COMPUTER - Pentium internet starter system $299, Pentium laptop $599, superfast 500 mhz intemet scream- er with 17° h.p. monitor $998. We love doing 28 - PORT PERRY "WEEKEND STAR" ROXTON MAPLE dining room set; Coca Cola cool- er; harvest gold stove, 985-0160. RUST IN YOUR TOILET BOWL? BLANCHARD'S upgrades and difficult repairs. 905-655-3661. WONDER FLUSH, removes rust & stains. FIREWOOD, all hard- Call Blanchard's Supply Co. 985-9746, 1-800-403- cut & split, all seasoned. 905-852-7586. SAND, GRAVEL, LIME- STONE, topsoil, triple mix, HOT TUB RENTALS & SALES - available for weekends and special occasions. Includes pick- up, delivery and set-up. Thursday-Monday $299, crushed granite, crushed red brick, reclaimed asphalt. Pick-up at our yard or we deliver. Any quantity. SHEPSTONE HAULAGE, 1451 Reach St., Port Perry, 905-985- CHARD POOL & SPA i 905-985-9746 or 1-800- 403-2858. TV - portable 12" colour, older model, excellent NEW PINE V-GROOVE, 3/4"x6" wide, 6' - 16' ran- dom lengths, 30 cents foot, any quanity up to y 3.000 feet. Pine Plus - oars, good condition, $40; boxliner-fits Ranger or S10 ('80's model), $75. 1- 705-786-1455. U-PICK STRAWBER- Bob 986-5152. RIES/RASPBERRIES, new patch. COUNTRY OLD HAND HEWN bam pow PRCT: Sp tle beams - 10"+, 2-20' lenghts+. Call Ken after 5 p.m. 905-655-3459. Durham Rd. #6, 985- 3640. Closed Sundays. PFAFF MACHINES & sergers. Lessons and service available. 985-8133. USED TIRES, all sizes, ' guaranteed. From $19.95 - 13". Bring this ad for free mount & balance. North Port Tire 985-8054. SEWING PINE KITCHEN cup- boards-two 8' bottoms, sink and taps included $250; washer and dryer, apartment size, $300; electric water heater, $40. Brooklin 905-655-8079. WESTERN SADDLE, air conditioner, oak dining room suite, crib, high chair, 985-1467. WESTINGHOUSE fridge $50; pool table $100. Please call 985-1948. PREGO TENDER DOU- BLE STOLLER, navy blue, $300, 905-509-6472 after 6 p.m. 1987 OLDSMOBILE Cut- REFRIGERATOR, frost - free, deluxe stove, wash- er, dryer, H.D., showroom condition, $575 for all. 905-426-3864. lass Ciera, as is, 271,000 kms, running condition, power doors, lots of good parts, gas tank, steering rack, brakes. $350 obo. 985-4579. RIDING LAWN MOWER- condition, $35; set of boat . Mastercraft , 42° cut, 12.5 H.P., 3 years old, firm $800. 905-986-0647. GOLD Alternator & Starter Service #3-131 North Port Rd. * Automotive o Industrial * Marine * Commercial * Farm HUGE INVENTORY REPAIR OR REPLACE VISA/INTERAC 985-1545 SEAL | 1988 OLDS CIERA, 4 door, V6, auto, air. Certi- fied, emission tested, new tires, battery, $2,300. 905- 852-7793. * All Insurance Claims * Collision Repairs To All Cars & Trudks * Paint Warranty * Windshield Replacement & Repairs * Factory Paint For Import & Domestic 1223 King Street, Port Perry 985-4158 AFFORDABLE RADIATORS GAS TANKS FUEL PUMPS G&S AUTO REPAIR (905) 985- -6553 ------------------ LEASKDALE AUTO - 1991 Astro van, 4.3 auto. O/D, 7 passenger, A/C, e-tested, $4,295. Days 1- 905-852-3761, weekends 705-357-2581. WHY SHOULD YOU BRING YOUR CAR/TRUCK TO INTERNATIONAL COLLISION CENTRE INC.? © Lifetime warranty on point © 2 yr. warranty on rust repair © Modernized focility © 22 years experience © You will love our service & quality Call Mike today for your FREE estimate 985-641 1 drive, auto., rebuilt trans- mission, needs motor, $250. 1-705-786-1455. 14 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT, 9 1/2 h.p. Evin- rude motor, $700 obo. Call 985-2011. 16 FT. BAJA BOAT with 115 h.p. Johnson out- board, $6,000. Call 905- 985-8389. 1989 EVINRUDE - 9.9 h.p., electric start, $800; 4 h.p. Johnson outboard, older model $150. 905- 985-8600. CANOE red, 16' cedar strip/canvas, in excellent condition, $1,400 obo. 655-8787. LAKEFRONT 1 BED- ROOM adpt., private entrance, 4 pc. bath. Fridge, stove, heat & hydro included. Suit single working person, available July 1, $575. 705-786- 3579. LAKEFRONT 2 BED- ROOM apt., suit adults, minutes to town. $950 includes 3 appliances & utilities. Available August 1. 985-2088. LARGE 3 BEDROOM apartment in country set- ting, south of Blackstock, $800 plus heat and hydro, available August 1. 986- 0434. LITTLE BRITAIN - two 36'x8', available 1. 705-786-0104 or 705-324- 6685. RETAIL COMMERCIAL rental units in Blackstock. Starting at $200. 985- 7754. ROOM FOR RENT - Bed/sitting room, ting room, own bath, kitch- enette, garage parking, $400 month. 905-852- 9333. SMALL 1 PERSON bach- elor apartment, ground floor af side of farm house, $475 including util- ities, on horse farm. 986- 5618. SPACIOUS 3 BED- ROOM renovated century minutes to Port Perry, steps to lake, July 15, $1,175 plus utilites. 