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Port Perry Star, 23 Sep 1997, p. 29

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PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, September 23, 1997 - 29 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 SALE TIME: 9:30 AM. Selling at LINDSAY COM- MUNITY SALE BARN. Flock dispersal of 50 Suf- folk sheep exposed to Suf- folk ram July. This is a closed flock. The property of PETER VANDEN- BURG, Blackstock. SATURDAY, SEPT. 27 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Auction sale of farm machinery, antiques and doll collection, for Mr. John Sommerville of Green- bank. Selling at the farm 1 mile west of Greenbank on Cragg Road. To include machinery: Int. 684 diesel tractor w 2250 loader, JD 2020 diesel tractor (1800 hrs), New Idea 362 manure spreader (like new), 15 ft. round bale feeder on wheels, NH 717 2 row harvester, Bad- ger forage blower (ex.), 6 sections harrows, chain harrows, 6 ft. bush hog, 12 ft. cultivator, White12 ft. double disc, New Idea side rake, Case 960 self propelled combine, Allied 32 ft. 6" auger, MF plow, 2 Martin 10 ton wagon w 20 ft. racks, cattle squeeze hoof trimming stall, 10 farm gates, 2 calf creep feeders, water troughs, Bush hog post hole dig- ger, cattle oiler, show hal- ters, 75 ft. endless belt, Honda water pump, wag- ~ onload, 1984 certified Buick LeSabre (mint); Antiques: Pine blanket box, washstand, games table, flatback bottom, Northem Electric wall tele- phone, 2 wardrobes, foot stool, ant. gunstdack chairs, ant. wicker baby carriage, 3 christening gowns, foot stool, baby's chair, wood- en pail, large Crown Devon toilet set, ant. accordian, hand carved paper holder, clock shelf, floor lamp, old radio, crocks, crosscut saw, Fair- banks scales, old picture frames, ice tongs, copper boiler, milk and cream cans, rare large alley (1800s) w silver rabbit inside found in wall of house; Doll collection: . Eaton Beauty doll (1 of 500 ever made), 7 Yolan- da Bello dolls (Natasha, Michael, Sarah, Matthew, Chen, Amanda and Jessi- -ca), twin Cabbage Patch Kids, porcelain dolls, (all dolls selling with certifi- cates), 3 glass doll display cabinets, plus many other fascinating items. Note: The Sommervilles have sold their century farm. All items have been well cared for and are in exceptional condition. Don't miss this opportunity to purchase these rare finds. Owner and auction- eer not responsible for any loss, injury or theft incurred on day of sale. Lunch available. Terms: Cash, Visa, M/C, or Inter- ac. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905- 985-1068. FRIDAY, SEPT. 26 SALE TIME: 1 PM. Special stocker sale at LINDSAY COMMUNITY SALE BARN. Selling calves, yearlings and short keep stockers. Stockers sell approx. 1 p.m. Carl Hickson 705-324-9959, Sale Barn 705-324-2774, Amot R. Wotten 905-263- SATURDAY, SE SALE TIME AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Tools, Lumber and Rifles for the ESTATE of JOHN WRIGHT, of Sunderland TATE of Cookstown, held at the Phoenix Sales Arena, Uxbridge. Hwy. #12 north to Hwy. #47. Go west to Uxbridge. Watch for signs. FARM EQUIPMENT: M.H. 44 DS diesel tractor Cock- shutt 70 tractor, M.F. #65 diesel tractor, M.F. 1085 diesel tractor, (cab, 90 hp. 16.9 x 38 new tires), Ford 3000 gas trac- tor (p.s., 696 hrs., ex.), Farmall C rowcrop tractor with loader, 1936 Waterloo Tractor (ex.), Ford 4400 Industrial Tractor with 135 Idr (Selectomat- ic, 386 hrs., ex.), Case steel wheel crank tractor, M.F. TEA Tractor, Kubota (4 wd, loader, excellent shape), Tri-Axle 18' trail- er, utility trailers, Mark V Simms cab, Sedore loader, Vicon discbine Mod. KM321, 16' winged rowcrop cult, N.H. #354 feed grinder mixer, Kvernland 6 x 18 Mod. SNR semi mount plow, - N.H. 450 sickle mower, M.H. 20A seed drill, 2 fur. plows, Int. gang plow, gang mowers, 3 pth. tiller 6', 8' cult., qty. hay elevators, hay wagons, M.F. sq. baler, grain auger, diamond harrows, potato planter, cutting box, turnip drill, McLaugh- lin cutter with stencil, Waterloo Mfg. #366 grain stencil, fanning mills (stencilled), 2 ant. Hit & Miss engines plus more. including 1g. qty. electrical wire, qty. plumbing hardware, hand, garden, chanics tools, Ig. qty. GRAY TOOLS, Gray sock- ets, ratchets, wrenches, torque wrenches, acety- lene