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Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 5 Aug 1955, p. 2

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THE DARN TIARACATENTE, Vridey, Magus 8, 199% BIRTHS oe Ha BA od y ntact EE a Ell Ll i % HE # Barty Bocuat iki sh Wison of oH Falome wher, Wer 1 ak Tha funersl service with be hed # the Lune Yatton ¥ wisi Home 8 2 pin. oh Bw dey, Ag wel 6 Rey, Brice Kh, Wies, wise of Wi. Paul's Prevwyieriew Charen, wilh Conaees 156 Weryicer Imiermint wit be Ww Most Lown Sy aad 4 my adic dl SE aad Maries wil Pies wile pow), & 1, # | Cometory inaki, ok Traisdey, A the gene Geneon HENRY GRORGE CUBBAGE Well known wn the Brooxhn and Bowmanville district, WBenry Gorin Cimige Mes sl Ine ghee; somes the Wek of of Bis truck, IRowing & heart & Mavgorst on tack, tn Yameowver, BC, on Jil fronernt Wok 5. He was Wh His Hist yen CHA TOL Born tn London, England, the de cones came to Canad 1s 199% Ha bred wo Bewini lor many yeirs During World War 1 he served #5 AB hgh engineer on the Vac fic Patrid with the Bo. 120 Squad wigte kom oA the Hoym Canadien Aw # oA Fores ha i i He leaves to mourn We passing on Tun Bis WHE, Jeah, Who WOIEl as piiivek wb tne Berimanyiile Bospitil ding World War 1H, apd sons, Larry and dohw, of Vanco wr Asa srviving wre Mrs, HB. Berrie and Mies, BH. Ark sey of Brookhin and wo Twothers Len of Owhaws md Edward of Pickering The tuners) service was held n Vancouver on Thursday, July 4 itlowed hy ier mient north Vancouver Cemetery MRS, WHAIAM J. DINGMAN In poor health for the pest 16 yairs Mes, Wikipm James hing wan, #4 Kenneth Avenue, died #t Fairview Lodge, Whithy, on Thurs day, August 4, In her Ssh year he tormer Mary Jane Varvow the docensed was & Asughisy the inte Mr, snd Mrs, Enoch ¥m vow, Bhe was horn in Clarke town whip on April 15, 1881 and. wi married st Whithy on Merch HE Mee Lind A rails Mast and) a Wavy Wi #A nad a or Aver of Howgitai Wed A wiser io sd Mrs & pis dey Casmmmh twa Borin wh wisiers, DEATHS nw Var Iria ¥uritow dames i 1. Ak #iond LL Hl Ww the O98 lid aid y wad wo Ty g of AVM onk during, Mik i tt Lavi Hines tol mh fa A # 9 Pe VERYS, of Oehaswr Ion Digman pray y AA inved on the own ine helwesn Krani: Whithy mnd Pickering townships YEE | bor many YEARS Mrs, Dingman was a member of Simeone Birest Upiied Church and formerly was & memberr of Al mands Unlied Chureh where hie taught the Bide Class Pradecessed hy her husband on March 8, 1004, she leaves 1o her passing one Augie Ashby (May) of Whithy Wilbert, predecensed hor in 1946 Also surviving are four grand children and four great-grandehil aren The resident Mrs ou i Chaps & hans Inier Farn Mi | A Kon Ald Vvarmide will he Funeral Baturday, yi wl Unit ser memorial servies held at the Armstrong Home al 8.80 pm, on August 8. Rev. Dr, George ford, minister of Bt, Andrew's ed Chuvel, will eonduet the lees, Interment will he In the fam Hy plot In the Oshawa Union Come tery B.C. Zoo Riddle Over King Penguin Birth VARCOUVER (CP Zan kasper Alain Best Is sweating out the 64 day question | Will the first king penguin og ever laid In North America hate | suecassiully? The egg wrrived st ihe gyri wi on Thursdsy bia lute remidenss, Arthur 4, B, Wilson i of Hips Brockman i £5 oF Berge of (have of WRI 5 Be SR year i Metntosh Funes '] (rest F hy services Sunt § #6 8 pom. Inter Min #Wn Cemetery a IN MEMORIAM Ui RHE wd 7 memory of » aFy Ahhe wha § Aigist B, 1043 Bor vemembored hy hashand snd fs in levin sed # w Anny VY in loving wmemary of iy i I » gt hand, linylen Zahiyhsing, ie Bibel wwny suddenly, Aukust 8, | 1604 | Park 200 Wednecday night, falling I Fh onto the rubber padded logy of the pamguin qukriers Best, who found the egg on # final vound with the walchman | sald! | | A ght 4 had heen going on for guile aw f nhered hy wile Anne and ently duughisy Estelle k Riy OBITUARIES HAY TEND haf an Bed I had put rubber mals on the concretesfloors of th panguing' shelter so that sn ekg would not break when lald Penguins do nol make nests of | any Kind, he said, and the male doos most of the work during the 4 days of Incubation The ogg lisell Is about inches long and nearly round le the ident on lay Hay Teno of Tecume tale, died on Thursday, his Fred survived hy and two sons, four winter, and shawn Ving Aare of Hiverside hiroihe Alvin ol a Ontario Is incubated hy the penguin