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Port Perry Star, 15 Feb 1994, p. 14

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TY BAI ane ba a8 ee AI m-------------------- 14 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, February 15,1994 "Scugog"s Community Newspaper of Choice" Ss News of interest to -- our rural neighbours in Scugog Township KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR™ Students from Epsom Public School took part in a skate-a- thon at Scugog Arena on Febru playground equipment for the s ary 10 to raise money for new chool. Happy birthday wishes extended Congratulations to Heather McClean on acquiring an in- credible 100 percent on her pre- liminary rudiments test (piano theory) this past week. Her teacher is Alyssa Smith. Well done Heather! As I understand it is extremely unusual for any- one to achieve perfect marks. The Robinglade Estates Women's Group had a good meeting this past cold Tuesday night. Winner of the 50/50 draw was Debbie Colston, and win- ner of the gift was Elizabeth Graham. I'm waiting for one of our meetings to be held on a Wednesday and I can be there - can't wait - I miss seeing you guys! Happy Birthday wishes go out to the following: Rebecca MacDonald on the 12th, Dana Jewell on the 16th, Alexandria Carter on the 18th, Robyn Con- lon on the 20th, Charlotte Bra- zeau on the 22nd, Carolynne Coleman, Betty Somerville, Claire Watts, and Martin Fish- er. This past weekend, my family and I enjoyed ourselves in King- ston as our daughter Katherine competed in the 15th annual Kingston Valentine Ringette (girls hockey) Tournament. Our petite B team didn't win a med- al, but they played their hearts out (no pun intended) against tough competition. Church News Last Sunday was Transfigu- ration Sunday at the Seagrave church when Rev. David Shep- herd 's sermon was "Moment of Truth". The choir sang a beauti- ful anthem, "There is a quiet understanding." Next Sunday, the first Sun- day of Lent, is also World Devel- opment Sunday, and commun- ion will be observed. After church, Sunday School teachers and children served a pancake breakfast of pancake, sausages and beverages to the congregation. Congratulations to these teachers and their chil- dren on their efforts. Could they be training to serve at the fu- ture Turkey Suppers!? That's all for now, call Ann Sandiford for next weeks' news. GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES e ANNUAL RATES Rates subject to change without notice SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES A DIVISION OF CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL PLANNING LTD. 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY "Serving Scugog for Over 15 Years" PHONE 985-3832 Congratulations to John and Suzanne Warner on the arrival of their son Lucas Christeyan who arrived at Port Perry Hos- pital just after midnight on Sat. Feb. 12, weighing in at 6 lbs. 15 oz. This is what I call a real good Valentine gift. John's parents drove up from Niagara to visit for a couple of days. There were 11 tables of eu- chre in Utica Hall on Friday night with winners as follows: "Ladies 1st: Rita Parratt, 2nd: Doris Bell, 3rd: Kay Brown. Men's 1st: Harry Hill, 2nd: Gus Plitz, 3rd: Norrine Hill. Harry Hill had the most lone hands (5). Freeze out winners were Grant Bright and Diane Exeley, Ruth McDonald, and Carolyn Parish were second. Draws were won by Irene Redshaw, Earla Hill and Hazel Plitz. Ha- zel also won the 50/50 draw. There will be another euchre in two weeks, February 25. I neglected to welcome a new teenager into the community last week. Andrea Sutherland, was 13 years old on Feb. 4 and was celebrating with several girlfriends this past Saturday. Rachel had a couple of her friends in a week ago to cele- brate her birthday. Another teenager on Christie Crescent. Happy Birthday to Matthew Sturgess who will be" 13 this Thursday, Feb. 17. One of our local teenagers was out snowmobiling with his friends the other day and after he was left on his own, his ma- chine broke down a few miles from home. Someone, un- known, came along and offered his assistance by delivering this lad and his machine right to his home. Fortunately, there are good samaritans out there and this boy's parents thank God for that. Church and Sunday School this week will be held in Utica at 11 a.m. Junior choir meet at 10 a.m. The Sunday School are plan- ning a skating party this Sun- day at 2 p.m. at the home of Dale and Robert Slack. Both young and old and anyone in be- tween, are welcome to join in the fun. Sunday at 1 p.m. the Utica Hall Board are holding their Annual meeting and election of Juniors curlers wrap The Blackstock Junior Curl- ing League finished their first season on Feb. 1 with a pizza