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Port Perry Star, 19 Mar 1996, p. 8

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8- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 19, 1996 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" I FTTERS t-- a -- Strike more than an inconvenience To the Editor: The recent strike by members of OPSEU has been described as an in- convenience in some quar- ters. For us, the employees and management of Pine Ridge Packers, this "in- convenience" has meant shut down. As a provincial meat packing plant, we are re- quired by law to have a provincial meat inspector present during slaughter. These inspectors are members of OPSEU, therefore we are unable to conduct business, and, serve our customers. Last Friday, this strike added five more individuals, (with families and finan- cial obligations) to the | SPENCER'S ) HED 'N NEEDS * am & Feed supplies : : » Mobile Milling Service © Pet Foods E Grain Haulage Bird Seed Softener salt # IN GREENBANK ON HWY. 12 E . (905) 985-3371 same unemployment line Mr. Harris promised to re- duce. For better public aware- ness, here is an outline of the impact this strike has had on this business: 0 A lost income of in ex- cess of $25,000. Why is this business suffering, in fact being denied its' right to exist, because of the OP- SEU strike? Why should this business be a victim of this situation? Q Beef, lamb and pork producers in this region are being forced into ex- 'cess costs in keeping ani- mals they cannot process. This is their livelihood, their life, and they are los- ing money. We are fast ap- proaching spring, one of the busiest times for pro- ducers, who may be forced to send their product to federal plants at addition- al costs. a A little known, or used, by-law allows mu- nicipalities to appoint a meat inspector in the ab- sence of such a person. De- spite numerous attempts, this appointment will not happen because of the lia- bility factor. Someone has decided that veterinarians may know less than meat inspectors, and allow tainted meat to slip through. Yet a meat in- spector cannot legally con- demn a carcass, they must first consult a vet. The added problem seems to be cowardice on the part of any municipali- ty to take a stand. It seems easier to watch a business go down, rather than fight for the people who put mu- nicipal politicians in their WANTED USED CHILDRENS RIDING CLOTHES, JACKETS, HATS, BOOTS, AND PANTS Jor Consignment Sale Used Riding Apparel for Sale & Consignment TWICE AROUND TACK PO.Box 218 - 109 River St., Sunderland, Ont., LOC IHO (705) 357-2225 rdhdhdhdarh dusbrh rh dada Stoxckouse Folk Ant R.R.2 Oakwood - Corner of Hwy. 7 & 46 (2 miles east of Manilla) OPEN HOUSE March 29th & 30th 10:00 am to 4:00 pm * reasonable prices for supplies * classes for new & experienced painters * 8 weeks, 3 hr classes, moming & evening * large selection of new pattems Jennifer Currie 705-357-3204 Why RENT when you can buy a Vista 200, 2 line display & 15 name = PORT PERRY TEL Sales & Services Inc. All Residence & Business customers have the right to choose who they wish to hire for the installation and repair of telephone, wining & jacks inside their home, apartment or office. Specializing in...installation & repair ~ ® Inside Telephone Service ¢ Mini Satelitte Systems ® Ecko Wireless Security Systems (free in home demonstration) & number logging. Call display & name option. | for 90 days 0A.C. $89.95 30 Day FREE recondition Northern Telecom | Movie & Pogo A 2k Phones & Call Display : i nf Boxes from $14.95 & up = Give us a try. 985- 0096 pi position to begin with. Individuals with litle or no understanding of the meat inspection act or pro- cess are making decisions on our future. How fair is that? Itis, we believe, our con- situtional right to make an honest living. The law states we must have a meat inspector, yet that same government will nei- ther provide one, nor de- clare us an essential ser- vice. The provincial meat in- spectors are working, travelling about checking on plants to ensure no ille- gal kill is taking place. Why not give us inspection for one day? Why not allow the poor part-time inspec- tors, who are not union members, to work? They. too are being denied a right to work. They have not slowed down production at Pine Ridge Packers; they have shut us down. Mr. Harris has fought for a common sense revo- lution, yet we see no com- mon sense for anyone in- volved in this strike. The union has forced us out of work, and the various gov- ernments we voted in have allowed them to do so. The employees and management, Pine Ridge Packers, Port Perry. INSURANCE ASSIGNMENT ACCEPTED I EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE : : (WE COLLECT FROM INSURANCE COMPANIES) 1B DENTISTRY WHILE YOU SLEEP - : - EPAYMENT PLANS ARRANGED © MISENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT ® GENERAL ANAESTHESIA AVAILABLE NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 985-8459 [|& 462 PAXTON ST. (ACROSS FROM PORT PERRY HOSPITAL) O'Toole missed the mark once again To the Editor: Again, within a few weeks, John O'Toole, MPP Durham East has shown his ignorance concerning the facts behind the OPSEU strike. Mr. O'Toole has been quoted as saying "OPSEU decision to withdraw the services of provincial meat inspectors has dis- rupted the meat processing industry of Ontario." The truth is, Mr. O'Toole the Harris government have caused the disruption. Before OPSEU members called the strike, the Tory government determined what services were essential - not the union. Now the Harris government has real- 1zed their mistake, and are running to the courts at taxpayers' expense to get injunctions to get meat in- spectors off the picket line. What continues to amaze me is how Mx. O'Toole (a Tory puppet) and the rest of his party continue to blame everyone else for their mistakes. Mr. O'Toole's time and energy could be better spent not blaming OPSEU, or running to the courts for in- junctions, but getting the Harris government to nego- tiate a fair offer to their workers and putting an end to this strike. Steven Edwards, Prince Albert A matter of loyalties To the Editor: In defence of being truly Canadian and therefore swearing allegiance to my own country rather than the British crown, I can say that my British heri- tage and my name dates back to the early 1700s, in the days of Rob Roy McGreggor in Scotland. As a Canadian I also re- spect the traditions that Canada has inherited from Britain, especially our government and judi- cial systems. I am a Canadian through and through and through. However to me allegiance is not a tradi- tion, but a serious act of homage and loyalty to the country in which I live and vote. I object to having to pay homage to a foreign mon- arch. Roy Grierson, Port Perry e ANNUAL RATES ° 5.15% 5.90% 6.35% Rates subject to change without notice SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES A DIVISION OF CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL PLANNING LTD. 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY "Serving Scugog for Over 15 Years" PHONE 985-3832 Port Perry 985-086G0 Uxbridge 852-3510 gtonemoor Stonemoor Day Care has limited openings for children 15 months to 9 yrs, All At Guaranteed Low Prices UNITED CARPET" Largest Carpet Selection In Scugog Township & a member of the largest carpet buying group In Canada. FAMOUS Levolor® & BLINDS « Verticals * Venetians * Pleated Shades HOMESTEAD by Ballard & Carnegie «, Hwy. 7A East - Port Perry 985-2451 or 985-2157 _ RR a Sod aR Sl i ROL SR 5 RI wl «i a RREN

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