Weather Yocum Sunny today and, Tuesday, , northerly winds, Warmer Low tonight, 55, high tomorrow , TT WOURTRN iN PAGER DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Combining The Ostiaws Times and Whithy Gazette and Chronicle OSHAWA WHITHY, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 95 TIMES GAZETTE TELEPHONE WOMBERS Clamified Advertising RA 3.3492 " Other Calls ,.... RA3-2474 VoL 1H, 198" A de iets, er ------ COOLER WEATHER ASSIST THE FIREFIGHTER Mysterious Visitor Reported | Soaking Rains A Big In Probe Death Investigation [Flarce on ro Dr B ons | Help In Long Battle VANCOUVER (CF) Polles were quest of Vancouver coroner Glen By THE pi PRESS | Cool ap with 1 | ahecking & new development in the McDonald Hard work, rein and & bres in| w Winds Ja pi death of Supt, Horry Whelan as! Neither force would make ap of | WASAGA BEACH, Ont, CF) "Y henrd my wile Elsie le the bench, oblivious to what was the heat Wave pride to bring | for 1 0 from shore thal the [AR Me, | gong on ebina the dunes of the weekend | 75 Is Troi for he Lad us 19 some vl Yd h Su mate op id "on doe," long Hight against for | iiavie I ty eal nis ord 4 Fes we ll | phrde ely-nine fires sill raged A Ay harvard ¥ FR _---- Ep the royal commission inlg the Ven eouver police department sat gsm | today following a weekend adjowrn: | meni 1 hie ficiul slatement on the new devel: | Beven bathers, Including four at opment, but I was learned thal | fempting 10 rescue a A in, Iwo officers in 8 paired cir SW | werk dragged to thelr deaths Bun | the visitor aevive at Whelan's home | day hy an undertow made 1reseh inquest into the officer's shortly helore the shootin Fhey erbus hy winds that ehirned Nol death, originally set for Tuesday, did not see him leave, hi Wak | Lawasaga hey nto & holipg ses has heen postponed indefinitely, | learned he was not in the AA al bh; Bi was saved HOMP ofifeers seid {the Hime of the hooking ive men apd wo youths, ex Whe postponement followed a re-| Whelan was found with a bullet -- from fighting against the port (hat Whelan had a mysterious | wound in his chest and bis service | gurrenis and rolling waves, were | visitor minites hefore he was found | revelver nearby, in the front room envied into the bay from the Nol DIMENSION PROBLEM {shot 1g desth Friday morning lof his home tawnsign viver, 1b was the worst THREE. 4 Whetan died Just three hours he He was In have appenred hatord multiple drowning ever to hil this COREYESH the recent an. [fore he was to have returned for | the commission (or Cross-exi 4 0: | popular resort aren shoul 50 miles Feateriek Putin, lg A i sit of Russian and UB, |eross-examination hefore the com Hon of his story that Det Bgl, Len | horth of Torentn, Nottawasaga hay ore cal federation lon to construct an earth sat | mission sitting under 1K, H, Tupper, | Cathhert hod left 8 signed slate: | is part of Georgian hay igi ring with aniin elite to civele the wlohe, The City pollen od he illed himself, | ment that he accepted ndeyw ord | Six men answered the unidents nigh ide t uf the federa astponauticel sociely even dis. [UNUSUAL MOV [payoffs and split them with pollee | fied girl's cries for help as she was ton, Buch A eran, at the fed: | cusses sush subjecls rafiic ROMP tank ehist Walter Mulligan helng sapped hy + the four fool eration congress in Copenhagen rules In interstellar space | Hy A the Investigs Cuthherl atlempled suicide Wil | waves. (On One of the top subjects Mt Central Pres Canadian then # bi wave Wit us hve a bi went under The gant waves were hie by & severe anders wlruck the sres during the and early morn ww WITHERS IDENTIVIED - he other vietims were identified #7, Peler Bas Hl drowning: eaine wn friends and A up | rlativer reporied persons missing SL 0 was impossible te attempt Wi drain oeratons the rough Wo pahice lremen eon ii [7] realy those who had made i ty h hove was only inhglator Jn the disiriel snd hose walt in line, hei | auroms the province Sunday hut the | still i outremes wt dma fois! was the lowest for four fires were ors ion thy weeks, At one time lest month it | fers Tees | a shorten slood st more then 150 Whg pr ha Fifteen fives were out of control | | Wistiduty