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Port Perry Star, 18 Apr 1995, p. 14

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14- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, April 18, 1995 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Weather, family gatherings mark perfect Easter weekend Blackstock What beautiful weather for the Easter weekend and the many family gath- erings that were held as well as the regular and ex- tra church services that were held to celebrate the Easter message. At the United Church Sunday morning a capaci- ty congregation gathered. Confirmation was held when five young ladies professed their faith and joined the church. They were Meghan Kyte, Brooke McLaughlin, Stephanie Shortridge, Sa- rah Stapley and Karen Swain. Special music was supplied by both the Jun- ior and Senior Choirs. For the hymns, Joan Grove playing the piano joined the organist Linda Kyte for a truly special effect. Rev. David Shearman de- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG 1995 WARD Ii MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOTICE OF POLL TAKE NOTICE that a Poll will be held at the Municipal Office, 181 Perry St., Port Perry on Tuesday, May 23, 1995 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. to elect individuals to the following positions: WARD Il - COUNCILLOR TWO ADVANCE POLLS will be held at the Municipal Office, 181 Perry St., Port Perry on Saturday, May 13, 1995 and Wednesday, May 17, 1995 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. NAME NOT ON VOTERS LIST You may obtain a Clerk's Certificate from the Clerk's Office during regular office hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from April 27, 1995 to May 23, 1995 and must be certified by 5:00 p.m. on May 23, 1995 OR You may be sworn in at the Poll - at either the Advance Polls on May 13, 1995 and May 23, 1995 or at the Regular Poll on Tuesday, May 23, 1995 ONE VOTE Please Note:- You can vote only once for this office. PROXY VOTING If you or anyone you know are going to be away on holidays or are unavailable to vote at the Advance Poll and regular Polling Day, you can vote by proxy. Any person whose name is entered on the Polling List for a Polling Sub-Division or who has obtained a certificate entitling him to vote and who is unable to vote, may vote by proxy. Proxy applications may be picked up at the Clerk's Office from April 27, 1995 to May 23, 1995 and must be certified by 5:00 p.m. on May 23, 1995. 'Published - April 18, 1995 livered an impressive message on the meaning of Easter to us in our age. The Sacrament of Com- munion completed the service. April certainly is the month for birthdays. Over the weekend several "spe- cial" birthdays were cele- brated by families and friends. On Friday afternoon, the family of Muriel Ho- skin gathered at the home of her daughter Joan and Harvey Graham to cele- brate her 80th birthday. Muriel's family Pat Fletcher of Port Perry and family, Ron. and Sandra Hoskin of Blackstock and family and Larry Hoskin of Lake Louise as well as the Graham family were all present. Larry is going to be in the area for about 10 days. Muriel's sisters Lilla Wannan of Burling- ton, Audrey McNeil of To- ronto, Margaret Mountjoy and Aileen and Murray Byers of Blackstock: also joined the celebration on Friday afternoon and eve- ning with a bountiful birthday supper. Much ~ visiting was enjoyed. Hap- py birthday from all of your many friends. On Friday evening a group of close friends and family members held a surprise dinner party at a Whitby restaurant in hon- or of Jim Byers' 50th birthday. Birthday greet- ings from your many friends. On Saturday evening about 40 family members and close friends of Wilma VanCamp gathered at the home of her daughter Cindy and Dennis Werry and boys of Kedron to sur- prise her on her upcoming 60th birthday. After a de- licious dinner, much visit- ing was enjoyed. April birthdays will con- tinue, that is for sure. Congratulations to Steve and Deanna Grove whose baby son arrived last Tuesday, a baby brother for Darcee and Zacharia. Congratulations also to Brian and Maggie Van- Camp of Lethbridge, Al- berta on the arrival of a baby boy on Friday. He is a new grandson for Rich- ard and Ruby VanCamp and greatgrandson of Mrs. Margaret VanCamp. Cecil and Marie Gibson returned on Friday from a fabulous vacation in Hol- land as an early celebra- tion of their 50th wedding anniversary. While there they visited Fien and Aart Boele and their family who are rela- tives of their son-in-law Peter Vanderheul. David and Ingrid Larm- er spent a few daysin Van- couver where David at- tended meetings of a farm organization while Ingrid enjoyed visiting with her uncle and other relatives. Weekend guests of Da- vid Shearman and Carol Merton and family were Maisie Merton of Lake- head, Jack and Ardith Merton of Orangeville, Sharon and her husband Paul Gratton of Toronto, Shelly Merton of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Eleanor and Wayne MacDonald and family of Whitby hosted the Gibson family Easter gathering. Attending from here were Cecil and Marie