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Port Perry Star, 4 Jan 2000, p. 25

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2} PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, January 4, 2000 - 25 ! JACK'S Mo PARTS - NOTICE TO CREDITORS oo ; : cars, trucks including Claims against the Estate ' " / IR / / | 4x4's for recycling. Top of MARTHA EDNA Mature ANSWevs prices paid. Will pick up. MAHOOD, late of the Part-Time A) Call 985-8160. Township of Scugog:in the ot ' 3 LIALY A BlEIRIG 1 {NO ra, Ala, ST PENR Regional Municipality of SALES HELP : : d 2 E ; ie R 3 2 2 B ERRY WRECK- Durham must be in our WANTED Rle|lofll T]A]T[A AlL]als | ERS: Collison, scrap, hands by January 18, ' vio[s|slcla|n]E 8 cling. Top prices paid. Estate will be distributed includ NIAJLILLS WIRIAIPEMIALC § Certified scales. Call 905- having regard only to cluding FIRIEIOEIGIRIE ERIE | OWA f (905) 085-7306 986-4281. claims which have been ' weekends L 2 ! . 5 2 ° : ns A 2 : £ R delivered to us. . } olstelsBolp| 1 E ¥ 193 Queen, Port erry Ont. LoL 1B9 ons CARS, yuaks, DATED: December 22, Ladies Clothing Als[1]T 8(a(a|SlP|E|R £ ' etc. and up. Call Ray 1999 -- g|x|cii[afi[M{E|/DME[VIAID|E 985-8707. BAILEY AND SEDORE store. si [ATI V]o Ten] |v]e|n | v5 -- rr ------ RUE SNOWMO Barristers and Solicitors Call Psd Yielan Gael y : MEN IN ABUSIVE For o Sale 2 : Pg "Fo r Rent : WMOBILES & P.O. Box 1030 i RELATIONSHIPS Whkbcbinanta® abtdibiandi SNOWBLOWERS for Uxbridge, On, LIP 1N3 985-0143 : OR CALL } parts, any condition. 1- Solicitors for the Estate of The Denise House : WANTED: 87 pacpis to dont OOM (SMALL), 705.786-1455. "Martha Edna Mahood. For : ose up to 30 pounds. Call 5, above store in town, | Jommady Aubatye) For Viomen & Onde Barb 1-800-492-3554. available March 1. Suit- i Toll Free 1-800-263-3725 abled iot indivi | Confidentiality Assured res. IPDG e for one quiet individu- | 728-7311 ' WS, al, good references, cash ! WINDOWS. New win- first & last. 985-6959. CLEANING SERVICE - § dows in stock. Cash and reasonable, dependable, carry or professional 2 BEDROOM SPA- thorough. Weekly, bi- : installation available from CIOUS, newly renovated weekly and monthly. Call i the Window Warehouse apt for rent (like semi). Marie 985-9029 today. REBEKAH ; ocated in e Reac arge rear ront yard, . cheons & 4 Loos lun, Industrial Park, Regional private entrance $690 per RICHARD APPLETON . Rd. 8, 985-3747. month, after rent rebate tines - February 10, St Clos hydro. Phone 905. CERTIFIED PAINTER - Port Perry & Prince Albert ANGLICAN CHURCH OF | BLACKSTOCK - NESTLETON spring luncheon April 13. WURLITZER JUKEBOX, 985-8250 after 6 p.m. Quality painting, wall UNITED CHURCHES THE ASCENSION UNITED CHURCH z= Model 1015 «One Mor men (3001S, Wood SSA The Rev'd REV. DAVID SHEARMAN ROBBIE BURNS DIN. Time", 100 country & BACHELOR APT. suit- and refinishing, plaster Ga wo nd Meer, "B.A. M. Div NER - St. John's Presby- Westem selections. Excel- able for 1 person only, no repair, complete restora- Minister: k a 986-4235 terian Church, Port Perry, lent condition $6,500. Ph. smoking, no pets. tion services and decorat- Rev. Robert LePage @) Phone: 905-985-7278 Sunday. Jan. 9 January 22 2000 Tickets 905-985-0304, Port Perry Upstairs, close to down- Ng consultation available. Rev. Julie van Haaften Fax: Ys abl ' : ' ' . : » ax: 905-985-6810 Blackstock United Church available a1 Ontario. town area. 985-3907. Taking winter bookings. 985-2801 Services: 9:45 a.m Bob Prentice Barber References available. Portipelry Linited Chuvely- Holy Communio Nestleton United Church GREENBANK - cl Phone 985-9649. Sunday, Jan 9 y bommurnion : Shop. , gican, Port Perry 9:50 a.m. Church School & Nursery at 11:15a.m. fumished rooms available TT Morning Worship & Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday service www3.sympatico.ca/ - $149/week, $449/month. Help Wanted School Sunday, January 9 shearman/bnuc.html ; Skye Motel, 985-2328. Equal Prince Albert - 11:30 a.m. The Baptism of the Lord [8 HERDER Morning Worship 8:00 a.m | BUY LUMBER AT mill SA S INDUSTRIAL or commer- LOCAL DISTRIBUTION Nursery Care Available 10:00 a.m BAHA'I prices. T & G hardwood LE cial units. approx. 