AU) Sunday. One 600-aere Ware, notth| One man's Ai of Like Wipigon, was reporied en: | new five, A forest ranger 0 needed treatment had io | A" win, a and Gulielmne Yullianetti, BAN SHUTTLE SERVICE | any Reokless, an inactive comp of the | i Plaze on & long navy Abitibi Chaplean ares # Jump Hire on the of "4 f Paice ran # shuttle service from iW, all of Tovonta ho the = nearhy police kowier, M, Marin hecick, Hl Frederick Desrcock, Fioring Pan in wip and Vapor Co [ the [HEAT WAVE ENE [43 ve was (our miles awey bane end Yulllaneiti are he if ne were given mid pd uly rains that swept the prov ince and heralded the end of » land but only & quarier of 4 lieved tn have heen the first two swept oul, Before they were ret Wt Sus monthAong heat wave hel check | by walsr, | nine fives in the Sault Ble, Marie,| "The ranger th a (RJ hut cowld noj rope Ke others, singly and in pairs, got io Williap Ives o fayner, | trauble in the heavy surf shout six miles south oi JA | Chplean and central arens sirong wind, Ay oe U Beveral persons, fried 10 rescue rable pete Jeplation is The long-awalled low tempers ture spurved firefighters lo greater powered fire pu efforis in the Cochrane Kapuskas | using the Rap who | Hon Into the shooting Balurday, an iwe of those The | unis ual move ovdersd hy Attorney: | the bullet missed his heart snd he plunged in veturned to shore, Photo | General Robert Bonner at the re: Hved fo hecome a key witness others were lost lg with him were chief Aus Customs Crackdown To Follow $100, 000 Drug Haul | TORONTO (OF) customs ersckdown on Ra entering | Canada 1s expected to follow the | arvest of three persons on drug | urges and the Mists here 0 L000 worth of nareetics, he op and heroin was solied in 1 eit hal lr Arve Yumi house which yielded a | sullehse containing a pound of raw Maintenance Workers Vote Against Chrysler Strike WINDSOR (CF) ~~ Threat of a age at the ipping work slo) es! lov Corporation of Canada | plan ba averted when a small | Fone skilled workers voled | Sunday night to accept a new eon tract, The workers voled hy show of hands 0 accept A company offer giving an improved wage progres | sion seale, promise of ware than M0 wane i ehin and vevised | genlority conditions The company, however down a union demand for cent hourly raise for all trades workers About 150 of the 700 skilled | workers atlended the meeting The workers are all key main: | tenance men, without whose se viees the plant cannot operate. The men had threatened to leave thelr hs next Sunday if thelr long Handing contract dispute was nol nell led, Former N.S. Premier Dies HALIPAX ton) A. Biking Mae Millan, Nova Bootla prem ley during i fievond World Way Sunday following a lengthy | i hi P, MacMillan was premier | turned | a skilled o s followed = police | cote on a i Bathurst Street | were reported buying vi ghie heroin capsules fo Tovonta raid I dated hack to fools duly 0. 1G until July, 1 when at ™ he retired fram public Flyer's Wite Will Decide Who Is To Be Her Husband NEAADA CITY, Calil. (AR) Una Sehmidt- Fine took her ite | and moved off hy hersell to | no» tying to decide whether she | Wants fo femaln the wife of a re fr ning prisoner of war or of a log gal teartor driver A slightly ballt hownhaired woman of 50. she says she married four Alford B, Fine in the belie | the! her hoshand, Aleman Daniel O Sehmidt was dead. He and 10 wihers In a B38 were shat down Jan, 13 188, during the Korean War. They were freed only last weak Una talked hy trans Pacitie ele hone Sunday with Schmidt, in wha Wm Rs way baok ta the United States after 38 months In 8 Red China prison, ah the eall | wr lawyer, Harold Berliner, said | problem with those intimately eon aplum apd five founds of heroin, | noigh 10 provide 16,000 capsules of diluted hs al 85 a capsule the market price | kufloteuyer work by p nllesl agents and ROMP officers in Can hu' and Europe over # nine-month the Toronto raid, lieve a fo fn bY By DAVE MeINTOSH Canadian Press Biall Writer CAMP GAGETOWN, NB, (CP) The old ved pateh was hack in busheny for ihe first Hime since the Ist Canadian Infantey Di yislon has warn the red pee ok Hiv k RH HH righ { ron] they teed bi on ) Wes ody A, are " Wising