Gibson, Anne and Peter Vande- rheul. Other guests were Grace and Chris Johnston and family of Uxbridge, Bob and Margaret John- ston, Al and Maureen MacDonald, Teresa Mac- Donald. The Cartwright High School music department is holding a dance on Sat- urday, April 22 with sev- eral other events atit. Mu- sic will be provided by "The Dear Johns", a new country dance band. Get your tickets from the school or any music stu- dent. On Thursday, April 20, the senior band will be playing at the new Board of Education building from noon to 12:30 p.m. Anyone who would kp take this opportunity to see the new office build- "ing, this is a great oppor- tunity. There were 14 tables with the following win- ners: May Shortridge, Gary Nottenboom, Nor- man Rohrer, Jean Porrill, Charles Stapleton, Betty Hockley and Mary Fin- ney. Lucky draws were won by Gary Nottenboom, Ruby Smith, Bernice Loudfoot, Norman Roh- rer, May Shortridge and Doris Hill. Craig Paisley and Su- san Johnson of Calgary enjoyed a few days holiday in Ontario visiting with family and friends locally. On Palm Sunday, Gord Paisley hosted a family gathering in honor of Craig and Susan's visit. Attending were Bob and Betty Paisley and Marion Tait of Dunnville, John and Doreen Morris, Jason and Debbie Morris, George, Jane, Paisley and Bobbie Canning all of Lon- don, Shirley Hanson of Ashburn and Cathy Pais- ley and Michael Miller of Etobicoke. On Easter Sunday, about 40 members of the VanCamp clan gathered at the Recreation Centre for a bountiful dinner. Those present were Mar- garet VanCamp, Richard and Ruby VanCamp, Law- rence and Jan VanCamp, Doreen VanCamp, Susan Saywell of Oshawa, Marg and Ted Kemp, Jeff Kemp and friend, David Kemp, Merrill and Jean Van- Camp, Dale and Janet VanCamp, Mary, Michael and David, Valerie and Ron Linton of Raglan, Ai- leen VanCamp, Keith and Wilma VanCamp, Cindy and Dennis Werry, John and Robert, Kedron, Leanne and Jim O'Donnell, Ashley and Kaitlin of Waterloo, Deb- bie and Bill Showler of Bowmanville, Barry Van- Camp, Jay and Kelly Van- Camp of Markham. Next Friday, the St. John Church will be hold- ing its silent auction and Birds of Prey slide show by bird watcher Ken Car- michael. Plan to attend this interesting evening. The Blackstock O.N.O. is planning a 45th anni- versary. They are looking for photos, slides or mo- vies from the past 45 years. If you can help with this request, please call Berta Avery 986-0778 or Eileen McLaughlin at 986-4420. Afternoon Unit - UCW by Dora Martyn The afternoon unit of the UCW met at the church with nine mem- bers present. Thelma Wright thanked the lunch group and welcomed all after which she opened the meeting with a poem "A Parable of Spring". Roll call was "Why do I belong to the UCW?" Program was a study of Ghana by Jean Ferguson. "As the Ghana ladies had prepared the service for the World Day of Prayer, we enjoyed learning about this country which is 92,100 square miles in size and lies just south of the equator in the African continent. Although it is a small country, the estimated population by the year 2000 is 22.6 million. Crops grown there are pineap- ple, okra, yams, cocoa, gin- ger and they mine gold, di- amonds and bauxite. The country gained indepen- dence in 19567. Jean showed some slides of the people at Authorized Dealer work and at play. Dora used the Easter theme for her worship reading from Scripture and a pamphlet "The De- mand of the Cross". The meeting closed with prayer and benedic- tion. Morning Unit - UCW by Connie Swain The morning unit met at the home of Dorothy Venning on Tuesday, April 12 with 16 members and one visitor present. After a pleasant time of visiting over coffee, muf- fins and fruit as well as Dorothy's delicious birth- day cake, we were wel- comed by Unit Leader Margaret Mountjoy. Sev- eral cards were signed for shut-ins and those with special days ahead. We said a sad farewell to Dor- othy McHarg who is leav- ing our area to make her home in Kingston. We 'wish her all the best. A I SAT) Bands busy at CHS this month On April 22, the CHS Senior Concert Band will be hdlding a fund- raising dance at the Blackstock Rec Centre from 8 p.m. until mid- night. : Live entertainment will be provided by "The Dear Johns" a local new country dance band. The cash bar will be run courtesy of the Black- stock Lions Club. Tickets are $25 per couple and $15 per sin- e. On April 29, the CHS Band will be on the move to Montreal to compete in the Interna- tional Music Festival. We wish them luck." On May 25, the band will be holding their fi- nal concert in honor of Joyce Kelly, our former trustee and long time supporter of the Music Program at CHS. This event will be open to the ublic and everyone is invited to attend. On May 30, the small group ensembles will perform for the seniors of Blackstock at our spring luncheon. Any seniors in the area who would like a Booster Card or: more informa- tion can call the school at 986-4241. AA dd ) Put It On Your J Gas Bill! Wo INSTA-FLAME CFM Gas Fireplaces CONSUMERS GAS (C7 NN FURNACE CLEANING SPECIAL SPRING SALES ~ Hi. Eff. 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