PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, September 28, 1999 - 21 CAT - "fomale, long hile fur, beige markings on face, tail and paws, blue eyes, answers to Luna - Cawkers Cove/Castle Harbor area. If seen or found call 985-8244. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS The Denise House (formerly Auberge) For Women & Children | Toll Free 1-800-263-3725 Confidentiality Assured 728-7311 Let us put out the mat for youl! Be sure to call OME AGON Smet 193 985-0003 ---- 12 H. P. NOMA riding lawnmower, 39" cut, axcellent condition. Asking $700. 1-705-328-3108, 1 705-786-1455. 3 PT. SNOWBLOWER 5 ft., $735 obo; 3 pt. snow- blower, pull type $220 obo. 905-986-0257. 880 MASSEY FERGU- SON plough, 18" bottoms, excellent condition, $1,300; New Idea manure spreader, 220 bu. 655- 4660. CHARACTER CAKES - All occasions, "creative designs". Kathy 985-3679. COMPUTER STUFF - Computer graphics pro- fessional wants to upgrade system and has several products for sale. Xerox 4920+ near photo- graphic colour laser printer with extras, $3,900; Philips Nino 312 WindowsCE Personal Digital Organizer with modem, $450; HP 7570i 2x2x24 IDE CD- ROM rewritable, $250. For in-depth information on these products, search the Web or email me with your questions at pbom- baci@interlog.com or call 985-9341 after 6 p.m. ENGAGEMENT RING & WEDDING BAND 14K white gold in sapphire/dia- mond setting, size 7. Beautiful set in excellent condition $950 obo. Call Natalie after 7 p.m. at 985- 2064. Monday - Closed, Tues., Wed., Thurs. 9am. -5 pm. Fri. 9am - pm Victorian mr QPadon Call For an Appointment Che Carole Leveille Owner 985-3693 ATTENTION - VETERANS Ex-Servicemen & Women & Dependents The D.V.A. Councillor Sandra Wilkie, will be visiting Branch 419, Port Perry Royal Canadian Legion on Oct. 6, 1999, 8:30am By appointment only Anyone wishing information, advice, or assistance on Veterans Allowance or Disability Pensions, contact Dave Wilson (905) 985-7296. NEW PREFINISHED METAL -26 guage 48" & 52" wide, 10-80 ft. long, painted, many uses - roof- ing, siding, lining buildings, fencing, etc. 22 1/2 cents per sq. ft. Call after 6 p.m. 705-426-9835. PATIO SLABS, fencing, posts, barb wire. 5 guage wire for animal crates, gates, pen. Cement mixer, motor, 2x4s, sheds. 985- 6609, 655-7213. PIANO, Heintzman upright, excellent condi- tion, $1,600. 655-4785. PICK YOUR OWN VEG- ETABLES. Tomatoes, onions, beets & carrots, etc. Squash and potatoes ready picked. LINTON'S, 571 Raglan Road East. SAND, GRAVEL, LIME- STONE, topsoil, triple mix, crushed granite, crushed red brick, reclaimed asphalt. Pick-up at our yard or we deliver. Any quantity. SHEPSTONE HAULAGE, 1451 Reach St., Port Perry, 905-985- 7282. BUY LUMBER AT mill . prices. T & G hardwood flooring from $1.69 sq. ft. - pine & cedar for decking, siding & shingles. High- land Forest Products. Hal- iburton, Ont. Monday to Friday - 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 1-800-567-7114, 1-705- 457-3192. CEDAR HEDGING bought and sold, 3' - 10". Ron Henderson, Fenelon . Falls, 705-454-9992. WINDOWS, WINDOWS, WINDOWS. New win- dows in stock. Cash and carry or professional installation available from the Window Warehouse located in the Reach Industrial Park, Regional Rd. 8, 985-3747. 1989 FORD F150, excel- lent condition, valid drive clean, $4,200, obo. 985- 8214. TRUCK CAPS, box liners, running boards, sales & installation. Van & Truck World 579-6868. SHAVINGS - pine wood, Kiln dried, bulk loads dumped, small loads picked up at farm and bag your own. 905-985-4791. STEEL | BEAM 12"x6 1/2"x21 1/2", $200; side rake with power take off drive $100; 19" Briggs & Stratten lawnmower, $25; homemade boiler type stove, great for hunting camp, $40; steel desk, 30"x60", excellent condi- tion, $40. Tel: 905-852- 9651. USED TIRES, all sizes, guaranteed. From $19.95 - 13". Bring this ad for free mount & balance. North Port Tire 985-8054. WILLOWTREE ORCHARD, 700 Reach Street, 985-9205 apples - Mcintosh, Cortland, Greening, Spartan &, Wealthy. BOAT AND MOTOR: Johnson 10 H.P. motor with Thombury Park boat, all steel, shallow draft, 16' length with 5' beam. Extremely safe and practi- cally untippable. Includes fuel tank and hose, oars, life jackets and anchor. Priced to sell $950. Phone 705-878-8622. CLEARANCE SALE. All new outboards in stock - $200 under our cost. Wilde Sales 655-8010. OUTSIDE STORAGE from $16/month. Wilde Sales 655-8010 26' © MOTORHOME, sleeps 6, fully equipped, very reliable, new tires, well maintained. $16,000. 