Blar" is the Hirsi Jitacetime divi ional exereise In Canadian history and the first time the 1st Division has operated asp unl sine it stood Vietorious on the Crehhe line In The Netherlands more than 10 yours ago THROUGH HEAVY RAIN Hunched down, in ponchos, the groups slogged through heavy vain and mud to take up defensive posi Hons against a Mipnosed three-di vision altaek from the novth, The wrt of the three enemy divisions # 0 oline led white, Vaneouyer police he elgiire of the lol should avliy into the sup y of nay Sh Vaneouver addiots, who 2 ill avail Rowing the They had closed the 10,000-man ant Yor three days last June whe Al helng plavpd hy the nd Hatlal: | [ tens | 100, the Black Wateh, and "0" oy ruhines a + dh | Baiadron, royal Canadian Pra Charles Brooks, chalrman of the | HOES Cheysler unit of Loeal 105, United The 1st Division had orders to { Automobile Workers Union (1 10 {hold a fort shout five miles wide punks sid ed ome + Resignations In 'Tilbury Police the clauses in the new ARPOING nt 'LBURY Y [18 33] Twn is still subject to final approval hy both sides, but he expects || will he signed shortly members of THbhury's three-man police favee have vesigned follow ni the events of a near-riot here he agreement provides for auto matic pay raises up to 16 cents an July 87 involving 10 provinelal po Hee officers and 300 townsnenple hour to came within 180 days of The resignation of chief n, # worker helng hived The present hasle wage vale of the workers was not announced Hppoks sald the ¢ hange 5 In rk a great improve ping " shilte ail Ra ri wor wh vas | Chisholm and constable nek Murs latlans, The company agreed that [Pay were announced Sunday hy mayor William Cowley Ehief Chisholm has headed Til bury police alnee last November, Both he and Murray were contro: versial figures in the teavble that during indefinite layoffs, senlovity will he on a Mant-wie haste, For saw four men arvested and towns short periods, senority will apply on a depavienb-wide basis office after a career occupying 44 YORE Old Color Patch For 1st. Division + | orl, in wood covered country, 1 will frst withdraw and then launch 8 counter Attack, For purposes of the exercises, 440 -square-mile Camp Gagetown sill under. construetioh, Is divides into two mythical eonntries--pow: WE gin] fi tia in hel" ah in the Bven ov fram i friendly pic) A hough no live ammunition 1s being used In the exercises, most of the sights and sounds of battle were Whe Hamme British « made Centurion tanks elanked over Balley Iwidges And churned desperately al muddy ground, the artillery pounded away nd the infantry dug Inte the sed den ground his 15 a non-atomie exercise, The troops finished with that Phase of thelr training al brigade level before Relng Siar haan. Gen, Rockingham sald Just Before his men hegan moving off that the atom hombh was a Jeacitoal hattiefield weapon and Canadian troops had to know how fo deal with such an atiaek, pole threaten ta break into the all, Maver Cowlev's slalement fuoted the town councll as saying the resignations, effective Inst Bal urday, had "nothing fo do with the duly 37 ineldent.' The trouble rose to a head follow ing the arrest of Harry Penfold, a Glencoe farmer on a eharge of obstructing, When Avy free Penta the Rint Asef, oharged "with anos napeople threatened to mayor Cowley vead Three other men were oreating a disturh: Penfold with Sonne Harper, William Willams, 81, and Hal Phaneut, 99, all of Tilbury, LLL goheduled for hearing in Chatham Bept, ¥ He look over the premiership when the late Angus Maedanald entered the federal , bine #5 DAVY minister with the task of vevital ising Canada's infant fleet LATE NEWS FLASHES Al his death Myr. Mae Biilian Wie sresident of the Fundy Construe jon Company, an enterprise that ii Burvivors inolude his som, Allan, of Halifax; a daughles Mrs : Mass, and three grandsons, funeral will be Tuesday LUCAN, Ont, (CP) widow tank vipped through three ] The | 000, TORONTO (CP) | tat arait of Juan de Fuea, Una had separ apd at least lempor He hopes to hecome the arlly from the logger Al Tokye the atfman told report fers he would not disonss his mar {tal affates unttl he has had» iohance to