placing | h | 0 met I] runner-up 'Completed Atomic Reactor | Apologizes To SENATOR Hartland de Mowigiville Mal son, ¥, A Montresl 1s one of 15 BW BERENS WORE BROT HLINERE wis maounced wm Olav by Prime Mimisisr Mt. Lagrent. Wi Molson is president ang ai eeior oA Makson's Brewery 14d, ond # governor of. Mei University (CF Viore) OSHAWA AND Will Be Best In The World Complainant | OVFAWA (CF) ~The government research facilities will pers set. | i ays Canada next yewr wis be opsrating the word's hen experi Wart al AAI EREYRY FERAOT, The new MONO BRE re RABE, Bow RdeT LORSEIN BH Wath Wiver, in described in these terme 0 # new booklet pidiehed lw Alomic Energy of Connie L§44., crown wompeny Wn charge of Mommie Tes RIEh WIE COTY, The booklet, redessed here This doy; says BRU, ende name for the new reactor, "wil he the nest pudienr enpnesring lev faciity wn existence,' i wan dadones that BRU will be {five limes ps povwerivl as the Hamed NRA plow le which went into operation wn 184 and has sullered two breadowns since the! time k The booklet, outlining wlomic vr seareh Ww Is coumiry, Wek pig {pared by {distribution wt the Inlernations) comlerence on pescelnl wees of | plone energy Wh Geneve Aug # 10, The conference will he atiended by 2 Canadian Acleiatos The power mt which WRU will operile 'and oiher newly Aeveiopes mists 1h perionm tess tht cap LR he Auplie pled by reseiors wm ony other « f NEw VAPERIAENTS Trade Mimsier Bowe 194 the Commons Ay 15 thet Canad wl needy Was been aod 1H perioim many newAy, CLPETIMEPIS (h frig for the United Kinglom United Slates, | "he Ronhtet ys WRU fo Win operon WH wil have & pover of wim ve walls, This compares i / Klowatis Beyeloped by "SRY The hooklet Blan dscloscs the BRU will use 4 tons of heavy walter valued. at more then %5 166 9, NRX wees 16 tons worth anmi 2.166 9 { Produced by #8 Why Aechaiig dectrmbytic process wt the Trad, B.LC., smelier plant, heyy whaler , shaded he crown company Tor, is weed In some resciors #8 FA Leanirel agent and # coslani (does not ahsorh wt 8 Bigh Talc newirons given off In the some fission process, Buch a materiel is necessary hecpuse phsorption of the newlrons would stop the pile fram operating DISTRICT _ Canadian Amateur Golf Crown. NOT HIKE PROPERTY A echurge of (wing to register RB IERIE BEAN. FIRAET RE Fries min, of Harmony road north, was dismissed Thursdey. The accused said the gun was Wn Bis possession wi. wis nt bis property Former Coach Says Shirley Ill Advised FOBRONTO (CF) ~/The Globe and Mall quotes a fopmer coseh and trainer of Shirley Campbell hs say Wig she was il advised to alent Ney pUmshing swim Beross 1ane Onariv Bert Crockett of Vietoria® B.C, i lelephone Inter home nv Yicloris Shirley's ad Fergus mer Wis ited from his Be ws eriticising ¢ for leiting the maid try the swim Wednesday when the carefully supervised Canadian National Exhibition swim win The CHE is sponsoring an Across. the lake swim next month, Miss Campbell was pulled from the lake early Thursday less han Iwo miles from the Ontario, shore The Globe guotes Crockell ps saying that once the advisers de cided Bhirley should try the swim they should have entered her In view Vise BO BeRy a he for whe ox wan Atlantie City swim fimo I wenld say badly advised," | 55th Annual Canoe Paddling Championships Trols-Riviere ' Not In OVPAWA (CP i-Paddlers from nial, Quebee and Manitohs day In the Hbth ANA) Cupadian Canoe Association ham planships and for the frst Hine Hn the memory. of officials Trois | Kivieres, Que., is without an en try, The Hadisson Canoes Club has heon an fixture In the annual re galln, This year iis paddiers fatled to qualify in any of the events of the eastern Canada champlonships held In Montreal last Baturday, Fhe Lachine, Que, Canoe Club Twill he out ta win top honors for straight year, Lachine piled up #1 points Hi-polnt margin over Montreal which was a single point ahead of the third puddiers your, no eles William and Arthur of Wind. | It between his feet and lowering a third-place Toronto island Canoe | ring of feathers around ii FUNERAL OF MRE, VERNA WAGG wiwio Turf Racing i, 1170 Blmeoe stres! who died on Monday last P P | held at the Gerrow Funeral roves \ opu ar iw at 3 pm, on Thursday, | With C di devi do i Heli, minister of First worn grim (oF)-Turt course Thi ihe " = Bruce | TROINK has proved to he the most Cand har