a or b 73 Ad 'RK ¢5 GM PIPE BAND MARCHES IN PARADE OF PROGRESS from the CNE, Toronto, to Osh: Included in the lead cars were Mr, R, 8, McLaughlin, Mr, W. A Wecker, Mr, E, J, Um phrey 400 Register For Lessons In Swimming is long red | War Veterans' Band which shown above, The mile » | motorcade of 44 gleaming and while today irans ported the of Progress One of the feature attractions of the mammoth Parade of' Progress cavalcade of General Motors of Canada Lid, today was the appearance of the GM Film Council Announces Programs At Bandshell | custom from| End, Romance of Transportation I ug ihe Oshawa Film| Four Songs by Four Gentlemen Council {8 again presenting a se-| and Spinning for Steelheads vies of film showings at the Me: | AUGURTY Laughlin Bandshell, in Memorial] Kye Wiless Bf Park, on Wednesday nights for the! Down in The Forest, Wardens 0! next five weeks, Waterton, One Little jrdinn and | A csoniation started June 27 and Each week six Hims, some of Down Where The North Begins [Will tnst inti] Sentomber 5 which are in color, will be pre-| AUGUST 10 . (|. Due to the Jet that there are sented at the shell. Rach Program whke Wings 01, HOO) is PR. many up Is lo h an fog by nutes in length ' ar Aste M ol, be eats. subloate at NAF: Gogg rnin oa Or {ep AL TIE 9 paling; : vide each hoy and girl with two film council! Eye Wine wing Hunt: | {ogeons wok your. anda Moe Ww ot Hod OF, REYE'S whe instructors at the pool are: to bw many resl-| Hockey, Hunting With A' Camera| pianne Hochman, {and High Tide In of| AUGUST 24 j the! Eve Witness 55, Sing A Little awa vehicles Parade Mayor registered for swimming instruye: tions at the Rotary Pool here Swimming instructions, sponsor ed hy the Communities Recreation Seaside Holiday, | his "activity i ite [ dents of the community Hig Following is the schedule films for the remainder of "I drive Alhert Three Men Spend Hours | Marooned On Island DETROIT (CP)~The UBS. coast guard rescued thre emen from a small {sland In Lake 8, Clair where they sought refuge after {spending 10 hours tossing on the {stormy walers SOLOIS Billy Wade of Courtice stranger to Oshawa audiences Neither 1s he a stranger to the hand concert world where he has appeared hefore thousands despite the fact he is only six ears old, Bil, the son of My ind Mes, Willlam Wade of Cow Ontario, 18 known in the musical world as -a peroussion Newfoundland, | Beverley Millman, Larry Children range from four tn 16 ! Antaretie Vighl, Man And His Dog | ppere 1s an adult class, alsq, Les yn sons are only given in the Eve Witness #2, Winter Week: Song of the Ski ---- " | these heginngrs Others whe can swim can only go in the afternoon Plow M atch Mother Rescues Child | 5"0 ne From Flaming House | swimming pool 16 kept working 24 Sch d | d hours a day, Chlorine 18 also often 3 e u e A 88-year-old mother rescued her|used which provides elear, dis T) of | two-year-old son from their flam | hs 4 orth Ontario Plowmen's As:| Ing home Monday and escaped with sociation met recently and decided | shock and ¥ "0. to hold their 1086 Plowing Match| Mrs, Myrtle Monigomery, out 181t eases xbridge township Unit | the kitchen, She rushed (hrough the "The match will he held on the fire and picked up her son, Thomas farm of Mi John Kydd, Ux: who was sleeping In a bedroom al It was decided to hold a Junior! The fire was helleved to have a Plowing Match on the farm of been started in & can of grease iy JSeriainly orth the Russell Morrison, Beaverton, on| Firemen estimated loss at $5,000 [Tight on the patients' faces as I Match will he open to all farm | oreciative. &roun of , , " ' | patients I've boys and girls in Ontario County Fi E lo ee had," sald Mrs. BE. A, Collins of he classes for under i] years and m mp Y from visiting 21 tuberculosis pa from 18 to 21 years of age Yre Will Retire tients In Muskoka hospital, Gra appointed, itt | {are from Oshawa ands Commitiee One patient, from Beaverton, Horse Commitiee---John Kydd {the Canadian company started 11s has heen nine years in the sana Tractor Commitiee--~Chas, Rall Moore will retire at the end of| seerelar 4 M ) | : 4 FW a | § y for Ontario County Osh Banquet Committee--8tuart Ball (ic onth He was honored hy a awa Tuberculosis