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Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 9 Aug 1955, p. 6

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£ THE DARN TIMESOATETTE, Taestny, hogsst 9, 199% Editorials . Poo om 0, LL ls Ue Pt los : I -------- Jay-Walker Must Bear Share | Of 1 Blame For Some Accidents & . Editoriels and safety bulleting on high way eaffic usually stress the part motor vehicles play in necidents, This is under: stundable, for ears and trucks sre chiefly pesponsihie Lor mishaps on the roads, But motor vehicles sre not the only "eulprits" The pedestrion or, to he more specific, the jaywalker was known in the hows and buggy days, but he did not come inte full prominence until) care took to the youd, The juny walker comes in many forms, He may he the man who walks against the ved traffic Vght, oblivious or contempii ous of atte which has the right of way, if he is in & section of town where there sre no lights, he mey decide to wsiep off the curb, walk to the centre of the road snd then look for approaching traffic, Then he muy be the ultratrustful individual who angles from one side of the street to another with his back to traffic coming from the north, south, east or west, de- pending on which way he is crossing, This places an pdded responsibility on 5 motorist, who, in addition to watching "Agony Column" (By Henry B, Hayward in Christian Science Monitor) The Times, of London, may or may not he the only newspaper in the world still to devote its entive page one to classified advertisements, But suffice it to say thet British readers would not have it other wise, Many & Londoner finds it important to read the Times' personal column before anything else---~and there it Is, every morning, staring at him in small types, unencumbered by black headlines, the fivat thing in the paper, Why the interest? Well, the unusual is plways in prospect, A culling of "agony column" items for several weeks produced the following batch; "Happy young mongoose offers intelli. gent gompanionship in exchange for goed home," (Now there's the most intelligent mongoose you're likely to encounter for a long time, Writes a snappy ad, and knows where to put it) Mangooses not your style? How shout # nies gondola, a genuine article? "Gon- dola for sale, bought in Venice and shipped to England for Brentall's recent successful Italian exhibition," © Undergraduates at Cambridge might find this just the thing for punting on the River Cam, Or perhaps you'd like to solve this problem: "Aeolian harp--advertiser would he grateful for information where to buy or haw te make Perhaps whoever #n- swers that one would also drop me a note saying what an aeolian harp is, Then there are the wails of persons apparently dissatisfied with their loti "Interred in bank," says one, "B.A, Oxon, 88, Spanish, French, no chance to wow, seeks renaissance any field; pub: ig conacious," { cated, female secretary, utterly a. present job, requires some: one to lift héy from ever-deepening rut, Willing te throw company law, accounts, agenda, minutes, and all committees to the wind in exchange for happy personal secretarial job wheve eighteen years' pri- vate and commercial home and continental experience can be used to good purpose," (Cheer up, Miss, we all feel that way once in a while) "Young, man, bored with commerce peeks excitement and travel, Anything legal," (The gerupulous type, difficult to place.) Here's one you doen't see very often, | he Daily Timeu-CGazette Pullisned ay VIMES GARTER PUBLISHERR LIMITED i Bwmees Brest Boul Oshawa Phe Maily Tunentineiig (Oahawa, Whithy), sembining he Chinn Fimes (established 1871) and the Whithy alia and Chrenicie (eal I Wy Badaie A0H Sea Ieny hy exeepied) Membres of Canadian Daily Newspaper Pubiishers As ciation, The Canadian Press, Audi) Bureau of Clrsnl Linl, Anil te Ontarie Fravinaial Batlles Assaciabion. The Cans dixit Prom MW osaciumiven sulitied ta Whe use fer repubilie ation af all ews despatches ln the paper eredited ta 0 Woe tae Asseciaied Pies ar Reuters, and alas he local ak published therein. All rights of spseial dospaiehing ave al Rami od Fob WILAON, Publisher sad General Manas M MeINTYRE HOOD, Massaging Balter tii n: 44 hing Stoest Weal, Tarania, Ontanei Vaiversily Tower Wilding, Maatisal, P.§ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Hadiveondl Ba catoiers in Oshawa, Whithy, Breakin, Part " Alas and Piekeiing, aah aver Me per week. By mall fe Peavinge of Onlaria), outside earvier delivery areas, Ba Rlsswheie ALA por year DAILY AVERAGE NET PAID CIRCULATION FOR JUNE 12,648 i daly traflic whead, is keeping 4 wewther eye for children whe mey deri from behind # parked car, The motorist mey feel flatter od by the trusting jay walkers, hut more often he is angered by the disregard of people for their own sfety, dny-walking in any form is & deplorable habit, Ib may he g throwback to the days when the King's Highway wes » sefer place then it Is todey, Too often it is # product of & strange belief thet the motors ist should look out for the man on the street and thet the pedestrien has less vesponsivility for avoiding an secident in which he would he the victim, The motorist, because he is behind the wheel of # 8,000-pound ear, should be wlert ot ull times, At the same time the pedes- trian is in no physical position to "srgue' with & motor vehicle and he should he ready to protect himself, If both pedestrians and motorists would observe the hasie rules of safety there would he fewer accidents on the highways today, The jsy-walker should have no place on the road in this era of high speed and fast pick-up, News hit anyone ean understand what the ad- vertiser mepnt; "Foreign mervice--determinedly eager aspirant, 28, vejected in normal and 'lates entry' attempls at selection, wrongly, of course l--seeks offers satisfying alter: native, Richer hut wretehed as business executive," « Another gentleman, whose ad need not he quoted in full, but who confesses 10 heing titled, of senior military rank, a liker of eats, seeks to be "Administrator te tycoon, male or female, with lesrge estate" He adds his salary was five thousand pounds sterling, and that he is | "world travelled, speaks ten languages, one time himself half-millionaire investi ment banker with castle eslale, yacht, Bolla, and former candidate empes until robbed by sharming war profitesrs while AWAY on active service," There are other ads, sometimes running in the same solumn, which make you eager to introduces one party to the other, since a bargain seems certain, Here are two, hoth deseribing themselves as "impeci- pious," who seem well suited to solve their mutual problem "Seven years of shared kitehens--i pecunious business lady tired of pitting rooms, desperately searching for a very small unfurnished fiat, central Londen," If Miss Impecunious were willing to pattie for Wimbledon, eight miles from London, | note a nice offer fram another mamber of the impeeunious family "West Wimbledon---impecunious house: holder craves tenant for furnished ground: floor rooms and garage,' Bhe ean put the Wimbledon furniture in the garage, and have her unfurnished accommodation just like that, ean't she? Beeking nothing, yet an eye-catehing eryptie announcement, in this one: "The Hoard of Inland Revenue ae: knowledge the receipt of one hundred and gixty pounds sterling conscience money from 'sys rpt xye'" There's someone insisting upon a veceipt for overdue taxes while managing to remain anonymous, Bearehing for out-of the-ordinary items in the eolumns of "The Thunderer" can become & fascinating dally pastime, | commenced the practice when an ad asked "Can anyone use an emu egg!' | was fatally trapped hy the time someone applied for a person willing to teach a parrot Beots, At times | still wonder about that emu eg, For Instance, would an emu and a mongoose get along? Other Editors' Views WILL BE DISCONOERTING (Hamilion Bpeciator! An aevanautical selentist says that hy 1078 pas: sengers will he sipping fram New York to Paris in leas than thee hours, Conmdering the fiveshpur time differential hetween the twa olties, this is gor ing 10 be somewhat disconcerting finish luneh Tam this continent, and be on the Champs Elysees in Hime for an aperitif before lunch Bible Thoughts They that attempt 18 fall hebween twa chairs Let us seleot the perfect master, ar we will wis the mark, The prise of the High Calling No man ean serve two masters. Mat. §.34, «a vilisen "QUIET COUNTRY DISTRICT VISTA Although some drivers favor the paved highways and speedy travel there is nothing as res QUEEN'S PARK lasing as # drive through the quiet eouniryside, This well iravelled, country Ford nthe Powers Behind Political Thrones By PON O'HEARN Special Sarees Wpsndont to The Timen-tinpoiie TORONTO: Na ad unless i in the power on high, " ver he hy [0 "ll lek the part that women CA nh LU A oe A fv hy ts 5 the niles ihe arid hehind the see Ay A th the EROTEIN Wile of subtle Influence, iN oe Hag, It would be ine teresting lo know how many of our men In pllities today are there he cause thelr wives have wanted them there A lew years ago rnd here there was # remirk of opal fame that had heen made hy one cab inet minister to another who wire his ple an loudly as a red neck he wald, your