T # alate T rer | Ponta innovation in the recent i Bl ag Parsoth, hina: | etory of the Canadian thorough Wage and Verl Wags ' heed ipdustry, Last Saturday when the $10,000 Niagara Bakes was ARTHUR J, B, WILSON | tun over the new grass strip; Forl th poor health for the past year-| i betting rec anid 8 halt Arthur J, B. Wilson, | Kale attendance and died ut the family residence, 248 | 4 A Alles street, an Thursday, Awe | responsible for the introduction of , ; turf pourse racing In Canada, re - Ry tl wil | ihrned ta Fort Eile from England anda Walters aa ned | Thursday morning for the + HIE (0CEASCH | Achievement Niakes on Baturday Wid in Oshawa on July 18; afternoon Vid A lifelong resident | Queen's Plate favorites wt Marine, Baffin Bay, Benstor Jim / and Loyalist are entered ian Mr, Taylor visited many English Eh [race tracks, His purpose was to {study the English methods of {butlding and maintaining thelr turf | oouraes Although there 1s an | theory thst the od Radha Ou a0h 4 are soft and yleld readily to the Lani, in 1081 horses hooves, Mr. Taylor found Ne leaves ie hk A i Moin ANN | (jg wy were haked hard during / uly Hoekman, whom he married tm | 20 20 1% Paronin in 1068; a daughtey, Bye Row port Hilo oy of Whithy and a son, George [1 hotter than Oshawa ah Course BUCVIVING Are A Stel | Mes Jack Young thet ! NEW APARTMENTS of Bearhoro; three stepsons, | A new housing project in Car ert Brockman at home and | seas, the capital of Yeneruela, will who omd Don Brockman of Osh | provide acopmmaodation for 13,000 A sister, Mra, Nithel Palmer | persons or 3,600 families Soviet Minister Very Glad To See Canadian Farmers Hy GRAORGE KITCHEN Canadian Proms Biaff Willer VARHINGTON (CF Viadimie | acting Soviet minister | wild today he would to see a Canadian visit the Havietl ral he rviee was conducted hy | or fh were hroken san ol hel rn and iy Wilson, prior of 'his relive wah an employes of he | department of the Rell Tele. | Company and wis a mem the Telephone Pioneers of Wits po adherent of Chuveh predecensed hy his fitat wife, the former Lucy Me Wilh pln her of ARB) He the United He was PARE wurface now @ average Eng Wilsan af Adi ihe an interview al the Soviet em bassy thiat he has advised the Ca nadian government, through the Russian embassy at Ottawa, that his delegation would like to vish {Quehee, Ontarle, Manitoba and Haskaichowan. A swing throuih the | Maritimes a possibility Asked whether h lad i who heads the So uring the and his 13 looking fore th thely A later this manth call for the Russians i va from New York | added Vour eouniry oa" iP. New a Canadian farm Il he Soviet Union, hw noted that Cana dian agvioultural officials have visited Russia from time to time wild he very #lad he Yio see a delegation fram visit the Soviet Un Ale Mini rest Canadian Press Wn A P. Taylor, the man mainly ! | | | | Club Three Taronio, two each from and Ottawa, and one each from Carleton Place, Gananoque, Bud bury, Winnipeg, Chaleauguny, Que, Lachine, Que, Longueull, ue, Otterburn, Que, and Quehse City, Don Btvinger of Budbg'y Canoe Club, holder of the CCA ang North American 10,000 metre single blade singles title, will he back to de fond the event he won last year Montreal May Get New Big Stadium MONTREAL (CM) Leo Dandurand of are entered from Montreal clubs the Montreal | Alouettes foothall elub sald Thurs A000 | Ace | aooepted | Is his opinion that the | day night he has approached Mayor Jean Drapeau with plans for a A0,000-seat Stadium In east ond Malsonneuve Park My, Dandurand sald plans already drawn up for the wladium li rovide room for expansion to a 7h000-seat capacity should the need-in the form of some future Olymple games or similar event--ever arise architeols conditioning' race beforehand «| Cartieryille | President | Certain To Stay CALGARY (CPF Hime In fowr yess B Canadien will win the Canadian Simslens wll ehamplonship, and neless pon | thalant Moe Norman of Kilchener comes through, the champion will be from Yancouver | Three of the fom fee of Imig morning tart the gruslling Whole semifinals are Vanconyeirile ivie Crawiord, Doug Bajus and Boh Kidd The last Canadian to hold crown, Walk McElroy, also from Yaneouver, He won at Hoyal Osawa in 1951 Crawlord Kind today In one mach, and Norman snd Ba jus tour the Calgary GoM and Club In. the other. The winners are off in the ¥-hale