Assoeiation and i vas visiting the patients In a wel: Canvassing Committee Mor-| at a dinner at the Cutten ley Hangs, Citvence Breen, Fin last night, Mra. Collins has accepted an in- Ar amaliey, Alhe i Fellow employees Including | Vitation to visit Heck Memorial The 8, MacKay -paid | #anatorium, London, to study the Match has always heen a very|(ribule to the work of Mi ui successful event, The officers and| Who has heen a foreman in the glass fiber work, He came to another good match this year A when the Fiberglas transfer was| made in 1081, Oliver MacLachlan, | Hi A . wersonnel officer, made a presenta 1S Arguin | gu g After his retirement he will re: | turn to his home at Whithy where Costs Money he lived prior to his transfer tol argued he was no more liable tol UU 8, Rirman Is Killed a fine than other speeding drivers was fined $10 and costa hy magis:| As Sabre Jet Crashes Giles, Sdlence Hill, pleaded guilty Pance to speeding In Sebringville, jAetioan Ar Force hitor waa " a ol saturday Nigh en {11 ] When asked hy the magistrate Sabre jet plane crashed at Thiers court, Gilles replied a gravel pit | \ i: don { feel that 1 Should have It had heen reported ervoneously 0 pay this any more than hel ..u ously that the pilot was an ville this morning and 100 others who do the same thing" In passing sentence the cadi re who was caught Fveryone's invited ta our first DRASTICALLY RE DUCED, at LA VOGUE IACOUELINE, ATHOL ging, and Georgia Brock | Beaver Makes A Comehack and ings and the pool is only open for A waler filter connected to the NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP) infected waler officers and directors the ninor hurns October | doors, noticed flames shooting from bridge | the rear of the kitchen LL a en 8S Saturday, October 1, The Junior | walked in. They're the most ap under 41 years of age. There will Oshawa, on her recent return The following committees venhurst, Several of the patients Thax:| GUELPH -- With Fiberglas since ter | aperation almost 14 years ago; Joe torlum, Mrs. Collins 1s executive and Albert Thaste) | group of foremen of the eompa v Club | fare capacity, Noble plant manager J J D North Ontario Plowing | Moore | different phases of sanatorium rectors are looking forward to direct a * : Guelph fram the Oshawa plant lon to Mr. Moore Guelph [| STRATFOR C(P~A man who trate A. FF. Cooke Monday, Samuel | : t VERDUN, France (Reuters)--An| 8 why he did not pay the fine aut of) Ulile ® joa here, and rolled into man who passed me in Sebring: | {oak flier fram Maryville aiv base minded Giles that he was the one CLEARANCE SALE of regular CELINA §T, The men sald their boat could not return to shore heeause of the | heavy waves. Rescued were Harry | Watters, 20, Woodrow Heathamer, | '41, and Thurman Stewart, 3, stogk at Hoe aupervisor; | Norn: | Norman Down of | Knights Templar Annual | | Some 400 boys and girls are now | ihe | The 72nd annual Oshawa, Mayor Harry Jermyn of Whithy and numerous other GM and civic officials, The GM | Pipe Band joined the parade al Memorial Park at 1 pm. and continued at the head of the els uc FEI 4 Fo SE A LE EE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE | OSHAWA i | Jack Shepherd and Dr ' caravan to the show site, The show opens at 2 p.m, Thursday, Performances will he continu: | ous and the show will opersie from 2 to 10 p.m, dally through Saturday Assembly At Toronto assembly of Great Priory of Boverelgn f | at Toronto ia will he held The GM will read the lesson, the sermon will he delivered by (he Grand Chaplain, V:Em, Ki ithe Koyal York Hotel, August 81 ¥, Corothers, BGP, Past Grand | | sembly coincides | x T AT is no | | | | This year's as: | with the mark: | Anniversary of | tn Angust 8, 1066 ing of the 100th Geoffrey de Bt, Aldemar FPrecep tory No, # Fo Aronia, Instiiuted in 1864, and Gogirey de Bouillon Precenlory Nod Kr," wamiiion, instituted in 1865, Plans are now well advanced in making this Assembly an out: standing event. Up (0 600 dele ates and distinguished visitors rom all across Canada from Vie torle, B.C, tn Bt, Johns, NAM, are expected to attend as well as representatives from Slaten The distingnished clude 1H bro, Clarence Mel, Pitts, Ottawa, Most. Boverelgn Grand