Fa ? " THY PANY VIRPRCATENTR 2 Mondoy, Aognet 8, 1998 LOBIKIS, (Oh, (EF) Hany western (iario farmers fae the provpset of Raving to hey Bey Iv chills fesd Wis winter an Agri "tare AoW paid ¥ridey Glen J , ROR REI Lurk RepRrianemt representative fo Mid dieser aomnly, sid armers ex oH Bay this snes wre seriimsty wht of Ww) esr tind Combined Bhd weniher bas Prned hay Heide so many fp his Yen Ridin RB senond Arsbynyed, 5 fariner | Apples Are Being RELEASED BY CHINESE a Cooked On Trees iia. Ingle #" US, fiers, | trom Peking by UN, secretory: | Clayion \ d ' generid Dag Bammeriiiond, whe | EK, Bis of Akion TAINS, Om. (CF) Bow sah Hong Kong negtinted (or ther frecdom, | mabie sources pradiet pow thal | Ean get wked apples right ol! | They mre from Mit; Ma) Wik | the 8 swrienn cwitians 48 lowud Beds, wre shown Ww L018 | liom 8, Bowner of Tewishwrg, © tained or jalled In Canmmisin Fruit growers In this rich west nade photo wong | Pa; Capt, Vagens J. Vad & Ching will som he 1eiensed Son Of Scotland Yard Man E tw Td On Double Murder Charge yom the weniher had reports clrewlating that apples sie "cooking mn the [1 { ine grower wild ¥ridey the only Walie » some coves will these hidden fron the sun ph yor finger right thrangh DON (Rewlere) Soday Wrought & dowlle mr. 4 aor charge sesinsh the only son of fate murder squid hist r ick J. Chapman, Yl-yesr wa oA teacher, wis hooused of Bis beautiful Monde wile hy daiihier tiered bodies were found ; Wngslow home Bt OFINE [ pes London Friday might sen was ordered LW Rppesr # special magistrites court #y 8 FATHER counsd man 1s the son of wh Heelive superiniei WwW Bam "Cheruly' Chapman, 5, who bi Commercials Soo For U.K. Television | (¥ he fans { needed to pul on their own shows Lio sha RON ond wil, get their first! but 1TA wil sae that the programs! offi of commercials In independ: | iw #lntain A proves balance and pre igh programs | herve good Fasie Ly Lg rogram ol tah ision | ITA will produce slation in Britgin wilh start fran only In exes mtting from Croydon on Bepl, 7 when It wry he Twn other commercial slations, lo BeCrE # Proper balance in pro the midlands and in Lan grams or there happens 10 he # will a hy March 1956 temporary dearth of material The British Brogdessting Corpor: | ADD REVENUE ' stion, 8 poneer wn television, WH The private program compan SOpLINNE 115 BALARAL EEFVIEH WIL will gel thelr revenue from the sale py I vin wn commercial 166 | of advertising time in the progran mprisonment ol Service and does not pen | thay provide But advertisers will | off] pi # the field {not he allowed pro: | striking him in the (aoe The NOEPENDENT Televison grams {" Stavens ta aMeued ta hp Suthowty, set up hy net of Parla The Independent Televison Au-| hls the commodore ment 1954 with & statutory We | thority eontrols the amount of time | suthurst Wednedday alie of 40 wears, is responsible for the | given to advertising al heen. called up hefor new television service, ITA will nol | verlising must not exceed an aver: | have 10 Praduce programs, except! age of sis minutes in the howe, al In rave chbes; its main funetions | theugh advertising features muel owl Bd operate transmil | gs a shopping guide" are nol finns | suse dim Lindley of the Ontario dg partment of agriculture frulk and vegetable division, said when and plume have withstood the heat {iwirly well bul added the quality won't he lon good My, Lindley Mid coniaioupes wre ' Img ny the fields, Bwest corn bungalow han heen hard-hit by the best and A BEROE |i some areas lomatoes Bre beng weeks agp. Chapman received he § potics siation Brighton Order of the Bikish Empire from miles south of London. Wis sory Queen Eluabeth shortly hetore We | led poles ta break inio the Chay | death, for We slewing triumphs many' new white ngsiow Ul as & top Beottand Yard man, Ne pinglon, where (he hoodies were wise known as the "Cheruli' he: | ound, Bo (esis of Wis slory werg couse of Wis round, smiling face | Glscioned : 2The bodies of Mis and pleasant Aleposiiion Chapman's son was secysed of Frene