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Port Perry Star, 21 Mar 1995, p. 22

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22- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 21, 1995 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" ARR. mA ------ </ ry qg) RURAL Neil and Noreen Malcolm UCW met at the beautiful coun- Break's over, back to normal 5 Se o Rn EE SESE 3 Ra For many families now that the two-week winter break is over, schedules will return to normal with the return of school and its many activities. Neil and Kathy McLaughlin, Alex, Jessica and Blake have re- turned home from a two-week vacation in Florida with grand- parents there. Several families who have students at the University of Guelph attended the College Royal over the weekend. It is al- ways an exciting event. Several families with their children enjoyed a skiing holi- day in Maine over winter vaca- tion. Glad to report that Charlie Fee has returned home from Oshawa General Hospital fol- lowing his surgery. Several relatives from Black- stock called on Miss Vera For- der at Applewood Manor, Peter- borough in celebration of her 93rd birthday. Happy birthda : greetings from yo ackstoc friends. : Congratulations from the community - to Gord Malcolm who has recently become Execu- tive Director of the Bay News, Pickering. Best wishes. The community is reminded of the bridal shower in honor of bride-to-be Nancy Green which will be held this Saturday, March 25 at the St. John's Par- ish Hall at 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend and bring -were overwhelmed when over 300 attended the Open House at their home, arranged by their family Gordie Malcolm, Mary Lou Kellogg and Jamie Mal- colm and their families in honor of their parents' golden wed- ding anniversary. Their grand- children assisted with the par- ty. Guests included associates from the Holstein, horse racing, hockey and curling connections as well as former employees, former and present neighbors and many relatives and friends. They were really surprised with the arrival of Tina and Dick Friesen from near Saskatoon who stayed until Tuesday. Neil and Noreen received the custo- mary congratulatory greetings from Governor-General, Lieu- tenant-Governor, Prime Minis- ter, Premier, M.P. and M.P.P., as well as many, many friends and relatives. yor Howard Hall was present to deliver a laque from the Township of Scugog. The happy couple re- from ceived telephone greetin other Florida, Vancouver an distant points. Roy and Edith McLaughlin, Donna and Stephen Kyte en- Joyed a short visit to Pennsylva- nia where they visited their gr andzon Jason and Tammy yte. While there they stayed with David Kyte. 'Harold and Lois Luke have returned home from an enjoya- ble holiday to Florida. Rachael and Sean Vice stayed ° a few days with their grandpar- ents Roy and Edith McLaugh- lin. Fred and Ruby Griffen of Enniskillen were Sunday after- noon and supper guests of Roy and Edith. On the second Tuesday of March, the morning unit of the try home of Eileen McLaughlin. After a time of visiting over a hot beverage and delicious cof- fee cake, the meeting was opened by Alma Duff with a ' em entitled "Springtime" in eeping with the bright spring- like morning. There was a short business meeting followed by a worship time led by Pat Sleep. Her theme was Hope and Humor. Ruby VanCamp had the pro- gram and gave a report on the Presbyterial Annual Meeting whose theme this year was Family. Child Poverty in Cana- da was a main concern. We dis- cussed these issues and looked at things being done to help children in our area. The meet- ing closed with Mizpah Bene- diction by Connie Swain. The afternoon unit of the UCW met at the church with nine members present. After thanking the lunch committee for their tasty treat, Thelma opened the meeting with thoughts from Ann ders' column and an Irish Proverb. Marion chose Luke as her scrip- ture reading passage, dealin with Satan's temptations an Jesus' reply to these. Roll call was to bring a greet- ing card for use by the unit. Thelma announced that the - friendly visitors would come for lunch on Tuesday, April 25. The program was a video on the services available to the community through community care. Through neighbors help- ing neighbors many seniors are able to stay in their own homes longer. Marion closed the meeting with benediction by Dora Mar- tyn. your best wishes to Nancy. Former students greet teacher i i: : Gn ; 5 - ares ss LSA en oe 0 ASR 4 4 Well, it's back to routine again after the March break. Hop everyone enjoyed their holiday. A Note from Reta Reta Reader of the Head hopes to never forget the day prior to St. Patrick's for perfect weather when many members of the Head UCW and former upils arrived to bring cards, Howers and gifts and complete lunch and best wishes for Reta's 89th birthday. One former male pupil even arrived with a lovely 4 apple for the teacher. It was nice to have Reta Rodman back with her sister from Bowman- ville. So Thursday the two Re- tas shared 89 years each. Many thanks to Bonnie and Betty for organizing this event. 