Commander, A and ABR of Canada; KR, Em, Ki, Bianley W Wakefield, Grand Commander of the state of New Yark; BR, Em, Kt, Murray I, Wilson, Grand Com mander of the Biate of Michigan; M. Ex. Comp, J, A Taylor, Toronto, Past Grand First Prine: pal, RAM, GRC; The M, Ill, Grand Bovereign of the Red Cross of Cone stantine of Canada, Frank ¥, Bim: | mons of Winnipeg, and RH, Em, | Kt, George C, Crewson, (he Immediate Past. Grand Comman der of the Blale of New York, COMMITTEE ACTIVE A strong committee of Toronto Knights Templar under the gen | eral chairmanship of BR, Em. Ki dohn A, MacDonald has heen ae | tive during the past months In| making plans for the successful conclusion Tovontonlans ean obiain # the United | uests will in| Master, Grand fodge of Quehee, Dean Riley will close the serpy. lee with the Benediction i, the As On Monday, Aug embly_proper will ope t the ia vik ft Worship he LJ oe he aii wiloame fram the City of Torente, M, om Kt, Frederick G, Mann, GM, will preside, The Queen of the Knights Tem: plar, selegled each year, will he | chosen hy vole from all the ladies | assembled at the Grand Master's hanguet on Monday evening On Tuesday, August 0, the elee thon of officers will take place, LONG HISTORY Knight Templary in Canada has # long and Interesting history, Its full story has yet (0 he writen In July, 1864, the National Great Prlovy of Canada separated Iisell from the Convent « General and deleared itself to he the Boverelgn Great Priory of Canada and was acknowledged as such hy the Con vent « General of England and the Grand Encampment of the United Hlates, With the change of status new life was Infused into the Or der of the Temple Iw Canada, There ave today in Canada, 7 {rscoptorios and over 14,600 Knights Templar, The late King George VI was a Past Grand Master of the Knights Templar in | Kngland BIRTHDAYS glimpse of the enlor and pagean try of the #00 « year » old Order, | On Sunday afternoon, August 7, the colorful parade will form up al the Royal York Hotel at fd m,, with Rameses Shrine Band ending, and will move off to the Cenotaph, City Hall, where =a wreath will be placed In mem ory of the members who died dup ng War service, From (he elty hall they will parade to Bt, James' Cathedral, corner of Chureh and King Street, for divine service ist he plays all Kinds of drums, traps and instruments of that nature, He will be suest with the Oshawa Civie and Reg! mental Band Thursda night in the MeLaughlin Band "shell at their weekly concert, Hilly does all solo work and is aceampan fed on the HT He appeared herve fast year with plant hy mathe Congratulations are extend: ed ta the following veaders of The Times:-Gasetle who are gelebrating their birthdays to day, July 26 Harold Wickett, 811 Anderson Drive, Whithy, re, RK, Bryani, 488 Ridge way alreel, Breeders Meet, Judge Holsteins Five hundred Holstein Breeders and thelr friends met at the farm of Mr. and Mrs; Hob Flett, Osh awn, No. 4, on Wednesday eve ning, July 20, to hear Mr, A. KR O'Neill, Oshawa, give a splendid address, and to see Mr, Flelt's fine Holstein herd, Mr. Vinee Maounttord, Brampton, Ontario, provided entertainment Mr, Fred Christie, President of the Ontarin County Holstein Club, was In charge of the meeting My, Gerald Nelson, Fieldman, supervised the judging of twa olasses of Holstein cattle, Mr James T. Brown was the official Judge, The results of the Judging Competition are as follows Ladies, at Mes, TJ Newoastle; 2nd, Mrs, Fd Port Perry, No, 8; fd, Clare Vernon, Port Peiry, No. 2 Juniors, 1st Wm, MeMillan, Seagrave, No, 8; fad, Helen Had den, Blackwater; dred, John Leask, Heafrave, Nao, 2 Men, 1st Norm Gimblut, Osh awa; nd, Harold Page, Uxbridge, No, § ed, Lloyd Smith, Pont Perry, No, Mt, H | Wehle, Oyler, Mrs, Fair, Agrvioultural Representative, and 5 Assistant John Gi, were in charge of the Judging Competition reenrvds There were 80 ladies, 77 juniors and 82 men for a total of 200 taking part in the Judging Com the band before more than 4,000, petition, and VOL, Vato 173 - Donald H, 5 by Bogan y hh vi Wonth UN "har of "ia nner fre M dey, Both pve 0 the Welgor which wes found in the trunk of they oe, wr bonstape ote Smith, of WE oe) Whe omtvenied WW the Crown, Club