were nthe the dole murder sitar Beotland | Wood spatlered Hathronm Yard detectives questioned him ot | investigatior sad "eash vecelved | soatded, he suid length 1h a London police station. | head injures." The mother was! ie also predicted & small potato the victims were Mrs, Jrene | leanng over the baby ms W 10 pro | crop Chapman snd her baby Bir), Tren, | eet her Scotland Yard seid the youngest Police foimd & Hood wlained Tenders Called ' On Power Project Chapman, whi 1eaches pt & phon hammer and fiveplace poker at the FORONTO (CP) ~~ The Obtain in the fashionable suburk of OF | seen | Hydro-Kleelric Power commission n RN. Enlistees Buck Naval Protocol oy VAY: o; Called londery dor. the LOYD {oF slruetural sleel required for the favy | ile with unibt, Lawrence power project power men who 181] house at Cornwall, respect thelr | Closing dale for tenders 1s 4:40 pm, ED, nest Aug. 2% Hequired delivery dates; Anchor bolts not later than May 1, 1056; all other material for the erection hay and administration building net later than Bept, 1, 1966; all other : Chapmmn and | : ei he having Wo IN (Re sg entisied ly In for W prope i closed today john Bisy eourt martial for throwing cap Cammaodare | harle Kvan commandant of Bl naval sla Partsmouth he fillowe on in admiral hb allor, James MeBporvan on 1 hy eek ny for rushing an inspection fl mneeh The BAMFRILY that engines fn He own pio ptional elec en 3 faces rama Hy lances naceseny y an siiaek 19-year-old MeBpor io eon wo years the and | pale ne ident " rin 'A DRAFT OF AIR ON SAGGING LEG DETROIT (AP) ~Mail men ere have asked thelr hoss they can wear shorts on thelr martial ast il or th SPansos e thrown | in ani he had! youle the eon | There's nothing we can dn expecied 10 go Wel ghout our aching feet, hut we next week | could sure use A little mir on our huekiing knees,' sald dames Rademacher, president of the Detroit WR of the Fatlonsl Association of Leiter chp al Bp' mandant, He fore a navil court Plunges From Gangplank Ont. Farmers 77 May Buy Hay pasting to take ofl 8 second igA J MNor-' 8 et #8 held twice tov. © { Ney the tops of the (ress you can |, The Indian and the white man | Al her a } Scotland died in 8 London hospital two pinglon nd called Frigey Right oh hem ws though they were apple: : | ! chle | instead {material for the swilehgesr struc. |[ignment for « ture not later than April 1, 1997, | biess who has | | | | | | Find In TV World | UWUSUM, METHOD Ps, 9, from PORT ARTHUR, OM, (CP) 4 the Wow Bp ini Bs wt the o omy £ w Myved Wie the Melos win, he Wire Ths ws vesvscs Frost GH oa te Be A -l Conservatives' Cruise | Ends In Heart Attack UL HAMEAON (CFA moment i lake crise of 1/16 yond Progress | ohve Conservatives ended awwpthy Fridoy wight. when one her | silles ad a haar! slack ahoerd wing The comin hori d the Lady Bam Won, Pamned to last 3% howe in ceiem ation of the dime dlestion vik ' COURSES NOW STARTING for WOMEN 70 TRAM IW IMPORTANT AVIATION TRADES wi INDIANS HONOR PALEFACES the Northwest come together nesy Wstorie Fort | Territories, 0 sepled in cen Mae Land, Alberta, to smoke the | tre, Head C) Shot -From Both: | woe of pence when 10, Hon, | Sides; on the Chief's immedipte C0, Howe hacgme mn hmorery Pn, CD ®, smoking the | Chief of the Blood Indien tribe pe of perce with hyious i of the Wackiont Contederaey. $- | termination; on the head chief's | milerly hmored was George | Ieft, Chief George Gooderham, Gooderam, former sipervisor of | and Chief Many Fingers, ! Indian sihinrs tor the province of Cenirnl Press Canadian Narrator Is New | i Le al SY n the pre . of enon - Wao=not a Communist, ui the fire-sngine red thst goss with clanging bells, screaming sirens and racing fire trucks, The Kent Fire Wigade, in England, has gone against tradition and now uses vehicles of aluminum~for thise good wen Knowledge In the 1940s and | y that television has added "Quiz Kidy' In 1680, He master: | WF ld ry N ae 7 { to the ranks M show business ws | Minded the first transeribed dink | the narvator who stands hetween | 10ckey show, "Fhe Tommy Dorsey | some dramas and thelr audiences | rouram, Which a4 heard on As gracetul a figure as can he | Four continents, is season he | reusons; N found Wn this spot 1s Matha Beall, | wom & Peshody Award for his new | he) a mare painting, 1ess currently the naveator A "Modern radio series, "Conversation, | BRS, We mean petrol. And Romances," an slternoon show | Phil Silvers, of "Top Bananas" better readability and handling (NBCAY), Fram Monday through and "High Bution Shoes" fame! hes p al Friday she smiles into the camera, | launches a weekly situstion come wise of the lighter weight says, "this Is Matha Seo," and | edy over CBSTY Bepl, 2%, Called #luminum bodies, We'd guess thin goes on to bring the week: "You'll Never Get Kich," i stars there's & further premium that the Kent folk enjoy; pride in long serial up to dale | The business of helng oneself | of playing an Aligned their fire brigade when it flashes role 15, "she helleves, a tough ps 4 " very actor and ae | by in its gleaming new dress, ackled the master | Few materials can match alus of ceremonies ype of Joh so popu: | minum for its fresh and lasting wood looks, ALUMINUM GOMPANY OF CANADA, LTD, (ALCAN) By CHARLES MERCER N YORK (AF) One new ' W you sre between 18 ond 29, Grade 9, the equivalent " better, right away, S00 the RCAF Career Counsellor af RCAF. RECRUITING UNIT 27 87, CLAIR AYE, K (Postal Station Q) TORONTO, §, ONY, Phone WAlnut 4.6689 or A-6480 yy AA Mew courses ore Waning, IMPLY you IMF CANNOT LETTER JUNEATEST aur' GATAINE! lar on 1 | Miss Beotl's Broadway successes | are Jeglon"0uwr Town" "The| Voice of the Turtle," "The Re markewle Mr, Pesnypacker" and | many another, Her Hirst love was | the stage, and W's doubtful if oe ever 1daves It for long, Yel whe likes TY and helleves it good for | very actor hecause I's technic ally demanding The mountain has come lo Ma homet or Mahomet fo the moun tain-or something. In any event Louls G, Cowan, eveator of '"The $64,000 Question," Joins CHETV as a producer Aug. 16. Hig privaie ' subject to this mil £ NA I No pavertising material will he gis of he new system run | atlawe Boy In Fair Condition | VICTORIA (CF=8tuart Swan, a! Carriers (AVL) production company 8 do le will gontinue tn heing. Cowen is # fd In programs desling with slongside he BBC sewvices 16 | religion royalty or national cere Pars will he created and | monies eis wearold Ouotarie hoy who out by private sompanies=| Bir Hobert Fraser, dirsetorgen plunged 22 feel from a gangplank he Program Sons olor bral " na says the organization' gi the Canadian Pacific Bleamships | rad lo BAvVerHIsers IAs decided Wo pdoplt a system | dock here asl week, was reporied > A A me will he supplied by | "which would give us In the end in fae ondition Friday afte eet | fice is rapidly as in the United | programming (re ds wivalely financed companies porhaps 40 ov BO stations, al of going a four-hour brain operation kd ple ld under longterm contracts i which, or the great majority of} Stuart, the son of Hey, and Mrs, | A, These companies will | whieh, would ha independent one | Carl Swan of Bt, Catharines, suf-| | FASTER IN CANADA tone of the cleverest hink® uppers Between 1046 and 1064 the use !|in television and radio of oll in Canade has Increased | His Ideas have sel many new For exam themselves with the facilities from the athe faved a serious skull fracture in his | eg" | fall, "The parents, Bluart and a KILLED BY LIGHTNI second child, Graham, 5, were dis Calls For Universal HAMILTON (CP) in ING old embarking from the CPR passen woman was killed by lghini ger ship Princess Marguerite when Membership In UN, hier worked in has Po Bg the accident acourred LONDON (CF) Canadian Pari Mrs, Thelma Blakeley bed flor | Bamantarian Elmore Philpott to] the holt smashed through a win: | TURN DOWN DEMAND day galled for universal member ow, glanced ofl A mirror and hit! SINGAPORE (Reuters) Britain whip In the United Nations, includ: | 11% Mrs, Blakeley's hushand, Wil- | has turned down the