talk with Una face to {face and work aul this personal the United States side, Bomb Damages Palace of PARIS (AD) cerned Al Portland, Ove, Mrs. Nellie Polers, mother of the alrman iked tn her son Saturday night and sald he Vseunded very hurl last night, Presse reported, | Bt she said he indicated he would ry dn win hack Una. Fine has sald he hopes she will stay with him Una sive she marred Fine last Se plemher and heard the follow hil November thal. Behmidt was | alive In 8 Red China prison. She | and Schmidt had lived together | only a faw weeks, PORT COQUITLAM, with & heavy $1,000,000 Damage In Lucan Fire Five from an exploding gaseline A. Ingram of Brockton, treet today, causing damage estimated at close to $100 $113,700 Haul In B.C. Robbery RO inte the Coquitlam post office early today and eseaped | Joash and negotiable money orders, buildings on Luean's main | Juan de Fuca Strait Swim Attempt == A husky 28-year-old Toronto ary worker, Bob Quinn, leaves tonight for Vitoria and | A awimming attempt next Thursday on the treacherous | second person to finish the #wim and the firat to orogs the strait from the Canadian to The three other drowning vietims had gone down within a four-hour period shortly before that as thou sands of holidayers frolicked on nearhy heaches, not knowing the fragedy that was unfolding in the ) y of the fowr who died tryin fn veseye the child was Carl. Heinds | Behwnidt, 22, of Brampton, His 24 year-old hrother, Alfred, was saved by the latter's wife A wave "He, ( Halt | Alfred guid "a hi and we ol won under Helnds and two other hathey ry o Ie & the #rf whep { hey BAW th he giv in teoiie, Al ol sald; MOSCOW (AB) oy Molotov took ambassador's wife flopded the boat and Indy American Ambassador Chaple E Habe Bn hesied Deputy Premier AL, Mikoyan in a boal vace Forty ehiel Nikita Khrushehev and Marshals Georgl Zhukov and Ivan Konev picked vaspherrvies Premiey wlga nin, helped Bohlen's 16-year-old daughter Avis gale three fish, The ncesalon was an informal Bte-hour pavly Bulganin gave Bun. day at his country eslate 60 miles southeast of Moscow. The 166 ap §0 guests included foreign diplos mats and corvespondents and thelr {ies rion any Russians, NPRECEDENTED The abi Forelgn Minis: | the Ihdongston | rowing, hai soaked the ll sahil had never sean anvihing lke Il, as the pre: miler himsell admitted, The program ineluded a twashow WILL REVEAL AL Jack Whelan, heather of Van eouver police superintendent Har vy Whelan who shat Mmsel? and ied an the day he was tn testily hefore the Vanpouver police eam mission, has promised to reveal as much as he kaows about | eareuption on the eliy's police foros, An ex-detective, he provid: [od information that led to a tah Justice in Saigon «A powerful bomb heavily damaged the interior of South Viet Nam's palace of justice at Saigon hut there were no casualities, Agence France: we Thieves hroke (CF) safe containing an estimated $113,700 in | thousand lol's exposures which essed the present investigation «Contval Proms Canadian BAN OPIUM BARIT TEHRAN, Tran (AB) «Gover mont workers today were ordered! | fnoault oplum smaking while al work, Offiolal souwvoss would apt | comment an the number of addicts | | In government service hut ane put | ated in the army, 'Nat mare. than several Yvan produces 80 tans | of aplum a year, ai which 2% ons is exparted iH al or more "I ne 2 iduyers J arog in vloting at Pusan | those who were In fous Most barely escaped with thelr lives Heckless, fnther of two children, was a wollld-he resguer who dled, He went after other men whe were being ¢ carried Into the hay, and | ARRAY} AY hash 19 shore, ARRIVE AP Heoklows ig " Jor police | offlosr from the Units ingdom fwhe arvived in Capsda last Apri { He leaves his wil ow and Saigh tors Veronica, 5, a 4 fn the Ing aren, where a quarter of the | over the so id {fires were located, six of them out | across the | he Fue, Lof control, Two RCAR helicopters| Ashore and four Otter hugh planes ed | | doused whieh veueived | pump Fy relurned " ol fir EC Aan ai Repatriated Flyers 4 {lumenal clerk Charlie Ray of Wiasae Beach and fire an nel Kenwell of Wasaga NOn§ 4 a 1 Th men apparently had | wil aut on # sendhar