1.000 company needs delivery : AM pp" | 8 flooring from $1.69 sq. ft. - 166 Reach Park Rd. » approx. 1, _ driver. Position available Rise unto that for which thou : oonng 03 sq. It. Port Perry 985-3885 sq. ft., office, washrooms, " wast created." Baha'u'llah pine & cedar for decking, QUALITY USED CARS gas heat, 600 volt power Immediately. Please call PORT PERRY For local Baha'i gatherings 8 Siding & Singles High- NS supply, immediate avail- OF Lp osu as BAPTIST CHURCH ST. JOHN'S Call: 985-4582 | nt on abilty, plenty of parking in ANGLICAN CHURCH Attend: Local Baha'i gatherings ton, Une. established industrial Info line: Automated, Ei Friday - 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. plaza. Several smaller OUR CUSTOMERS BLACKSTOCK 1-800-433-3284 | 1-800-567-7114, 1-705- industrial units also aval DEMAND excellent ser. Books: at Public Library i 8 457-3192. * One Year roadside assistance with each able from $300 per month vice for an experienced Rev. Hugh A. Kernohan,. Vision TV: "Baha'i 4 Certified vehicle. "Some COROT 2pply 985-3885, pager 721- PHARMACY TECHNI- oN Rector Perspective" - L | CHARACTER CAKES - > CHEV CAVILER, o05| 6047. CIAN with good communi- 2210 Hwy, 7A - (at Island Rd.) Tel: (905) 986-0557 1st Wed. of every month 4 All oceasions, "creative . Cert. new pa : Son skills. We can pro- 985.8681: 985.1588 TUESDAY, JANUARY 4 Write: Baha'is of Scugog, id designs". Kathy 985-3679. | "97 SATURN SL1 | KINSMEN HALL - Avail. }ide a challenging and David S. Daniels, Sr. Pastor 7:00 p.m. Eucharist Box 1153, Port Perry LIL 1A9 w 8 Auto. air, SOK $9,995| * able for dances, meetings, nendly work environment. Peter Pallant. Assoc. Pastor 7:30 p.m. Bible Studies Baha'is of Mariposa | & FIREWOOD - all hard- | «g3 CHEY receptions. Kitchen & bar, 10 hours per week to start SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY, JANUARY 9 Box 59, Little Britain KOM 2CO iF wood, cut & spit 167 also | FulisePil. iad. $40), 285| Plenty of parking. 985. ax resume to 985-8464 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Celebration of the Ephiphany 705-786-2378 i firewood logs. 985-3361. 150K, 2tone paint, box line" 8570. 11 a.m. Worshi & Jr. Church 9:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist New Web Site: PART-TIME OFFICE p <http://www.bahai.org> '96 FORD ESCORT : 6:30 p.m. Evening Praise Din DaNal.00 FIREWOOD, all hard- | copaeok %6,295| LARGE 2 BEDROOM HELP. We are seeking Pre-school child cara available i wood, logs and slabs, also ESCORT W apartment, downtown, no 08 proficient in Wh TUESDAY VICTORY ST JOHN'S cut & split, all seasoned. AGoy. gg5| pets $695/month, first & Oftwale & Inemel com- 9:30 a.m. Between Friends 905-852-7586. J last, available Feb. 1. 985. munications to work Mon- (Women's Ministry) CHRISTIAN CENTRE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'WIEMP0 sug| 3128, betweensopm. day - Thursday, 4350 - 8 WEDNESDAY ; * Minister: Rev. D FISH HUT, 4'x6' plywood, p.m., Saturday 9 am. - 4 7 am. Men's Prayer - PASTOR JOHN BENSCHOP ster Soh ) A. insulated, new last sea- [CI m-- Certified LITTLE BRITAIN, adult PM Send resume to Box 10 a.m. Saints Alive (55+) 593 Alma Street (Sandy) Beaton | son, $150 OBO. 985- FEEEEIRCHEINMANMNE building, clean one bed- he ig Tl Siar, 7 p.m. Prayer Meetin (One black south of 72 SUN 0 AY, JAN. 9 8098. room apt. ' 7 p.m. AWANA Boys & Girl west 0 imcoe i | from $1 900up fom ow, egg Perry, Ontario LOL 1B7. P- NA Boys rls SUNDAY MORNING Sunday School & HAY AND STRAW, round - month plus electric. Avail- mm THURSDAY WORSHIP (use Gare Mvalaie | & square bales, no rain. able February 1, 2000. 7 p.m. Men's Bile Study 10:30am. 2 Pick up or delivery. 905- Call 1-705-786-2514. ILLES FRIDAY STEP INTO VICTORY 255-2851 of 985 4748 797-2249. 