"Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" ESTATE Notice Notice FALL IS A GREAT TIME for family portraits. Call Mike Tobin Photography. 985-7725. GEORGE'S GUITAR SHOP, fine handmade instruments. Quality repairs on all stringed WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS For Help Call THE DENISE HOUSE (Formery Auberge) For Women 8 Chidren Toll Free - 1-800-263-3725 Confidentiality assured 728-7311 REFLECTIONS resumes with a Thanksgiving Theme, Tuesday, October 7 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Emmanuel Pentecostal Church. All ladies wel- come. Babysitting provid- ed. Notice instruments. Authorized C.F. Martin service centre. Instruments bought and sold. 905-985-1057. $179,900 This super sidesplit offers 4+1 bedrooms. Located just minutes from town, yet offers all the Sera of country living and is situated on ° large lot.. Gorgeous, huge REMBX country kitchen over- REFLE looking comfy family room. REALTY INC. Call today for more details. 434-5222 Glenda Maiden, Sales Rep. Ww F Ek. VALERIE RAY KAREN EDEN* NORTHEY* NORTHEY* CASTEELS* C.T. N"T LAST" Thanks to St. Jude and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. May The Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the sick, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. This prayer has never failed and your prayers will be answered. Publication must be promised. NEW LISTING - $139,900 Older 3 bedroom, storey & 1/2 in small town of Enniskillen. Large entry, main floor + oil HWT, 2 storage sheds on large lot. Call Ellen Leslie to view! 985-4300 - 24 hr. paging. laundry, large double detached garage, new windows & doors, high eff. oil furnace BRENDA L. JOHN PHILLIPS* "MARK PUCKRIN* ..AT YOUR - HOUSE? It's time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess. She will bring congratulations and gifts for the family and the NEW BABY! Notice MERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (905) 985-7306 193 Queen, Port Perry, Ont. LOL 1B9 SES ORIGINAL PORT 5 THE Lake Scugog Historical | ] | > BLACKSTOCK CO-OP : Perri MUSSER! SCHOOL | Sn . proudly presents "Two For : Fion, Senda), Salunday, The Show", Saturday, The York ot, 10am 10 4 October 18, 8 p.m., Black: Durham BI yoy vill iy stock Recreation Centre, Heritage luncheon ey Girl Guides $10 per parson. For infor- Rail and Brownies, sponsor of ation call Tammy 985- allway Thursday, October 4 Information & Presentation at the Head Church on the Museum Grounds Port Perry Food Bank. For information call 985-9602. THANKSGIVING BEEF DINNER, Yelverton United YARD and BAKE SALE, Church. Monday. Oct. 13 7:30pm sharp Bums Church, Ashburn, 0 "3.30 hy Adults. | Saturday, October 6 Saturday, October 4,9 ¢40 under 12-$5 nae 3 fhe York Duran a.m.-2 p.m. Call 655-4825. : ' F0 hiSLVRY. URginning in preschool free. Uxbridge at 9:00am, a pleasant leisurely ride to Goodwood and St. James, Vroomanton United Church Siohizville, seri jn the : Special Rat 143rd Anniversar y SEATS STILL AVAILABLE on October 5 at 11:00 am Corponls io Vsonine willke arranged at the Thursday information meeting. . The Museum 985-3589 Mavis Brodie 985-4048 Paul Arculus 985-3658 with The Very Rev. Bruce McLeod (former moderator) Special Music * Refreshments & Social Time to follow. Info: 357-3843 GRANT MORGAN* GREENBANK Neat 3+1 bedroom brick home with full finished basement, oversized garage, great view over rolling countryside. Asking $169,900. ARK PUCKRIN - 985-4427 MARK PUCKRIN* : 985-4427 GRANT (fe a{er : oR ROOMY COMFORT In lake side community 12 minutes from Port, 3 spacious - bdrms., ceramic & hardwood firs., 1 pe. ensuite bath, perfect condi- tion, asking $159,900. Call Soon! NEW TO THE MARKET 70 acre farm close to Port Perry, 4 bdrm. home with main fir. fam. & laundry workshop 30'x115'. Listed at $174,900. See it today! rooms, GRANT MORGAN - 085-4427 GRANT MORGAN - 985-4427 COUNTRY HOME 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms t addi- BUILDING LOTS * 85' x 114' just east of Port Pe . A steal at $18,900 : * 70' x 326' north side of Lake Scugog. Only $29,900 GRANT MORGAN 985-4427 CATHY AYOTTE* SHIRLEY COWLE* JOHN TAIT* TONY MACIVER* LATREILLE** THINKING OF SELLING? WATERFRONT, PORT PERRY Like New! 3 bedrooms, larg 985-4427 (24 hr. Pager). | have purchas- in kitchen, livi & Please contact Mark Puckrin at ers looking for rural, waterfront, town and farm properties. Your inquiries will be kept confidential. MARK PUCKRIN - 985-4427 IN TOWN EXTRA LARGE LOT 4 bdrm. home with lots of charm, 3 baths, large new kit. with w/o, fam- ily room, games room, fec. room inspect. with w/o. Please RAY NORTHEY * Toronto . 416-428-1332 Port Perry 985-4427 Oshawa 404-8247 PORT PERRY COTTAGE 2 bedrooms, large deck, vinyl exterior, lots of windows, cute & cozy, eat-in kitchen, fantastic view, access to lake, Lots of potential: $104,900. KAREN & RAY NORTHEY 416-428-1332 Port Perry 985-4427 Oshawa 404-8247