Meets | Out Of Doors Members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa held Mm iniarmal hunch Con meeting, under -the trees, on the lawn al Adelaide House, on Monday with a large turnout of memhers, § Hopkins, &lub president, presided Visors st the meeting included Graham Coulter, Murra dell and Hobert John Mel pughlin Whidden, 21, of 77 avenue, Torons Krone Wo Wb) A ' re 1h 0 in, he yh MIRE Vary nd Tz # Li we Pg 7% Min aded gyity | Vind 4 ail of Oshawa, and Rotarian Fred 3 Wallers and George Moody of Bowmanville Souvenir spoons were presented to Dean Palle, J, 4, English and Len Gover, who celebrite Ihely Wirihdays this week as well as 1o Fay Brooks and Alex Nathan who celebrate newt week, It was announced that D, Lang maid won the awards for having their name appear the largest number of times in the new mem hers' contest It was alse announced Shaw, one of the club's new members, had secured 106 sina tures of members of the, ehh, a] well as the signature of past dis trict governor Basil Tippett, to win the new members contest W. Armstrong with #8 had the hest low gross in the members golf tourney recently, Low ne honors, for a 61, went to Dr, D Langmaid, 8, ¥, Everson had the hest score for the first nine holes; while Dr, D, E, Biurgls scored a four on the ®, George's hole to win the hidden hole award, The prizes were presented hy Rev J, €, Pereyma, The president gave a review of the husiness transacted at a re cent directors' meeting It was Annauneed that, the Civie Hol the club will nol meet again unti August 8, "When returning ow Port Perry one day | BAW a fox and a skunk igh ng in # field, 1 thought It was quite strange 10 see & skunk fighting aa Gordon Whyte, 68 Grass mere avenues, i heing sent twa guest tiekets for the fep ture picture "Beau Brummell' now heing shown at the Regen Theatre, or for any other fea ture there within the nex! month_fay having sent In this Boley this soln that due to Botkin oF intries for should be sent fo the "1 BAW" Kditor, The Times - Gagelle, Oshawa, Twa guest tickets for the Regent Theatre will he sont to the sender of any item published fines only one lem Is used eagh day, only the most un usual and siriking observa: tions will he published, and in the order in Which they ar rive 17-Year-Old Fined $50 erald Gray, 17, of RR, No §, Wr By faced two charges in Magistrate's Conrt here Mon day, hefore Magistrate ¥ L} Ehbs, The first was for driving while his leenee 'wis under Sus: sension, For this, ho was fined vy and eosts, or one month, in the County Jalil, Becondly he was fined $10 and costs, or 10 days for being a miner having liquor The sentences are io ig eonae: ly, not concurrently, on tod the court & man In gowmanville owed him B0 cents so fe gave him two heers in pay: ll Constable © E. Smith sald he found the aceused sitting Wn A ear, parked in a cemetery, On Bloor street east, Under the seal, Constable Smith found a full pint of heer, and found an empty hottle heside the ear Driver Gets Fine Of $10 enneth Appleton, of 877 Craw. forg hon, aronto. was fined 810 and costs, or 10 days, for permit: ting an unlipenced driver to one ate his truck, His companion, Leo J. Hebert, of 83 Shudell avenue, Taranto, was fined 828 and oosls, ar ane month for driving while his leenee Was under AURA ON: The aceused appeared hefor Magistrate ¥, 8 fbb, in Magis trate's Court Monday Constable A. Dowdall of the Oshawa City Polio, Traftie Divi slon, sald he saw Hebert driving a alake truck, and knew his Hi cence had heen ecpneelled He stopped then, and asked if Helug! jie venewed permit, The accused told him he had not Hebert told the equrt his broth arin-law, Appleton, had heen had: Iv burned in a gas takn explosion, and had akin « grafts done on his log, "Hig leg wan sore, Your Wor ship, s0 he asked me to drive, so 4 did," sald Hebert, Dow: § {pal wellbeing in health, educa: CHA hullding 1s used to capacity,' met In Oshawa recently day on Monday next (| Minister's New Role Of WHITEY, PAGE § Combining The Oane Times and Whithy Gorstte ond Chionishs OSHAWA WHITBY, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1955 CRA HEAD SAYS: Recreation Set-Up Better But Still Much To Be Done | nit 4 can Sill Bol mest Sw He wiggests