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Port Perry Star, 9 Jan 1996, p. 14

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14- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, January 9, 1996 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" R > PORT PERI STAR <J URAL Roots Dedication service planned at St. John's Sunday Last Saturday, the Roy Ferguson family held their annual get-together at Nestleton Hall with 44 mem- bers of the clan present. The day was spent enjoying a deli- cious dinner followed by games for the children and much visiting among the adults. Very shortly the first ses- sion of curling for all leagues will be completed. This is the opportunity for new curlers to join for the next schedule. If you are interested, call Carol Gray, Lorrie Aldred, or Fred Ford as soon as possible. The afternoon curling will be held on this Tuesday, Jan. 9at 1 p.m. Itis open to anyone who finds this a convenient time to enjoy the fellowship with other curlers. Come along - no experience neces- sary! : On Saturday, Cecil and Marie Gibson along with Art and Yvonne Gibson of Port Perry and Verna and Cliff Robinson of Hampton attend- ed the 55th wedding anniver- "sary of their brother Bruce and Nora Gibson at Port Hope. Congratulations and best wishes from your many friends and relatives in this area, Bruce and Nora. A successful Junior Farmers' Dance was held in the Blackstock Recreation Centre on Saturday evening. The Curling Club is spon- soring a dance next Saturday, Jan. 13 at the Nestleton Hall. Music will be provided by Joyce and Jim Baker. This dance is open to anyone - not just curlers. So make your plans now for an evening of dancing and fun. On Sunday, Jan. 14 at 4 p.m. an organ recital by accomplished organist David McCartney of Scarborough followed by a service of dedi- cation for the new organ, piano and sound system will be held at St. John's Anglican Church. This will be followed by a pot luck supper to which everyone is invited to join. Just bring a main course dish, or a salad as dessert and bev- erages will be provided. At the morning service at the United Church, the sacra- ment of Baptism was con- ducted by Rev. David Shearman when Katie Marie, daughter of Lorrie and Douglas Grove was received. In addition Earlene Layton's membership by transfer was received. The sacrament of communion was Sr ------ Blackstock also held, completing a full service. Following Church, Lorrie and Doug Grove and their son D.J. hosted a family gath- ering in honor of Katie Marie's baptism. Their guests were Mary Ellen Goodchild, David Goodchild and his friend Sherry, all of Oshawa, Joan and Glenn Grove, Jeff and Kelly Grove and Kelsey, - Frances Grove, Deanna and Steve Grove, Darcee, Zach and Lucas all of the Blackstock area. A reminder that easy aer- obics begin this week. There are spaces available on Tuesday evening at 8:15 p.m. and also at the Nestleton Classes on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. For information call Dora at 986-5378 as soon as possible. There were eight tables of euchre at the regular Tuesday evening card party with the following winners - Evelyn Trapp, Elwood Manns, James Emerton, Leslie Johnston, Jean Porrill, Nerta Masters and Edna Manns. Lucky draws were won by Gord Manns, Velma Johnston, Sarah Brunton, Pearl Moore and Hazel Piltz. Blackstock W.I. Meeting The Blackstock W.I. meet- ing was held Jan. 3, at Blackstock V.C. Blue Room at 1:30 p.m. There were nine members and one visitor pre- sent. President Mrs. P. Sleep welcomed everyone and wished them a happy new year. Our W.I. Grace was sung and a lovely lunch served by committee in charge. We remembered Margaret VanCamp who broke her hip two weeks ago. Get well soon Margaret. The minutes were read by Lois Luke in Carol Thornton's absence. Treasurer's report was given. A good balance was reported. Correspondence was read by members. There was a thank you note from school principal Leo Plue for the donation of money from W.I. to the Library Fund. There was a letter from Mrs. McArthur's family to our Institute.. There was a letter from FW100 Conference date July 12,13,14 on family and com- munity in partnerships. It will be held at Ridgetown College, Ridgetown, Ontario. Blackstock W.I. will order one Institute Rose to plant in 1997. Discussion on Teen Drop in Centre at the high school. Donation voted to this project. Lions Dinners were voted on. Maye Shortridge will write Mrs. McArthur and Mrs. F. Samells. This months' pro- gram was: Your new years resolution. Convenor was Mrs. M. Hoskins who gave a reading. Resolutions are like pie crust, easily made and broken. Mrs. K. Watts displayed