Hnal Bal Widay BEAT THE VAVORITE LCiawlord only Canadian to veieh the semi-finals in last year's amateur, took out favored Don Wisplinghot! of Oviando, Fla, In # { 20-hole thriller in the quarier-finals Fhursday | Norman went 20 holes with Ho hart Manley of Bavanneh, Ga, # mghinll hitler, before winning the | With v hen the American weil over | pay | Bajus sidelined Doug Silverberg of Red Deer, Alte, 4 and 2, In the only THth-raund without extis holes the first wollers who in whi the ays and Boh Kidd | of Vaneouver look the measure of | Nick Weslock of Windsor, Onl, In la Rhole duel the | mateh compleled | Here This Time The defent of the two Ameri cons took out the Jest of the 12 originel US. eniries Bisplinghot! was one up on the 17th "hut lost hig lead when he missed an I84neh putt A LONG BATTLE Norman had to fight with Man ley all the way 1a win his meteh. | The lead swung heck snd forth | the 4wa, with Norman {ne wp seing into the 18th, Man ley ened the me eh with & spec | tacilar Myard wedge shot thet came to within three inches of the lenp for a Wirdie three. Borman {missed & 14doot putt thet would have saved him the extra holes, hetween | with ane-over-par sixes, On the | IB-yard 2th Norman got down | par three while Manley fell shor om his tee shot, overchipped the up hy 10 feet and missed the put $ajus, rated unofficially as the top Canadian smsteur In 1966 scored & rare eagle two on the Ab-yard seventh to go two wp on Silverherg, On the parthree eighth, Silver herg sliced his drive out of hounds to go three down, The remaining holes were halved until it ended on the 18th Kidd looked like he would loge the 2nd to Wenlock when pushed his drive lo the right, His second shot clipped a hraneh and stopped BO yards In front of the gresn, His chip shot hit par four U.S. Nickel Plant Needed, | | 1 " WABHINGTON (AP)~A govern: ment commission says a UB {owned nickel plant In Cuba needed to relieve shortages and bulld up # stockpile heesuse "the other Jrineipal source of supply" is a "Canadian maonapoly," The commission sald also new process developmen § permit use of "latent nickel may LL nerves in Brag and Venegueln, as | well as In the United Biales, Can ada and Cuba" It added that sev eral companies have heen working on chemieal processes for "ex | traeting nickel from ores that have Feslaled traditional smelting meth ods lol ent pro. yin spend up to $6,880,000 far a Plant near New Orleans for neg a sulphurle acid fodthing conn for aves mined al Moa ha eastern Cubn," The veport, a staff study of the commission on organization of the executive branch of the govern ment, suid production at the Nie aro, Cuba, niekel plant should he sold to the U, §, government stock ple "at a price sufficient to re eer all costs of production," DOMINATES PRODUCTION It reported that Canadian duction ang the world market 1s dominated hy International Nickel Co, which owns "mast of the Ll esl known nickel ore body," Tt re | State Ban On Boxing Continues In Penn, HARRISBURG, Pa, (AP)-Gov ernor George Leader Thursday ex tended indefinitely the state hag on all professional hoxing In Penn Aylvania . The governor said the extenalon The government "has agreed to | Offset 'Canadian Monopoly' | Mgounts for three-fourths of total sald, I" 4 At present, the (Nieara) project provides slockplle nicke on a basis of operating costs, The difference hetween these costs and the higher Canadian monopoly price provide a substantial saving - When the presssl expansion pro gram al Nigaro Is completed "i will produee shout 50,000,000 pounds of nlekel annuglly' "This will be sufficiept to relieve shoripges and to shime extent chook price Increases when nickel 1 In heavy demand, Moreover, Il ean provide a source for the ae cumulation of a large stockpile,' The commission on organization of the executive hranch of the goy ernment, headed hy former pres ident Herbert Hoover, expired last dune 30, hut the stall study on nigkel and other government en {o7prives has Just been elreulated ore In Sudbury, RD, Parker, vice president of International nickel, Aald he does not think the company ean he fairly termed a monopoly under present conditions He sald two other nickel eom: panies, Faloeonhridge and Sherritt Gardon, operate In Canada, but he could not estimate the percentage of world nickel they produced, Mr. Parker sald he understands