ery Sm wo ease Sa pain for lupus sufferers A potential new drug, made Dr a. compound found in flax, could ease the pain of thousands who suffer from lupus, ic, auto-immune causing inflammation of various parts of the body. Research into fects of flax on lupus pa- tients Victoria Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre. When flax proved to help lupus patients, the Crop Utilization section of * Agnculture and Agri-Food Canada's (AAFC) Saska- toon Research Centre was contacted to explore ap- SAFETY BEGINS MAKE SAFETY YOUR #1 PRIORITY oo yours. painting. install. began about five years ago at the Universi- ty of Western "Ontario's White Vinyl SIDING increase the value of your home and do-it coverage per square. MARE proaches to 1solating the ofpeople and be a great ac- active principle from flax. complishment or the \ researchers Drs. medical community. Neil Westcott and Alister The project currently in- achron- Muir have devised a pro- _ yolves three parties, yin disease cess to produce it in its don Health Cen- pure form. "The extractive tre, Agriculture and Agri- technology and the medi- Food Canada, and Dr. K. the ef- calusesareintendedtobe Prasad of the Department marketed as a single pack- of Physiology at the Uni- age," says Dr. P. Ashley versity of Saskatchewan, O'Sullivan, director of who is researching possi- AAFC Saskatoon Re- search' Centre, speaking for the group's manage- ment team. London Health Sciences Centre re- searchers Drs. William Clark and Anwar Partur- bani say they are excited about the project as the new drug could help a lot ble uses of the flax com- pound for heart disease. "This is an example of dif- ferent disciplines being brought together to achieve maximum impact now the Farmers Information Day The Farmers ams. tion Day will be held on ie ug. 27. Coffee and donuts Ap ift pack- ages for first 100 . arrive) at 10 a.m. at Pickseed's headquarters at Lindsay (Hwy. 7 just east of Hwy. 35). Tour our headquar- ters, enjoy a free lunch with prize drawings, visit our research plots on Angeline St. Pickseed's plant breed- er and corn breeder will be available to answer your questions. For informa- tion call 878-9240 or 1- 800-661-4769. ON THE So un HOT LANADA WIDE 1200° No more Easy fo 88 sq ft 1/4" (6 mm) PRESSURE TREATED 2x4 46 2x6 .69 2x8 94 4x4 94 ZZ Ta a a, . UMMER:S ORE \ 7/16" (11 mm) 11/16" (17 mm) in delivering technology with commercial Pots tial," O'Sullivan said. ; 0 Sullivan says the pro- y ject is moving along well and the group hopes to es- tablish an alliance with a private sector partner by early fall to start develop- ing the process on a com- RE on Patent ap- plications have" a for the process and for each of the en uses. To-date, letters have been sent to over 100 Ca- nadian-based pharmaceu- tical companies, and ac- cording to project business planner Sandy Bresciani, the response has been good. The next stage will in- volve selecting a private sector partner(s) and ne- gotiating licensing : ments. According to Bres- | ciani it will be years before the required clinical trials can be completed and a drug is approved, but the, group is optimistic. "We : have a very positive feel- ing about this project," she said. For more information on lupus and its treat- ment, contact: Dr. William Clark, Victoria Hospital, University of Western On- tario. Phone: (519) 667- 6555; Fax: 519165796753, SRUIN: 4-ft.x8-ft SANDED PLYWOOD 19.93 sheet 29.93 sheet 41.83 sheet FOR ALL YOUR FARM BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CALL STUART CALBERRY AT LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER * TRUSS « STEEL « LUMBER * AND MORE! S5CUG0G 4 THEE 11 Vanedward Drive * Port Perry * 985-7391 been . | a tS "BUYING POWER!