." TAYLOR FORD MERCURY 985-4451 Port Perry HERDER SALES 985-3885 1990 Dodge Dakota, V6, am/fm, box liner, low mileage, graphics, sharp truck. Fully certified and warranties. ___ $6,995. 1989 Ford F150 V8, grey in colour, am/fm, straight and clean, brand new brakes and tires all around. Set for winter -- $5,495. 1988 Chev, full size series, two tone paint, new tires, V8 automatic, box liner, am/fm cassette Certified. -- $5,995. 1987 Dodge Shadow, 4 dr. hatchback, cruise, tilt, am/fm, new brakes, original paint, Sharp, clean car Certified -- $2,495. 1981 Ford F150 with cap Low mileage, V8 auto, Explorer pkg. Certified Excellent truck. $2,250. 1988 Mercury Topaz, 4 dr, automatic, am/tm, new paint, sharp 50,000 miles Certified -- $3,995. We accept trade-ins. PAYING CASH for older sports cards, pre '72. 985-4236. USED 20" or 24" planer and other woodworking machinery. 1-705- 374-4878. ONE BEDROOM or basement apartment, furnished, private, kitchen facilities, own bath, reasonable (utilities included). Port Perry or south. Needed for January 1, 1993. Call collect after 2 p.m. 1- 705-745-9051. QUIET, EMPLOYED, non-smoking gentleman seeks two bedroom accommodation for Jan. 1 in Port Perry area. 668-9658; 3; 985-0793. AVAILABLE DEC. 1/92 - two year old bungalow, close to downtown and plaza, on a quiet street. Electric forced air healing, living/dining room combination, three bedrooms, plus additional rooms and basement washroom, two car garage - $1,095/per month plus utilities, ref- erences required. Call Bryce 985- 8476 evenings. AVAILABLE MID DEC./92 - three bedroom bungalow in Kent Estates. Oil heating, finished rec room, sin- gle car garage, several appliances, draperies and floor coverings. Par- tially fenced yard, quiet street - $1,075/per month plus utilities, ref erences required. Call Bryce 985- 8476 evenings. BACHELOR APARTMENT - avail able downtown Port Perry. Appli- ances included. Call Laurie between 8:30 am. and 1:30 p.m. 985-4673. BACHELOR APARTMENT - avail- able Nov. 1, downtown Port Perry, appliances and utilities included. Call Lori 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. 985- 4673 BACHELOR APARTMENT full bath, fridge and stove included. huge kitchen $495 plus utilities. 985-4808. BACHELOR APARTMENT new fridge, stove, kitchen, bath - $399 plus electric, in Little Britain 1-705 786-2514. Also, one bedroom - $399 plus electric. 1-705-357-3251. BROOKLIN large room, close lo all amenities, all inclusive. Available for December 1. 655-5539. COMMERCIAL UNIT - 1,500 - 3,000 sq. ft. with floor drains, 550 AMP service, 14' x 12' overhead door, florescent lighting. Available immediately - 985-8786. THREE BEDROOM farm house available December 1, Blackstock, fridge and stove, $700 month plus utilites. 986-5557. TWO BEDROOM apartment, park- ing, yard, newly decorated, Sunder- land $400 month. 1-705-357-2248. UPPER HALF of house, Janetville area - 1,500 sq. ft. - $850 inclusive. All major appliances included. 985- 8632. STORAGE Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY AREA 416) 985-7622 LINDSAY AREA (705) 328-0061 EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LIL 1B9 (416) 985-7306 In Town Paved Lot 50 Vanedward Dr. 985-8003 across from Scugog Lumber DOWNTOWN PORT PERRY 1420 sq. ft. of retail, gas heating, A/C, $1200 per month net and two office spaces - 300 sq. ft. each - by the fairgrounds, $1.75 sq. ft. Call Cold- well Banker F.S.P. Country Lane Realty Ltd., Realtor. 985-7351. FOUR BEDROOM home available immediately - $1,100 per month plus utilities. Close to downtown. Call 985-3569. FOUR YEAR OLD three bedroom bungalow on Lake Scugog (Sun Valley), 1-3 pc and 1- 4 pc bath, fin- ished family room, large deck look- ing on to lake. $1000 plus utilities, first and last required, references required, 10 min. north of Port Perry. Available January 1, 1993. 985-4159. GROUND FLOOR apartment, two bedroom, 1,500 sq. ft, large living room, fireplace, patio door leading to patio and garden, private entrance and parking, laundry room, washer, dryer, stove, fridge or com- pletely fumished. Three acres coun- try living. Boat mooring, fishing and swimming, six miles from Port Perry. References, first and last 416-985-1266. RETAIL/OFFICE SPACE. Prime Water Street location, flexable terms. 1-416-264-4916, evenings. SEAGRAVE TWO bedroom home, near lake, full basement, recently renovated - $775/month. Reler- ences. 