an wale wide: Fim for theatre pr Lions and Aer needs apd Yer Found Swim: ming Inctiities, | "We have a very £omylate sysiem ond program for wh [the ely and parks bonrd i Lhe yr A i he 44 | "Phe facilities | have mention. "4 (ed, Bnd many others, ae Eeriain ly neeoed, hut these things must he done within the financial i means of the municipaiity. | de hope to see an oversll plan created sn that we can herd and develop recreation fas cilities, areas, and Programs In keeping with the general advance, | ment of the ely. ks & whole," | Oshaws should he proud of is | neighborhood associations setup, he wmid : I "This is a patiern of community { planning that is ideal, and 1s looks Led on hy many other communities | within the provieee,! according lo | My, Brewster FROM STRATFORD My. Brewster came here from Sratiord, in January, 10648, where he was recreation divector tov fiw vers, Previous to this, he was the general secretary for the YMCA In Moneton, NB. He was there for eight years before entering the field of municipal recreation, He took the YMCA training course mn recreation and administration, Mr, Brewster allended Dale hausie University at Halifax, N.§,, where he wludied general selence, then went on to the Ontarie Cals loge of Art at Toronto where he gradusted In Commercial and Fine Art, He was horn in Monge 80 are they! lon, wnd 1s 4% years of age generally accepted as an Inte: now secepling recreation, recog: MI. Brewster highly commends Gal part of the municipal func. | nisin that th our high-pressure | the Ontario Department of Ee Hon, 'according to the man whe! seelely today, planned recreation | CALON thse « year course in ree directs thousands of Oshawa | facilities are essential to hes t| vention, and holds a eertifiente Wm children each year Wn thelr ve:| make use of our leisure ¢1m el this ereational activities | which has increased over the past! He deseribes this training Wendell M, Brewster, Ab-yenrold | 16% years," i | mice, and the Wihest sand elty recreation direcior wha is in| REGARDING OSHAWA an the continent! 1t Is now pers charge of the CRA and viee:| Hegarding Oshawa's recreation| ated hy the University of Westen president of the Onigrio Recren- setup, Mr, Brewer sald | Ontario, at London fon Association, explains I this] "Our facilities are improving,| Mr. Brewsler 1s the immediate w hit we still have a long way ol pst president and an . exesihive gn, We should have a mere ade:| member of the Recreation Diy muniel| quate community centre, W hel tors Federation of Ontarie whi WENDELL M, BREWSTER recreation 1s now tion, and welfare, Municipal yi "Just as the municipality ae! cepted responsibility for ackfoot Indian Ch LETHARIDGE, AA, (CP)-RE, (James Mur, president of The (Bloods, but today It is main! Hon Lf n, Jove, federal injutor nyal Bink of anadn ditional, M jd v thay of trade and commerce and of de: My, Howe Is he honoved fo HEX v, Howe's Insugura fence production, after July 86 will hie eontvibution tn U8 honored ig into th inal are the Unnalan Also be known as Chief FeTaPu: | Also to he Initiated into the fell | Aviation Industry, the Ch mers 9 Tuh, chistiainahin is a man who has [Commerce and Tide Hard spent the main part of his life in | Southern Alberta, the Lethhridae assisting the Indians, 6G, H, Gooder: ham, recentiy-retived supervisor of Indian affairs in Alherta and The Northwest Territories HRedoubtable old warrior Chief Bhot-Bath-Bides, ruler of the 8800 member Blood tribe, has heen iI and sometimes bedridden for some years hyt hopes fo De well enough In preside over the sun dance ceremonies The B-year-old tribal king takes a more Personal interest in the ceremony than most of his sub Jeeta, Christianity has heen adopt ed hy most of the tribe far many years, hut Chief Shot: olh-Bldes he: came a oonvert only this spring, TRADITIONAL RITUAL The sun dance used to he | main veligious eeremony of | Translated from the Blackiool Indian language, that means Chief Flying Eagle, 1t's the name the Blood branch of the Hiackion Ine dian epnfederacy will give M Howe when he Js initialed into thelr honorary ehieftain's organi: whalon The ritual will take place at the Blood's annus! sun dance on the buffalo grass of the