10- PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday, May 21, 1997 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" I ETTERS 1873 302 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY PRESENTS... | Saturday, June 14th, 8pm "Saturday Night Band Stand" Featuring the 20 male voices of Showtime Saturday, July 12th, Spm Rob McConnell's "Boss Trio" Featuring Ed Bickert (guitar) & Neil Swainson (bass) Saturday, August 23rd, 8pm "The Swingin's Mutual" Featuring Caitlin Hanford with Chris Whiteleys band Tickets $20 cach including GST and Hall Improvement Charge SENN SD LUE TOR WU 5 0S) 0004 1 SIO) SIRT § (OX \S0 20): 3 1) 13(0 VO REARVI EVE RYOA WY EVRA GVA RWS 16 (6 905) 985-2635 Compare For Yourself What they stand for Throughout history, the Liberals and Tories have indulged in big government and high taxes. What we stand for The Reform Party envisions a country defined and built by its citizens rather than its government. What a difference! Reforms Fresh Start Program Liberal/PC Ao R (= 1a [v=o] ¢ Record Lower taxes after budget balanced We'll balance the budget by 1999, then provide tax relief of $2000 yearly for the average family High Taxes Since 19864, the Liberals and Tories have raised your "axes 107 times Big government 1.4 million Canadians out of work Smaller government Cut health care funding by 40% Rights for Clifford Olson More and better jobs $4 billion more to health Victims rights To the Editor: from Dean Kelly. exist. I have become aware of a letter to the editor pub- lished in the Port Perry Star on Tuesday, May 13 Mr. Kelly expressed his views regarding fencing currently being installed at the rear of his property and the properties of his neighbors. Mr. Kelly refers to an agreement made four years ago to construct a "privacy fence" at the rear of his property. Mr. Kelly is absolutely correct that this agreement did, in fact, However, as Mr. Kelly is undoubtedly aware, the partnership between our company, and our former partners, was terminated in September of 1994. Commencing immediately thereafter, a lengthy dis- pute ensued over management and control of Quorum's not involved in project Canterbury Common. Very much to our dismay our company was unsuc- cessful in gaining control and completing the project that we had originally created. Subsequent to that time, we have had no involvement in Canterbury Common whatsoever. I am sorry that the original agreement failed to be fulfilled to Mr. Kelly's satisfaction. Perhaps Mr. Kelly would be well advised to contact the current developer in an attempt to have the original agreement honored. I would be pleased to furnish the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the relevant people from Mackenzie M.E.F. Management Inc. Mark Dawson, President, Quorum Development Corp. Regatta needs community support 'To the Editor: Our family bought a cot- tage in Caesarea in 1976. Our father, John Pearce, passed away in 1983, and as a family we still stayed as summer residents up until my mother Ruth passed away the weekend before the Regatta in 1996. After our mother passed away we carried on in her wishes to attend the 66th Regatta. It was hard but - lan Smyth Reform Candidate, Durham "When | get to Ottawa, | will work hard for the citizens of Durham, by supporting lower taxes, tougher criminal laws, more and better jobs, and equality of all provinces (No distinct society) For more information call: (905) 697-1716 Campaign Office: 1 King Street West, Bowmanville L1C 1R2 Authorized by lan Riehl, official Agent for lan Smyth REFORM i: we all pulled through with the strength from family and friends to help us out. The first presidents that I remember are Mr. and Mrs. Prout, and their fam- ilies helped out at the Re- gatta. I remember asking if I could help out; I had a job for the next year and the following years to come as a ticket seller, and sold more books of tickets than anyone else in Cae- sarea. Throughout the years of the Regattas the Prouts were getting older, and their children and grand- children wanted to part and go their own ways, so we had to hunt for another president to run the activi- ty. Eventually, we found an excellent president who had better ideas and changed the Regatta around to have more fun for everyone: Albert Put- sey. His wife Eileen, and Fran Binns, and I with others, formed a new com- mittee. My mother wanted the old cars to come on dis- play so she contacted the owners. Two of the win- ners were from Caesarea: Jim Grieve and Al Bryans. Another time my moth- er wanted to have the Cloggers, and she was re- sponsible to look after that event as well. There were numerous events that wouldn't have happened if there weren't outsiders to look after FINE JEWELLERY DESIGN REPAIR * Exquisite Gold, Silver 8 Diamond Jewellery * Expert Jewellery Repairs * Expert Watch & Clock Repairs * Custom Design ~ Goldsmith on Premises - Come in & see our selection of Celebrity Watches Over 100 different styles : All Priced at 3 yr. warranty ] bh -- 29% Hea gas 186 Queen Street, Port Perry (905) 985 BES CIR "E -2953 AS Sh ) * ANNUAL RATES » 1 YEAR............ 2 YEAR........ _-- 4 YEAR............ -..4.05% PPR 4.75% cenennnene 5.20% savsnaraneees 5.55% 5 YEAR.........................5.875% CASHABLE..................2.85% Rates subject to change without notice SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES A DIVISION OF CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL PLANNING LTD. 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY "Serving Scugog for Over 15 Years" PHONE 985-3832 - no Fees them. I was called out nu- merous times to help fin- ish up last minute things for the Regatta, like get- ting last minute prizes and trophies and anything else that needed to be tak- en care of. On May 4 there was a fi- nal meeting held in Cae- sarea to try and keep the Regatta going, but only 12 people showed up, and they had no interest in keeping this going. I was so sad to hear about this. I don't blame Mr. and Mrs. Putsey and Fran Binns and myself for giving up because all of us have done so much, with very little appreciation for what we have done. We feel we can't carry on with out new blood and different ideas. You cannot blame the committee for not having a Regatta carry on. It is the cottagers and full time res- idents of Caesarea who are to blame, as you wouldn't come out to help. Let's get together and have a nice Regatta for the whole community. If notin 1997 we will vow to have one in 1998, so let's get go- ing and get your ideas to- gether. Joan Pearce, Oshawa CANADIAN TIRE Watch for your weekly CANADIAN TIRE FLYER in the Port Perry Weekend Star every Friday