party and a draw to the button contest. Winners of the contest were David Crouter and Me- ghan Kyte. Marie James, Lori Aldred and Jodie Duff would like to congratulate and thank the fol- lowing young curlers for their dedication and hard work each week - you were all super and we hope to see you curling again next year: Amy Aldred, David Crouter, Darryl Dean, Jessica Diamond, Morgan Diamond, Gayle Dingman, Charlie Elli- ott, Matthew Elliott, Elisha James, Kristy Kingsma, Me- ghan Kyte, Alex McLaughlin, Carla McLaughlin, Cameron Vernest, Holly Westall and Jeni Westall. Last weekend Jim and Alice Waldriff visited Heather and Grant McLaughlin and family. They took part in the annual Fletcher Bonspiel. Pleased to report that Marie James is recovering favorably at home following surgery in the Oshawa hospital. There were 10 tables at the weekly euchre party with the following winners: Vi Linton, Pat Porrill, Thomas Manns, Ruby Cochrane, Muriel Butson, Lorna Bright, Lyle McMahon. Lucky draw winners were Rich- ard Manns, Mary Forest, Char- lie Campbell, Ross McRoberts, Mary Poots and Earla Hill. Recently two families have moved into their new homes. Tom and Tracy Martin have moved into their new home on Church Street West. The Fred Ford family have moved into their new home on Greensboro. At the Blackstock United Church five new members were received by transfer on Sunday morning service. Carol Merto- nand Jason Merton from the Lakefield United Church, Mary Shepherd and Bill Shepherd from the Anglican Church and Michael Sloan from Cambridge St. United Street, Lindsay. Rev. David Shearman preached an excellent sermon on Transfigu- ration Sunday theme. The Sen- ior Choir sang a tremendous rendition of "No Man Is An Is- land." The service concluded with the Sacrament of Com- munion. The preliminary announce- ment was made for the Talent Auction for April 29. On Sunday at noon the Black- stock U.C.W. entertained the choir, their spouses and family for a delicious brunch at the church. A social time was en- joyed. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Mer- rill VanCamp along with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Gibson of Millbrook visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foster of Port Hope. They were pleased to find Roy recov- ering well following surgery. The three men had all served on County Council at the same time. On Saturday evening Cecil and Marie Gibson, Ross and Alma Duff attended the 50th wedding anniversary celebra- tion in honor of their cousin Wil- fred and Maretta (Graham) Gil- lis in Millbrook. On Tuesday, Feb. 8 the after- noon unit of the Blackstock U.C.W. met at the church with 11 members present. The lunch and roll call followed a Valen- tine theme using the word Heart. Business included the following announcements: as the meeting scheduled for Jan. New arrival In Utica officers. Anyone in the commu- nity who is interested are wel- come to come and participate. Utica Farm Equipment are holding their John Deere Day 94 this Thursday, Feb. 17 start- ing at 8 p.m. and invite you to come see whats new under the sun. Lorne and Eileen Slute have just returned from a very enjoy- able Caribbean Cruise to some of the islands, Venezuela, through the Panama Canal to Acapulco, Mexico. The weather was lovely and warm, quite a contrast to what they have come home to. I was sorry to read of the passing of Mrs. Guy Rogers who lived down on the Mast Road. I understand that she had been in ill health for some time. Our sympathy to her fam- ily at this time of sorrow. Jean Scott of London spent a couple of days this past week with her mother Mrs. Crosier. Grace and Gordon Kirk had their family in for a Valentine supper on Sunday. Guests were Judy and Wayne Cundick and daughters of Whitby and Ted and Cecile Kirk. Hillis and Carol Wilbur spent the weekend in Toronto at the Harbour Castle and they en- joyed the show "Crazy for You" at the Royal Alexandria Thea- tre. up season 17 had to be cancelled because of bad weather, watch for a new date sometime in April. The an- nual Presbyterial will be held Feb. 22 at St. Paul's Church, Bowmanville with the theme Hurting, Healing, Hope. The general meeting on Feb. 23 at 7:30 p.m. will feature a special speaker dealing with "The Power of the Attorney." World Day of Prayer is on March 4 at Nestleton Catholic Church. The program was video deal- ing with poverty among women entitled, "A fine line" in which three women told of their strug- gle to live in poverty and raise a family. Worship service was led by Thelma who chose Luke 1, 39-56 which is Mary's song of. praise. Thelma closed the meeting with benediction. Dora Martyn, reporter 193 QUEEN ST, PORT PERRY, ONT. 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