southern Als herta foothills abiut 80 miles west of Lethbridge on the Blood reserve, JOINE NOTABLES Mr, Howe will he joining the Kainal, an exclusive group limited hy the Indians fo 85 persons; Othe ors they have taken inte thelr trie as honorary chieftains include the Duke of Windsor; Governop: eneral Vincent Massey; YAH ture Minister J, G. Gardiner and Flying Club and the Lethhp wing of the RCAF association head Chief Bhot-Both-Bides and oouell am 4 We aay aller the sun nee i oh alr show and aireraft axhibi on hby " will he held al the Let and the" WRAP king Baek High and the UBAY (aking pave, Hight of the show wht Phe An i refuelling of a fighter aireraft, hee lieved fo he the first public dems onstration of this rip 4 'H Oan My, Hows, 10M winner of Ms or hs oon Guggenheim Award tribution te aviation, Bian the fireat expansion of Canadian avis lon while 'serving as minister of transport. He was hehind for he mation of Trans-Canada MM [nes 0 | lines, Malaya Holds Election Despite Guerrilla War By VREERICK COLEMAN erpment, but wot defence ov inter: KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) | "a security, Against the background of the| Crities of the constitution---and elght-year war agalnst Communist| there are many--complain that the uerrilias, (he Federation of Ma:| elections give only & fraction of aya holds ite fivst general eleg:| the Chinese in Malaya a vole, Tn ton Wednesday fact, the Chinese generally we of No Communist attempt to inter] Itisens of the various Malay fere in the elections has been pe:| HlAles: ported. but eandidates for same of | A breakdown of those entitled fo ve legislative council's § elected | L900 Shows that AR per cent are oR Wave heavily armed police | Malay and 11 per cent Chinese. Of f : s Malaya's population of about 6, guards win they go eampaiEning | sad oro oil | in the hack eounlry Malay' Approximately half are More than 1,400,000 Malays, © Ma ay. and halt Chinese, nese, Indians, Blamese and others| COMMUNAL VOTING are eligible to vote Observers expect that voting will COMMISBIONER HAR VETO he mainly along communal or va-| Forty-six members of the legls lature will he nominated hy the rubber and tin Industries, hy oom merce and trade unions and hy the minority vaces--Rurasians, Ceylos nese and aborigines From the elected members will] pome nine ministers wha will form | the oahinet headed hy the high| commissioner, Kir Donald MaeGil, | liveay, and three appointed mems hers The high commissioner will ye tain the power of velo and in other | respects the constitution 1s parallel | to that of the eolony of Singapore | where eleotions were held last April 2 The new ecounell will eontyal al most every phase of domestie gove A hig the Malayan Indian Congress In # atrong position, Next most powerful party is the party Negara country party whose leaders are conservative, "wpper crust Malave of the government Admini ation and wealthy Chinese and Europeans in business The Labor. party of Malaya has four eadiaates, It wants all fops elgn troops oul of the eauntry and Immediate Independence, hut ex: perienced ahservers de not give it ay chance of winning a seat The ending of the continuing fuerrilin war and the restrictive | regulations assooiated with if 1s the al lines with the sn-ealled "Triple | haste plank in the platforms of Allianoe" venpesenting the United | hath main parties, They hath alse Malays National Ofiianteation, the promise independence == the Alls Malayan Chinese Association and' ance hy 1080 and Negara hy 1040, 5 =e * \ RR he he 4 "BLEGANT COMPANY IR DESSERT , , , 9) vunean | Hines | Ic Rr Retross Sues Magasine | E CREAM For $2,500,000 Damages | HOLLYWOOD (AR) Actress Lizaheth Heott Monday sued Con fidential magazine seeking $2,500, 000 damages or lhe! Lawyer Jerry CHesler, who has filed similar sults for helress Dapls | Duke and actor Robert Mitehum, | sald the magasine portrayed her in a vielous, slanderous and in decent' manner, He added that the article "was entirely untrue, CBW. dha oid LY) IDEAL DAIRY LTD, are EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS for DUNCAN HINES ICE CREAM for ONTARIO COUNTY, IDEAL DAIRY LTD. 110 KING 87, &, PHONE RA 5.5812 without foundation in fact" |