"A Family Tradition for 180° Years" MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Property of DON TAY- LOR, Janetville. Go south of Lindsay to 14th Line of Manvers Twsp., tum west to Chipmunk Road, tum south. 1935 Gibbson trac- tor with equipment and chains, double Skidoo trailer, coal oil lamp, old wooden boxes, tools, roll bar for truck, doors and windows, job lots and many more items. AUC- TIONEER: BRUCE KEL- LETT - (705)328-2185. Terms: Cash or cheque with I.D. and Visa. = Auction Sales SATURDAY, OCT. 12 SALE TIME: NOON ANGUS SALE At PHOENIX SALES ARENA, Uxbridge, Ont. Selling 80 lots of quality Angus cattle. Sale con- sisting of 50 purebred Angus females plus 30 commercial cows. Many with calves at foot and rebred. All cows will be pregnancy checked sale day. This is a great group of cattle that will work well in either a purebred or commercial operation. Salg sponsored by the Eastern Ontario Anugs Association. For cata- logues or information con- tact Sale Manager and Auctioneer - ROSS BAI- LEY, Port Perry - 905-985- 0697. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Retirement Auction of Antiques & Collectibles for the COMMODORE GIFT SHOPPE, Beaverton, held on site at #25066 Durham Region Rd #23 (Lakeridge Rd.) 7 kms. south of Beaverton; or from our usual Auction Sales Arena at Davis Dr. in Ux- bridge, keep going east 1/2 mi. to Durham Rd. #23 (Lakeridge Rd.). Turn left and go north approx. 20 mins. to Port Bolster (Hwy. #48). Go through stop lights to #25066. Watch for signs. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: 2 pc. pine cupboard, pine armoire, pine jam cupboard, 8' oak & mahogany store coun- ter, National cash register, pine side table, pine dry sink, transional chest with drawer, ant. clothes wringer, Pembrooke bagcart scales (refinished), ce- dar chest, antique chairs, antique windows, doors, wool winder, old wooden violin case, Ig. qty. wrought iron (tables, chairs, bed, bakers rack, shelf, etc.),. pine hall clock, wood ironing board, 1960 Wil- sons pop chest cooler, Ball & Atlas cobalt jars, ma- hogany gun cabinet, Clydesdale horse & cart, tin horse weather vane, Steiff donkey, windmill fan, ant. buggy seat (Quebec), ant. horse sleigh, old cut- ters shaft "Can Carriage Brocklin," Scottish airtight stove (ex.), metal commercial shelving (100 pcs.), Ig. qty. fabric, fabric coated vinyl, fridge, dishwash- er, Jenn Air stove, washer, dryer, hand and garden tools plus much more. There are still 2 barns full of items yet to be unpacked. TERMS: Cash or good known cheque. VIEWING: 8 am. sale day. NOTE: Owner retiring & property leased out. Start your Christmas shopping now! Owner or auctioneer not responsible for any loss or mishap to the public THANKSGIVING MONDAY, OCT. 14 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. SPECTULAR Auction of Antiques, Collectibles & Household for MARY & AUSTON McKAY, of Markham, plus contents from a Whitby home held at Phoenix Sales Arena (frmly. Wilsons), Uxbridge ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: Oak dining rm. ste (6 chairs, db. V leg table, pullout leaf, china cab' sidebrd.), pine flat to wall cupboard, oak beaufront china cab., 2 pc. kit. cupbrd. (1920s), ant. Chinese chippendale oval table (ex), oak buffet with mirror, 7 harvest table, oak ice box (3 dr., refinished, ex.), ant. 3 pc. loveseat, platform rocker & arm chair, ant walnut games table, 'walnut hall seat (ex.), ant burled walnut sewing table, ant. walnut music stool, oak highchair, rocking chairs (ant. Beehive spindie oak with leather seat, maple), deacons bench, dressers, gly. ant. chairs (circle back, Victorian par- lor, shield back etc.), National brass cash register (1880s), guild mirror, burled walnut headboard & footboard, pine prayer stand, old Kay guitar, roxton sofa & chair (ex.), sofa/loveséat (new), various cof- fee & end tables, Victorian buggy foot warmer, brass skaters lantern, horse bells, harness & sad- dle, crocks, wooden wagon, baby carriage (wicker bottom), oak C roll top desk (repro.), plus much more. MISC.: Jamone Computer Memory Craft 6000 sewing machine, Ig. sit down ironing machine 36" roller, qty. rare books, Ig. qty. hand garden & power tools, framed & matted Lid. Ed. prints (Bate- man, Parker," Romance, Seery-Lester), plus much more. ANT. CHINA & LIGHTING: Lg. qty.ant. chi na, glassware, silver, cranberry Epergnes, Maury plate, Ig. Royal Devon Fruitbow!, Royal Albert, Li- moge, Ig. gty. of early lighting, 10 standing lamps (dragon, birds, brass, cast iron), Tiffany style table lamp 1920s, bridge lamps with glass shades, ant Canadian hanging lamp, figural lamp (30° Mh), signed Fr. At Nouveau lamp (2 children on hill ex.), plus more. NOTE: Mr. and Mrs. McKay are long time Markham residents and are