at the th of the hepch and swam | Fh nd of river, which runs Wn a ponherly Srsetion a5 I flows Into the hay, sandbar forms * a peninsila that juts Into the river Shortly after the drownings, po- lies launched a small boat fo al tempt resene operations, If was i {oll was know WAS Aine 7h | Russian wiEhean, oon) nny soglpg led | sary of Worst haus ishing anil boating on the ines nd a drive through { per park. ome of the group gathered winder & fr tres for he telecast of the Moscow Bpariak soccer team's 10 vietory aver England's We Vartiamplon Wanderers, Hulganin a short Apeveh al the end of oo Jid the Parl was a direel result of the montous atmosphere displ H oH the Geneva "gimmit" eonferenee, He hoped It iid he only the first of many sueh festivities, Hut this should not interiere with owe work," Khrushehev inter lected Responding to the premier, the dean of the Moscow diplomatie corps, Bur meses Ambassador Maung Ohn, sald the envays want 5 Tortured By Reds ok A GENE WAS toring io re? y swamped and returned fo (AP) from A CROPPER og oan § h wound up a heat vide With he in donesian ambassador's w I eaching the boat, the foreign min ster rowed too far up on shores, and the aly poured in over the depressed stern, alotav hi u shed as Ehukov ehaffed him, ealling him "a terrible pallor, he guests snapped hundreds of eandid photos of their gk Rod imptink one correspondent to ask jigaaning "Doesn't this look to! You like the start of Eisenhower's lan (odo photo) yeconnaissaned of e pviel Union?" "Yes, suppose this is the start of in" the premier replied, roar: Ing, with laughter, he premier also told Foporiers he har no plans "or Aviat on yel to visit the United States, hl ou ih, released last 5 al vy Cg mm dag hy boy yi i eduien to leave 'Tokya aly Tognes i" to the Vnidea Se ilps that oe RE v will he flown to 1aBEEN negrest their homes for 0-day eon: | "Hamed, 1 1 A ok valesoent leaves, Col, John Knox Arnold led the | others Sunday in telling of thelr freaiment during B% years 0 Ching, ying: "They used 'persuasion' that ely ized people simply do not know ahout He told of being slugged in the face wii his hands ted behind him, of otoed like manacies, of being "'foveed to stand until you started screaming," Then he broke down briefly Arnold commanded a BE shot down Jan, 148, 1085, while on a 1eafiet-dropning mission over North Korea, Peining's Communist ho iroaganda rhdia announged last | not sign a statement Ard owe, dome lr We were never in oh damned Ching," 1 a how his fists clenched, frm a large map Kore He hat just oie |) So North Rove' & weil poast, 40 Hog south of the Yalu river how a8 the one where heir wi wlane ane downed. in flames MiG and FI Alva . Fg Maj, Baum was ha fore he hal od and later suffered from and spent mueh lime In pital, was the only one i vepay the Russian hos Wh with an annual disner for viel leaders, RHOUL (AF) Nine Ameriean apldievs and four Koreans were 4 ported Injured In new viotl san Sunday night as South eans continued mob der oR tans against the Neutral Nations Hupervisory Commission Police said the 18 were hurt In stone-throwing elash between United Biates A demonstrators and the NNEC truee-nspeetion team, Poliee sald 80,000 Korean labor or AM War veterans milled throu Pusan streets during the Might U, § 8h Army Aeddguariets bo Beoul denied reports that ihenip army guards Bad bayone! iad five : a The South Kore avernment [had protested to } Se AH rmy Chief Firmly i n boy bo AA HB, "eh - Canadi he, hi CAME aha! 0 | Maj ten John Reekingham " he fewly believes there will nel [he an Atomle war, At the same time, the chief of the 1st Canadian Infantry Division says the atemie hamb is a prac Lh tactioal weapon and Cana {dian troops Must Know how 10 take | pouRtERIOASIIeR ARMA 118 pos sible use Gen, Rockingham Wade these | onmments here Baturday aight He sald he foresees a Hime when pavatioapers will ne longer he re HUOh troops [Would he lifted hy helicopter, He: cause helloapters could hover there won Hitle 11) them from fast | danger Korean Rioting Against Supervisory Commission servicemen guarding quarters of fing Will Be No. Atomic War' ts. Bul there | lem, vavember thal rol ani |e 10 | "They started after Wie but then erew members Nad heen convicted | eased off, probably because orn of intruding over Manchuria on L condition," Re aids Soviet Air Crash |14.