"Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" 1 9) It's not that bad! Happy Birthday Elmer Love Bugsy BD YAN"d Happy PPP Birthday Now. 16 Grampa Love Christina Valerie Watts Gary & Linda Watts are proud to announce the graduation of their daughter Valerie with a Master of Science degree (in mathematics) on Oct. 31, 1997 from Queen's University, Kingston. Valerie, a graduate of Port Perry High School & Sir Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, has returned to Queen's University-with the | | \ hope of obtaining her Ph.D. BIRTHDAY Sweet 16 "Wits" Love Mom, Dad, Sandra, 2 7 Mark, Mike & Bennie BIRTHDAY " Happy Sweet 16 Lisa Lots of love Mom, Paul, Kenton, Amanda, Gar & Clare BIRTHDAY November 14 Sweet 16 Sonya Keep smilin' sweet-face Love from your family X0 X0 X0 2000 TOT Individuals, groups can 'adopt' a needy family Food bank prepares for holidays With the holiday sea- son quickly approaching, organizers at the local food bank are working to ensure the area's needy have a Merry Christmas. Operation Scugog will try to provide Christmas hampers to all of the needy families across Scugog Township, said volunteer Ann Wanninkhof. And the food bank is asking the community to adopt a family this holiday sea- son. Applications for receiving a basket from the local food bank can be picked up at the Operation Scugog food bank -- located at the Scout Hall on Simcoe St., north of Port Perry -- or from Social Assistance caseworkers, says Ms Wanninkhof. "For those in need of a Christmas basket, we ask that you fill fill out an application for one. It's PORT PERRY STAR strictly confidential," she said. Any individual or group wishing to adopt a family will be given a sheet with a code num- ber, the ages and sizes of the children and confir- mation if there is a moth- er, father, or both, Mrs. Wanninkhof explained last week. Adopting a family also involves providing the fixings for a Christmas dinner for the family, the food bank organizer adds. "We'll give each family a voucher to buy a turkey ed," she said, pointing out that 157 local fami- lies enjoyed Christmas last year thanks to the generosity of others. Hampers will be avail- able for pick-up at the Victory Christian Centre. Organizers also ask that gifts to children not be wrapped. A preliminary list of needy families will be ready by mid- November. "We just want to make sure than everyone has a good holiday. I just can't say no to people in need, so we're here to help," (ROSWORD 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 " 27 28 29 [30 [31 32 |33 |34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 51 |52 |53 54 55 56 57 |58 59 |60 61 62 63 64 65 ACROSS 51. Bronze medals 28. Hold back 1. Hord 54. Dover's state 29. Golfer's bane 5 or Be 56. Icicle holder 30. Geologic time hy Sustioner 57. Type of bikini divisions by ad pol 59. Heron's kin 31. Saynoto gl "we y: 60. Preholiday nights 32. Dietary taboos hy he Co 61. Poet Lizette 33. Monumental 1% Rekey ingredient Woodworth 34. Villain's look . RWSPRF or 62. Mass 35. Sites for studs " fatagrop 63. Interlock 38. Needlework hanging boy a Si 2 64. Affirmative votes 39. Baker's shortcut 20. a uc 65. Howard and Follett 41. Went fast - oh Unga 42. Titus's threads " : ibschp n DOWN 44. From scratch . rgyman oo . 45. Protrusions 24. Sold-out sign 1. What nitpickers split 47. Dim-witted 25. Ending for Brooklyn 2. Water animal 48. Lombard's spouse or Vietnam 3. Shorthand, for short 49. Pursuer of the 26. Hosiery fiber, once 4. Like Shakespeare's Pleiades 27. Tom or bob follower Katharina, eventually 50. Exams 28. Abhorred 5. Hockey point 51. Pour 32. Lawbreaker 6. Porcupine quill 52. Own 35. Irrigation ridge 7. Hong 53. Currier and 36. Fish delicacy 8. Squeeze by 54. Bucks' mates 37. Imitated 9. Works on the second gg. Candle part 38. Schieps draft 58. Before haw 39. Thomas or Horace 10. Trousers 40. Even the score 11. Droop 41. Ottoman's weapon 12. Shooting needs, for 42. Squiffed short 43. Feisty fighter 13. My Favorite ____ 45. TaRe on Sugar Ray (O'Toole film) Leonard 21. Withdraw gradually 46. Professional charges 23. Part of a Civil War 47. Made a hole signature 48. Peggy Sue ___ 26. Disjoint Married 27. Fishcake fish Port Perry Star Crossword Sponsored By A 1575 Hwy. 7A « Port Perry i ! PORT py pid ceed LURK EN | FREE MOBILE SERVICE WINDSHIELD? | FORREPLACEMENT SECT RGR AUTOMOTIVE GLASS your deductible! With most GEVTELTE IN DERIEER Serving Port , Undbridge an pat riage and said Mrs. Wanninkhof. Anyone wishing to lend a hand can call Ann Wanninkhof at 985-7271 or Kathy Foster at 985- 4304. at a local grocery store, and if people want to include a few treats for the family or a non-per- ishable food item for Operation Scugog, that would also be appreciat- Youth is charged in theft Durham Police have charged a 16-year-old Saintfield youth after an investigation into a Oct. 15 theft. The youth was charged with possession under $5,000 after an investigation into a Stephenson Point Rd. burglary, police said. During the break-in a large amount of older Canadian currency was taken. Police credit two Scugog Township busi- nesses for helping them after they called police after a young man had used the bills to make purchases. Some of the currency was returned to the victim. DURHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES Suzanne Doupe Psychotherapist Support Counselling & Psychotherapy Services include: ° trauma recovery * family difficulties ° children & teens * addiction (905) 985-2593 NGUEIELY" TIRE WE WISH TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING IN OUR CURRENT "SHOP EARLY AND SAVE" Flyer. Page 8: The illustration should be transposed for binoculars, item 10, 76-1009-6 and item 12, 76-1061-8. Page 9: There are no boys' 8-16, 2-pc snowsuits, only 1-p¢ snowsuits are available. Page 26: Revitalizer cushion, 32-1470-8. Copy should read: 4 massaging motors, NOT 5. "ALSO WE WISH TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING IN OUR CURRENT "GREAT GIFT IDEAS" Flyer Page 10: Scrunch'n Wear, 50-3524-6. The illustration is incorrect showing Hair Wraps'n'Braids. Page 19: Sanyo ultra-thin stereo with remote, 44-1664-0 is not available. Rainchecks will be issued. Page 27: The illustrations for item 10, Hood Repair Kit, 26-0190-6 and item 11, Survival Kit, 26-0012-2 should be transposed. WE SINCERELY REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE WE MAY HAVE CAUSED YOU. cnote345/346-97 zones: 0