&. WN SALI a. TT a a CI Bs TB a TT. FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2000 Don't be an allergy victim: How to avoid seasonal allergy triggers While there is unfortunately no cure for allergies, you may be able to prevent the onset of allergy symptoms by avoiding the things that can set off an allergic reaction. Seasonal allergy "triggers" include pollen and sometimes mold spores. Aitbome pollen, which is responsible for seasonal allergy symptoms in the millions of Canadians who suffer from "hay fever", is very hard to avoid. That's because pollen from many sources is prominent at various times of the year. Pollen levels rise during the spring as trees and flowers begin to bloom causing sneezing, runny nose, itchy watery eyes and nasal congestion. It is so light that it tums up miles from where it originat- ed, including high in the atmosphere and far out to sea. Mold spores take to the air both indoors and out- doors, wherever mold may be growing. Rotting veg- etation may be the source, or mold can develop in damp, dark places, such as attics, basements, garbage containers, or refrigerators. In Canada, out- door molds send their spores airbome after the spring thaw and through October. Here are some helpful tips on avoiding these allergy triggers from the experts at Claritin: e Stay inside when the pollen count is high LASER HAIR REMOVAL Book now for our 30% Off Introductory Rate WOMEN... Face, Underarms, Legs, Bikini (especially between 5 AM and 10 AM, when it is typically at its highest), and keep windows and doors closed. * Rely on air conditioners for clean air, and change the filter regularly. * Outside the home, seek out air-conditioned environments for your leisure activities when con- dition are ripe for high pollen count (low humidity, windy days). * If you enjoy gardening or doing yard work con- sider using a filter mask. e When traveling by car, keep the windows closed and use the air conditioner. It's important to have the air conditioner checked and cleaned. * Keep your home as allergy free as possible so it provides a haven in which to recover. * If you already have pets wash them regularly and never allow them in the bedroom. * To get a better idea of what the pollen levels will be when planning outdoor activities, check the Claritin Pollen Forecast every 28 minutes past the hour on the Weather Network. For more information on how to control allergies this season call 1-800-665-1507 or visit www.claritin- cdn.com or catch the Claritin Pollen Forecast on the Weather Network at 28 minutes after the hour. MEN... Backs etc. rir res: Liposuction, Tummy Tucks, Collagen Injection, Lightsheer Laser: The only ED.A. approved laser for permanent hair reduction Treats All Skin Types North Durham Hospice (serving Scugog, Uxbridge and Brock HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED A LOSS? North Durham Hospice is offering a Bereavement Support Group beginning Mon., Jan. 24th - 7:30 pm. Limited Registration CALL TO REGISTER Dr. Brian Hadden, O.D. OPTOMETRIST Primary Eye Care © Full Ocular Assessments y o Laser Co-management & Consul e Computerized Field Analysis Customized Contact Lenses PATIENTS WELCOME! 28B Water Street, Port Perry 10) The Ontario Association of Optometrists recommends that every child have their eyes examined first 0 8 5 - 9 3 8 5 by age three and then regularly as advised by their optometrist. Katy | Morgan, s.a. PSYCHOTHERAPIST Clinical Member of Ontario Society of Psychotherapists Certified Member of Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors, Psychometrists & Psychotherapists, Certified Imago Relationship Therapist Phyllis Christian Registered Massage Therapist Therapeutic Massage Jor Rebabilitation, Pain & Stress Management Lakeridge Health e Individual And Couple Counselling e Grief Counselling e Counselling For Incest and Corporation : Sexual Abuse Survivors 5 PORT PERRY | | 451 Paxton St.,Port Perry © 870 REGIONAL RD. #21, PORT PERRY OFFICE 985- 4161 Room A166 219 ST. CLAIR AVE. W. SUITE 203, TORONTO OFFICE 65676262 § 905-721-3828 fait SE Rat Bone LEER alii vi " RT eT Sr lingdok 5 TANS BO en TIO ER Ap ETT HR 3 =\ DURHAM REGION COMMUNITY CARE ASSOCIATION COPE is a community mental health program offering Support to adults with emotional difficulties (e.g. depression, anxiety, panic disorders, relationship issues, stress, etc.). There is no charge for COPE services. Local Services Include: One-to-one supportive relationships « Women's support group (Port Perry - Thursday moming). » Social / Recreational Drop-In (Port Perry - Wed. aftemoon). BOTOX, Facial Implants, Facial Pecls, Clinical Plastic Su Skin Care, Laser Resurfacing, Breast Enhancement/Augmentation, & much, more! For an appointment call (905) 721-3560 Toll Free 1-800-390-5611 Oshawa Clinic Dr. M. Kara, MD, FRCSC. 117 King Street East, Oshawa L1H 1B9 To access services or information call: (905) 852-4461 or 1-800-903-6999 (Long distance only) * Public Education For further information, call Elaine at 852-9560 Esthetics and Natural Skin Care UXBRIDGE FAMILY FOOT CARE | Lisa Mayne, ssc. cn * Sports Injuries * Ingrown Nails * Plantar Warts * Diabetic Foot Care * Pediatric Foot Problems * Heel Pain pr ---- EAR CANDLING The ancient natural ear cleaning technique. il Relaxing Treat Herbal Facial with Aroma Back Massage Nature' s Spa Manicure, Pedicure, Herbal Facial and Full Body aroma Massage LIFELINE HEALTH SOURCE Now Available: * Custom Orthotics, Birkenstocks & Footwear | We welcome Workers Compensation & Veteran's Attairs Clients, | Cash, Cheques & Visa accepted We now 852-2187 have two Massage Therapists available! Call tor mtormation SUR ATI] | vhridee or appomtment, Gift Certificates Available For All Services Only natural, freshly made skin products used. 180 Mary Street, Port Perry, 985-2272 \ 6 DAYS A WEEK WE ARE NOW LOCATED AT street, Port Perry (905) 985-8591 COMMUNICATION © EDUCATION e PREVENTION