3 i H 6 - PORT PERRY "WEEKEND STAR" FRIDAY, FEBRUARY4, 2000 puBLIBIIEN, eeerrenane J. Peter Hvidsten R.......... Don MacLeod . MANAGING EDITOR.. Jeff Mitchell AQocna OFFICE MANAGER... Gayle Stapley ADVERTISING MGR... Deb McEachem Member Ontario Community REPORTER................. Chris Hall Newspaper Assoc. Freelance Writers- Heather McCrae, John B. McClelland PHONE (905) 985-7383 } FAX (905) 985-3708 E-MAIL: port.perry.star@ sympatico.ca Published every Friday by the Port Perry Star Company Limited, 188 Mary Street - Port Perry, Ontario - LIL 1B7 Distributed free in the following communities: Port Perry - Uxbridge - Sunderland - Little Britain - RR Lindsay Janetville Oakwood - Manilla - Seagrave - Greenbank - Brooklin - Ashbum - Columbus - RR Oshawa Caesarea - Blackstock - Raglan - Nestleton - Yelverton - Prince Albert EDITORIAL POLICY: Opinions expressed by columnists, contributors and letter writers are not necessarily those of The Port Perry Star. Letters must be signed and the telephone number will be corrected if brought to the editor's attention. We reserve the right to edit or refuse publication of any material submitted. ADVERTISING POLICY: The publisher is not liable for slight changes or ¢ connection with any advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. All claims of error in publication must be made by Wednesday, noon, prior to the next week's publication, and, if not made, will not be considered. No claim will be allowed for more than one insertion. il Community i CNA (which will not be published) included. Requests that a name be withheld will be honoured only i there is a compelling reason to do so. Errors ermors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher is not able for other errors or omissions in BUSINESS OFFICE: Judy Ashby, Kathy Dudley, Janet Rankin, Lesley West ADVERTISING: Ginni Todd, Cindy Jobin, Gail Morse, Heather Mack, Linda Clarke, Janet Archer, Malcolm Lennox PRODUCTION: Trudy Empringham, Pam Hickey, Daryle Wright, Arlene Cheel, Robert Taylor, Richard Drew, Scott Ashby OPINION Is the right re-emerging? It's been nothing less than fascinating to watch the politicking, lobbying and backstabbing that's been part of the struggle among Reform Party members, who are facing of late a critical question: Whether to follow leader Preston Manning's vision of a new right, or stick with maintenance of the status quo. From an outside perspective, the choice seems clear: Reformers and other conservatives must come together to woo the anti-Liberal vote, or risk forever being relegated to opposition status because of the split vote on the right. But consider the history of the Reform Party, formed just a dozen years ago as part of a backlash against big, central Canada government. True Reformers are opposed to the kind of party that would be created by pursuing Mr. Manning's United Alternative, as it would be a behemoth rivaling the other estab- lished parties in size, and administration. They want policy and action to flow from the roots up, rather than from the upper ech- elons down. They figure Mr. Manning has gone to Ottawa, and been converted. Maybe they're right. But so is Mr. Manning, who realizes that Reform in its current incarnation just won't sell east of Manitoba. The party comes with too much baggage, and too much of an identity as a collection of grumpy regional upstarts. Given developments over the past week, it looks as if Mr. 'Manning's new right has a chance of being formed. And if that 'happens, all but the most true blue of Tories will join the fold. At that point, the right re-emerges. And the other parties had 'better be ready for its fury. [MoM, DID You KNOW THAT ]/AND THAT HE MAKES DAD WORKS IN A FACTORY || HUNDREDS OF TRUCKS WHERE HE MAKES TRUCKS?|\ EVERY DAY? WHY YES, 1 DID KNOW THAT! Bill Tripp of Port Perry submitted this photo of tiny pooch Peanuts, whose fur gets a little bit ruffled when turned upside down. If you have a picture you think would make a good Photo of the Week, please drop it off at The Star office, or give us a call at 985-7383. és AND HE MAKES THEM ALL BES LE - LIKET SOMETIMES! Resource centre thanks supporters To the Editor: On behalf of Women's Resources | would like to thank all of the many people who have supported us over the past year and especially during the Christmas season. 2001 will be our 10 year anniversary at Women's Resources. We are indeed fortu- nate to continue to have such wonderful support and commitment from our commu- nity. All of your donations, whether it be through volunteer work, financial support, donations to Vicky's Values or food and gift donations for Santa's workshop are very much needed and appreciated. It would be a very difficult challenge to provide the range of services we provide to abused women and their children without your sup- port. We do try to send out personal thanks for most of the donations we receive, but from time to time, we may miss one ofr two. Please know that your contributions to help abused women and their children are received and appreciated by all of us; the women who seek our support, the staff and the board. Lori Watson, Executive Director, Women's Resources In response to Dean | Kelly's letter (Drive Clean should target trucks, Jan. 28): Trucks have to have clean air tests for quite some time now, and not in Greater Toronto, but all of Ontario or face a $500. fine. In addition, we do not have up to two years to get it done. It must be now, or we park it. Visible smoke is not the pollution, Get facts on trucks straight before writing it's what you can't see that is the prob- lem. Ever get behind an old Chev half- ton? I wonder if Mr. Kelly would turn his oil furnace off? Well, we want to make a living. So Mr Kelly, get your facts straight before you mouth off. Vic Vaughan