mmm THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE = Z#2% wight ending Beturdey morning, Low ; ertising RA 3-3492 . Shasified a ... BRAS474 Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle tonight 70, high tomorrow 99, OC Vive, WI TT OMAWAWHITHY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1955 Wl, rome TAD en S SHOT A TTT Pilot's Desperate Bid | Lead FigureIn B.C. For Safety Just Fails | P olice Probe Dead By RE td I. CAPVON makes road wm / aimidonces ermienaent Marry Whelan, # key | sable it rnd Aemeied 16 pari FOorY 14 Bi WOOD, Me. | shollied baek | Ps We Wn the roym | ering He was one of the (AV) =A PW kept Wis crippled | evil hours, Winging ph ya Bo | wiry How under way ilo hares most poplar mifieers on he foves, Americm pling plot for | Pie. Beverly yh VAC, | | CRription in the Vancouver po Vetiow igor Bilis 1a, poi Wire hen % miles th a desperate | sid ihe saw the Diane or Tha | Vice Taree, was (ound shot 16 denth | smoking superintendent # Wid for a oh his hom Wi Ami Wer seconds helore the | #0 Ws home here 1oday 0 he i" & prensad und ey diy 6k iit er ashed | Full details of the shooting were | slate Thur He wad fet oh i ok YY BY FIRE | not Vmmediptely oymilaing, wl Hi | I Sonvaramtions with other i sonrd' Were "¥lames were rio m the | Wee lesrned the veteran wheer's | {Rd With newspR Cary Hav engine and " od Foie | wile Weard & shot and rushed win | wide Aeprriine i vil » "ondon, Ont... tne | of the hip ae Lh Hee | the living room to find her Bus | Inandly "manner poh pp p/ id. "4 16 gi band's Body on the eheslerhield, | Whelsn appesred helfore Lhe iil more ind he would ga hl gad . the nA | Hig service revolver was heside the | opening sesion of the com i wn Bemy eye: | we thought 1 might make i | dy ly 1 10 give evidence coneemn: I, Brewster Then there was 8 series of | We was pronounced dead on ar: ing notes he took in # o 1 very ow vir | mulled explosions aks fell | vel al hospital from a bullet | interviews with Det, Sgt, Cithert, ihn then banked | fim the plane and i dlsappesred | wound In the heart {The superin ttn sleeply wid. headed for the post | behind the woods," Whelan 1s the second member | had told him hoy find vam ph Army otficinls said the plane, o the ise " he shot nie | ir pa olla with ws (he dine was trating Name | herded from Tulsa to Syracuse | EHarkes of Graft and corruption | Wa and mike oh) ov winded WY, had heen making a perfect | Were levelled against the depart | when, iWon Wom / ween, the vight wing ell oft," approach to the field's wh souih Ment HEVErRl weeks ago ( - SECOND EMERGE? runway when it disintegraled, The royal commission investige: Ps, ] athe Sow wes WU was the 6s | we within! "Phe dead Included i it women, | Ion was ordered June 4 # ow | weheduled to re Ld 4 wu 0 months that the pilst, Capt. | twa cilldren and 8 Roman Cath. | hours alter Det, Bgl; Lop Cuthbert | missioner Aefini Ho, Tupper Ly Hugh Barron of Tulsi, Okla, Wad | ole priest, Be fants Seok of | hot himself Ip the chest in an #l-| or his mont bid for an emergency Janding | Maryknoll, N.Y, Father Krock, 47, | templed suicide, Cuthbert re: He was the hother of Last Bov, § he wis credited with rupantly returned from Guatemala, | €overed from the wound, detective Jack Whel who aving the lives of M0 passengers | The "1rggedy was i necond | FOPULAK OFFICER | de with Cuthbert, # an anther crippled wane Ww» | within 4 months on this route, | Father of two sons, Whelan mae! corruption ARAN the flores, wheali-up Landing al Chis ih An American Ahr hey Sonvaie -- i CS Bain Helping [Lishining Kaocks iR wi Army pulldoned W onl fiw investigators dedined fo Pp g Boy Into Water iih 4 lly, wonded 16iriin speculate on the seuss of Thurs JA g 9 "the wreck soens, Over this day's crash, Firefi ghters wi, re Y ; he "Wa Af | 4 di E Is me ne puess | Thurntey Ai Bb im xpanding Economy Wet mt " Thirniy ol helped nee's fd firefighters prt AH fale, bi was " pp eriand Wages father snd & guide from Threatening Inflation The on awaited showers ve | of Lake Huron st nesrby ober die '] the Auber of fires | mory, He millersd bi By HAROLD MORBISON fr) hurning In the