905-986-9927. FIREWOOD - all hard- wood, cut & split 16"; also firewood logs. 985-3361. FIREWOOD, all hard- wood, logs and slabs, also cut & split, all seasoned. 905-852-7586. FIREWOOD - hardwood, cut and split. Face cord $65, bush cord $180. Call 905-655-5025. Entry fee: $5, BOYS & GIRLS YOUTH DART LEAGUE Rayal Canadian Legion Br. 419 Instruction / Fun / Competition JUNIORS 9TO 12YRS. INTERMEDIATE 12 TO |15YEARS SENIORS I5TO IBYEARS e as of Sept. |) Bi-weekly Dues $2.00 MEET ME AT THE LEGION ON SATURDAY OCTOBER 9 AT 9:45AM Bring your darts if you have them/we will have loaner darts Contact Jim Fleming 985-7563 GRACO NAVIGATOR STROLLER, good condi- tion $70; also cedar rails $4 each. 705-277-1804. HAY AND STRAW, round & square bales, no rain. Pick up or delivery. 905- 797-2249. HAY, 4x5 round, alfalfa Timothy. 986-0753. HAY - small square bales, alfalfa grass, third cut, $2.50 bale. 986-5095. ) . rioters y y v EMM ER SON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (905) 985-7306 193 Queen, Port Perry, Ont. L9L 1B9 OUTSIDE STORAGE from $16/month. Wilde Sales 655-8010. FINAL TOUCH HOUSE- CLEANING - indepen- dent, reasonable rates. Call Lorraine 905-986- 1938. FREE UP YOUR TIME with Personal Touch Housecleaning. Call Deb- bie 985-3737. MIKE'S MOWERS. Ser- vice to all makes of mow- ers, chainsaws, tillers, snowblowers, lawn trac- tors and trimmers. Rea- sonable rates. Fall tune-up specials. Call 985-9655, leave message. NO DRIP OIL UNDER- COATING - Pete DeHaas, 985-7473. RICHARD APPLETON CERTIFIED PAINTER - Quality painting, wall papering, wood finishing and refinishing, plaster repair, complete restora- tion services and decorat- ing consultation available. Taking winter bookings. References available. Phone 985-9649. SPACIOUS BASEMENT APARTMENT in Black- stock, $600/month, refer- ences required, available Oct. 4. Call 985-2011. 1 BEDROOM APART- MENT immaculate, in Janetville, walk to ameni- ties, $540/month plus utili- ties, first and last required, no pets, available October 1, 705-324-8454. 1 BEDROOM APART- MENT laundry room, park like setting $550 plus hydro, no pets. Little Britain. 1-705-786-2514. 1 BEDROOM APT., large & bright, stove & fridge included, $550/month, no pets. 4 miles north of Greenbank on Hwy. 12. 705-357-2575, after 6 p.m. 705-439-3139. 1 BEDROOM APT, pri- vate entrance, big yard in Port Perry. Available Nov. 1. Includes fridge & stove, no pets, non-smokers, ref- erences required. 985- 8507, ask for Glen, after 5 - 985-8786. JUKEBOXES, old, 1940, 1950, 1960. 905-721- -- 2364. v WANTED STANDING TIMBER large or small ; ry / acreage, get paid on % of 0 Rat gross sales. References available. Forestry marked. Call J & D Log- ging, Lindsay 1-705-340- 5535 or 1-888-564-4464. per week WE BUY STANDING TIMBER - Don't be in doubt, get paid before we cut. D and D Forest Prod. Ltd., 905-986-4292, 905- LUKE'S COUNTRY STORE DISPLAY PERSON tor our Port Perry location = * Involves planning and co-ordination of all in-store and seasonal displays * Hours are flexible. varying trom 3 to 5 days * Relevant experience is required PLEASE CALL JODY AT (416) 616-3660 requires a 242-0104. Full Time Dental Assistant AZ DRIVER WANTED- Toronto to Canadian west coast, excellent rates and benefits, new equipment, one week out, one week required for a home. 905-985-3657. busy, DISCOVERY TOYS is | computerized expanding. Work along- dental office. side your family. Excellent commissions through home parties and cata- logue sales. Call Candice 985-1551. Fax resume to 905-852-0284 SPRAY PAINTER We have an immediate opening in our fumiture depart- ment for a sprayer. Some experience would be an asset, but not necessary. Apply in person. TRADITIONAL WOODWORKING 115 North Port Rd., Port Perry. COMMERCIAL rental units in Blackstock. Start- ing at $200. 985-7754. FOR LEASE 923 sq. ft. commercial, Water Street. Available now. Call 985- 3333 or 985-3747. INDOOR STORAGE, secure, dry. Seadoos, motorcycles, Jet boats, tent trailers, etc. 905-985- 0163. INDUSTRIAL or commer- cial units, approx. 