Sp I ER ra se A YO TYY ower ot Check the Savings on Super-Right A<P MEAT VALUES! Compare Price! Compare Quality! ALP SUPER-RIGHT MEATS GIVE YOU MORE GOOD EATING FOR LESS! Fine quality meets sre chosen by ALP's experts from among the best that the country produces , , , then carefully cut and trimmed to give every eustomer full value + ++ 8nd sold with 8 money-back guarantee of satisfaction! And they're priced fo please, tool Come see , , , come AT VANCOUVER POLICE INQUIRY x' / save TODAY of your ALP | Ray Munro (left) reporier of | police and Bgt, Fred Dougherty, ( Broft and corruption in the city's Toronto's weekly tabloid Fiash,.|! police union president, before at | police department, Munro's stor is with bet, Bet, Archie | lending hearings m a rove eo | Jos "immer the ey winers > 4 4 wmmer (centre) of Vancouver | misshom Investigating charges of | $e Tim y witness -eonin. as advertised Big Idea By Two Gentlemen | Flares Into A Controversy RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF By GEORGE KITCHE {It was under constant, rubning! Then Dixon snd Yales, two pri WASHINGTON (CFP)-Two years | five, chiefly from Democrats and | vale uiilitly executives, eniered ago, 8 couple of southern gentle: | state and local officials in the TVA | the pleture with a plan to build \ Cc men named Mr, Dixon and Mr. |ares. They argued (hat priveie | a private plant A pump thei Customers ormer. re Yoles had a hig den power would cost more, enrich! power into the TYA system, which 3 They would form # company and | Dixon-Yates and he the opening | would then suonly Memphis, The » DOOR TO MORE supply electricity to the power: | wedge to destroy TY A and the gov: | gimmick was thal the Alomie En Whenever you walk through the door of sn ALP sore you 're short Tennessee Valley Authority, | ernment"s whole power program. | ergy Commission, hecause iis headed for the wonderland of wonderful values. For you get mors the giant government - operated Democrats filed the political siv | needs made #11 this necessary low prices on more items, more days of the week pi ALP, utility which provides power for &| with hints of a conspiracy between | would then foot the Wi for the Naturally this means lower tote) food bills for you, It doesn't great sesmon of the Middle South | the administration and Wall street power sold by Dixon Y ales mean that we have the lowest price in town on every single em through a series of dams and gen-| to kill off TVA, Bennie foes of | The administration went along every time you buy « even though we aim to « but then you erators President Eisenhower accused him | with the plan snd Eisenhower 4) seldom shop for Just one Hem, The 21 menls you serve each week They set up thelr company, won| of "misuse and prostitution' of | rected the AEC Lo sign a comracl are made up of many foods, and you'll save more en more of them a contract from the Eisenhower ad: | the Atomic Energy Commission, | with Dixon-Yates In the face of st ALP, Come sas! ministration snd thus touched off | which was involved in the deal | charges thet it unduly favored the a controversy which raged for two Eisenhower and his Republican | private company and that ther CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, years in Congress, the courst, the | administration backed the plan, | plant would cost more than (he A&P Food Bore, press and over radio and TV saving it was a good example of | proposed TVA plant--$107,250 000 19% Laughton Avenue, Toronte, Cut From Point Sirloin, nd Woy : » The Issue was government power | private enterprise and that further | against $100,000,000 Versus private power expansion of TVA would lead to] With palitical criticism reaching » ¢ » The other day, the bubble burst | socialism and government oomtrol | the white-hea! wage, Fisenhower t the Dixon - Yates contract was | of all electric power ordered a review of the case, A Liquid Detergent Pw Right Bons! Solid Mest Choice Blised cancelled and thf controversy | The story goes hack to 1963 | few days ao the administration | per-Right Boneless, Sol) - lee