province, Thirteen | bruises and ru period to Canadian Fre & Blatt Welter (wh rev WF were sul out of control ate iy ad OVVAWA Hehe Canadian] Capiial Investment for 1968 has) "18 was our hest day vel," Jack | Fi ORY WE espanding al sieh a lheen forecast a peak $5.96.000, | Dillon, of the forest protection | His tain a JN ¥ F hat some lead offioials | 000, up from 85,507,000, 000 14st | service, said in Toronto fultale | wai fiw are becoming congerned over | year, Exports have increased sub:| But he sald the five hazard sill land the bibity of another vound of | stantially ganges from medium to high! = Alatian BONDING the SONNY All this Aoivi ACRE DIES throu pt yo Pov ies with AM fw antike, HARVEST ALMOST COMPLETED eR A on erment | lite ; on ie fifth sonsesulive een hi yvwiod, Taek of has | yield J not - gated to be an | awhoriion said A hiiraday Hig @ wR li | eludbim i | ou mast rape add Nidernd Hp rALiah, wd | He Wa "lhe " a re te a ih lind als HR a at ai rt iy Wo eurh i jo Ar fia, i Hal Akt on her Ww TT a ined $40 i 1s hie Gomory ated for Canadas Last Vebruar Brian 'Russians Emphasize Important Eisenhower ndeterred fT Th Se SEE bi foweve Canadian polley-ma ation, Wednesda he n o, 1 or With West opt fre nahin" Blan Slated tok sncinflonary adil Baroness Reports side Bohn ho n "Hie. f Hy h ne gb # y ho > at COMmMonpi Hi wo the 1 p : The government generally has|ing bank lending charges, Similar 5,0 0] | Theft MOSCOW (Reuters) wh higp iii lo rite gar Y u ganin 1ectio heen following a policy of making | action Ay bo by " onl Ger, 87 0 owe Wihies fram various paris of Russia em | Coto Ci sikoran and. Georgi i waster for Ounadians tn horeow | man and Belghim MONTREAL (CP)-Mrs, 1ilian| A deputation of eotlagers phisiged (he destvuhility of I) peaopioy By JOHN M, WIGHROWER | losson the dangers of slomie war, United Nations, which 16 still 1s | money and hi woods on more | Bul Canadn Ts shill holding the | Pursey, former Hungorian havon: | week appeared re, I preased contacts and eullural ox | gag gke from fhe Soviet vepub: | WABHINGTON (AF )--President | NOT WORRIED die to the Hl tht iis armies ave | BEneraus eredit terme, Inlevest | intevast-rate line, though there | ess recently acquitted of a charge founelt and wea told nop ghianges with the West as the Bu-| jigs emis wed lanl call for | Eisenhower plang to confront Rus: | Kisenhower displayed ne gon: | in North Korea, we hive ao choles | PA108 have heen redied have heen some Increases In| of possessing counterfell money, | | J Igns wou oi ore Boviel met today to e¥PPESS | inoppased eultural Exchanges and | sia soon wilh a new set of pro. | gern over the Alomie Enevay Com: | of ous own (about recognition), and | NOW the econaimy i expanding charges on hor term government | early today reporied theft of per: | either side of dhe {iar L) Ay 5 "unanimous support" for the | pontacts between East and West, | posuls for a disarmament Inpec: | mission announcement Thursday | 1 don't see how the Unie Nations | #0 & record pace, Bank Ioan are | horrowings, "The Bank of Canada's | sonal jewelry valued at 75,000. If helng jammed government's foreign polley, This theme has heen taken up 80 | Hon system that Russia hag tested nuclear [has # ehalee of its own," ab or pest an all-time high, Bome| Interest vate on hank loans was| She told police she notieed the | the rou nis say ha tare Whe 1067 members of the two | vigorously by the Soviet press In| Boviel Feemler Bulganin Thurs: | weapons within the Inst few days Attention taeussed on disarm. | BOATOIHER IR Tnelals have devel rediie ied tn 1% J cent from two | theft when she returned to & nurs: | immodest! hansen of Russia's parilament ve: | (he last two weeks that It (x widely | day vejegted Eisenhower's offer 0 | Those wera the fival Soviet (esis | ments singe, only a few hours he | 0000 aid prices have Incrensed, | per cent Tast February nd stil ne home wfter atlending an Ak The oollage gh Mie sumed (held special session In the | believed hy many jayne for | trade military blueprints with the | veporied offielally In almost a year | fore Hulganin in a Mossow speech | [N0\CRTIORE Tow ave tie gions