985-4348. SHARED ACCOMMODATION, laundry facilities, $375 + 1/3 ulilities, 394 Cochrane Cou, Phone 985- 1832. SUITES - on Lake Scugog, singles and doubles available immediately. Kitchen, dining room and huge TV room - from $350. Call Bill 985- 0607. FREE to a gon home, Shepherd Lab Collie mix puppies, six weeks old. Call after 4 py m. 986-5576. BRICK WORK, troplace, chimney, etc. Licensed bricklayer, quality work, 15 years experience, refer- ences available. Phone Gerry 985- 3584. IN PORT PERRY large modern three bedroom apartment. Includes heat, hydro, stove, fridge and park- ing. Not suitable for children. No pets. Available December 1, 1992. $895 month. 985-7331. KINSMEN HALL - Available for dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985-3736. LARGE SEMI - furnished apart- ment, Dec. 15. Cable, parking, ulili- lies included. No children, pets or smoking. First/last, references. Price flexible 985-0059. MASONIC HALL - available for dances, receptions, parties and meetings. Kitchen & bar. Call 985- 8912 or 985-8764 (leave message). PORT PERRY two bedroom ground floor duplex, fridge and stove and utilities included. Avail- able immediately. First and last, ref- erences required. 985-4455 between 9 a.m.-5 p.m., 985-3611 after hours and weekends. Help Wanted BABYSITTER WANTED to come into my home, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Children age 5, 3, 11 months. Cawker's Creek area Ref- erences required 985-2961 PERMANENT PART TIME not suit- able for students, apply in person Betty Brite Cleaners, 1888 Scugog St, Port Perry. CHIMNEY CLEANING - fireplaces, woodstoves, inserts and furnaces. Repairs also available. Frank 655- 5256. EXPERIENCED NANNY and moth- er of one willing to babysit in your home or mine. Excellent references. 986-4838. HOUSE CLEANING - experienced, very thorough, good refs. Monday or Fridays, available for weekly or bi-weekly Service. Reasonable flat hourly rate. No extra charge for win- dows, stoves and fridge. 986-4566. HUNTERS - wild game cutting and wrapping. Port Perry 985-9916. KLM CONTRACTING specializing in kitchens, bathrooms, ceramic tile and family rooms. Free estimates. Call Keith Martin 986-4079. NEED A HAND? Call Murray. Grass cutting, window & eave- strough cleaning, gardening, hedge & lree trimmings, paper & painting, garage, allic, basement & yard clean-up & removal. Call 985-0069. PROFESSIONAL Wallpapering and painting. Reasonable rates Call Roy Povey 985-0940. SNOW REMOVAL AND sanding. commercial and residential. Dave Bacon Bobcat Services 985-9829 WILL PICK UP all scrap melals, cars/Arucks. general clean up Call Maddy or Jack after 5 p.m. 986- 0041 INTERNATIONAL COMPANY expanding in Canada looking for MANAGERS & ASSISTANT MANAGERS Experience an asset but not required. Training provided. & Ideal Suita to J & B HOME IMPROVEMENTS Spruce up now for Xmas on all interior Renovations. Rec Rooms, Hardwood Flooring, Ceramic Tiles, Drywall, Kitchens, etc. Pre-Xmas Interior Painting Special Tax Free. Paint any 2 or more average size rooms at $75. per room -paint excluded and your le 25 and over. washroom will bp painted FREE of charge. ious inquiries only. ors Wiping Call ALINE yn ie WAL SORES 985-4824 Joe (416) 986-5682 From 1- 6 pm Brian (416) 986-0820 industry will be helpful expectations to: ch SALES REPRESENTATIVE -- GIFTS Old Port Marketing is a growing 12 year old wholesale distributor of giftware and decorative accessories. We distribute nationally some of Canada's most popular, better quality products and are highly regarded within the industry. As our Toronto-East sales representative, you will provide service to our existing customer base of very small through large retail businesses. You will also participate in industry trade shows here and across Canada. We offer an exciting entrepreneurial atmosphere. This position requires enthusiasm, commitment and a joy of serving people. You must be well organized, self-motivated, and an excellent communicator. Experience in the gift - A genuine appreciation of quality products and service is essential Apply in writing stating experience, qualifications and income OLD PORT MARKETING LTD. 16050 Old Simcoe Road Port Perry, Ontario LOL 1P3 ATTENTION: Mr. Tom Mitchell, President

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