Cartwright High School held its annual Winter Carnival on Friday, Feb. 5. Students were divided into six teams and com- peted against each other in a variety of outdoor sports. Pic- tired above, members of the Tigers #1 team participate in the race. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Port Perry Star encourages our readers to make use of the letters to the editor column to express their opinions and viewpoints on just about any subject, as we feel a lively letters column helps make a better community newspaper. We insist, however, that all letter writers sign their name. Sorry, no anonymous letter will be printed. v Special rates for groups your friends v Special discounts for you "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Students at Cartwright High School found themselves in a bind during Friday's Winter Camni- val activities. Pictured participating in a multi-legged race is the Alley Cat's #2 team. On a very bright and cold Sat- urday the annual Bob Fletcher Memorial Bonspiel was held with 18 teams enjoying very keen curling and much fellow- ship. The icemakers had creat- ed excellent ice for the day. Af- ter curling everyone assembled in the Recreation Centre for dinner. After Grace was said by Merrill Van Camp everyone en- joyed a delicious roast beef din- ner prepared and served by the members of the U.C.W. Follow- ing dinner the winners were an- nounced. Pat, Diana and Scott Fletcher presented the Fletcher trophy and first prizes to Dave and Lori Aldred, Rob Graham and Paul McIntyre. Just one point behind the winners were Randy Ferguson, Lynne Mid- v Special rates for sightseeing v' Special privileges for shows : v Customized programs for you and For further details call the VEGAS HOTLINE 1-800-268-3273 - 449 i 5 V2 Adventure House Travel Ont. Reg. No. 3328441 \(To Le KR ao Total Rel § EF £0 What's on in | BERRA YF WHAT A GREAT PLACE TO VISIT AND PLAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS Thornton, while just a point be- hind them were third place win- ners Scott and Diana Fletcher, Anna Marie and Nelson Green- tree. Fourth place winners were John and Linda Green, Sam McCreight and Lori Dunham. Fifth place was taken by Ian and Joy Rudkin, Jody and Chris Duff while sixth place was won by Mark Graham, Tracy Co- chrane, Shelley Holliday and Tom Martin. A special feature organized by Fred Ford was the "Shoot to the Button" contest which was won by Anna Marie Greentree. The winners of the special draws which the tickets had been sold for several months were: 1. weekend in Toronto - Elaine Bailey; 2. dinner at Mur- ray House - John Cherry of Don Mills and 3. basket arrange- ment - Jean Goble. The 50/50 draw was won by Craig Paisley. The evening was spent danc- ing to the music of Ford D.J. Services. All in all, a very suc- cessful event. Don and Marjorie Green at- tended the Convocation Exer- cises when their daughter-in- law Sue Green received her Masters of Science at Universi- ty of Guelph on Saturday. Con- gratulations, Sue. On Friday and Saturday Jeff Kemp, Andrew Frew, Esther Kelly and Linda Heringa alon with Lois and Glen McLeo spent the weekend in Ottawa on the trip sponsored by the Dur- ham Milk Board and which the young people had won through 4-H. Some of the highlights were tour of the Parliament Buildings where they saw a Ses- sion in progress as guests of Ross Stevenson, M.P. and took in many other points of interest. On Wednesday evening Joan and Harvey Graham hosted a _ reen Watts, Donald Linton, Faith =. FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN SAVE... E\ Bonspiel attracted 18 rinks Ad Se going away dinner in honor of Joan's cousin Nancy Belyea who is leaving to go to Austra- lia. Guests were Muriel Hoskin, Pat, Diana and Scott Fletcher, Port Perry and Mark Graham, Rob Graham, and Shelley Holli- day, Toronto. Details will be soon coming about the tree planting pro- gram conducted by the Kawar- tha Conservation Association and assisted by the O.N.O. There were 13 tables at the weekly card party with the fol- lowing winners: Vi Linton, Do- Ferguson, Kathleen Lawrence, Lorna Swain and Jackie Strong. Draws were won by Mary Cannon, Ruby Smith, Ruby Cochrane, Vi Linton and Florence Larmer. ; Blackstock Women's Insti- tute was held on Wednesday, Feb. 3 with 13 members and nine visitors. A warm welcome was extended by President Ei- leen McLaughlin, Grace was sung and a tasty lunch enjoyed. The family affairs were under the convenor Mrs. Stuart Dor- rell, Roll Call was well an- swered "What Do'I Do To Re- lieve Tension." Motto - Don't resent growing old, many are denied the privilege. Speaker was Melody (Dorrell) Rodman who told of many things to do to help prevent heart trouble. We did a quiz on cholestrol. Mrs. M Hoskin thanked Melody for her very informative talk. In the business session after the program Treasurer Carol Thornton gave a report that showed a healthy balance. Mrs. C. Adams responded to the motto and told some funny stories to make us all laugh. Meeting closed with O'Canada. Lois Luke, P.R.O. 300% onLong Distance Calls in Canada and USA and J (2 "ternational Calls Over and Above Regular Phone Discounts! he BENEFIT TELEPHONE INC. "Talking Power" Call NOW to find out Brian or Sharron (416) 985-1401 Telecommunications Consultants Ee -------------- sD ,. A more information about this offer: