"A Family Tradition for 130 Years" PORT PERRY STAR ~ PHONE (905) 985-7383 Fax (905) 985-3708 For Rent FLORIDA KEYS - 12' X 34' trailer in 5 Star Con- dominum Resort. For 1 BEDROOM - $500; 2 bedroom - $700. Private home. Quiet country set- ting. Carpeted, utilities included, non-smoker, Hwy. 7A - 705-277-1603. ---------------------------- LARGE 1 BEDROOM basement apartment. Laundry and utilities included, $600/month. First and last. 905-887- 5443 momings only, LARGE "BACHELOR APARTMENT. Suitable for 1 mature person. Pri- vate entrance. Non-smok- er, no pets. Fridge, stove, gas fireplace and all utili- ties included. In clean, quiet home near hospital. First and last required. $600/month. Available September 1. Call after 3 p.m. - 985-9214. LARGE MAIN FLOOR 2 bedroom apartment in Port Perry. Country sized kitchen. Good area. Available September 1. $775 plus hydro. Landlord pays heat. Call Brett - 985-7351. LINDSAY - BEAUTIFUL Bond St. apartment, 1 bedroom, September 1, $590/month - includes heat and hydro - 705-324- 3067. NEWLY DECORATED AND air conditioned 1 bedroom apartment, $549 plus electric. Also small bachelor apartment, $379 inclusive - 705-786-2514. ROOM OR ROOM and board - In clean home, minutes from Port Perry - 985-2139. SEPTEMBER 1 - CAE- SAREA. Cozy 1 bedroom house near lake, suitable for couple, open concept living roomvkitchen, pine Cathedral ceiling, wood- stove, landscaped proper- ty (100' x 50") with front deck and back patio, $800 plus hydro/month. First and last. 416-760-0208, after 6 p.m SHOP - 35" X 70" with 2 floors, $800/month plus utilities. South of Port WANTED - CARING TENANTS for nice 2 bed- room house near Janetville - 705-878-5821. » BACHELOR APART- "MENT AVAILABLE downtown Port Perry, appliances and utilities included. Call Teddy, between 8:30 am. - 5 p.m. - 985-9744. 1 BEDROOM APART- MENT, nicely decorated, stove and fridge included, $525 a month, no pets, 4. miles north of Greenbank - 705-357-2575 or after 6 p.m. - 705-439-3139, DOWNTOWN PRIME RETAIL STORE ON QUEEN ST. Approx. 1,000 sq ft. Available July 1 985-7102 'Wanted to Buy JACK'S AUTO PARTS - cars, trucks including 4x4's for recycling. Top prices paid. Will pick up. Call 985-8160. MANILLA AUTO WRECKERS will pick up scrap cars, trucks, farm and construction machin- ery - 705-357-2644. PORT PERRY WRECK- ERS: Collison, scrap, used vehicles for recy- cling. Top prices paid. Call 905-986-4281. SCRAP CARS, TRUCKS, ETC., $70 and up. Call Ray - 985-8707. TREADMILL IN GOOD CONDITION. Very, very reasonable price please - 985-1282 between 4 - 7 p.m. F som m---------------- - Work Wanted AL'S MAINTENANCE - Yard clean-ups, eave- stroughs, garbage ding, flower beds and more - 985-4879. BRICK WORK, fireplace, chimney, etc. Licensed bricklayer, quality work, 15 years experience, refer- ences available. Phone Gerry 985-3584. COUNTRY CLEAN - Cus- tom cleaning, personal- ized service. Reliable and trustworthy, excellent ref- erences. We get homes "Cleaner than Clean so try us, for that Springtime Fresh" - 905-985-1614. CUSTOM HAY BALING, Twine or net wrap, 4 ft. wide X 4 feet to 6 feet, J.D. 435 - Bob Kyte - 905- 986-5200. HOUSE CLEANING - One time or regular basis. Stove and fridge only! Or just windows! Or the whole house! ' Your Choice Clean-Up Co. - 985-0314. NEED A HAND? Call Murray. Eavestrough cleaning, papering, paint- ing, garage, attic, yard cleanup. 985-2183. SCOTT PROPERTY SERVICES - Grass cut- ting, gardening, hedge and tree trimmings, yagd clean-ups, snowplowing, blowing, sanding/salting - 985-2535, 435-3098. SCUGOG PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Yard clean-ups, grass cutting, hedge trimming, odd jobs. Dave Ballingall 985-2834. YARD CLEAN-UP, GRASS CUTTING. Will remove your junk and garbage - 985-0314. PORT PERRY - 2 bed- room basement apart- ment, $575 plus utilities. Call Grant - 985-4427 NEED SOME HELP? Mature man avaitable for all manner of odd jobs. Minor plumbing repairs, yard work, very reasonable rates. 985-0422 Ask for Al LOCAL PRIVATE DAY- CARE for 15 months to preschool is accepting full and part time registration for September program- ming. For information call . Yvonne Van Camp at 985-8522. rm -- $200 - $500 WEEKLY. Assemble products at home, easy! No selling! You are paid direct, fully guaranteed. No experi- ence necessary. 1-504- 641-7778, ext. 0201H29. ALMOST HOME - ROOM for rent, in spacious 3 bed- room home, beside the lake, very relaxing and safe. Full use of all extras. $350/month plus 1/3 utili- ties. Call Alastair - 985- 9264. Pets & Kennels BOARDER COLLIE PUPS, 6 weeks old, $35 each - 655-3925. REGISTERED GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, 4 female, 2 male. Excellent breeding. Call (905)987- 1677, Newcastle. EXPERIENCED AZ FLATBED drivers for lum- ber and steel! .33/HUB mile to start .34/HUB mile after 3 months. Safety bonus, log book bonus, dental, medical, pick- up/drop fees, tarp fees, waiting time, home most weekends, paid weekly. Well maintained equip- ment - (905)683-7111, Steve. WANTED 8 - 9 serious people that need to make money and lose weight. 728-3594. Settlement House Shops requires a Full/Part time RECEIVING/ MAINTENANCE PERSON Send resumes to Settlement House Shops 183 Queen St Pont Perry, ON LOL 1B8 Help Wanted REGISTERED SUFFOLK Ram and Ewe lambs - Bob Snodden - 705-786- 2038. NEIL Yo Auction Sales litc 180 (905) 985-1068 WEDNESDAY, AUG. 14 SALE TIME: 9:30 AM. Outstanding antique estate auction for the estate of the late MRS. VERNA HERON and the property of MR. ROSS HERON of Kirkfiefd and the porperty of MRS. SUSAN DOUGLAS of Bumt River, to include 3 genera- tions of excellent quality antiques, fumiture, fine china, glass, Cranberry, hanging lamps, silver, gold jewellery, oil paintings, Ornental carpets, Grandfather clock, Victori- an fumishings plus outstanding variety of collectables and primitives, etc. Selling at the MABEE AUCTION CENTRE on Hwy. 35, 1 mile north of Rosedale of 7 kms. south of. Coboconk. PARTIAL LIST ONLY. FURNI- TURE: Walnut Serpentine claw footed secretary, 6 sec- tional oak barristers stacking bookcase, ornate oak dropfront desk and chair, fabulous Victorian 3 pc. bed- room suite with carved tall 4 poster bed, selection of par- lour and occasional tables, unusual ornate early pine Bonnet chest, childs wicker rocker, fabulous oak hall seat with lions head and large claw feet, leaded oak cir- cular glass china cabinet with claw and ball feet, 9 pc. walnut dining room set, mahogany barley twist candle stand, pair fingeroll side chair, 6 pc. Art Deco walnut bed- room set with unusual mirrors, early two sectional post- master desk, 19th Century rocker and chair, fiat to the wall pine cupboard, pine blanket box, unique spool berich, elm and ash Bonnet chest, early walking wheel plus small spinning wheel, washstands and chests, oak sideboard, tea wagon, Jacobean oak umbrella stand, selection of Victorian chairs, oak icebox, pine dry sink, oak library table, oak combination china/secretary, Victo- rian couch and stool, small oak secretary plus much more. LAMPS: Hanging Cranberry lamp, several Gone With the Wind lamps, rare hanging oil lamp - signed Clarke, early slag glass and other panel lamps, bridge lamps, oil lamps plus more. SILVER, PAINTINGS AND RUGS: Good silverplate including cuttlery, tea service, servers, etc. Quantity of early oil paintings, several early Oriental and Persian rugs. CHINA AND GLASSWARE: Large 8 place setting of Limoges dinnerware with serving pieces, selection of Nippon including tea set plus others, Cranberry 3 Lily epergne plus other Cranberry, Camival glass, biscuit barrels, Royal Doultons including figurines and jugs (some discontinued), collection of early Flo Blue and Blue Willow, Royal Doulton dinnerware, Comflower collection, collector plates, Limoges, Depression glass plus much more. GLOCKS: Rare Waterbury, early Fabucks walnut carved Grandfather, oak Grandfather clock - good working order, Pequegnat shelf clock, wall regulator clocks, Gingerbread clocks, mantle clocks, Seth Thomas schoolhouse clock plus more. MISCEL- LANEOQUS: Antique crocks, quilts, primitives, jug and basin sets, Victorian pictures, large mounted moose head, antique copper kettles, old boxes, decoy, Beaver sealers, butter prints, large quantity of Life Magazines dating back to the 1930s, good jewellery including watch- ses and gold rings, old swords and knives, Flintlock guns - not operable, plus general household items, good appli- ances, fishing and boating equipment, air conditioner, power and hand tools, plus much more. 1987 4 door Honda, 17 ft. mahogany sailboat. AUCTIONEERS COMMENTS: Plan to attend this outstanding auction of genuine antiques. This will be one of the best antique sales to be held in Victoria County in a very long time, so be sure to put this date on your calendar and plan to spend the entire day with us. Due to the large quantity of antique items to be sold, please note the early starting time. MISCELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLD SELLING AT 930 AM. - ANTIQUES ELLING AT APPROXIMATELY 10 AM. Everything must be sold to settle these estates. Viewing from 9 a.m. day of sale. DON'T MISS IT! TERMS: CASH. LUNCH AVAILABLE. CALVIN. MABEE AUCTIONS, MOVING AND STORAGE, R.R. #1, Lindsay - (705)374-4800 or Rosedale - (705)454- 2841. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 7 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques and collectables AUCTIONS for tne. PO Box 220, Greenbank, ON. | for the estate of IRMA FOXCROFT of Scarbor- ough, selling at NEIL CTD, co AUCTIONS ., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: Bontempi electric organ, 6 pc. oak bedroom suite, 7 pc. walnut dining room suite, chesterfield 'and chair, ant. kitchen table w/drawer, ant. floor lamp, wicker basket chair, end tables, sterling silver set of Community plated silver- ware, linen, bookshelves, filing cabinet, Hitachi color TV with remote, oil paint- ing, Singer sewing machine, ladies golf clubs and cart, estate costume jewellery, pots and-pans, large quantity of ant. glassware, plus many other interesting items. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUC- TIONS LTD. - 905-985- 1068. FRIDAY, AUG. 9 SALE TIME: 9:30 PM. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN, 3 miles east of Lit- tle Britain on County Road 4. The estate of the late GERTRUDE FEIR of Woodville plus others. Oak Williams upright piano and bench, 5 pc. walnut bedroom suite, antique hanging lamp, walnut corner cabinet, blanket boxes, 8 pc. wal- nut 1/2 Moon table, partial toilet sets, floral chester- field and chair, bridge lamps, antique dressers, oval top trunks, wicker fem stands, coal oil lamps, 4 pc. wianut bedroom suite, oak library table, 12 ft. Kenmore freezer, Ken- more microwave, organ stool, chesterfield, modem dressers and chests of drawers, console TV, wal- nut parfour tables, Boston rocker, antique footstools, 2 door refr wash- stand, cherry lamp table, quilts, store display cabi- net, qty. china, glass, household and collectable items. DON AND GREG CORNEIL, AUCTION- EERS, R.R. #1, Little Britain - 705-786-2183. THURSDAY, AUG. 22 SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M. Auction sale at athe ISLANDER BANQUET HALL on Scugog Island. Furniture, appliances, antiques, plus many more goad items. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES - 655-8073. PORT PE Long Dist SALE Auction (20x20), James water color (1: Wallace Ye (13x11), Horn Dinky toys, early crane {on 2), yt pieces, Gorham sterling 10" bowl, Cornflower, Cranberry, Beleek, biscuit barrel, Gouda jug, quilted satin tumblers, blue gran- iteware, Mortons dogs, German wall clock, Gast 'bookends, swan stop, old tins, re 3 light, 1940 oA lab, precision barometer, humidity gauge, wind speed gauge, art glass basket lantern, oak wail phone, 2 Shawnee vases, Wedgewood tea set, toilet set, puzzle ball w/ivory dragon stand, linens, 1890 bound foot Chinese shoe, oil lamps, double barrel shotgun, plus many other celebrate late summer with this high quality antique sale. Sale man- aged and sold by NEIL | BACON AUCTIONS LTD. - 905-985-1068. « i FRAMER'S GALLERY 237 Queen St., Port Perry We are a quality oriented retail art gallery celebrating our 20th anniversary with an expanding Custom Framing Department. We require another FULL TIME PICTURE FRAMER to join our team You are a perfectionist with an appreciation for the importance of customer service and quality in a retail business. Framing experience is not a requirement but a passion to learn is. Please forward resumes to the attention of TYLER RENAUD, C.PF. This is a full time position including Saturdays. No phone calls please. ODD FELLOWS HALL, PORT PERRY 14460 Simcoe Street North, South of FRIDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 9th, VIEW 6 P.M. - SALE 7 PM MERCHANDISE RECEIVED FROM BANKRUPTCIES, STORES, END OF LINES, REFURBISHED, NEW, 1D, IN PULL TRUCK LOAD OF MIXED MERCHANDISE WILL BE OFFERED AT THIS SALE. ] Partial List: Sanyo, 'Scott, Emerson, Prosonic, Electronics, compact disk | radios, cordless phones & answer machines & caller IDs, Walkmans, 25™ dosed caption, 4 head VCRs, personal CD player with car kit, TV/VCR of toys, porcelain dolis, LE. Edition, TVAVCR stand, kitchenware, country sets, canisters, spice racks, Comingware, air beds, Tramontina & pro sets, 14K jewellery, diamond rings, bracelets, Michiko pearts, heaters, vases, fish bowls, watches, steppers, gym bikes, ski machines, tools, screwdrivers, socket sets, pliers, dnll bits, hydraulic jacks, grinders, dhe cast cars, antique oak reproduction radios, Oriental hand painted figurines, lamps, touch & bankers, bath scales, crystal figurines, Proctor Sie sm X