1,000 sq. ft., office, washrooms, gas heat, 600 volt power supply, immediate avail- ability, plenty of parking in established industrial plaza. Several smaller industrial units also avail- able from $300 per month. 985-3885, pager 721- 6047. KINSMEN HALL - Avail- able for dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985- 8211 or 985-1791. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, bright/sunny. Fridge & stove. Non-smoker, no pets. 2nd floor, suite adult. Available Dec. 1/99, $725 + hydro, Taylor Insurance building, 169 North St. 985-8416. ROOM OR ROOM and board in clean home, min- utes from Port Perry. 985- 2139. UXBRIDGE, single fur- nished bedrooms, 2nd floor residential. Own refrigerator, ghare kitchen and all appliances, includes cable, telephone, parking, non-smoker, must love dogs, $350/month, first and last. 905-852-4454, 1-800-646- 0834. HAVE 16 - 8" CON- CRETE BLOCKS free for the taking. Mike Sheridan 985-2962. MARTYN'S MINI HOE Mini Loader » Back Hoe ® Dump Truck Brad Martyn Home (905) 986-4343 « Mobile (905) 718-6375 SCUGOG SHORES HISTORICAL MUSEUM Village & Archives requires a FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR To develop, promote and deliver fundraising initiatives and events, and to coordinate resources involved in such programs, from October 4, 1999 to July 12, 2000. The successful candidate will possess: - previous fundraising experience within a non-profit organization, preferably a heritage site; - post-secondary education, or equivalent, in Museum Studies, Public Relations, &/or Marketing; - excellent written and verbal communication skills; - confident, out-going personality; - an ability to work independently; - proven ability to recruit and motivate volunteers; - computer skills with Microsoft and graphics. This position is sponsored by the Cultural Human Resources Council of Canada. To be an eligible candidate, as stipulated by this granting agency, the applicant must be a Canadian citizen or legally entitled to work in Canada, and must be under the age of 30. Qualified applicants are invited to submit a curriculum vitae by September 29, 1999 to: Susan Neale, Director/Curator Scugog Shores Historical Museum 16210 Island Rd., Port Perry, Ont. LIL 1B4 or Fax (905) 985-3492 Ue Bf Dp SH do The Port Perry Star is looking for an advertising sales professional. The perfect candidate will be a self starter, well organized and energetic individual who will have a positive outlook and can contribute to the continued success of the best local paper in Scugog. The job will focus on our growing list of specialty publications in and around Durham Region. You must have a solid sales background and a relentless drive to succeed. If you are that person and are looking for a positive and fun work environment that is constantly growing, fax your resume to: The Port Perry Star 188 Mary St., Port Perry, LIL 1B7 Fax - (905) 985-4160 Aftn: Don MacLeod GAS FITTERS, sub con- tract or hourly, drivers licence a must; also gen- eral installation person. 985-7754. NOW HIRING. Outdoor Supervisor, lift operators, labourers, ticket sales, daycare day, night, week- ends & holiday shifts. Skyloft Ski & Country Club, Uxbridge. 905-471- 2002 or fax 905-471-5500. PART-TIME HELP required on dairy farm, milking and general duties. 905-985-3657. SALESPEOPLE. Experi- ence in new & used vehi- cle sales an asset. Please fax resume to 571-3130. SHINGLER WANT- ED,$14-$18/Mhour depend- ing on ability; labourers wanted $10-$12/hour. Call Aaron 579-4517. WAITER/WAITRESS, full or part-time. Drop off resume at The Front Porch, 187 Queen Street, Port Perry. (no phone calls please) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the estate of MARY CECILIA RYAN, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municiplity of Durham, who died on or about August 28, 1999, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before October 21, 1999, after which date the aforemen- tioned estate will be dis- tributed by the under- signed having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 15th day of September, 1999. MICHAEL L. FOWLER Barrister and Solicitor 175 North Street PORT PERRY, Ontario LIL IB7 Solicitor for Robert Ryan and Mary Kathleen LeFort Estate Trustees If you didn't receive Tuesdays Port Perry Star... you aren't getting all the news! i ear fou stiption only 37.45 tata gee ca alii + 3 pe» a a a = 34 A 0