that the United States Is the hig: Kent purchaser of nlokel are pro ueed hy the Niearo plant in Cuha, was necessary hecause of the fall ure of the legislature fo approve finally a new code to regulate the sport The han will remain in effect un: {il a new code Is writen into law for the sport, a statement aald The original 80.day suspension, imposed May 10, was due to ex pire Monday "Flash" Employees Guilty In B.C. Contempt Charge By BRUCK LEVETY Canadian Pron Staff Writer VANCOUVER (CM) Reporter Ray Munro and offlelals of Flash, a Toronto weekly tabloid, who articles touched aff the royal com mission Investigation inte Vanco, {ver's pelioe force, have heen de elared guilty of contempt of that | oommission The deel salon, handed down { Thursday, named Munro, publisher | len he indicated, also wan | delegation might be invited to the | Howard Duns editor Peter and allay Louis Ruby Bomerville muy' Reginald H. Tupper, ruling af an afternoon of legal wrang ling, sald he considered 'there has heen a contempt here--and serious one." The discussion began after Del Bgl. Len Cuthbert left the stand following six days of testimony and | Cros examination "NO PROOF" Mr. Tupper earlier refused a submission hy G. Norrls and GB, Cummings, poungel tor police chief Walter Mulligan, tn make an arder to cammith] auninst Munre, Ruby of John Blust publications and Somerville Ho sald he wan ruling ni WEE there Was against no servi Be willis application and we { The submission | roof! offered Novels. a week | was made by Mr, alo However, Mr, Tupper sald he { belleved there had heen contempt {eammitied In a July 3 editorial In | Flash and Iwas up to Mm, as pommissloner, to decide whether punishment was warranted | Ba far as a possible repeat of | eontemp! by the tablald 1s cone eerned, the commissioner sald he | holioves the word of Willis Chitty, | Toronto lawyer for Flash, "is bet ter than any tne " Chitty apologized tthe oom mission for the editorial earlier in the sittings, both hy telephone to IMr. Tupper and by a follow-up | telegram, [READ HIS RECORD pearance in eourt. but he did not {apoak, Counsel Neil Flelshivan read his war record as a fyghter plat and mentioned different oltas tons for news gathering the ve fetter has won-twa from the Present polled commission Munra in under subpoena to tes tify later in the hearings Fleishman sail Munra was "not responsible for Welting the editor th July ("He was oalled to Toronto and | asked to write It and refused. It | Wak written without his consent or | knowledge" | fat Cuthbert was admonished at the end of the morning session when Mr, Tupper sald that he did | fot fully believe the officer's testi [mony that he ean nol remember | Which members of his 1040 gam | hing squad received graft | Cuthhert's testimony, m ainly| Lponfined to the six weeks in 1040 {in Which he led the squad, was | featured by charges that | 1. He vecolved gvaft from hook makers and spit it with chief Mulligan; p |B Inspector Jack Hovlon, now | ohiel of detectives, applied to him I owas Muneo's Hest offictal aps [for & out of the graft an behalf of [home of Alan Avant In the eity's hmsell and Inspector Gordon Am [hrose: (Ambrose now Ia deputy { ohief ) & Munra threatened him with | exposure unless he made a state {ment vogarding payoffs «- givin him three oholees, one of which | he sald was ta "blow your bloody brains out" 4. He split gambling payoffs with some members of his 1040 squad thud "oan's remember whe ond : dune, 19%, 8 A Char {said My {hou ean put me on the 'Indien the cup! and rolled a foot past for an easy | "Your Wordle, the pecwsed has been guile rude 16 me oR Weky @ilerent occamions when he has i been drinking, hin the Jak Gime he weed dene language with my wie and children present Theretore | Void the hay oA LausIng B Mebursence pnd forest: ening which are now helore the { kort | The witness, Wikio MM, Fair grave, whe wis the complement of caning 8 slur hance reat enmg, Mexander Bally, sid | has heen @ving Wm | rowbie hecayse has | Wor we mow can bis i" which is not quite complete, ad | Ballik does nob spwrove, The accused was $18 ond eos on the charge of Sslurhing | the pence. The threatening horse, {and & charge of pssauiting a police | officer were dropped, Crown Aiormey Mex € Ball tid Ballik that aithough he wis Lon employee pt Queen's Fark, M | ve Win no