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Port Perry Star, 9 May 1995, p. 26

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26- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, May 9, 1995 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" "4 R TORT IRI SIA URAL Roor J HAIR AND NOW: Actors at Cartwright High School pre- sented One Thousand Cranes Wednesday night, when an open house was held. Here, Tara Vanderniet helps Robyn Cliff out with a Japanese hairstyle for the production. Adelines looking for Upcoming dates to keep in mind: Thursday, May 11 at 7:30 .m. the Epsom-Utica Church ard will meet in Epsom Church. Monday, May 15 in Uxbridge Music Hall will be the Sweet Adelines' guest membership night starting at 7:30 p.m. If you enjoy singing, come out and see what four-part harmony is about. Tuesday, May 16 in Epsom Church starting at 8 p.m. is the bridal shower for Kathy Sut- cliffe. For information, call Judy MacSween at 985-7251. I apolo- gize for the error in date last week and hope it didn't incon- venience anyone. Church and Sunday School this week will be held in Utica Church startingat 11 a.m. There were 12 tables of eu- chre played on Friday night in Utica Hall with the following winners: Ladies First Margaret Utica & Epsom oy y Gall, Second Jean Ward, Third Lena Ogden. Mens First Ber- neice Wells, Second Grant Bright, Third Cliff Rodd. Most lone hands was won by Berneice Wells with six. Freeze-out win- ners were Verna Slute and George Harper, Second were Mac Allbright and Art Parratt. Draws were won by Isobel McCully, Kay Brown and Mary Brownie Bake Sale is Saturday Seagrave Hope everyone is enjoying the glorious spring weather! County Town Singers Spring Concert is at the Greenbank United Church Friday, May 12 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 per per- son, available at the door. Reminder to Robinglade Es- tates Women's Group that their spring outing is this week! Din- ner reservations for 6 p.m. have been made at Emiel's in Port Perry Thursday evening. Fol- lowing dinner the ladies are at- tending the Millar Light pro- duction of "Tin Pan Alley." Enjoy!! Happy birthday wishes to Paul Jewell, Dana Lavereau, Roy Puckrin, Trevor Szewerda andSteven Desautels. Soccer, baseball 'and other summer fun will soon be start- ing. Coaches are reminded to use the Seagrave news as one means of announcements, game times, wins, etc. Just a reminder - come sup- port the Seagrave Brownies at their yard and bake sale on Sat- _ urday (may 13) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 16 River St. (look for signs). Popcorn, face painting - lots of fun and bargains! Church News Sunday was Good Shepherds Sunday and the Sacrament of the Lord's Super was celebrat- ed. The choir sang "My Savior." Margaret Ingram gave the min- ute for Mission on faithful disci- members Hill. Ruth McDonald won the 50/50. There will be another eu- chre in two weeks, May 19. Betty and Marydale Tapscott were with the Pineridge Choir of the Sweet Adelines when they entered Region 16 Choir Com- petition which was held in Syra- cuse, N.Y. recently. They placed 13th out of 24 choirs which was very good considering their com- petition. Happy birthday to Rebecca Aked who will be 10 years old on Friday, May 12. Sunday luncheon guests with Ruth Ashton were Keith and Faye Ashton and their daughter Julie Dempsey. Utica Community Daycare held a very successful yard and bake sale on Saturday, raising over $1,000 which means that they can now proceed with the upgrading of the children's bike path and playground. Thanks to the many people who made this project possible. ples. She told of a small church in northern Ontario which is supported by The Mission and Service Fund. They have two services a month which are ar- ranged by lay people with the help and cooperation of all mem- bers. The Sunday School theme was on celebrating Gods care - to understand how the good shepherd's images brings com- fort to disciples. What do we mean when we say "The Lord Is My Shepherd?" There is a Sunday School meéting this Thursday, May 11 at 7 p.m. at thea. Every- one is welcome. Parénts are es- pecially urged to come out to help plan future activities to in- crease attendance in the Sun- day School programs. ext Sunday is "Family Sun- day" with service at the usual time of 9:30 a.m. There will be Baotism. The Seagrave Men's Group will meet this Saturday, May 13 at 8:30 a.m. at the church for breakfast and a fellowship hour. All men are invited and wel- come to attend. The Sunday School Anniver- sary is to be held on Sunday, May 28 at 11 a.m. Further par- ticulars later. Last Sunday the Seagrave/ Pinedale Choirs presented "Spring Melodies" at the Sea- grave Church. The performance was very well attended and en- joyed by all. Many thanks and congratulations to the two choirs and their leader/organist Muriel Jebson, and also the pia- no accompanist Carla Puckrin. Thanks and appreciation if ex- tended to the many guest per- formers. All enjoyed refresh- ments and a social hour afterwards in the lower hall. That's all for this week except to wish all mothers a very happy Mother's Day on Sunday. Please phone Ann Sandiford with your news for next week's column at 985-9440 Firefighters' donation Ete | Caesarea Yard Sale This week I received a beauti- ful styrofoam sailboat about 10 feet long with sail for the Regat- ta Yard Sale to be held the last Saturday of this month. Fireworks The Scugog Firefighters Asso- ciation Station 2 have donated $100 towards the fireworks dis- play held the evening of June 24 at Caesarea Hall area. Thank you - You people who serve us so well! Reg Renouf We attended the birthday cel- ebration for Reg Renouf on his 80th birthday this past Sunday and I'm glad to report it was a gorgeous occasion. The weather was delightful and Reg looked great. There were over 248 peo- plein all who dropped by to wish Reg many happy returns. Thank you and best wishes Reg and may you have many more. UCWA Dinner We attended the United Church Women's Auxiliary din- ner last Saturday night and may I add we were not disap- pointed in any way. Our best wishes and thanks to you hard working people who gave us a great meal. Aunt Mary (Ryan) I wrote a special some months ago on the Caesarea I remem- bered of the past. In this article I wrote of our two oldest residents being Aunt Ag (Sheppard) and Grandma Vincent. This past Saturday we paid our respects to Aunt Mary (Ryan) who passed on. I never knew her last name until she succumbed. To me Aunt Mary was the split im- age of Aunt Ag who was always well groomed, well mannered and always had a smile. We are certainly going to miss her walking around town. Our sin- cere condolences to her relatives and friends. Beavers The Beavers were very busy this past Saturday planting trees at Pigeon River Conserva- tion Area. The Scout movement have reached the plateau of 50,000,000 trees since their pro- gram was started. It could be one of our Beavers who planted that tree. Who knows? Last Sunday they had their Beaveree at Elgin Park Conver- sation Area. From the reports I have the weather was great and they had a wonderful time. On June 3, they will have their swim-up meeting. This is when Beavers reach the age to go into Cubs. I mentioned a week or so ago we will have two lads going to Cubs in the fall. June 17, they are having their yéar-end banquet. They will start up again in September. Re- member they are another organ- ization who could do with more help and leaders. Persistence is the thought of the week. Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is - Vince Lom- bardi. Joke of the Week There are three proven rules for good teeth. Brush after each meal, see your dentist twice a year and mind your own busi- ness. Happy Mother's Day, Mom. ir

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