6 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, August 28, 2001 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" PUBLISHER, GEN MGR . . .Don MacLeod SENIOR REPORTER .. Chris Hall oCna OFFICE MANAGER Gayle Stapley ADVERTISING MGR . . . .. Deb McEachern CREATIVE MGR . Pam Hickey i Gornyruniry REPORTER ............. Rik Davie PHONE 905-985-7383 FAX 905-985-3708 E-MAIL: editorial@portperrystar.com advertising@portperrystar.com 10s _-- Oe Publications Mail Registration No. 07881 We acknowledge the finanaal support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP) towards our mailing costs. PORT PERRY STAR SN 2001 { Published every Tuesday by the Port Perry Star Company Limited, 188 Mary Street - Port Perry, Ontario - L9L 187 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 Year - $37.45 (indudes GST) EDITORIAL POLICY: Opinions expressed by columnists, contributors and letter waiters are not necessarily those of The Port Perry Star. Letters must be signed and the telephone number (which will not be published) included. Requests that a name be withheld will be honoured only if there 1s a compelhng reason to do so. Errors wall be corrected if brought to the editor's attention. We reserve the right to edit or refuse publication of any matenal submitted. ADVERTISING POLICY: The publisher 1s not hable for slight changes or typographucal errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher is not able for other errors or omissions in connection wath any advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid fur the advertisement. All daims of error in publication must be made by Wednesday, noon, prior to the next week's publication, and, if not Six Months - $19.79 (includes GST) Member Canadian cnn (We CN A Association Foreign 1 Year - $96.30 (includes GST) made, will not be considered. No daim will be allowed for more than one insertion. BUSINESS OFFICE: Judy Ashby, Kathy Dudley, ADVERTISING: Ginni Todd, Cindy Jobin, _ Trudy Empringham, Daryle Wright, Arlene Cheel Freelance Writers: Heather McCrae, John B McClelland Janet Rankin, Lesley West Gail Morse, Linda Clarke, Lisa Monk, Janet Archer, Lon Bradbury PRODUCTION: Editorial Comment Willing to wait for a market It's too bad that a farmers' market won't be up and running in the Port Perry area this fall. September would just about be the right time for Scugog Township to have its own market, a place for local farmers and others to hawk their wares to the public. Yet, there is still much work to be done, say organizers. And we respect that. If, in fact, we are to have a successful market here in the downtown core where both sellers, buyers and the rest of the local businesses can co-exist, then we're willing to wait until the time is right and ready. A survey and polls conducted by both the Scugog Chamber. of Commerce and Business Improvement Area have shown that the majority of merchants in the downtown core are accepting of such a farmers' market. Their only real concern, besides parking, which is always an issue here, is that a market like this may somehow turn into a flea market of sorts and take business away from local merchants. Local businesses here want assurances that the market will not turn into a free-for-all, with a variety of different vendors selling whatever they please and detracting from those with shops already set up here. That's an understand- . able position, and here's hoping that a policy can be set out to meet the needs and wishes of all the stakeholders. Yes, a farmers' market would be a boon to this small community, attracting people to the downtown core to pick up some fresh fruits or vegetables and baked goods or whatever. So far, the response has been positive from the local businesses, who will have the final say in any decision made on the market. Scugog Council has already given its blessing and most area farmers seem generally in favour of seeing a market put together. It remains to be seen if those involved can make sure that the local merchants are happy, which in turn would give Port Perry the farmers' market which it has been missing for a few years now. Council resumes this Weel... BuT.I DON'T WANNA GO PACK! WY Pa .] NRE ) Ve ) 01 ) ONG REIN NAS WOLD & a RT YeRRY oe 'Remember When? Historical photo feature by J. Peter Hvidsten Ye'f ' = a r LS o & z " Yr : { RJ . N ) ; N . 3 RSE : + z a8 +4 5:1} ESSE ES EIR ce & 5 yw, DE . * nl pies va : : iS = & 4 5g ! . 3 od Lodge. is a beautifully appointed tourist home operated by Mrs. McClintock. The dge provided home-like service and meals to the traveling public and local residents. it was opened n Deo, 2; 1038 and operated successfully for about two years before closing in Feb. 1941. The 128 8 on the north west corner of Queen and Cochrane St., Port Perry. LETTERS Don't lump all the kids together To the Editor: As a business owner on Water St., the outrage expressed in the letters from Ms. Truax about what she sees as an attack on the entire youth population in Port Perry has left me a little perplexed. No one is now, nor have they ever, said that Port Perry is popu- lated by hundreds of youths on a rampage. The problems with van- dalism, rowdyism and general dis- respect for the lives and property of others are real and they are per- petrated by a very small number of our younger population. No one has ever said otherwise, As for generalities, Ms. Truax seems to want to paint white, what she said has been painted black. It is not that simple. No one believes that all youth are bad, but | would invite Ms. Truax to come with me at 7:30 a.m. as | start my day by cleaning up the mess this minority of young people leave, both in front of, and behind my store. Talk to the widowed seniors who live above my store -- p-- o-- who are afraid to venture out of their homes after dark for real or imagined reasons. One lady has been spit upon. | have in my volunteer back- ground as a former president of the chamber of commerce and vol- unteer for the highland games, seen what wonderful things our youth can accomplish with little or no supervision. In general, their commitment to our community is to be admired. Those kids do not hang around my store. They sound more like the ones in your back- yard. I'll trade you. | like to be productive and proactive with my time. | hate being negative, it accomplishes little, but I will not stand by and see the quality of life of our seniors and shop owners deteriorate because of a small minority of young people and their seeming lack of respect for any view but their own. The police see the problem and are offering solutions, the Turn to Page 7