excuse Lo threaten | would go to the stiorney gen "ral every time he got drinking and was In 8 bi os trouble ! "I think VN ask la have you Placed on the nterdicied tint," Hel Bist' W you wish,' ssid the pe cused, "out | promise to sop Winking myself 3 Balik apologhied to Mr. Fair ave for the trouble he caused | WEATHER TORONTO (CP) Offical fore | ests issued hy the Dominion pub: ie weather ollice at 8 5. m, EDV ! Southern Ontario en | ! | Synopsis | dured another hot, | Lemperatures remained in | { Land the humidity yoned Close 191 {100 per cent, Cooler, coves northern Ontario and is ex: pected Lo push south of the Grent | | Lakes Saturday, bit no marked ye: | : helore Baturdoy night ! | Regional forecasts valid until | | midnight Saturday | Lake Erie, Lake Huron { Ontario, Niagara, Georgian Bey, | { Haliburton regions: Windsor, Lon don, Yoronta, Hamilton; Bunny with | # few cloudy Intervals todsy, | Clouding over this evenin With | widely scaitered thundershowers | ending Saturday morning; mostly | sunny Saturday; little change In| temperature; winds light, Low te-| night and high Saturday st Wind: | sor 72 and 90, Bt, Thomas, London, Toronto and Trenton 70 and 9, Wingham 08 and 68, Bt, Catharines and Hamilion 70 and 88, Muskoka and Killaloe #0 nd #0 Kirkind Lake region: North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy with widely soattered thundershowers today, |eleaving this evening mostly sunny Baturday enoler; winds light, Low tonight and high Sati. day at Earlton 70 and 75, North Bay and Sudbury 5 and 78, Timmins, Kapuskasing: Sunny {with & few sity intervals today and Saturday; little change in tem perature; winds light, Low tonight and high Saturday 45 and 758 'Refused U.8, Oath, 'Tenants Evicted NEW YORK (AP) = The New York City housing authority has one. ahead with the evietion of 21 enants In federally alded projects {who have refused to sign loyally oaths The action 1s being taken under an amendment fo the 1068 federal | appropriation bill which states that members of organizations listed hy the United Blales atlorney-general as subversive are ineligible to live In federally-alded projects Housing authority officials sald the 21 tenants have refused to sign statements saying they are nol member of such organizations When the statements were first distributed among tenants in 1084, tenants took the matter to eourt New York state Bupreme Court found the amendment uneonstitu. tonal and ruled that tenants would not have to sign the statements This ruling, however, was reversed lanl year hy the state appellate division Again the authority elreulated loyalty oaths, flest by mall and then hy hand, Those who did not sign were given 80-day dispossess notion which expired July 81, World Church Reply To Russian Orthodox DAVIS, Bwitzeriand (AP) The central committee of the Warld Counell of Churches replied today fo the "peaceful poexisience' ap pool fram the patriarchate of the tussian Orthodox Churgh, The long and carefully worded oahle may determine future rela tonship between (he Russian church and the eounell In February the council recelved a 1LAb0-word letter fram the patel avehate calling for peaceful coex: Istence and support of the world peace movement, The toupeil's reply was drafted and redrafied hy several commit. tees and given final approval In a elosed session of the central eam mitten today. Committee members sald the reply was friendly and oourteous,' hut did not disolose Its contents The World Counell of Ohurehes comprises 168 Protestant and Op: thodox ehurehes in all parts of 'the world, The Russian Orthodox Chureh in Amerioa 18 a member, and has warned against too olose | a relationship hetween the Moscow church and the eounell Lightning Worried Roy Rogers Fan OTTAWA (CP) Hang! Ray Rog: | {ors hit the dust, casualty of a | | Hghining bolt "which gtruek the west. end "Won't Roy Rogers he on now, daddy?" asked six-year-old Larry | Avant, mare warried over his caw: hoy herp than the fact that a light ning holt hit the roof of his home Ho blew the televisien tubes, al most deafening the family and neighbors Flremen quickly quelled the re sultant fire Bn the roof and In a Colorado ngs, Colo, mecom | pany 1 ed Boies sory humid night ae! singers and panouncers whe work | Ths | on television's enteriginment fib rier air pow [Bf the . i Hs members will pot work