retiring to a Srs. Apt. An incredible holiday auction! Over 1,000 lots - 2 auctioneers selling simultaneously. China sells at 3 pm. TERMS: Cash, Visa, M/C or Interac VIEWING: 8 am. sale day only. Subject! to dele tions & additions. Not responsible for loss or mis hap occurring to the public. NOTE: Due to On Site Sales for the remainder of October, the next Auc tion of Antiques, Toys and Collectibles at the Sales Arena will be Saturday, Nov. 2. Call for full faxed I * GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc.) Sunderland: 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free: 1-800-654-4647 / -- WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques and collectables for S. WEEKES of Toron- to, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., comer of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: Oak dresser w/mirror, oak childs desk, bedroom suite, office desk, box spring and mat- tress, chesterfield and chair, trunks, coffee and end tables, lamps, prints, Royal Doulton Toby mug, books, collectables, glass- ware, jewellery, Winch- ester .22 Cooey, Snap-On dart board, Snap-On creeper, 10 ton floor jack, 24" adjustable wrench, stand, H.D. battery charg- er, magnetic engine lamp, Pinion Shim selector, plus many other interesting items Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. - 905- 985-1068. wv WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9 SALE TIME: 4:45P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques and collectables for the estate of L. LAROCHE of Toronto, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., comer of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: 3 pc. Jacques and Hayes settee set, immaculate 5 pc. walnut bedroom suite, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, ant. refinished wheelbarrow scales (ex.), Grandfather clock, Hoosier cupboard, drop front ball and claw foot secretary, 2 harp side tables, carved Chinese trunk, lingerie chest, what- not, single drawer lamp table, blanket boxes, 4 ham back chairs, oak buf- fet, brass music stand, fancy tables and shelves, Curio cabinet with plate rail, old hats, 2 pc. Moor- croft, regulator clock w/music box, 1850 Flo Blue pitcher, Majalta, Blue Willow, Beswick, Doulton, 3 handle trophy mug, 3 pc. servers, 1840 Zither wi/case, 1910 brass baro- graph, steam pressure device, amber rummer, postcard album, Robert Gagen water color, J. Cole (large oil w/animals), Thomas Garside (oil), Marion Scott etching, Howard Atkinson (oil 20x24 see API), Cock- shutt print, R. Farber heli- copter, miniature oil lamp collection including ban- quet, sunlight, improved banner, skaters, nutmeg, milk glass, Cobalt blue, floral china, green, little butter cup, Vapo, Creso- lene, Eskimo carvings, early pedal car, silver overlay and plate pcs., miniature disc gramo- phone, needlepoint stool, 4 Austrian figurines, Royal Worchester figurines, ship 1 arm bandit, banjo, man- dolin, amethyst, Wedge- wood pcs., Doulton flambe rabbit, 75 pcs. of Corn- flower, 7 biscuit jars, Limo- ges pcs., coco set, Mary Gregory pitcher, AM bisque doll, other dolls, quantity of linen, large Quantity of jewellery from the estate including ster- ling silver, pins, broaches, Simpson's quarter century Gruen 14 kt. Curvex watch, 14 kt. pocket watch, sterling coins, Vic- torian fans, bank notes and other jewellery pcs., old pens plus many other interesting items. NOTE: Don't miss one of the highest quality autumn antique and collectable sales. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. - 905- 985-1068. THURSDAY, OCT. 10 SALE TIME: 12:30 FP M. PHOENIX AUCTIONS - Complete Tri Beck disper- sal for BECKETT BROS.,' UNIONVILLE, ONT. 22 Guernsey cows, 5 Jer- seys. Also selling are 35 Holstein. cows from MICHAEL ZURBRIGG, St. Mary's, Ont. 20 fresh or due in fall. This is a big strong milking herd. There will be consign- ments of open heifer, fresh and springing heifers. Note: The East- ern Showcase sale on Thursday, October 24 at 12:30 p.m. 100 deep pedigreed fancy young cows and heifers. Includ- ed are a groyp of red and white animals. Call or fax us with your consign- ments. PHOENIX AUC- TIONS, R.R. #2, Uxbridge, Ont. Barn - 905-852-6277. Home - 905-852-6936. Fax - 905- 852-0401. THANKSGIVING MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 SALE TIME: 10:00 AM. Large estate auction of quality antiques, fumiture, -china, ant. glass, collecta- bles, woodworking tools, car and more. Property of MR. AND MRS. CLIFF MOUNSEY of R.R. 1, Cameron. Contents of Century Home. Property sold. And the estate of late FRANK PORTER of Coboconk. Selling at the MABEE AUCTION CEN- TRE on Hwy. 35, 1 mile north of Rosedale. Includ- ing - (Parital list only). ANT. FURNITURE pine kitchen hutch, ant. pine dresser