¥r.-01d Bride Told 25 Persons Dead "pe "sm, 1, Scheel 1 (Ry Mich (CP)-A MOBCOW (AP)Pravida today fly WL published news of ane of Russia's old bride Reparnid. tom worst known alr disasters in reo. ho ald hy pane and aa i [ ent year ---the fery crash of a ve, to return to Soviet airliner whieh elaimed the , lives of 8h persons, ineluding 10 1 he i, Maw, Bot Norwegian women Caroling ast ohruary It was the first time In years | consent ' the Boviel proas Wad reported sueh | fi I Wile he fn, ald day Michigan would hat » an aceldent. The Communist party Organ sald the tragedy . ed [the tegality of the MANTIAES, pild Burnette ol 0) hou f Halurday near Voronesh, 200° miles 6 il southeaai af Moscow, for. oq rH Nhe ab io Hines of & over ® Unless he leaves: the The women were members of #hl alone VY HEA Ad ital Foun Norwegian politieal parties who had accepted a Boviet Invitation to a NN ROME a 8 Giraldi, "ar \@ Pill hin WHR vist Russia, The remaining vie mE weie Russlang the forelgn ministry extended ander, J aanay y ohiel of staff of the Tatiah: He will replace Admival "limi "deepest regen tn the Norwe » lan oharge d'affaires, and id Ferverl who was named last M tn head the arms eonivol hi - hope that some time this will be "| rowht #hout,"" Against the use of hayonels and ony hh In in subduing the rial, Army release quoted an unnamed UA, Arig offle 10 AR BAY Ing a "uniformed Korean agitator on a Sruek shouted ao Military po lee 'go ahead and stick me "When the MPs vefused to use bayonets, he pulled out a knife an Mashed Ha own arms and school | ots flared Sunday at Taegu, | midway between Senul and Pusan, Af Kunsan on the west coast and at Kangnung on (he east eopst South Korea has warned all four powers on the inspection terms to leave Boulh Korea hy next Hatur L) OVOFRINeNt source sald, i organs have charged (he | Russia would pay he TR or Polish and Cseeh members with | the loss of the Norwegian lives, | el Ing As io hut alse want the | Tay news aeney sald the plane wise And Bwedish inspeetors fo has Making Its usual teip from [of the Western Rursusan 0 Inave, Rtalingrad Mosoow' when if | Giraldi, five hattlashin Mitte Wn pL Yomught in the alr sand the WAY, Believes | exnnhe,t LL a Teenage Stowaway Met By F.B.I. Welcoming tie | LONG REACH, Calif, (AP)="1t Unlied Buates Sunday, and she was was wanderful," sald 16-year-old | taken to Juvenile hall in Los Ale Joveelyn Joan Plapil of her stowa- | goles; Today she was to he an way tip fram Hawall on a Cana: | ralgned on stowaway Snarges, | sHan destroyer, "I'd lke to do #t Joveelve told venorlers she Again only legally," erved, on foe and tea " the Ah ahe patted a shod, haskan's oftioers, washed digh Ahantly oonsequences, espeelally | halvout and added: 1 had 10 ont | and sovabhy the deck pd or oltles and eivitian populations eapectally far the tip, © guess | "They ealled me 'Hutohie' an In an atomie wav, the frontline [they'll send me back to Hawall, | ented me Hie a little bay, soldier might be In the slfest pos: [hat 1 don't want to go" ironed a Tow shirts for thew, tee, tion beoause the enemy would net [ Joveelyn's ip catsed pation | The Athabaskan's captain, Li» Wie Ahombs If at olose quarters | ognsternation and trans « Pacific | Cmdr, Ohavies Rishardon, formed with Aposing foroes, | eonfusion after her discovery im the [the tnoldent rettable Gon, Roekimgham sald the army [aft awning locker of HMCS Atha: | didd't think any of Is orew of has formed a patlern agamst | haskan [officers and men had anything to atomile attack but that mueh study | WELCOMING COMMITTER do With hiding Joveatvn, but ads stil has 0 be given 0 the prob The FRI formed a reception eam. | milite nav have 0 swallow fmittes for her upon arrival ta the those words," would still be a big danger from round fire ANTE HELICOPTER Gen, Rockingham sald the army | wants Its own helieopter farce | eventually, owned, operated and | controlled hy the army Gen, Rockingham sald he feels ne eouniry 1s prepared to under take atomie war heeause of the hayish:-hob