on any filmed shows # ducers who hav Both halved the uphill 10h hole | Wel from the het wave is enpecied | Vracls Ihe ond time | for payment 'Marlene Stewart | Fonthill was four strokes ahead of | Ontario seeondglorey bedroom, wn 4 Twn RCAF airmen pt the Con tinenial Aly Defence Command cement on & visit to Cloud { Ba ! ite of Indians in the district, | | elt lo right: Stell duck | ¥ TP ehoud i | MeCarthy, Byoney, AIRMEN IN U.S, , member of the Tews | E umhield, USAF TV Film Makers Go On Strike In Hollywood HOLLYWOOD (AP) The Actors, | minum ae l/ lary for the second run | oe the of 0 T whe 9 ¢ ne th ompnet, | udke BH Hoi The 5 | 26 per cent for the pp run ha | atdy fi i " : went on sirike today, and officis pt those of pro signed new con: | Basie losue In the contract dis pule Is whether actors will get paid when (ims are re-run the see Under the old contracts between the guild snd the Alliance of Tele: vision Film Producers snd the Association of Motion Pleture Pro: ducers, netors got residual pay. ments for the third to sixth show: | ings of fms, contract, already migned by five | geant Preston of the Yukon series, he tof he ig ont 0 i ing Dragnet, | *Ve# urns and Allen, | oy tes and | ness, thelr fms | of the producers, would provide | tors with minimums increased | to feel few effects of th vom W710 Lo 892'(or day players and | immediately, since film shows from 8260 lo BM for weekly | free-lance J ere, OTHER P ENTS In addi i Leads The Field By KATEPEN COTY Canadian Press Siall Weiler VICTORIA (CP)--Mariene Stew: | ort, four-time Canadign women's close goll champion, led the field today Into the second round of 1pe B-hole champlonships after blag: | ng a veeord two-undep-par 75 | Thursday, | The defending champion from | sl rival--Hae Milligan of | her near Ia. ~ab the start of the | Jasper, round, Miss Blewart's performance sel & record In women's taurnament golf for the tough, treedine 6,260 yard Royal Colwond course Meanwhile, Ontario look the lead in the second pound of the Whole infer MH provingial team | matches after gaining a one-stroke lead over Quebee with 860, British Columbia counted 844, MANITOBA LEADS Following that will eome the first pound of the new S6:hole Juni champlonships and the second | round of the #6-hole Junior Inter: wovinelal matehes, which Mani ohn leads with 167, Miss Stewart. sald she will try to heal her own close pecord of 236, sel at Sunningdale Golf Club | at London, Ont, In 1650, IL appeared Miss Blewart was getting off to a had start as she alloed her second shot inte the trees, Bhe recovered with a two over-par ix over the Afi-yard fairway, the only time she was over regulation figures, Then she turned on the heat and blazed a succession of birdies and pars to finish at the ninth with a spectacular 80-foot pull Fate vohhed her of a birdie four al the 168th when her approach shot was stopped at the green hy an Br Bt 4 Her long pull #lo pel an inch from the eup NOT NATISFIED ; Miss Milligan, Ontario and Al herta champion, far from satisfied with her game, was two-aver-par 86 In the first nine and par 40 In the second Hehind her was Marlene Wageh of Winnipeg, Manitoba junior cham: plon, who ended with an #1 Mary Gay of Kitehener, consid ered along with Miss Milligan as a major threat, shot an Manitoba was fourth In inter provinelal play with #46, followed hy Alberta, 850; Saskatchewan 468; New Brunswiok 804; and Nova Bootia den Junior Inter « matches are hase provineial team on nel seares followed Manitoba with 170; Queheo 171; Alberta and Aarkarehewan 1 each, and B.C, Priest, Two Girls Killed In Climb ALBERTVILLE, France (Reul-| ers) o-Twa French girls and al wiest were found dead today at he fool of a B8:fool crevasse on | the nearby Peak of Thorens, wnere | they fell during a mountain elimb | Thursday | The givls wera among a party of | eight that set oul In three groups | Thursday to explore the §,800-font mountain under the guidance of | three priests, The elimbers in each | group were roped together for the ascent Slipping on an ley slope the frat two graups----fve gels and twa Bereen Actors Guild seid | one finsl payment of {eoverige the sixth and all subse ent Three of the companies vigning with the Lewislor would provide | for the season complete, Vid 3, 80 per cont for and fourth runs & uns uild did so Thurstay Fireside roducer L