nad) remalng at the low vate, There ning movie, Her voom af the Chi: | additiona Haron" of iy hall of the great Keemhin [long unable to travel @ road that | Baviet Union, but (he American | The president replied to ques: | in (he Bupreme Baviel had ras | HOnal peaducl ale of ull gonda| ave no Indleations the hank plans AAD gh Home wis vansacked pravinglal police, assembly} ! a and serviges produeceds<will vise | te Ineieate the rate al this ims, and her Jewel hox, whieh she kept| ehildren ay hddan } : i | Framer Bul: | Baviel tourists may Soon he al | president said he doesn't "under: | tons about Busala in the same | jected Elsenhower's Geneva pro ' Hg Spork CH Genevh oon. | lowed to vishh other gountries, | sland that (he premier closed the | eovdlal Tones. whith shiraeterisad Hosa to Hush for trading mill | 008 vear to a record of more than | hit 1 1s known that y/ nk offlelals | under the springs of her hed, was | bottles left a on In bre nore | yh " allo §45,000,000000 compared with last' are walehing the Tending situation | open, and hy AVR A 0 and out, cranes In an extraordinary mee! In' anathey unprecedented (doar an negotiation to end the (his talks with Hulganin af the [tary blueprints and for wing ng Thurday move today, foreign ambassadors | Arms ace } Geneva "summit meeting two | aerial SUPVeYS hy was In attendance when'| in Moscow received aa Invitation And Russia's reported vecent | weeks agn Bulganin praised Elsenhower's the session opened (his morning, flo spn Ya day of rest and relax. | atomic test explosions da not He spake more sternly, however, [intent as a conteihution tn PERCE, sharing the government hax with | ation" as guests of Bulganin at his | necessarily mean any ohange 10 when the questioning ined to | hut sald the Sheet I this plan the Communist party's ehiel secre: 'gounivy house this Sunday the purvent frie nly Russtan atti: | Hed China "and possible United | would not be "eonalderable," and | tude toward the West, Eisenhower | Blales vec aight ton of that eountiy Hat Russia' § Proposals were move sald He made clear thal he is not Ins | Mrealialie,' Man, "Allergic To Hee appeared at a press oonfer [ tepagled now in any future "sum The key Russian disprmanment armer raises | enee Thursday tn he at least mod: | jill meeting on Fay Eastern | proposal put forth last May oalls 1G t I Fi d aralely aplimistic that disarma | proh lems, and he sald of veeog: [for an Inspection system based an our 8, ] ne ment Reotiatione with Russia will | #itlan; ohservation at transportation ehepk rig a e iremen| TORONTO: (CP)=A man wha Sventially lead ta fareements, | UBeveral times 1 have stated [plints ike vallway centres and [sald he was "allergle to earls faly to both sides," to peduee | that as long as Red China I Barts so as In detect prepara: | Runse 9 Richardson, 8 farmer | (od do "Sls damages Thursday |e world's arms burden and | branded as wn aggressor hy the Hone for agavession | ) } i - ai thors Stamos Muh in enver the cost of a ahel's broken ve de of Ashburn, : lentures 3 i p gifielenoy dis: |! : . Bs Brine vaahars of fhe | Roy yawn, a ¢haf #t the Na 15 Planes Searchin For Hohe Killed poakiin Volunteer Pye. Hrigada | Honal Yaeht Olyb, where the a saving his hame and farm | gused used to work, said Oharles pile ngs | Mitsan, #0, heoke his dentures L 4 Rich as busily ene | When he smashed his in the faoe 18S1n d ane n ig tnin My, Richard Vesting his meaty | Waring a squabble aver breakfast Ny aged 0 harvel pu A ite ne | Prawn counsel Henry Bull asked VAN an > A grap whan (he eambing CLOT #1 Mitsan why he Was Wearing ark ANCOUVER (CPF) Fifteen mile fight from pra in its | | oy TON (¢ gt mother of used far the opevation, teak fH | lasses in ent Hines were fo take off into vlea | nal 400 miles north of Vancouver, | twa ehildien was iio Wuraday aid set fee ta the Held or praia | "Wm allengle fo courts, my doo Io abies arly today to seour the | Meanwhile, eonstruotion a nd | When a bolt of Tighining steick her A saad deal of his evap of grain {tay say gonial wilderness of Beibish Co { pawey plant warkers fanned out | Nelson township home was destvayed fy Whe