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Port Perry Star, 23 Apr 1996, p. 26

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} pt - b 26- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, April 23, 1996 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" R > PORT PERRY STAR URAL Roors Scouts plan pasta dinner Friday; come on out! By now, all of our Snowbirds have returned from their sunny locations during the winter months. We welcome you back hoping that your winter months were both healthy and enjoya- ble. We are looking forward to having you participating in all of our usual community activi- ties. Sorry to report that Mrs. Jean Trewin remains a patient in Port Perry Hospital. Those from this community who joined the bus trip to the Craft Show in Toronto on Satur- day report a very interesting and informative day. There were many new ideas displayed and being demonstrated throughout the show. Last week Marie and Cecil Gibson spent several days visit- ing their friends Ross and Irene Vanclief at Corbyville. The 1st Cartwright Scouts are holding a pasta dinner on Friday, April 26 from 6 - 8 p.m. at Nestleton Hall. This event is a fundraiser for the Canadian Jamboree which will be held in Thunder Bay in 1997. For fur- ther information call Janet VanCamp at 986-0097. Also on Friday evening is the annual talent auction which will be held at the United Church beginning at 7:30 p.m. sharp. Auctioneers for the eve- ning will be Harvey Graham and Arnott Wotten who togeth- er create much fun and enter- tainment. So for a different type of evening's entertainment do plan to attend the Talent Auc- tionon April 26. This is the last week that you can call Joan Graham at 986- 4856 regarding the trees to plant along our Township road- ways as an attempt at "Green- ing Scugog". As many in this area realize Joan has been busy Blackstock at this project for several years as evidenced by the many young trees growing along the roads. There were 13 tables of eu- chre at the regular Tuesday eve- ning card party with the follow- ing winners - Teresa Berkers, David Craig, Carl Gimblett, Betty Hockley, Sarah Brunton, Vernon Asselstine and James Emerton. Lucky draws were won by Dorothy Archer, Bernice Wells, Gary Noténboom, Helen Dorrell, George Harper and James Emerton. Cecil and Marie Gibson en- joyed having Sophia Brendon of Cornwall, England spend Wednesday with them while So- phia is on a short holiday in the Port Perry area visiting family and friends. Members of the Blackstock Agricultural Society are re: minded of the Ontario Associa- tion of Agricultural Societies District Four Spring workshop which will be held at the Lind- say Government Building on Thursday evening beginning at 7:15 p.m. There will be three sessions of round table discus- sions covering a host of topics during the evening. To carpool call either Secretary Janice Beechey at 986-0035 or Presi- dent Lawrence VanCamp at 986-1249. Rev. Victor and Ruby Parsons of Colborne were Thursday call- ers of Gerald and Joyce Kelly. There is a new Judging Stan- Ashburn SICH] 1:%121 (ep Thanks to all who helped make the Sunday evening Gospel Concert such a great success. It was rewarding to see the church almost filled to capacity. Special thank you to the Port Perry Star for their excellent coverage for the concert. Theo and Joan Knight ac- companied by Muriel Lynde visited their brother-in-law, Walter Bryant who is a pa- tient in Lindsay Hospital on Concert a success - of the evening will be recog- Monday. Brooklin Horticultural So- ciety will meet on Wednes- day, April 24 at 8 p.m. at Brooklin United Church. At this meeting the speaker will be Dawn Smith. Her subject will be on growing clematis. As well as this being the gen- eral meeting we will also have our 75th birthday par- ty. One of the main features nizing our past presidents. Plan to attend and join in the 'celebrations of this special yearin the society. Bernice Gardner and Flor- ence Ashton enjoyed three days at Sparrow Lake, at- tending the Christian Blind Mission retreat. It's euchre night again on Thursday, April 25 at the Community Centre at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. dards Book recently printed which 1s helpful for directors, exhibitors and judges in the Homecraft Division. If any local folk would like to buy a copy of this very helpful publication for $5 each, they are available from Joyce Kelly. On Saturday Cecil and Marie Gibson attended the wedding of Marie's niece Lisa LeBlanc and Glenn Mullins in Bowmanville. It was followed by a family brunch and a time of gift open- Ing on Sunday noon and after- noon. On Sunday afternoon a large number of friends of Patsy and Brian Sonne and family gath- ered at their home for an Open House in their honor before they move to their new home in vw we windsor. The Sonne family will be greatly missed when they leave and the very best wishes from the Blackstock community will ge with them as they move this week. If you have a social item for these columns, please call 986- 4257 as soon as possible. It is al- ways appreciated. Spring smorgasbord is May 11th I -- Nestleton Mabel (of=111]'(-]¢ We are delighted to extend - very best wishes to the