4 ; ftir | 7:30 p.m. Youth Ministries For further info call: All are warmly welcome i RETAIL OR . all for information . TRUCK CAPS, box liners, AUTOMO AND OTHERS 2S Il for i ; | 985-1346 LONG, SECONDHAND, running boards, sales & TIVE COMMERCIAL |p the matter of the Estate 2 WAIN WG OHS Ma 9 drawer oak dresser. installation. Van & Truck rental units in Blackstock. BEIChAN ACCESSIS MANCHESTER & ! of UNA PEARL SLEEP, Best offer. 985-3225. World 579-6868. Starting dt $200. 985- 4eceased. HOPE CHRISTIAN : SCUGOG ISLAND POOL TABLE, regular ns Eng Gis COLUMBUS COMMUNITY REFORMED CHURCH Minister Elaine Bdrber size, 2 pair cross country owma SHARED ACCOMMO- pEAR| SLEEP. late of th UNITED CHURCH 985-4094 skis and boots like new, Slan DATION. Country home 5 Township of Scu orfhe Rev. Norman A Sennema SUN. JAN.9 skidoo, 1971, best offer. 1992 INDY 500 ) $2. 800; minutes south of Port AP gog, In A Community Church For 14480 Old Simcoe Rd (Between Closure of Elaine's Ministry the Regional M lit 905-985-2722. 1994 VMAX 600 $3,200 Perry. 985-0160, leave of pure Unicipality All 7A & Prince Albert) Joint Service - 11 a.m. . : OBO. 986-4343. message. of Dultam, who diod on or Rev. Fred Jackson SUNDAY SERVICES: Scugog Island : REFRIGERATOR, frost about October 18, 1999, B.A. M. Div. 10:30 a.m. & 7 p.m. Pot luck following free. deluxe stove, wash- 1994 YAMAHA VMAX SHOP SPACE for rent are hereby notified to send SUNDAY, JAN. 9 Sunday School & Nursery the service at the Island Hall or dyer. HD. showroom 500, liquid cooled, 2-up Reach Industrial Park, oqo same 10 he Service - 10 a.m. Yourh PROGRAMS condition. $675 for all. seat, only 1,345 kms; 2,000 sq. ft. unit and 1,000 undersigned on or before Sunday School and Wednesday evenings 905-426-3864. 1993 Yamaha Venture. 5 ft 7 985.3333 ' January 21, 2000, after Nursery LADIES COFFEE BR AK: 498 ¢c, fan cooled, 2,080 i. a : which date the aforemen- Care Always Available Thursday mornings SECONDHAND upright kms. Bolh wilh fevorse, SPACIOUS 2 & 3 BED- dog gt midond He ey ste iano. Best offer. 985- handlebar warmers and ROOM apartments, $625 : ; 5025. covers, both in excellent . $695 ro signed having regard only Yolephions: 985-5307 Sous condition. 705-357-3637. a to the claims then filed . GREENBANK COMMUNITY CHURCH : TORO SNOWBLOW- 985-1686 : i DATED at Port Perry, PASTORAL CHARGE THE NEW CHURCH i} ERS. New & used, sales, 1996 FORMULA 500 SL ntario, this 16th day of TA | repairs & parts. Wilde really low kms and in mint SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM Dacermbel, 1999. . Rev. Y.o5% Sanson APOSTOLIC CHURCH (Latcham Community Centre) | | Sales, 4700 Thigkson condition. Call Chris 985- guplex with main floor MCHA. L. FOWLER SUNDAY, JAN. 9 0 121 Queen St. Road North, R.R. #1, 8661. laundry in Little Britain, arrister and Solicitor Piadalo. Sas, . ; astor-teacher - John Mank Brooklin. 905-655-8010. $650/month. Call 705 PORT 5 North Street Searrave - 10 am , 80 Mary St. 2nd Floor Sunday Vikrelip - 10 a.m. SNOWMOBILE : : PERRY, Ontario 11-18 A | our Local Family Church eaching the Word of God TRAILER. approx. ¥x8. CABOOSE, green sleigh oo tere pm LoL 1B7 Greenbank - 1i:45.a/m. REGULAR SERVICES - verse by verse. small wheels, spare tire, on skis, like new. Best gyNDERLAND, 1 bed- i , 9 Sunday 10:80 ah. oe Pile Studies lights work, 4' sides, $375 offer. Phone Morris at oom apt, $579 inclusive Solicitor for Catherine am w: ay School P 8 Coorong | p 2267. . : Brown and Donald NIB . ednesday 8 p.m. *Personal Discipling | OBO. 668-2395. 985-226 Use of yard, no pets, cred- Fishloy, Estate Trustees NESTLETON For further information *Master's Men | USED TIRES, all sizes it check. 1-705-357-3251, : PRESBYTERIAN call 985-2611 *Women of Grace - guaranteed. From $19.95 1-500:304-0109. CANPAR CHURCH "A Hearty Welcome To All" Nursery | : . *Jr. Church a Dalene. North SPACIOUS HOUSE to SHEPING SOUNTER Rev. Wm. Fairley - Minister 'Wheelchair Accessible | ; Pont Tire 985-8054 Noro. 2 ar Service: 11 a.m. Call for information | : B fe, Roms avahalile ¥ ( enire Sunday School provided 985-1296 all nclus ve, available Everyone we | immediately, no pets, no 188 Mary St., Part Perry | | } smoking. 705-357-2253. (905) 985-7383 diehard ----.

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