8 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, January 25,1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice " VINYL SIDING OFFER White Vinyl Siding $49.95; per sq. ft. Al, Windows & Patio Doors _ ENERGY EFFICIENT WINTER SPECIAL Starting at +tax & Reduce drafts & increase Warmth in Winter 8 Cooling in Summer WINDOWS [HE EEG THERMAL 12 [3 WINDOWS *DOORS WINDOWS *TROUGH *ADDITIONS *SOLARIUMS Allen's Siding Products Limited Sales & Installation SINCE 1969 Aaah od LINDSAY 'Dealer (705) 328-1402 (705) 878-2023 PORT PERRY - (905) 985-3333 (905) 985-3747 PREVI UN Reach Industrial Park - Regional Rd. 8 (1/4 mile east of No. 12) Fano aror - - FREE ESTIMATES - - = i Lelters to the editor \% (04 40)2{0 1 NYY NB) MAIC L VEN SB 11 BY 0) 1520 Dundas St. E., Whitby (905) 430-2350 I 1994 Sport Sedan from $11,595 prices do not include freight, tax and licence Janet Hoy-Harper, your area Saturn Sales Rep will be pleased to arrange a test drive at your convenience. Call (905) 430-2350. Fair board wants input on plan To the Editor: Do you want a really good challenge? Do you have time to contribute to your community? Do you believe that the greatest strength of a community is the willingness of its citizens to work together to create their fu- ture? We have an opportunity for you! The Port Perry Agricultu- ral Society is the Senior Service Organization in our corgmuni- ty. It has served this communi- ty for approximately 137 years and is planning for the future. Over the past few years the Ag- ricultural Society has devel- oped the recreational facilities on the Port Perry Fairgrounds and has maintained the fair- grounds and preserved this val- uable "open space" for the use of the community. The Agriculture Society is presently in a state of transition and change. The society recog- nizes the changes that are oc- curring in our community and welcomes the opportunity to en- courage membership and par- ticipation on the board of direc- tors from all segments of our community. We have recently completed a five year plan which will be pre- sented at the annual meeting to be held on Jan. 29, 1994 at the Manchester Lions Hall. Itis our hope that the plans we are de- veloping for betterment of the fairgrounds will be in the inter- est of our community. We do need input from all interested citizens and volunteer partici- pation to provide the direction and assistance in successfully completing the challenges ahead of us. The Port Perry Agricultural Society believes that our com- munity has the ability and the strength to provide for its needs and that by working together to achieve our goals we will have a better happier place to live. We also believe that projects direct- ed by volunteer organizations can and do get the "Biggest Bang for Your Buck." If you have the interest, time, deter- mination, skills or whatever to assist please do. Participation brings rewards to all of us. Yours truly, W. Cohoon, Port Perry Agricultural Society Writer criticizes McLeod on NBA/lottery situation To the Editor: I note that our would-be Pre- mier, Lynn McLeod, is in favor of a NBA basketball franchise for Toronto and used the CBC 6 p.m. newscast as a photo-op to promote the idea. It should be noted that the NBA is a United States private- ly-run organization that is de- manding that their anti-lottery policy be adopted by our Rae Provincial Government. Shame on McLeod for supporting such an arrogant position by a for- eign-run organization. Shame on McLeod for not rec- ognizing that the NBA position 1s jeopardizing a lottery that is generating $100 million in reve- nue as opposed to the $25 mil- lion that the new franchise will generate after itis operational. Shame on McLeod for not rec- ognizing that the Toronto fran- chise will make a few rich To- URANJO e Additions e Renovations ONTRACTING e Custom Built Homes "Building today, your dreams for tomorrow" Port Perry - (905) 985-7287 - John VanBelle rontonians richer while reducing by $75 million in lot- tery benefits that would be dis- tributed among our hospitals and other Ontario charities. Shame on McLeod for not rec- ognizing that the players on this NBA team will, except for one or two token Canadians, be United States citizens who will immediately head across the border, taking their high-priced earnings of Canadian dollars, calculated at the US exchange rate, as soon as their schedule is finished. Who wants a Premier who is continually putting her foot in her mouth, or this time is it a baSketball? Yours truly, Roy Grierson BUSINESS COMPUTERS FAMILY COMPUTERS New or Used Get the Full Package All Major Packages Hardware * Software * Tutoring Setup * Support & Service Call | WILLIAM M. SANDIFORD WILLIAM M. SANDIFORD JR. (416) 985-1877 ADDED BONUS With a 10% deposit we will guarantee the price until June 30th, 1994 and you can take delivery of your brand new ~ kitchen anytime in 1994! TRIM RI'TE Carpentry SPECIAL OFFER We also do: e Cabinet Refacing e Custom Doors e Bathroom Renovations Flooring Ceramic Tile We are offering 1/3 OEE 1993 prices until March 31/94 on any new kitchen. * OAK * MAPLE * CHERRY * LACQUER * MELAMINE * PINE COME AND SEE US AT ONE OF OUR THREE LOCATIONS. Port Perry Flea Market 985-9183 Courtice Flea Market 965-0885 Flea Market (613) 926-2436 -- Brockville gp i A ED SARS MO TORT Rn Ey i gr 0 reds BT pa Ea tos y CN eo a el a ar ommrn , Sm AINSI gyre SSG VT 3 WT Hy