torches, air drills, belt sanders, rigid pipe threader, 4' metal brake, Denison multi-press, Wallop Turner drill press, lathe tools, shop manu- als, electric welder, jig saw, new Sabre saw, band saw, table saw, 10" radial arm saw on stand (new), jig saw, air chisel, socket sets, 3' wood lathe, moulding planes, bench grinder, tap & dye set Blue Point, Ford BTC 70B power washer, air compressor, sandblaster, cement mixer, paint tank, anvil, qty. gal. steel, bag cart, horse collars, bear claw, drafting table, tool box- es, qty. drill bits, qty. elec. motors, wood splitter, chain saws, qty. ready racking, qty. hardware, - draw knives, old wooden pulleys, chains, 5 ton chain fall & more. LUMBER, VEHICLES & MISC.: Lg. qty. oak lumber, 800+ board feet 1" . oak lumber, 30 pcs. 2x6 red oak lumber, ash lumber (approx. 380 board ft. 7-10' long), barn beams, qty. T bar posts, Ford 120 Lawn Tractor, Bolens riding mower, MTD snowblower 5 hp., Noma elec. snow shovel, rototiller, Rifles (FAC req'd), 1988 Jeep Comanche 4x4, 1930 Chev. 1 ton truck, Chev basket car (parts only), plus much more. NOTE: An outstanding selection of Tools and Equipment for the Farmer or Handy- man. TERMS: Cash, Interac, Visa or M/C. View- ing: 4-6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 26. GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc.) Sunderland: 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free: 1-800-654-4647 PTEMBER 27 :10 AM. and METCALFE ES- 2188 hrs., multi power B6000 compact diesel TOOLS: Extra Ig. qty. power tools and me- FRIDAY, SEPT. 26 SALE TIME: 5 P.M. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN, 3 miles east of Lit- tle Britain on County Rd. 4. Refinished Hoosier cup- board, walnut chest of drawers, marble top dresser, oak rocking chair, floor lamps, fiat top trunks, modem dressers & chests of drawers, walnut coffee & end tables, wicker fem stand, 2 door refrigerators, Maytag washer & dryer, qty. - wooden kitchen chairs, coal oil lamps, . crocks, blanket box, round maple pedestal table, trea- dle sewing machine, din- ing room extension table, chesterfields & matching chair, 4 pc. modem bed- room suite, parlour tables, pine chesterfield & chair, grain cradles, antique sin- gle potato plough, Comet arc welder, light farm sleighs, wooden wheel farm wagon, metal garden dump trailer, plus a qty. china, glass, household & collectable items. Don & Greg Comeil auctioneers, R.R.1, Little Britain 705- SATURDAY, SEPT. 27 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Auction sale, the property of ELLA and the late JIM ANDREWS of Janetville. Furniture, tools and real estate. Hwy 35 south of Lindsay to County Road 57, turn west, go 1-1/2 miles or 7A to County Road 5, 1 mile north of Janetville. REAL ESTATE: Lot 6, Conc 14, Manvers Township-Lot 132' x 165, 1340 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms plus 11' x 13' sanroom, converted school house, 3 pc. bathroom, electric fur- nace, 200 amp; 2 patio decks, fireplace, 1000 gal. cistern, brick and vinyl sid- ing, taxes, $1,400 year, basement, 2 car detached garage 20' x 40', 8 years old. Property auction at 1 p.m. Terms of real estate: $5,000 day of sale, bal- ance in 30 days. Low reserve. Viewing by appointment only. 8 pc. dining room set, 3 pc. oak bedroom suite and armoire, mahogany bed- room set, 5 pc. rattan set, wicker set, cast and cement patio sets, bar fridge, freezer, apt. size washer and dryer (like new), built-in dishwasher, like new, sauna unit (like new), new hardwood floor- ing, 3 snowmobiles, Marlin 22 gun, scaffold on wheels, arc welders 195 and 50 amps, rototiller, lawnmower, iarge'selec- tion of tools, drinking foun- tain, loveseat, many more items. BRUCE KELLETT 705-328-2185. SATURDAY, SEPT. 27 SALE TIME:10 A.M. Auction of surplus equip- ment KAWARTHA CON- SUMERS CO-OPERA- TIVE INC., Lindsay, cor- - ner of Hwys. 7 and 35. 