c/w bevelled pat- - tern mirror, 6 pc. walnut dining room suite c/w china cabinet, ant. maple large bureau bookcase, ant. refinished flat grain scale, ant. Woodstock buggy seat, ant. press- back chairs, maple Har- vest type table, games table, old beds, ant. jam cupboard (painted), ant. pine wood box, oval maple lamp table, ant. pine Deacon bench, wardrobes, nursery rock- er, ant. pine pub bench, old rugs, old elect. icebox. CHINA, GLASS AND COLLECTABLES - 8 place setting of Limoge dinnerware, B & C France, gold trim, Aladin pattern (77 pes.) 2 pes. cande- labra set, end of day vase, Royal Doulton, fine china cups and saucers, Coal- port, amber glass, Depres- sion, collection of oil lamps, brass fireplace set (duck heads), old toy clown (battery), old radio, Primiative tools and quilts, crockery, jewellery, gold, 90 pcs. of Limoge gold crust pattern. WORK- SHOP TOOLS - 1/2" floor model drill press, Rockwell Beaver saw, 3 spd. bench bandsaw, 6" jointer wood planner, Stihl chainsaw, B & D Workmate router, belt and power sander and hand tools. Many excel- lent tools, Canadian snow- blower - 8 HP. (elect. start), gas Weedeater. ESTATE CAR: 1984 Ford LTD Crown Victoria - 4 door. APPLIANCES AND MISC. - Air conditioner, dehumidifier, chest freezer (like new), washer and dryer, color portable TV, VCR, loveseat and chair, coffee and end table, lots of useful household items. Don't miss this one. Lunch available. No reserve. Cash only. CALVIN MABEE AUC- TIONS, MOVING AND STORAGE, RB. #1, Lind- say - 705-374-4800 or 454-2841. THURSDAY, OCT. 24 SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M. Auction sale at the ISLANDER BANQUET "HALL, Scugog Island. Appliances, antiques and more. wel- come to this sale. PEARCE AUCTION SER- VICES - 1-905-655-8073. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. VIEWING: 9:00 A.M. OUTSTANDING THANKSGIVING SUN- DAY sale at MAC- GREGOR'S AUCTION HALL, Bowmanville. Antique, collectable and rare lighters. Take 401 to Waverly Rd., north to #2 Hwy., east to Scugog St. and north 1 km. Our Holi- day Auction features an exceptional offering of antiques, refinished and as found condition, plus rare and collecta- bles from days gone by. Hoosier cupboard (com- plete), 6' pine Harvest table w/drawer, misc. dressers and chests of drawers (Highboys, Cot-- tage chests, Lowboy, etc.), Eastlake parlour seal, Victorian settee set, washstands, chairs and rockers (pressbacks, set of 5 and 6, 10 Cottage chairs, Habitat, parlour, oak, etc.), misc. tables (round oak tilt top, 2 large kitchen tables, occasional, * parlour, etc.), hall stand, blanket boxes, steamer trunks, 5 section stacking bookcase, oak icebox, library desk, 3 old bench- es - 10' and 12', kitchen woodstove, mantle and Gingerbread clocks, game boards, medicine chests, quilts, spinning wheel, oil Tamps, milk cans, old pic- tures, doors, ashtrays, kitchen collectables, crocks and jugs,coins and jewellery, quality selection of glass and china, signed Kelva dresser jar, Depres- sion, Coalport, dishes, cups and saucers, efc., exceptional collection of over 500 rare and unique lighters from 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, plus many more exceptional pcs. This should prove to be one of the highlight auc- tions of the year, must attend event for one and all. Note: 10:30 a.m. start time. Selling coins, jew- ellery and misc. box lots first, 11:00 a.m. sharp - lighter collection, followed at approx. noon by antiques and collectables. Terms: Visa, M/C, cash, cheque, Interac. Call for all your auction needs. Next auctions: Next Sun- day, October 20, real estate auction - October 26, Sunday, October 27. MACGREGOR AUCTION SERVICES, Mike Mac- Gregor - 905-987-5402, 905-987-3664. CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES 'PORT PERRY STAR' MONDAY - 12 NOON 'WEEKEND STAR® WEDNESDAY - 10 AM BEE DIREC DRIVEWAY SEALING 1 or Service | in this column. ~ MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES : Lawn Tractors, Mowers Trimmers, SALES & SERVICE New & Used Motors & Equipment MOTORCYCLES - Street & Dirt, Helmets, Gloves, : + Accessories and Repairs Licenced Motorcycle Mechanic Motor Vehicle Inspection Station Master Service Technician - Briggs & Stratton Authorized Service Dealer for: Briggs & Stratton, Techumseh, Honda, McCulloch, Poulan Pro, Weed Eater, Murray, Noma, (or EL (ELEN SITLL TR [Tol 5 IVET 8 MTD, Kohler, Partner Pioneer PAINTING Kangas Farting & Wallpaperig 4 Our jobs are done the old-fashioned way - with Pride" y Interior & Exterior « Residential & Commercial & DRAPERY SERVI Come Visit Our Showroom « Sklar-Peppler Dealer ~ specializing in * Quality Fabrics : ¥ * Replacement Foam * Repairs FREE ESTIMATES OVER 25 YRS. EXP. Recover or Buy New 60 Vanedward Dri Unit 8, Port Perry