"Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" N SY v 3 & 3 et thes BG From idea to implementation e area businesses help you with all your home and garden needs this spring. Be careful when using pesticides Be sure to protect water supply Clean, safe water is any community's greatest nat- ural resource. Protecting this supply must be every- one's responsibility. Be- cause drinking water is a vital resource, we all need to be alert to ways in which we might personal- ly prevent either the con- tamination or wasteful use of this valuable re- source. Streams, rivers or other surface water sources can be contaminated by house- hold hazardous wastes, toxins such as cleaning products, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers. Disposing of unwanted chemicals down house- hold, commercial and in- dustrial drains, or down storm sewers in streets or roadways, can have a seri- ous impact on waste water treatment facilities, and on aquatic ecosystems. Surface water contami- 'nation may also result from the excessive appli- cation of outdoor chemi- cals, like pesticides and When these chemicals are applied on slopes, rainwa- ter and snowmelt runoff can flush the excess direct- ly into receiving streams. Port Perry is fortunate to be located so close to one of Ontario's largest natu- ral water filters. Almost all of Port Perry's water supply is affected by the Oak Ridges Moraine. The Oak Ridges Moraine is di- rectly or indirectly in- volved in Port Perry's southern and southeast- ern water supply. The Mo- south of Port Perry and al- lows surface water to filter through its permeable soils where it reaches the water table, becoming ground water. The Non- quon River and Lake Scu- gog Watersheds provide the remaining ground and surface water for the area. Watch out for UFOs Seen any UFOs lately? I'm taking about "Unwant- ed Flying Objects"-- branches, twigs, stones, pine cones, tools or toys that could be potential mowing and safety hazards. By taking a few extra minutes to survey your lawn and remove any UFOs, you could save an expensive trip to a dealer- ship or repair shop or, worse yet, a visit to the doctor. If twigs, leaves or other debris clog your mowers discharge chute, turn off your mower immediately. With a walk-behind mower, be sure to discon- nect the spark plug wire to keep the engine from restarting if you acciden- tally turn the blade while examining the mowing chamber. With a riding mower, turn the ignition key to "off." In either case, don't touch the hot engine or exhaust surfaces and care- fully use a stick or tool to dislodge the debris. Never use your hands or feet to clear a clog. Fill, level and cover any low spots or depressions in your lawn that could turn an ankle. Also, be sure to navigate safely on slopes. Mow across slopes in your yard if your using a walk-behind mower. If you were to slip and fall, your mower would be less likely to roll on top of you. Do the opposite with a riding mower: Mow up and down slopes for greatly stability. Hills too steep to mow safely shouldn't be mowed at all. Add a decorative ground cover or plant the area in native wildflowers. EE ASK I ILI To[efo hoid hazardous wastes, (m (®R EN = =] el SS SN plas SCH OPENING THURS. MAY 1+ HUGE ASSORTMENT of 10" Your Choice varieties to choose Flowering ony | 32 Yar 0 Baskets or Only 275% or Wall Bags LARGE SELECTION OF PANSIES & VIOLAS You won't be Hotner Greenhouses disappointed with Hwy. 12 North of Brooklin our quality or our Open 7 days a week selection! 66 fertilizers, on landscapes. accord 5 4900 ALSO ... Soffit, Seamless Eavestroughing, Shutters & A complete Line of Metal Siding The Perfect Balance Buchner Price Quality "iL Manufacturing 30004 Hwy. 48, PEFFERLAW 705-437-1734 599 Steven Court, NEWMARKET 905-836-1033 1-800-461-6455 raine is located to the VINYL SIDING T-3 white per sq. (approx. 100 sq. ft.) 99 Only NH each Xd ull)] HOTNER Brookdin A 3 | SITreesP® THINK BIG! ic) Norway Maples Huge Lilacs 80 mm (3") cal. Reg. $310.00 French Lilacs 150 cm (5) Reg. $125.00 30% QIFF Now $210" | |40% OIF Now $75 90 mm (3'.") cal. Reg. $450.00 Common Lilacs 6-8' heavy, Reg. $125.00 & up 40% OIF" Now 270% | 140% OIF Now $75 Above sale prices until May 31st. Above sale prices until June 15th. 9am - 7pm Ample Parking - s Selection, quality, prices, service - we have the best of everything. Many more in store specials. Located on NE corners of Hwys. 12 & 47 (905) 985-7667