aunt of Neta Fish ~Mrs. Jane Boyes of Carnduff, Saskatchewan who will reach the grand old age of 100 years on Thursday, April 24. We trust she will have a mar- vellous party of well wishers on her big day and also very warm- est wishes from her Ontario friends to alady of distinction!! Nestleton U.C.W. is holding their annual Spring Smorgas- bord on Saturday, May 11 with two settings available - 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. All tickets pre- sold. Adults $10, children 4 - 12 $5, preschool 1-3 free. Come out and enjoy this bounteous feast and greet your neighbours - old and new. For tickets ask any U.C.W. member or call 986-5598 or 986-4788. Blue Ray Chapter Over one hundred members of the Order of Eastern Star met on April 11 for a special meeting when the Worthy Grand Ma- tron and Patron and other Grand Officers of the Grand Chapter of Ontario visited our Chapter. A pot-luck dinner was served at 5:30 p.m. to senior offi- cers, members and friends of Blue Ray. A "Spirit of the High- lands" band of Blue Ray mem- bers entertained after the din- ner. Then all met for stated meeting upstairs. Here, hono- rary member certificates were presented to Worthy Grand Ma- tron, Morag O'Hara and Wor- thy Grand Patron, John Dob- son, and to District Deputy Grand Matron Jacquelin Guth- rie and her husband William Guthrie. After a brief meeting, all retired to the lower hall for a light lunch. Watch for details of a yard and bake sale near the end of May! Nestleton Presbyterian Church The song, "This is the Day" was the opening chorus by Katelyn, Danielle and Kirsten of Nestleton Presbyterian Church. Joyce Taylor was organist, and Rev. Fairley conducted the service. Ushers were Oliver Rohrer and Russell Brown. Psalm #147 was read respon- sively, and Scripture readings were Leviticus 34, and St. John 10. In the sermon, Rev. Fairley spoke of it being two weeks since Easter... and now we are back to our routine of living. With all the happenings every day around us, God is in control. He is the Good Shepherd who will gather His sheep to Himself. Group discusses GTA Caesar | This Friday night April 26 the Scouts are going to be our host to an all you can eat pasta dinner at Nestleton Hall from 6 to 8 p.m. They tell me they have quite a variety. Tickets can be purchased at Sunnyside Mar- ket, Caesarea or the Super Vid- ~ eo Store across the road from the bowling lanes in Port Perry. Price is $3 per person and $1.50 for children under three years. Beverage is extra. All foods have been donated allowing for an inexpensive dinner. The pur- pose of this fundraiser is to send a great representation to the Scout Jamboree in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Here they will meet Scouters from many for- eign lands. It's indeed a great experience for those who can go. Get out and support these young gentlemen. Good luck gang, I'll see you at the dinner. We had a great group at our home last Wednesday night dis- cussing the "Greater Toronto Region." Everyone present was very cooperative and wanted to know more. They left me alist of questions to get answers to and when I do they will be printed. A replica of this meeting will be heid Tuesday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m. sharp to 9:30 p.m. at 20 Putsey Dr., Caesarea. Talk, film and discussion. You'll have an enjoyable evening that's for sure. For reservations call 986- 0181. Dave Dietlein attended the meeting and I'm glad to report his most recent medical was A- 1. I thought those who worked with Dave on many of our pro- jects around this area would like to know. The United Church Women's Auxiliary are holding their Smorgasbord Dinner in three weeks, Saturday, May 11 at Nestleton Hall, 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. sittings. Price - $10; under 12 - $5 - three and under - free. Tickets 986-4788 or 986-5598. Boy what a feast itis! ~ Received a letter this week from Allan Pollock reminding us that the Pitch In Period ends May 12. This is a community ef- fort by all of us to clean up our boulevards, our parks, our wa- ter front, places where we swim and etc. By so doing we save tax dollars and make our village take on an attractive appear- ance . The Beaver Scouts will be out Thursday, May 2 doing their share. What about you? I'had a well spent evening last Thursday night at the Head Church on the Island with the Lake Scugog Historical Associa- tion. Peggy Clark of the Dur- ham Chapter of the Canadian Organic Growers sure did know her subject. The hazards of spraying and importing plants from other countries. We all know the story of the Dutch Elm disease. The second talk was on the plans of the flower gardens around the pioneer village. Strange but true. Did you know the early pioneers never plant- ed their flower gardens against the house. They were always in beds out in the middle of the lawn or near their walkways. Check your old pictures. Sincerely trust you are feeling better now Paul Arculus. Our best regards. Joke of the Week - "So you think you have problems" a man lamented to his co-worker. I lent a guy $4,000 for plastic surgery and now I don't know what he looks like.

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