1984 International S1900 single axle tilt bed 18', International single axle float with fertilizer spreader box, 1988 International single axle Walinga 14' box with sucker/blower, 1988 International single axle Eloquip 14' box with suckerblower, 14 Eloquip fibreglass side feed box, Tyler C200 conveyor 30', Avery platform scale 5,000 Ibs., MF tractor forklift, Clarke forklift, two Bum- stead mixers, round bale acid sprayer, asst. used tools, chemical pumps and meters, dairy chemi- cals, asst. bags forage seed and seed grain. Par- tial list. Special terms, cash/Visa/Master- card/Interac/certified cheque only. Payment in full before removal of any items purchased. No reserves. No buyers pre- mium. For information please call 705-374-5511 or 705-374-4852. JIM MACMILLAN, auctioneer. SATURDAY, SEPT. 27 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. At Estate of JOHN SHIER, Gamebridge - East off Hwy. #12 on Hwy. #48, 2 miles to first road north, Old Thorah Rd. - Real Estate - 33 acre farm, house & barn on Trent Canal. Call now for flyer or to view. Don't miss this excellent opportunity. Antique furniture, appli- ances, collectibles, 1994 Ford F150XL pick up truck, only 43,000 km, 14 HP riding lawn tractor, self-propelled: lawn mower, Tempest power wheelchair, glass, china. Sale 10 a.m, real estate 1 p.m. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS 705-324-2783 Orval & Barry McLean auctioneers 1-800-461- 6499, call now to list your sale. SATURDAY, SEPT. 27 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Auction sale of RVs, trucks, cars, (estate vehi- cles, tractors, boats, trail- ers, guns, tools and equip.) Annual fall con- signment to be held at the CALVIN MABEE AUC- TION CENTRE on Hwy. 35, 1 mile north of Rosedale or 7 km. south of Coboconk. Special fea- ture of (2) estate cars of the late CECIL SNOD- DON of Sunderland, 1993 Cadillac DeVille touring sedan, mint condition, cert. only 97,000 km, gold trim ext. warranty & extras; also 1989 Coupe DeVille 4 door loaded Dusty Rose high km. very well main- tained, cert.; also (four) estate vehicles of late LLOYD BROUGHAM of Coboconk, 1957 Chev dump truck, single axle; 1985 Olds 2 dr. car, 1979 Chev 1/2 ton V8, auto; 1948 Ford Ferguson gas tractcr c/w 3 PTH, 28' RV Prowler 5th wheel tandem travel trailer, roof air, sleeps 6, very clean; 1985 Ford Crown Victoria, 4 dr. loaded; 1981 Pontiac Grand Prix. Many other late model trucks, 4x4, cars, boats, trailers, tools & equip.; Guns: 12 guage auto; Winch- ester Model 12 pump, 303/22/shot guns & many others. To consign call CALVIN MABEE AUC- TIONS 705-374-4800 or 705 as4:2841 or bring Yo m. SRY NEN -- SUNDAY, SEPT. 28 SALE TIME: 10:30. A.M. Auction sale, fumiture, col- lectables, household effects, sports cards and coins, MacGREGOR AUCTION CENTRE, 182 Wellington St., Bow- manville, 401 to Waverly Rd., north to #2 Hwy., east to Scugog St. & north 1 km. Viewing 9 a.m. Sun- day's auction features a varied selection of articles. Custom oak table & 6 oak chairs, wall unit, modem dining room set, Deacon's bench, misc. parlour tables, chairs & rockers, dressers, washstand, couch, pictures, glass & china, household collecta- bles, parlour chairs, 2 arcade games, old coins & paper money, sports cards & memorabilia. Auc- tion includes articles from the past to the present. Note: sports cards sell first at 10:30 followed by old coins. (Next auction Sun- day, Oct. 5, Oshawa Estate). Call for all your auction needs. MacGRE- GOR AUCTION & APPRAISAL SERVICES, Mike MacGregor 905-987- 5402, 905-623-7949. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques and collectables from a Sunderland home, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., comer of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: Hoosier cup- board (ex.), 7 pc. walnut dining room suite, oak buf- fet with bevelled mirror, maple low boy, mahogany Gibbard buffet and antique wicker rocking chair, antique tables, lay back chair, oak dresser, small corner cupboard, oak chairs, tulip table lamp, wrought iron table and chairs, qu. of Indian brass, large qu. of collectables and glassware including 29 old cups and saucers, Occupied Japan pcs., screen door, tapestry pcs., talking doll, 2 Coke bears, silver pcs., toy tin stove and fridge, cow bank, large qu. of old toys including bubble blowing Popeye, Arco Pail, ele- phant on drums, monkey on guitar, Enviro Tec com pellet stove {like new), plus many other interest- ing and quality items. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques and collectables for OWEN McCARTHY of Nestleton, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., comer of Hwy. 47 and 12. To include: Sklar Pepplar bed chesterfield (silver blue), Zenith con- sole colour T.V. (ex.), rockers, ant. harvest table, 5 pc. kitchen suite, cedar chest, 4 wicker chairs, 2 wicker loveseats, 2 wicker tables, bookcase, wall unit, chest of drawers, sewing cabinet, 4 pc. bed- room suite, kitchenware, large quantity of glass- ware and collectables, weedeater, fogger, table . saw, garden tools, Lawn- boy lawnmower plus many other quality items. Note: home sold. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068. PORT PERRY STAR'! CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES MONDAY - 12 NOON EVERY WEDNESDAY START: 6 P.M. VIEW: ALL DAY OF SALE Antique auction, KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS, 2699 Brock Road, Picker- ing, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit 399). Featuring approx. 350 lots of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, hanging lights, lamps, Limited Edition prints and others arriving daily. Terms: cash, cheques, M/C, Visa, Interac. Randy Potter auctioneer. Estates and Consignments our 0041, fax 905-576-2267. @he oul Povey Sta | Publishing Twice A Week Tuesday and Friday with a combined pressrun of more than 21,000 Copies Weekly | | For further information | (905) 985-7383 "It Pays To Advertise... Advertise Where It Pays" PORT PERRY STAR & WEEKEND STAR Report from Epsom and Utica Fall corn roast, get together is Sunday By Vera Brown Church service.this week will be held in Epsom at 9:30 a.m. which will be followed by the Sunday School's Fall get-together of a corn roast and hot dogs to which all are welcome. I have been asked to men- tion that if anyone wishes to place an order from the Regal catalogue for the U.C.W., please contact Elva Kerry by the end of September. There will be another order in later in the year for those who want Christmas items. Choir practice this week will be held on Thursday, Sept. 25 at 8 p.m. at the Sobil home. A reminder that Utica Daycare is collecting Canadian Tire money and boxes have been placed in both Epsom and Utica Churches for anyone wishing to donate. I understand that they have already been able to purchase some much need- ed items with donations. This Saturday, Sept. 27 York Presbytery are holding a fundraiser event at the Ball Park off Durham Rd. 21 in Goodwood from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for anyone who would be interested in drop- ping in for a social time. There will be hot dogs, refreshments etc. and a train ride on the Heritage Train from Goodwood to Stouffville. A reminder of the Epsom Public School curriculum night and barbecue next Monday, Sept. 29 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Anyone inter- ested is invited to attend. A reminder also to those of you who purchased auc- tion items at the Epsom Indy, please call the donor and make use of the service. I understand that several of the donors have not had any- one get in touch with them as yet. Recent visitors with Ruth Ashton were son Allan and wife Joyce of Oakwood, granddaughter Sandra Ludyka and children of Mount Pleasant. Keith, Faye and Ruth Ashton were Sunday supper guests with the Ludyka family in their new home. Congratulations to Allen and Norine Card on the arrival of their very first great-grandchild, Brandon Michael is the son of Robin and Michael Heggie of Scugog Island and was born on Thursday, Sept. 18 at Port Perry. Congratulations also to grandparents Diane and Eric Benns. Pete and Georgina Sutcliffe and boys enter- tained several family mem- bers of Kathy and Nelson Nicholson following the bap- tism of their son Tyson on Sunday which was held in Utica Church. Tuesday afternoon bowling Tuesday Afternoon Ladies - Sept. 16 | Standings: Lilacs 12, Sumacks 9, Willows 7, Magnolias 7, Maples 5, Birches 2. High Average: Elaine Taylor 184, Dorothy Gibson 178, Lynn Loughlin 176, Marnie Rossitis 176, Kacey Harper 171. High Single Flat: Marnie Rossitis 213, Elaine Taylor 202, Linda Colbary 202, Wilma Lynde 200. High Single Handicap: Linda Colbary 262, Joan Fleming 249, Marnie Rossitis 243, Louise Penstone 243. High Triple Flat: Marnie Rossitis 549, Elaine Taylor 547, Linda Colbary 531. High Triple Hamdicap: Linda Colbary 711, Joan Fleming 675, Mabel Allen 641. RoR ARN PT En a rT DT ST dt roll

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