kaa a PORT PERRY "WEEKEND STAR" FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 2000 - 13 The Green Mile on video: It's worth another look From page 9 Dinosaur far surpass anything ever created in an animat- ed film before, the story is uninspired, and left me frus- trated. Further, listening to kids leave the theatre; the con- stant comment was that it was a lot like The Land Before Time. * i Millions were spent on recreating the land of the dinosaurs; in fact Disney Pictures created an entire new effects house just to house the computer artists busy cre- ating the film over a period of five years. Could someone not have written a stronger screenplay? The great strength of most of the recent Disney ani- mated features has been the quality of the screenplays, which have managed to appeal to both young and adult audiences. With visuals as stunning as these, why not pro- vide us with a story? It was hard to care for the characters because they seemed so shallow, again, so unoriginal. The actors were working hard to help the audience feel some emotion, but again, there must be a storyline. Could Disney have been so nervous about the film that taking the idea from Don Bluth was all they could come up with in order to secure limited success? After giving us animated versions of The Hunchback of Notre Dame .(1996) and the mesmerizing Toy Story 2 (1999), do they not trust their audience? Dinosaur is the greatest visual effect achievement in the history of the movies, filling the screen with wonders that leave the viewer in awe. However, you will leave feel- ing that something was missing from the film, and 1 dare- say it was heart. THE GREEN MILE (1999) Directed by Frank Darabont Now on video (Yee vey) Based on Stephen King's magnificent series of serial novellas, The Green Mile was one of last year's best films, yet, in some critical circles was attacked for being old fashioned and sentimental. How critics can call a film like this sentimental when it contains two graphic electrocu- tions is beyond me. Nominated for four Academy Awards, including best picture, The Green Mile is a wonderful film, full of heart- break and wonder, beautifully exploring the capacity for goodness and love, yet never losing sight of the evil that lurks in the world. Paul Edgecomb (Tom Hanks) is a guard on Death Row in the 1930s, when into his charge comes a seven foot tall. black man accused of killing two little girls. John Coffey (Michael Duncan Clarke) is a timid giant, afraid of the dark, and it turns out possesses enormous gifts, which become the key to the story. He is sentenced to die, yet over the course of the film, his guilt comes into question, as he seems to be sent from the heavens to do only good on the earth. Beautifully acted and directed, The Green Mile is a three-hour picture that involves the audience in every United Church marks 75 anniversary The United Church of Canada celebrates the 75th anniversary of its founding at The Armoury in Lindsay June 11. 6pm, worship indoors from 6:30-8. The public is welcome. Games for chil- dren. Clergy in the dunk tank. Lots of food. 130 voice choir. Outdoor fair from3- E F or am JOHN F. MCMULLEN, OALA * ARBORIST / LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT / URBAN DESIGNER PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL LAND PLANNING & DESIGN SERVICES CALL FOR A CONSULTATION (905) 985-8179 PO Box 147, Port PERRY, ONTARIO LOL 1A2 bbe ro > \CREED VALUE wats,» puis 3 ii BF » Bde $i te A A i y sa pus oe = 'JuUut cur now x VINTACE VEHICLE INSURANCE PROCRAM Ww bofore vou insure your classic this year frame. We get to know and care and despise the charac- ters, but it is Coffey who stays with you long after the film ends. His serene power and tenderness are what you remember after seeing the film, and they will haunt you as they haunt Paul Edgecomb in the final moments. Director Frank Darabont, who wrote and directed The Shawshank Redemption (1994), also based on a Stephen King prison drama, has a deft hand with actors, drawing fine, strong performances from his entire cast. Hanks, as usual anchors the film with his absolute authenticity in every frame. DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED: RESERVE YOUR COPY NOW ONTARIO | "Meet the Author June 17,2000 1 MERI [erry Bovle [Haunted Ontario le Te CHC {A - We 1 {= 175 Perry St., Port Perry Tel: (905) 985-8645 v YS { J UH ~ SAMPLE RATES ~ VALUE YEARLY PREMIUMS $10,000 $118.00 $15,000 $147.00 $20,000 $176.00 accident benefits. $300.00 deductible collision, $100.00 deductible comprehensive and $1,000.00 family protection endorsement. 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