Most producers say they ing edie have mast of oy of 7h per cent of the' Producers of commercial ms | are ie A ¥en Llerprises, Ine, which woduces the Lorelle Young Show Lwin, 14d, which dang Wyman Bgectrum Film Productions, whieh winkes short enteripinment fiims retar on oh ion ? bide the x Hayden's Quintet Evoductions for | Up the youd & bit 1 fiiming of the Judge Roy Bean | answer --~Fyvans : word "rad | series, and with Charles he actors' group seid the new | ner Productions, ih Vik the produces the Ww Theatre, and | speed MEMPHIS, T | citizen break { WaINE molorivks | fin te iy peal, J It all slaried last week J Evans, #, wis : ing, He wes A few days Inte became hous Two other contracts signed pre: passin viously were with ues mained well n sardhopid Wn the SAVE WLNDNE requently causes and are not EE HE Times-Gazette i As there wes no corset answer te Ne, 0 he prive of $30 will be corried forward and the prise for the next pussle will be $40, Explanation of more diffisult clues; CLUES ACROSS: 6 The kind of Perch ems bodying the Greek style of architecture could well remind us of ancient Gress ee, The only Tereh people are likely ta asseciale with ancient Greece is the Qlympic Torsh; but the association here reits in the egeasion and manner M its use, and not in the "kind of Tereh' At haps pens ta he Aiding relatives Is seme: thing vou should de (which may eall for selfs saarifiee), "Alling roles tives" gives no indiegs tian, from the elus, that they call for selfsaerifice The clue is always true purely as a Sneak), A Snub, an the ether hand, is very aften justified same people deserve to be Snub. bed, ' Revenue hest suits the ¢lun. The clus speaks of seeing that it is exacted (presumably by someone else), This favars Revenue, since some people une dovbtadly will want ta see that eustams officials, ete, do thelr Jobs properly Revengebul people will themselves exact full Res venge, Marred is more apt, Cers tainly it was Marked hy heavy casualties but the clue in singling out the "Charge of the Light Bei gade" points up a great epie af valor whose glory was ""Marred' by heavy sasualties, Hera the word Mared is preferred over Marked which could ap: ply to many an ardinary military engagement "He's likaly ta regret It" implies that he's Hkely "n have trouble. with™ his wife, Rifle, then. is fa vared. Regarding Rule, no such likelihood can he presumed ta exist. hogs ause his wife may he quite content to he Rus fed, 24, Ret best fits the slue, Ret would bs mere usual in the plural, You usally refer to Rats in a houss; not to a Ret, Dry Rev is easy enough 1a detest, Gun fits the warding of the elus which says "after a while', It's a that gets hot "after g while" and enly "afrer § while', A man may find the Bun het immediately. CLUES POWN: 1: Vopis, yas, but many pee« ple hate taking medicine, even when they need It. Also, stimulating" Is unnecessary for Tonle since all Tonies are stimu: lating Chin is preferred sings a kiek on the Shin Is quite A commen eseurranes In any soccer game and a player expects the ee casiongl ene Stupid to refuse to take a hanes, but surely "keosp aenereus 10 say 'the Change": Rubber is best, The werd | merit' is properly used | in connection with seme: | thing geed; one "merit"! praise, but deserves' | (not merits') condemn ation. Rubber, therefore, | is preferred ta Rebber, Ogre Is best. An' must either - frighten a little girl ta some. degree, or nat frighten her at | all, An Ogre, not being a real-life person, Is mare the sert of thing that may seam a bit frightening, Matter is prafarred. Mat ters may be disgusied, af course, hur "disgussed" is rather a high-flawn werd | for the sort of small-talk | that is apt ta go en about | a Master, Retort is best. Singe he is wie he may well Ree tort or reply ta the vielent | speech, presumably of his opanent, but, being wise, he would wet likely Res srt to a vielent speech himself \ Mule is more apt, "As a pet' 1s the key phrase But susely It would be stranae to keep @ Male at all, It Is not so very strange to keep a Mule, as a working animal, but It Is a strange animal to keap "as a pet® Pat is host If the Pal is Ysympathetie, as the clue says, then he wauld help a little. nov just "might help. A Par | might help, hawever priesta--fell tu the erevasse, I RS" f

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