"A Family Tradition for 131 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, November 25, 1997 - 13 Lieutenant Governor is on hand for ceremony Local girls recipients of award Three outstanding young women from Blackstock were honored at Queen's Park on Saturday, Nov. 1. Amanda Bradburn, Julie Obstfeld and Miranda Wyllie were pre- sented with the Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award, Young Canadians Challenge by Hilary Weston, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. were among the approxi- mately 75 recipients from Ontario honored at this prestigious ceremony. Each recipient have challenged themselves by completing a variety of tasks in a physical fitness program be it swimming, figure skating or aerobic exercise, developing a skill or hobby of their choice, a 50km two night backpacking expedition vices. The young woman have volunteered many hours in their community at Blackstock United Church as Sunday School teachers, supervised Cartwright Youth Activity Centre and assisted as Junior Leaders with the Blackstock Sparks. The recipients were joined by leaders Shirley These young women and many community ser- Turner and Jessie Gunter. tarlite Family Diner 1866 Scugog St., Port Perry Shirley Turner (left) joins Amanda Bradburn, Lt. Governor Hilary Weston, Miranda Wyllie, Julie Obstfeld, and Jessie Gunter after a special ceremony at Queen's Park honoring the local recipients of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. College starts mentor progra m A new mentoring system at Durham assess the relevance of current events College that allows senior or experi- for class purposes, preview the new enced professors to serve as mentors and upcoming material, as well as for the new or less experienced teach- coordinate testing and evaluation. | ers. The program is voluntary and will This is the first time this program help new or less familiar teachers to has come into effect, and 38 professors build their self confidence. ] have demonstrated a commitment to With the growth of this program (with coupon) (with coupon) academic excellence by signing up. . Durham College will continue to edu- 985-0025 985-0025 985-0025 The system will provide an opportu- cate its students for the real world by L_ __'Coupon valid til Nov. 30/97 | "Couponvalid til Nov. 30/97 | "Coupon valid till Nov. 30/97 | nity for professors to exchange teaching providing a sound education TURE Te ------ MON - FRI Buy Two Eat-In ] MON - SAT | Fish & Chip | | KE- Purchase A Fish & TA OUT Chip Family Pack | SP ECIAL | (Includes: 5 fish, 3 fries & 2 coleslaws) | and receive | FISH & CHIPS | | | Dinners & Receive Third One FREE FREE TWO F OR 0 NE 2 LITRE POP styles and approaches to subject matter, quality teaching. RL Meson, ¥ di , Notice to EI, Employment Trainee F " Programs, OAS and CPP Recipients r . Corpggur oF Alternative cheque distribution and claimant reporting during the postal disruption. Human Resources Development Canada has made alternative arrangements for picking-up and dropping off Employment Insurance, Employment Trainee Programs Cheques and claimant report cards during postal disruptions. Claimants may pick up their cheques and return their bi-weekly report cards through the HRDC cheque distribution centre. Clients should telephone 905-725-6585, 416-730-1211 or 1-800-206-7218 to confirm that their cheque has been issued. Allow three days from the date the cheque was issued for it to arrive at the distribution centre. Clients will be required to show their Social Insurance Card and one other piece of identification in order to pick up their benefit cheques. For claimants who live within Durham Region (except Brock Township): Cheques available at: Hours of operation: Lake Vista Park EFFECTIVE 24 NOV. 450 Emerald Ave. Monday to Friday Oshawa, Ont. L1J 1K4 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (DIRECTIONS: South of 401. Take Park Rd. South to Phillip Murray, turn left and proceed to Cedar St., Turn left, proceed to corner of Cedar and Emerald St.) For assistance with your bi-weekly claimant report card telephone 1-800-375-4827 Fridays 8:30 a.m to 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., or you can drop off your report card at the nearest HRDC office. If you are applying for Employment Insurance or Income Security Programs, take your application to your local HRDC office. Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan and Government Annuity cheques will be delivered on November 26th as usual. Postal disruptions will have no effect on clients who receive their benefits by direct deposit. , Avis a A.E., Programmes Stagiaire de " YEmploi, OAS et Destinataires CPP Distribution alternative des cheques et des cartes des prestataires pendant interruption postale. Développement des ressources humaines Canada a fait des arrangements alternatifs pour ramasser et déposer les cheques et les cartes de 'Assurance Emploi et du programme stagiaire d'emploi pendant interruptions postales. Les prestataires peuvent ramasser leurs cheques et rendre leurs cartes du rapport bimensuelles a travers le centre de distribution. Les clients devraient téléphoner a 905-725-6585, 416-730-1211 ou 1-800-206-7218 pour confirmer que leur cheque a été publié. Donnez trois jours de la date que le cheque a été publié, avant de vous presentez au centre de la distribution. Les clients devront montrer leur Carte de 'Assurance Sociale et un autre morceau d'identification pour ramasser chéques. Pour les prestataires qui vivent dans la Région de Durham (sauf Commune Brock): Les cheques sont disponible a: heures d'opération: Le Parc Lake Vista au Commencant le 24 NOV 450 Ave Emeraude. du Lundi au Vendredi Oshawa, Ont. L1J 1K4 10:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. (DIRECTIONS: Sud de autoroute 401. Prenez le chemin Park Sud jusqu'a Phillip Murray, tournez a gauche et continue a Cedar St., tournez a gauche, continuez jusqu'au coin de Cedar et Emeraude St.) Pour assistance avec votre carte du rapport du prestataire bimensuelle téléphone 1-800-375-4827 vendredi 8:30 pm a 6:00 pm,et samedi 9:00 am a 2:00 pm ou vous pouvez déposer votre carte au bureau le plus proche. Si vous faites demande pour I'Assurance d'emploi ou Programmes de las Sécurité du Revenu, apportez votre demande a votre bureau local. Sécurité de la vieillesse, Canada Pension Plan et cheques de l'annuité du Gouvernement seront délivrés le 26 novembre comme d'habitue. Les interruptions postales n'auront aucun effet sur clients qui regoivent leurs avantages par dépot direct. «ww +"