the Tweedsmuir history books. Members spent some time looking at them. Collection taken up - $21.10 and the meeting closed with the singing of O Canada. By Lois Luke, PR.O. Enduring another January A raw, cold January and just commencing the second week. Do hope the weather warms up so we may enjoy ourselves a little, and our winter birds certainly need feeding throughout the long winter season. ~ On Thursday, Jan. 4, daughters Marlene Bannister of Peterborough and Audrey Leishman of Reaboro, spent the day visiting with their mother, Mrs. Neta Fish of Edgerton Road. Later they enjoyed a super meal at Emiel's Restaurant, Queen Street, Port Perry before returning home. Very best wishes to the elderly during this extreme weather. Behind the clouds God's love is shining. Behind the gray there shines the blue. So trust his love when days are darkest. He'll bring sunshine back to you. Sincere Thanks A delicious roast beef din- ner was enjoyed by Scott and Janette Whittemore on Saturday evening, Scugog Point Road re - celebration of their birthdays. Janettes, Jan. 4 and Scotts on Jan. 6. A special thank you to many friends - Judy Frew and daughters for balloons galore. Sproxton family for Nestleton |" Fz] oz) of-1"11 Cg delicious homemade fudge and Mabel Cawker's warmest wishes, and wife Janette for a great dinner and day. A wonderful celebration in every way! Nestleton United Church On Sunday, Jan. 7 with very cold weather, a small attendance present with greeters Chuck and Carol Hill. Rev. David Shearman spoke about baptism. God lives in us - gives us identity - who we are - what we are about - and what we are called to do and be. A great message! In the choir the trio com- posed of Regenia Walker, Shirley Jackson and Katie Mairs sang "He Is Born" with Karen at the piano. Scripture reader - Carol Hill from Isaiah 42-1-9. Responsive reading - Psalm 29. Service closed with hymn "The Baptism of Jesus." Commission - Benediction - and sang "Go Now In Peace." Achievement Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed! A Thought Character is made by what you stand for...and reputation 1s what you fall for. A person can't change the road he has covered...it is the path up ahead that really counts! Nestleton Presbyterian Church On a very cold morning the congregation of Nestleton Presbyterian Church attend- ed the regular service at 11 a.m. with Rev. Wm. Fairley in the pulpit. Ushers were Oliver Rohrer and Graham Ham. Joyce Taylor was the organist using the hymns for 1st Sunday of the New Year. Responsive Psalm was No. 29 and the scripture readings swere from Isaiah 2 and St. Luke 22. Rev. Fairley spoke of the acts of worship, in daily living, as well as Sunday. Our prayers will continue for (Mrs.) Rita Fairley for a com- plete recovery after surgery. Local youths were at Toc Alpha course Well, it's back to routine now. I decided to take a little break from doing the news over the holidays because I didn't re- ceive any calls. Hope to hear from you. This is my chance to wish you a happy and healthy 1996! Scugog Islan Scugog Island United Church Everyone enjoyed being to- gether for our worship service and were reminded that now that Christmas is over, our work has just begun for our Christian families. Coffee Hour following church was enjoyed by all. Thanks to the Grace U.C.W. for providing the re- freshments, giving us an oppor- tunity for fellowship. The Lectionary Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 9 at 1:30 p.m. The High School Supper Club will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 9 from 6 to 8 p.m. The Worship and Music Com- mittee will meet on Wednesday, Jan. 10at 10 a.m. at S.I.U.C. Choir practice will be held on Thursday,Jan. 11 at7 p.m. The Youth Group will meet on Friday, Jan. 12 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Written Annual Reports are due on Sunday, Jan. 14. Please submit them to Karen Davis. If you have any questions please call 985-8871. Three of our High School Youth had the great opportuni- ty of attending the Toc Alpha Conference in Kitchener from Dec. 27 to 30. Two hundred youth, ages 14 to 24, from all across Ontario gathered and they had an "amazing " time. Our youth will be reporting to our congregation in the near fu- ture. Our High School Group would like to thank everyone who supported their recent fundraising project - their 1996 calendars. The calendar was de- signed by our youth and they gathered and recorded our church families' birthdays so they are indeed special. For pastoral care call Elaine Barber at 985-4094. Call 985-8871 with your news for next week's column. RRR.

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