4th Port Perry Brownies The 4th Port Perry Brownies enjoyed the weekend at Camp Samac. The girls enjoyed the "Nature" theme and the many ~ outdoor activities and crafts. Special thanks to their leaders and helpers for making this out- ing possible for our girls. We ap- preciate your leadership. Scugog Island United Church The Island Church family had a busy weekend. Friday night the Grace UCW spon- sored a St. Patrick's Day Ham and Scalloped Potato Supper. It was a great evening of good food and entertainment. Special thanks to the ladies for all their help, the entertainers and eve- ryone who bought tickets to support our UCW. Hope to see you again next year! It was also the Grace UCWs pleasure to cater to the 50th an- niversary of Christina and Ev- erett Prentice on Saturday. It was a beautiful day for the Prentices and many of our church family members were able to get out and congratulate them in person. A Communion Service was held at our Third Sunday in Ad- vent worship service. Karen Robertson ad Sara Davis partic- ipated in the Lenten Liturgy. The High School Supper Club will meet on Tuesday, March 21 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at S.1.U.C. Choir practice will be held on Thursday, March 23 at 7 p.m. The Youth Group will meet on Friday, March 24 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at S.1.U.C. The Moms and Tots will meet again on Monday, March 27 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at S.1.U.C. The Coffee Break at Poggy's will continue every weekday morning from 9 to 9:30 a.m. dur- ing the month of March. Plans are underway for UCW activities for April. The Head UCWs Spring '95 Cookin' and Craft Sale will be held on Saturday, April 22 from 12:30 to 3 p.m. at the Scugog Is- land Hall - free admission. The Grace UCWs Hot Lunch- eon will also be held on Satur- day, April 22 from 11:30 to 1 p.m. at Scugog Island United Church. The Grace UCW will meet on Wednesday, April 5 at 8 p.m. at the home of Joan Aldred. The Head UCW will meet at the home of Sharon Duff on Wednesday, April 6 at 8 p.m. Roll Call - bring article for Cook- in' and Craft Sale. Please mark your calendars accordingly. For pastoral care, call Elaine Barber at 9865-4094. Call 985-8871 with your news for next week's column. Roo TS J. PETER HVIDSTEN / PORT PERRY STAR Golden Anniversary . More than 100. friends and relatives 'of Christina. and - Everett Prentice attended an open house at Scugog Island Hall last Saturday to offer congratulations to the couple on the occasion of t r 50th anniversary. Pickering on March 17, 1944 and have lived In their Scugog They were married In Island home, raising five children, for the entire 50 years. Spring cancels winter fun day on a 4 EAA The winter outdoor fun and picnic was cancelled last Sun- day due to the lack of snow and springlike conditions. Good Friday service will be held at 10 a.m. on April 14 at Burns. . Easter breakfast will be cooked and served by the men in the co gation at 8:30 a.m. April 16, followed by the cele- bration of the Lord's Supper. Next Sunday at morning wor- ship at 10 a.m., guest speaker will be David Smith, the new di- rector of Evangel Hall. Euchre results are as follows: 12 tables were played, High la- dies prize went to Margaret Gall, second Gert Taber, lone hands Mary Housego. Mens first Elmo Gibson, second Ma Borland, lone hands Bill Hod- gins. Door prize winners George arper and Verna Slute. Share the wealth Roy Porter and Eve- lyn Dennis. Next euchre night is Thursday, March 30 at the Community Centre. Brooklin Horticultural Socie- ty will meet on Wednesday eve- ning of this week at 8 p.m. at Brooklin United Church. The speaker for the evening will be artin Galloway who will share some of his knowledge of landscaping with perennials. Martin owns Chalk Lake Greenhouses and supplies gar- den plants to the wholesale trade. Pam Palmer, Erin and Bra- den returned home on the week- end, following a lovely trip to Los Angeles. I believe Pam was visiting her brother. What a lovely time was en- joyed by all who attended the arty on Saturday night at the autiful home of Ian Reihl and Mary Flynn, in honor of Rev. Sheina Smith's birthday and her twin sister. A delicious buf- fet was served at 10 p.m. - a most delightful evening. Another evening of gospel music is fast approaching, on Sunday, April 23 at 7:30 p.m. when we welcome The Eon: woods and singer Marlene O'Neill to Burns Church. Offer- ing and refreshments. Further information call 655-4240 or 666-8509. Plan to join with us. havi

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