985- 1467. Completely renovated 2 bedroom home in nature setting, affordable, 20 minutes east of Port Perry. 705-878-5821. EXCELLENT CONDI- TION 1991 18 ft. Sunbird, 130 h.p. I/O comes with two tops and trailer. Aver- age two tanks gas per year, very low hours, stored inside every year. 985-9573. PROPELLER AND SKEG REPAIRS. Do-it yourself fibreglass sup- plies. Rayplex Limited, 341 Durham Ct., Oshawa. 905-579-1433. SMALL CAMPER van or small pickup with camper to rent for 1 week in July and 1 week in fall. Leave message 985-5162. RESPONSIBLE FAMILY of 4 looking to rent 3 bed- room home, Port Perry or surrounding area. Call 985-8616 or cell 416-989- 1 BEDROOM APART- MENT in Port Perry 985- 2590. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Blackstock, available July 1, $1,250. 985-7754. ATTENTION SENIORS: Completely renovated 2 bedroom home in nature setting, affordable, 20 minutes east of Port Perry. 705-878-5821. SUNDERLAND - 1 bed- room apartment, fridge, stove and all utilities, July 1 possession. 705-357- BEAUTIFUL WATER- FRONT summer cottage and boathouse on Lake Scugog. Call evenings 905-773-8057. IN TOWN 2 BEDROOM eavestroughs, 1 12 baths, separate din- ing room, large rec room with walkout to sun room. Available August 1, 2000. $180,000. Phone 705- 357-2109. PURE BORDER COLLIE PUPS - John Leask, RR 2, Seagrave, 905-985- 7818. ROOM & BOARD for older horse, good food and pasture, treats night and morning, in barn at night, $150/month. 655- 3090. WANTED MOTOR HOME OR RV to rent for 2 weeks in August. Res- onable. Please call 905- 428-0555. FOR PARTS -Lawnmow- ers, riding lawnmowers, rototillers, weedeaters, etc... 1-705-786-1455, leave message. JACK'S AUTO PARTS - cars, trucks including 4x4's for recycling. Top prices paid. Will pick up. Call 985-8160. PORT PERRY WRECK- ERS: Collison, scrap, used vehicles for recy- cling. Top prices paid. Certified scales. Call 905- 986-4281. a a a de i FULL TIME RECEP- TIONIST required for busy office. Must have good telephone skills, MS Word, Excel, Outlook and 50 wpm keyboarding skills. Please fax resume FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2000 SCRAP CARS, trucks, etc. $50 and up. Call Ray 985-8707. AP CERTIFIED PAINTER - Quality painting, wall papering, wood finishing and refinishing, plaster repair, complete restora- tion services and decorat- ing consultation available. Taking late summer and fall bookings. References available. Phone 985- 9649. ROCKY'S LAWN CUT- TING - low rates, $10 and up. 905-985-8022, leave message. TREE MAINTENANCE and removal. Fully certi- fied & insured. Free esti- mate. Rod Coupland 705- 432-2116, Gavin Cochrane 905-986-4094. 2 SUMMER SPOTS avail able. First aid, CPR certi- fied, references, receipts, Hwy. 12 area. 985-2005. UTICA DAYCARE - quali- fied daycare, qualified staff. Full or part days. AZ DRIVER WANTED for highway. Clean record, 3 years experience. 2 posi- tions available for serious inquiries. Call Brian after 5 to 985-6804. MATURE FULL TIME person for egg grading station. Apply in person with resume to Best Choice Eggs, 3880 Edgerton Road, Black- stock. OUR CUSTOMERS DEMAND excellent ser- vice. For an experienced PHARMACY TECHNI- CIAN with good communi- cation skills we can pro- vide a challenging and friendly work environment. 15 hours per week to start. Fax resume to 985- 8464. LAFARGE Construction Materials requires full time office help. Accounts payable experience pre- ferred and computer experience necessary. Able to work without supervision. Available immediately. Call 905- 649-2227 for more infor- mation or fax resume to 905-852-6576. Contact Nathalie or Debbie. PERSON REQUIRED for light to medium wood- working, cleaning drift- wood, some light assem- bly, some yard work- approx. 20 hours/week, drivers licence required. 