demand of i" | de | | Ham, tank her ta a doctor's office | Singapore's legisiature for immed (the veal government ofl for inhalator treatment but she ' lute sellile, government sources 'N failed to rally here sald Tuesday night confer f the saneintion World Husslan Liberal gles attendin the World Fallimen, arian: for sament--ineluding sone selentists- applauded (the MP for Vancouver South Philpott, who has heen touring | of continent, Heandinavia and | | dain, addressed the morning sion. He suguested four methods for | gaining peace relaxation of inter: | national tension, slapping of the | L race, making UN member: | universal and the 'righting' | tin of world law with the | Aus provided | 8 Maldl the hasle cause of mod: | erm war is not the weapons bul the Taek of International Taw, -------- | "WEOWN TO HORPITAL WINDSOR, Ont, (CF) ~~ Wali Hmm, 48, whe has heen In rit: | eal egnditlon wince he suffered | Neaq juries In an industrial woel | Whe 1, was flown hy private ha tn Toronto Thursday for | fraalient Hamm has nol recov: | THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON CANADA'S ECONOMIC PROSPECTS will commence public hearings in Toronto, 23rd of January. Briefs are invited from organisations and associations wishing 10 express views on the prob uhle eeanamie developmant of Canada and on the problems to which it appears likely 10 give rise, Specifically included among the subjects 10 bs considered hy the Commission are the following: wntleipated developments In the supply of raw materials and snergy sourees; the growth ta he expected In the popu lation of Canada and changes in in distribution prospects for growth and change in domestic and external markets for Cana dian production trends in productivity and standards of Hvingi and prospective requirements and social eaplial, Relefs must be in writing and should reach the Nocvetary af the Commission, Roam HH, Daly Building, Ottawa, hy the 28th of December, Al least ten coples should he forwarded and more, if possible, I would he helpful if organizations and More people borrow from HFC than any other company in our field plousness singe he was | dhe head hy a falling motor | the Chrysler Corporation | a plant | | I Whenever you need money, for any good reason, do as thousands of others do, Giet the extra cash you need at Household Finance, Loans are made in one day, Folks who borrow one are satisfied customers, That's why today HFC is Canada's largest, most recommended consumer finance company. i =\ ev BUS for COMFORT .) h) f) Loans on your amine 10 rary Slinple 10-moet ronuiraments Solonl your own tapayment plan Phone of some In today | $50 te NOOO without endorsers MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT) SAMPLE TABLE MONTHLY PAYMENTS $10.00 14.00 7.00 40,00 . w----"--_-- AM YOU REGRVE fron 200,00 810,68 Thee .) for industrial yoer's College of Mu | EXTR MILEAGE CANADIAN ' DRIVERS! Improved £880 gasolines and new Marvelube motor oil used together give these results: 1. MORE MILEAGE 2. IMPROVED GETAWAY 3. LESS ENGINE DEPOSITS HERE'S PROOF FROM IMPERIAL OIL'S RESEARCH LABORATORIES i ny Laboratory tests show that improved Essa This research alse revealed that when new Three years of read tests prove thet Ese | gasolines bum cleanar=--leaving less engine Marvelube is ued with Esso gasolines there gdselines and Marvelube wed together deposits thot rob can of pewer, Is an aven greater reduction in deposits, result In faster gateway and more mileage: | Drive in foday---prove ta yourself the better performance you can get, another reason why you ean ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL IMPERIAL No driving strain No parking problems associations intending 10 submit heiets could so inform the Commission's Seeretavy without delay ] COLONIAL COACH LINES Tol RA 3.004) | (HOUSEHOLD FINANCE | 64 King Bireet Ban, d floor, » RA 5.06524 ! 1114 Simeon 50, South, sasand floor, phones RA 5.1139 OANAWA, ONY, nV, LePan Seeretary W. L, Gordon Chalriman Gray Coneh Lines + FOR THE BEST DEALER