HAWES: | TT prada uny guar heen fanvieted Wambia in a stepped-up search for [fala the Jagged mountain helt in| Mys, The ima Blakeley, 84, failed | Rowe ov, the efforts of the Value pgnat Sasked Me. Bull | #0 amphibian aleeraf missing | thee welloqi' oad ground parties [tn voupond fo artifielal vespiration ey firamen, wha wavked vi, ail Na. [#inen Wednesday aight with five | Aboard the ising Papitie West: | aftep! Matin ing sleuek her an she ly despite the heat and a Titervupled madisivate MeKeawn | Men ahoaid arn Arlines HARE webs thre | Washed dishes in the Kitohen of a prevenad the Hames | inka l Maphe Its the thought of eaurts | RCAF search officials sald low: | prominent Vaneouver busing seaman | farmhouse apaviment, Her hus ng to the farm building Ws allangle ta Ranging cloud stymied sly seaveh [and the pilot and eo-pilot [hand anil two childven were in an hen he ordered Mitsen to pay | Thursday for (he Grumann Mal: | hey are David Millon Owen | other pamn Fh were unhurt | the damages lad which disappeared on a 80-49 & BREET in tha law fiom of |, The Same lghining storm Killed Defence Minlater Campney; Li | 8000 worth go poten vatile on Cal Mapgregor Magtntoah; ab Als I farm of W, 1, and G4, T. Beall h 1] i | ort Garman, 44; pilet | Edward Ras miles ra on Headon yaad, [Hell pnd eoopllol Kendall King iba) yA en Wh " lahining | RUAF aifielals directing the | Aiek a fopoe in the pasture where search sald fouk of the five ROAR Li Were grading, anes expected to take part te Bulganin Considers Other Peace Plans thy Wi De SIVGRGA Ham AR i Cli ) | ider Pilot's MOSCOW (CP) = Premier Hulganin today told | sucessful seareh top a fishing ' hot missing off the west coast af the Supreme Hoviet that naturvally the Soviet Union | Vanoauver stand R d A prefers its awn disgrmament proposal hut nevertheless | A Hi aly yJarte Rae, along ecor ttempt with Hashing boats ah ensure | would not refuse to consider other sincere plans eralt, was fontinning that seareh REGINA (OR) A Taranta | ier pint came within 3 miles A Canadian soaring reoord Intensive Search Over Robbery Girl Accuses Gypsies fi AMILTON op Poli throughout the Prank Brame was towed aloft : HAMIL id Wouithol Of Kidnap ping Her aver Regina hy a Tiger Moth, then Niagara peninsula have been alerted to wateh for a JONERHOR AK, FAP) A 16 | loose, 0 hal. at] gang who stole the aafe from a Vineland service vearald § dd pallee she vas | ¥ eleoling Wn thevmala=hat ale | Kidnapped hy B Hypale A and faree i : OUrTenty stig tram the around | station early today, Provincial police sald the safe [tin travel Site Tham Mh Theis [ta eloudl levele-he was able ta A contained an undetermined amount of money, evedit | dering lite, the 0 Changed hey wry |} | Shpatal though, Alitide LL LAOS POST #lips and aecagmts lhe fv a $2,000, a i ~. los Te" Tandled WJ rat Soormiary he ah ainer | Search Continues For Missing Boat | od Wie the G16] WAG BOER Tro wan PoE, Sou of B38 les Uh eammisioner's office In | HALIFAX (CP)==The air force suid today two | Tater fn & wuuey clon Po FLT TIL WY g a. OI hoi, Das been nngeinied of ita Lancaster patrol hombera and a UN, Navy plane | of thelr Braup IN n aks PLAYGROUND PARADE FEATURES ANNUAL PENNY FAIR ternational - truce sUpeIVISOr hk " " } ARR | The girl, davkayved Ruby foaney Paw alsa made a erasseountvy ¢ ee 8 WOVY have joined the search for a fishing vessel missing Fold sherit Lonnte Ceaper Thuis: [attempt Thursday, bul was fares Grouped avaund their. Banner | who play saeh day at Woed Whisk took part in the parade | open the animal Penny ha, WA Commission for Laas He fs ex: | | A Bedted 10 Assume the new posi gince Wedneaday off the Newfoundland east const day thai whe PAR AWAY Foam the jie tad Rear Stoughton, Sask. | que Miss Brenda Newlon, supem | view fm Memorial Pack to the GRA Ronee Hh ro LL 8 | ; F wp ay QOrealion Assoeiation The group was only one of many | Building on Thursday aight to Times-Garelle Stati Paste : BY Pale § Wa Bef when unable to find another they ! r Won, aud some 0 dren ) (OF Pho) With four men aboard, suse they "had istvanted fon mal alter soaring for 82 wiles, VEO ahd 30me of the children L \