985-0950,985-0951. SMALL TRANSPORT COMPANY seeking 2 experienced owner/opera- tors to run Canada and US. Fax resume to 705- 786-0057. SETTLEMENT HOUSE SHOPS Requires a PART-TIME CLEANING PERSON Apply in writing to: Terry Wilson, Settlement House Shops, 183 Queen St., Port Perry, ON LIL 1B8 Ony those to be interviewed will be contacted Scugog Transit Ltd. is now hiring a Bus Driver. Must have a valid Class "B" license. Mail resume & driver abstract to: 2465 Ma Brown's Road, Port Perry, Ontario. LOL 1B4 or fax to: (905) 985-2547. WORKERS NEEDED NOW V Fast FOOD SERVER \ GENERAL FACTORY LABOURER Are You: * 16-24 years old e Out of school & work You may be eligible for JoB CONNECT Register at: Job Connect-Durham College North Campus 2 Campbell Drive, Uxbridge ON (905) 852-7848 p.m. 985-1944. STUDENT NEEDED for part-time help on a dairy SMALL TRANSPORT {3m. 985-3546. COMPANY seeking full or part-time freight salesper- son. Fax resume to 705 - 786-0057. Director of Public Works The Township of $46,000 - $57,000 Reporting to the Administrator-Clerk, the Director of Public Works is responsible for the management and operation of the municipal public works portfo- lio, which includes road, bridge and sidewalk con- struction, maintenance, and operations. Duties include reporting to Council, policy development and implementation, staff development, supervi- sion, current and capital budget planning and administration. The successful applicant will be a proven leader with extensive experience (at least 3 years in a man- agement capacity) in municipal road construction and public works administation, and will possess formal academic training in a discipline related to the position, such as Civil Engineering. You will possess a proven track record in policy develop- ment and implementation, workforce management, financial management, as well as excellent organi- zational, interpersonal, oral and written communi- cation, project management, computer and prob- lem-solving skills. Management experience in a unionized environment is a definite asset. Equivalent combinations of education and experi- ence will be considered. The Township of Scugog 1s a community with a population of approximately 20,000 located north of Oshawa in the Regional Municipality of Durham. The Township combines urban and rural communities and deals with the special needs of each in its policies and administrative practices. This position requires a candidate with a high level of energy, enthusiasm and the ability to implement change. This opportunity provides a competitive compensation package, complete with an excellent benefit program. Please forward your resume to: Mr. Earl S. Cuddie, Administrator-Clerk, 208 North Street, P.O. Box 780, PORT PERRY, Ontario LIL 1A7. Resumes will be received unnl July 14. 2000. We thank all appli- cants, but only thase selected for an interview will be contacted. FARN EXTRA MONEY Men and women with cars, trucks or vans are needed to deliver Telephone Books in Lindsay, Peterborough, Campbeliford and surrounding area. Clerical and Material Handlers are also needed. Payments are made by contract with no deductions. Contractor must be 18 years df age or older and have automobile insurance. Call today 1-800-306-1071 Monday through Friday 9:00am-4:30pm Please Do Not Call The Telephone Company Reporting to the Administrator-Clerk, the Director of Public Works is responsible for the management and operation of the municipal public works portfo- lio, which includes road, bridge and sidewalk con- struction, maintenance, and operations. Duties include reporting to Council, policy development and implementation, staff development, supervi- sion, current and capital budget planning and administration. The successful applicant will be a proven leader with extensive experience (at least 3 years in a man- agement capacity) in municipal road construction and public works administation, and will possess formal academic training in a discipline related to the position, such as Civil Engineering. You will possess a proven track record in policy develop- ment and implementation, workforce management, financial management, as well as excellent organi- zational, interpersonal, oral and written communi- cation, project management, computer and prob- lem-solving skills. Management experience in a unionized environment is a definite asset. Equivalent combinations of education and experi- ence will be considered. The Township of Scugog is a community with a population of approximately 20,000 located north of Oshawa in the Regional Municipality of Durham. The Township combines urban and rural communities and deals with the special needs of each in its policies and administrative practices. This position requires a candidate with a high level of energy, enthusiasm and the ability to implement change. This opportunity provides a competitive compensation package, complete with an excellent benefit program. Please forward your resume to: Mr. Earl S. Cuddie, Administrator-Clerk, 208 North Street, P.O. Box 780, PORT PERRY, Ontario LIL 1A7. Resumes will be received wntil July 14, 2000. We thank all appli- cants, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. ---------- iT Ey ET.