fs ~The Poof Povey Shae Vol. 130 No. 42 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO -# TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1996 COPY 65¢ (61¢ NEW TANNERY] P= &he-Joort Pry Standard "Wusiness Directory. | THE RAILROAD HOUSE! FORT PEXMmY. AND NORTH ON 'R rp } TARIO ADVERTISER J. WILSON, Barrister, Attornoy-at-| N. SINCLAIR, - - - PROPRIETOR. : 1S PUBLISHED Le Law, Solicitor in Chancery, &c -- pr .'| "= TN Eve ry THURSDAY Morning Office next to Registry office, Brock street, TE Subscriber begs to state that having * POR Z. PERR Y. NY TRE OTEHICE Whitby. SOUY P, re-furnished Hs above estaklishment, 3 : chPe IN PAXTON'S NEW BUILDING, QUEEN HATOR Licexats Avoviontan, Tor | 1: tmuching. public: will find:it to bess 5: emi ; STREET, PORT. PERRY, C. W., Ne the Braves ok onltas. Cab) feey. Wostcomforisbie home a HE subscriber will paz the highest price -of tides and Perry. Pare ting the high- Temlock- Back, delivery. DISTRONG. 66. 1-tf. And contains Notices of the Political, So- | sales fixed, cial, and Moral questions of the day; Ag- office. ricultural and Commercial extracts; an LEER Epitome of the General and Local News of f " the week, together with carefully sclected ad Miscellany Ube Terns. --$1.50 a year; but §11f paid in ONCE: advance, TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Ten lines and vnder--3 insertions. ... $1.00 H A N Above ten lines, 1st insertion per line...08 Each subsequent ingertion........ cue. 02 X¥ Proffessional and business Cards, six ! lines and under, $5 per aonum, $3 for six _ montks. From six to ten lines, §8 per an- nom. XK Merchants and others can contract 1-4f for a certain space, with the privilige of having new matter inserted at the end of every three months, on favorable terms. XJ Displayed Adrerlisements are mens- ured by a scale of solid Lrevier, and charg- ed accordingly. PORT Knowled, il tums end by tis n MARRI/ attention to EF Advertisements sent without written i seri To fnstructions will be inserted until forbidden way deserving and charged for full time. I SS1ueg 5 3I* No casual Advertisements inseried A % ps get oct unless paid for in advance. Merchants will OFFICE utility of cultivat be expected to pay quarterly. Ah The oy 1 3 3 3 IF Orders for discontinuing adrertise- = : _ will, on all occasions, mects must be in writing, otherwise the PROPE 3 3 ~ loyalty aod SHachuent ountry : regardiog the = N ® J publisher will not be responsible. ing between: Britain and JOB DEPARTMENT. rican Proviaces as the Decanse of our increased facilities Pamph- ; : E n lets, Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bill = NO. Bh > / LATHS, Te sights, JiHIcES soy, Ileads, Blank Forms, Circulars, Check | © = sug og of a grea pd prio mn Books, Business Cards, Receipt Books, Ball goot we. , tiest of the earth--Is not Appl rp g esteemed : and no true ¥ pn would be willing to SALE | fii, whos ibertes a Cards, kc. ke, of every style and color, can be executed more promptly, and at Jow- er prices than at any other establishment Port Per in the county. £. MUNDY. GN" gcd Editor and Publlisher. Pusiness Direelo ACHEUS BURNHAM, Judge County and Surrogate Court Office at the Court House. RE SE ELSON G. REYNOLDS, S Office the Court House. C LYIN CAMPBELL, Esq, * Address, Brooklin, P. 0. M. PAXTON, Jr, Treasurer. to. i of tate of the Markets, and the ree rusted that the establ at the Court House. ; i i local devoted TA PERRY, Regiitrar. wl J s of the Village nd Coun Th ul i " 4 ] or th that countenanes and ce 5 af 4 vill enable and encournge t a -------- ONIN SHEIR, Bagineer. "Office o carry out hia undertaking t ul issue. ii Court House. , } AS. HOLDEN, Official Assignee : 5 ; : rst number of the Standard in McMillan's Block, Brock St. i = S : Ah v- = ring the second or third T J. MACDONELL, Clerk of t « and County Solicitor. VY. HAM, Depaty Clerk of the eo and Pleas; Clerk of Counligh and Registrar of the Sarrogate Coup Officovet the Court House, a OCHRANE & COCHRANE, Ba Attornies, Conveyancers and Public, &c. Prince Albert, office opposite he Town Ball. Port Perry, office in Bige- guus, and tackle. A new and commodious Mall has lately been built in connection with this House, Dry Goods, Groceries, low's Block. A 1 . " EE Gomisy, |W. N. Conmane, | 23 3.80 feet, culled Fons Bera Sil, 0 Wines « Liguors, ete. Co. Crown Atty. Port Perry. ' £4 } certs, or Shows. el will hol "HI AMER GREENWOOD, Attornes-at-| The Dar is well supplied with choice Jd Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Wines, Liquors and Cignrs. : HENRY CHARLES. Public, Conveyancer, &c,, Whitby. Roows Good Stabling and Altentive Osllers, Port Perry, August Oth, 1866. pext to the Registry office, Brock at. 1 Port Perry. Aagust. 8, 18CG, 1-tf 1th « [atremes are generally errors ; the Truth usually lies between." gi PORT PERRY, THURSDAY, AUGUST IG, 1866,