THE DAILY TIMESGAZETTE, Thursday, July #1, 55 18 Sr -- Queen Mother Sips T. ws haltay Josin Water Spe Tou EE oh EFL, . {fled = ~The ALLEYES LOOK TO GENEVA CONTE _ | Retirement Right, Essential, 24 + world are tuned foward the Palace of Nations, where i Is | there will be # lessening | of the cold war, Once the sest y FOUR meet: | ing now underway In Geneva, Switzerland, the eves of the ague of Nations, {i palace is now the European head. quarters for the United Nations, Lontral Press Canadian Photos CAMP GAGETOWN, KB. (CP) ty that sl- though his ----. at the end it Is "right and necessary He made the comment before # favewell salute fo the Ist Cana Conade, Headed hy Maj, Gen, J, marchd past at Blissville airport area, poliey of providing regular promo: tion and if this policy was to he "Simonds Says At Army Camp | u Gen, Guy tues told Camp | talk of peace, of August as chief of the general! thar peaceful signs from siatf i" 8 severe wrench" he feels | and Geneve cou dian Infantry Division at the big. gest military review of its kind in| now isn't the time to shandon our M, Rockinghom, the entive division | when Ws beginning to heer fruit," within the camp's 427 square-mile | (irement was announced in Ottaws Speaking to the long lines of | the House of Commons, Beversl op. troops through a publie address | position members, led by Progres- system, Gen, Simonds seid he has | sive served his full period in office, He | wanted to know why 8 man of the | subseribed fully 10 the Important | general's abilities should he re its powder dry despite the current COULD BE DANGEROUS He expressed a personal opinion CHW crease 8 "dan ous situstion."' The Geneva con HB had been made possible because of the strength and co hesion of the Western powers, "and policy to military strength Just | At the time Gen, Simonds' re. it eaused considerable comment in Conservative leader Drew, tired nt the age of only 92 The government replied that Gen i 1 OTTAWA (CP)~/The works "ls rimen was accused recently | [re Commons of hetng penpywise | { usd asoume "To | | for ihe cle cleaning ph poy | lunchroom, That was Wy ing | | wise la "parent ods led the A ee, he ar, v, was vie mo | wrote were used for Ah i obi | Atrvants 4 on Bg -- 8s wed le ald shld ie official then order ees 10 keep the lan | [the clenn, Until recently the de partment's own char service id | GRUFY HOWE Puffing a cigaret, Defence Production Mii Howe looks none too happy as he leaves the House of s In Otiswa -- -- followed by Ceorge Mellraith, Liberal member for Olawa called a spiritual awakening on| West, Mr, Howe was gruller a ---------------------- the sontinen. nd ; d than usual when , replying to IN EN { i e SOMIMOns, Tes GOLD BOOK By Continent Visit (old 8 press SOnfeTend 3 neve 8 ported) because he was ruffled | CAPETOWN (CF)--The name of | LONDON (AP)--American evan-| "In political and diplomatic fields| over the speed of the govern. (Dr. D. ¥ Malan, (ors former "primal gelist Billy Graham returned to|We may he making painfully slow! ment In yielding to Progressive | minister of the | Brit Tuesd ft i | Progress, but there are abundant | Conservative demends for a+ Africa, has been Intiribed in the | ritain Tuesday after a sheweek | Soi in Bo ee Uning spirll:| limitation on the powers of the | Zionisi Golden Book "hy South | crusade In Europe, He sald he was | ually and are prepared to follow | Defence production at African Jewish friends greatly encouraged by what he'the Christian path to pence, or Photo) mirers," the work, The clean oooh. 0 the | employees now was 93 » day, N r lig oy BR The, A thon makes ariment's em | ployees al the buildin wonder | whether the government is 1 and most humane employer of Pi Budget Terms As Law As $200 Wookly CUSTOM RADIOS FOR 59 95 EVERY CAR FROM. . . LJ B.F. Goodrich 453 SIMCOE 87, §. DIAL 5-4543 carried out his retirement was | Simonds had served his full period necessary in office. There was no special Earlier Tuesday, st a press con. | significance, it said, to his re ference in Fredericton, the general | tirement; it was just 8 matter of warned Canada, in effect, 10 keep' course Graham Is Encouraged |: OPTIMISTIC THEIR historie summit talks will at least find methods and machinery to solve the major cold war problems, Prime Minister ¥den of Eng land, ot left, President Visen- | Before leaving Moscow Bulganin hower of USK, French Premier | said, "i the members of the Faure and Premier Bulganin of | delegations Russia, sre expecied to spend | good - six days conferring in Geneva, show a spirit of will then We can map a way to peace," a -------------- "GREATER ALLOWANCE WEEK"... at CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. "53 METEOR SDN. | [ '53 FORD COACH | Alr conditioning heater, Alr sonditioning heeter, lust the sar for a long vacetion trip! 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