simmered down, But it left polities! | when TYA was directed to prov ide | pulled out of the desl, Memphis, bil Y sears which may hurt the Repub: | additional power to Atomic Energy | which had opposed Ue Dixon. Y ales 12-02 hb 1 " ' leans in the presidential and con: | Commission plants in the Middle | pian because WN feared higher ' : gressional elections next yenr South. TVA wanted to build a new | charges for electrielty said Buper-Right, Excellent for Wroiling Choise, Well Trimmed The contract, a product of the | plant so H could meet the fresh | would build its own generating Eisenhower administration's desire | demands without cutting off sup: | plant and Eisenhower, on that Liquid Bleach Ib ' LU] [ to get the goverment out of the | plies to the City of Memphis, which | basis, cancelled the contract, That power Publis, spelled contro: | gets TVA power at fairly cheap | the president sald, was what he versy in capital letters from the | vales, The Republican « run Con | had wanted from the start--a lo Boneless, Plenis Siyh day ¥ hecame known gress sald no ry ated plant | Mor bl C 4 le KEDRON Fork of Newcastle, for their Low: HERD FIRE io ¢ Sorry to learn of a double mis Liquid 3.02 bil ¢ . Y Adult Bible Class Members [fi or seine, ine herd Hire and a fine heller over Gontre Loin Shouldey Enj oying Corse Of Instruction ol gigi a PORK CHOPS VEAL QHORS v87: ody nambers guhered) Mrs on ihe oh nf Sa nd WEE LIDO BISCUF SPARE RIBS di Wy. i 4 "POR « E » yf | or he gary KU. Hickara. spoke Sukhoi and Ms, Maurice Ld its slaughter, Immediately after, a H 3 missing, p Cheles Menty Country Myles the second mile', Mr, and Mrs, Bert Luke and Purichred he tof wi lo JUMBOS 31 ied by Mrs, Hows Lee, | John Toronto, were weekend guests | paromily. a i. hing, wn Wn pho ' PORK HOCKS Ib 23 SMOKED AGSOCE LJ 59. Acemmpan who presided at the organ, Ron |at Bert's home here and also en: | Ke HOOL PROMOY Werry in vous] sola, provided the | Joyed the class gathering loss Solid Moat Bung Speolet musieal number, to take | Longratulations to collegiate stu | Maxwell's so M0) a mnetion List SUPREMES 1602 phy 29: \7E is inoe of the anthem by the | dents from Kedron who atiend Oshe | (i ally VEAL CUTLETS kJ SUMMER SAUSAGE 1.12 A ar choir, which is on holiday | awa and Port Perry high schools Promoted fre [¥ from practice through the summer | All of whom were successful in ob | Grade V A Ppl dy IR months { taining promotion, many with hon: | Hayes, Joan Kolynko, Grant Ir 16-01 phy ¢ The Adult Bible Class has been | ors, and some first class honors, | win, Willre di indsay. Carol Stare Extra Lown enjoying the various teachers who | Good going! | Linda Starr Sharon' Wilbur ! have heen kind enough to lead the | Sorry to hear that Howard Far: | pp 1 class Meditations, Recent teachers | dale was confined In Oshaws Hos ameted from Grade 11 to FANGY RED SOCKEYE have heen Frank Lee, Oshawa, and | pital for afew days but glad 10 | Grant Bennett, Joan Hill, Harold \ Mrs. Dyck iy | Wnow he Is feeling much better, | Hoskin, Jean Hoskin Marjorie Hos ¢ Newt Sunday, July 24, we are 10! gnd at home avain kin, Molly Johnston, Diane Koly have the privilege of hearing H, | Mr, and Mrs, J. York, Searbors nko Tosenh Kozak Kent oil i | Bohaker who has consented to con ou h and Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Tur | Balle, | Kenneth La duet the class discussion, Mem: | iff and children, Toronto, were re Julie, Jobb Lindsay, Barbara how, | Grade "A" Oven Ready, Frying or Brelling Burne hers of the class appreciate me | guests of thei f M 5 i contribution made by all who ase | Dyek. Mr Dyek pif fimily Ars | Promoted from Grade 1 to Grade J 2.316 A » ist in thi t of @ hurch p {n Kenneth Ball, Lynda Hop sh ve, [} |} Ast In this part of our church pro-| Mrs, Douglas Jackson and baby | kins, Michael Hurst, George Koly LiL 1 4 A { Ronald, Brooklin, were Thursday | nko, Joan Mills, Joey Mills, Tho Grade "A" Oven Ready, Broiler Type dehneider Fam, [YAY CANCELS PICNIC guests of the William Werrys, | . ph - y mas Ogle, Janige Parfitt, Joh mt wl: de ost | ay "ai, Ar Dus a ie, "Heh BR, onl yal TURKEYS «va vG3¢ SAUSAGE seen s vm sorrel 29 h st of the C. K. Deubl ) y Jalmers, hos sop Ricky ~~ Weales, Sharon I # Eos 8.CL, Dt li, had ni topthr "i Lake ti, Kaboom Meron ene FACELLE CER SAU for the evening of July 30, at Perey | ays W, MoCullough, Orono, Mrs, | PEPPERONI wor phy 49: SAUSAGE BRAUNSCHW HEM Soon roll 31K Mountjoy's woods, at 6.50 p.m, The | gis Pp. Hrookli committee In charge will provide | and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, i His Store Will shinee the beverage, bul everyone Is Ye: | uille have enjoyed the hospitality A eterastad sound couples wil | 0 the Harvey Pascoe home du Grade A 4 to § bo, Average VI Ling this past week, N B S he whltome. menibers of Gal Misses Fleanor Mountloy and ever e ame X het hei J | Jeannine Werry, Miss Farne Led HAWKESBURY, Ont, (Cp eR Be eto) elle, Oshawa, and Mrs, Harold They say i oni . . erry spent a few days at a cols | hardware store at the Intersection 2 w 1300 3 Qc LUE \ Undue the PF dhe larold Nella: | tage on Lake Kushog, Haliburton [of two highways in this eastern day and Ron Werry, a class of Hol | hey, were Joined on Friday hy | Ontario town will never be the stein: calves wan judged, and rea | Wanye ¢ Allens and Harold | same sons given for the placings, A dis ALA for dinner, and a bit oll ated" grave "ioe on a heavily » . nae i GES Tani WR a ve ES pt BEEF BOLOGNA «+30. CANNED HAM 11.59 ing the calf or BD: follow | od Refreshments were served on | BUests on Thursday evening at a | Que. Its tree Yhoolins journey I UX SPE( 1Al i Slioed Cooked Jollied ! a Af reception given hy a recent bride | ended i np A, the lawn. There were some 18 ang groom Mr, and Mrs Frank ED Tah ud 4. Swiniy ' MINCED H M XI PORK HOCKS vA3 Jr. Farmers In attendance, and In Heldemar's show window several fathers I ---- - is Coupon | 10¢ n 206 C n glant size w= 10¢ Coupon in large size a Slised Present onthe Farm Business Improvement Tour In Wellin | SALLY' S SALLIES rg Kt Ul Rd eB GIANT SIZE ONLY 15: LOAF rearon a crust wi 31 JELLIED VEAL v69: Junior Farmers, In company of Bene Mised Jollind po "SH LARGE zg omy 39: CHICKEN ww 3.149 HEADCHEESE +39. made to outstanding farms nea Waterloo PERSONALS Our warmest good wishes go oyt ' ) ; i Ghote to our newest Kedron parents, the | Choice Quality Quely Murray Mountjoys, to whom a i C baby daughter was bora on Fridar, July 15, in Oshawa General Howpi . tal to he named Shirley Elaine on Lux liquid detergent 441) Ib [4 HADBOH » [4 Mr. and Mrs. Marold Treble and daughter Patricia, Port Colborne Mrs. Ww Mod py Ho nif Smoked Cooked Boneless, Bolid Meat dance at the A plenie. My LARGE SIZE 32 WITH COUPON v03 cur-up CHICKEN |] and Mrs. Treble, Sv, Winnipeg, : HAM Manitoba, joined them on Sunday f3.3 Regular price 42¢ BUY BNLY THE PARTS YOU PREFER 10 Vis couning and friends in this : Smoked Bhankiess, Pianie Myle Vit eka: ot avg | § PORK ULDERS.47. LEGS «THIGHS 83: a week of holidaves as suest of he GIANT SITE 11 WITH COUPON » ¢ Me. and Mrs, J Dyek \ ked, Bone Cooked Mrs. Murton Walter and Darothy Regular price fle Smoked, Boneless » t with Mrs, Rosas Lee were guests in Toronto, on Saturday, at a trous r bb ¢ WINGS Y kT sean fea at the home of Mrs, J \ Marke. Riven for her daughter BREEZE BLUE OR WHITE Supers Right, Bmaked Rindless ' Marilyn, bride-to-be Mr, and Mra. Harry Rose were SIDE BACON wee © Fe NECKS & BACKS 2:25: privileged on Saturday evening to attend the Little Theatre play " GIANT SIZE ONLY 79: Smoked Priosa Effective Until Saturday, July Bird, 1058 Remember Mamma. given al : Cherry Hill Farm, with exesellent With cannon tea towel BACON SQUARES hae cast most entertaining PICNIC WERRY : | ARG ON Peamealed End Cuts ~ 8 to 3:1b, Present fram Kedron at Har f 41 ton Park for the anial Worry he wpe 190, Ring Features Rpnhivate, Toe, World fights ressived £ SIZE LY y BACK BACON Y. xT nie an Raturday we the Preside Clarence 1; Worry and his oie: "I'he Doglor was so sucoesshul taking out my appendix that With cannon face cloth Mrs. W, Mountjoy and Eleanor; Sow 1 lek him takene oul '