bigest -- hick ls that you aren't mal vied ta H 8 wile," I" joe old-f that 1a few days ago, ne of our loust-known, i | Ve portant women Wh On ae Jo 08 oe Ww ed wy 0 i o bc llS, ie | negquiiar Oliver TINT hy vel ing era And It was tvplesl of Mrs. Olive that the reception would he hol Aulet and homey LOYAL PARTNER This tall, dark woman who has heen at Mr, Ol ors wide for ih yeirs, undenibiedly has made he contrition 1] the politiesl hfe of the provines But It has heen & quiet one nd there would he me whit wil wiby It has heen # "ir iw' one, i'l hasn't heen in the fleld of aleering polities, It 1a doubtful if whe ever has offered hey Wihand eh in the way of politleal sd vies, Bul she ha heen A fine ex ample of a Mm Itieal wife in the hioned sense of & help H.., happened to he a of the wovernment who clegrly wasn't happy about pelitioal Tie And the remark was to the paint, hesause his wile vevelled Ih his success and obviously was the id reason for his being where x Vinas In other ways women stedy the oaurse of events In this, as in all other pacitlool fields Men of othdvrwise flexible opin i» & can hecome Ama A rm, and stubborn, when th woman has a made-up pind on some subject ar other And, If a substantial eadre of overnment wives should he In avor of ah I has a good ehanee of going through, no' mak ter Ow in fea hr i ANNTOE Kaan The path A these remarks is READERS' VIEWS male In the days when they were acl fyely farming, It wan she who kept the farm Piling, and the hame fires humming when her hushand had to he absent for long periods al sessions of he House, or eam Paling through the pravinee the various eonventians he has contested, and in his eleotion campaigns, she has heen firmly al a Kidde With no liking for the limelight she has anpeared on platforms with her hushand when the oeops ion called for It, and Pit her fly comfart seeondary to his dnterest, Along with the other women i Jokties she has pxevolsed her In wenee; hut It has mainly heen Hie hell iowards he 1, for the hat tle wh th # loyal bit | rusting part Aer oan Hive a man in publie life Promotion On Merit Held Best Method The Editor, Oshawa Times, Dear Biri There seems ta he the same confusion and cantraver: 8 pagarding the position of five ehief, an there was same Hime ago replacing our oijel of pallies After thousands of words, and a lot of unnecessary advertising and interviews, the Wan Wha should have had if in the First place was. promoted I ehallenge anvone to may the selootion wan not a good one Fowonld Hike any member of au council to hw panne Why ow fenuly ive ehiel should ant step up at this tv He Is a AN bt Hond gharaeter, Oahawa all hin Vike, and has warked his way fram the ground wi, and atuek with the hei Rade when hig WEIS HOt Aa Posy as they are npw It has heen sons the eaune cause the farmer ehiel recommend anyene I do not (RIRK (hat 8 mueh to his oredit, and | think he should he asked a attend a meating an explain why he was sa miserable andl thankless, 0 the peaple whi helped Rim a0 mueh In the pas, bt) vereived so Hite credit As a taxpayer who helps pay the shat, T am a Hite Hed of this way of doing business, and 1 think [ET vous Be sel in ametion 0 do away with present syalem if ane of the rea oll hosMales 1s he did not of securing new heads for elty de paviments, and give the Junior men the feeling of security, jn i them samen in work far + hardly seems fale far a oom mittee fram council fa deglde stinething of whigh they know sa Hitle I hope ooune il will see fit Wn spore a new fire ehiel hy frome ton whieh | think 8 the only fal and Just way, Binoerely yours, WILLIAM TONKIN #0 MeMillan Drive Marilyn's Swim Inspired Him TORONTO (CPA dootar wha Awan elght miles ts shore afte heing swept overboard inte Lake Ontarla fram a sloap sald Sal day the thought of Marilyn Hell's SRI0 swim aeross the fake last Repl 1B helped saved his tile Br, doseph CG. Reidel. of Byrp Puse, NY all he remembered the 1Fyear-ald Toronto girl's swim A% aon ax he realiged Friday he world have to reach Shore unaided UI thoiight of Marilyn Hell al anes and tell IF sha oad swim Aoross the lak I eonld swim aorass part of Wm" Oshawa district 4s typlesl of WARY Wher one Ean Commins with nature TimewGhretis Ball Viale Churches Appeal For Scout Billets TORONTO (CF) Appeals have fom aul through Faranle ehurehes a help Willel the crowd of Boy Beouls converging on Toronto for the International seal Jamboree sehaduled this month at Magara onthe: Lake, Some 1,100 scouts from Britain Bi Adama oa will J uarierad in wane this 'week ith tightly aoked plane an fain sohediiien, he have can't be Wrought over a one Hime and quarters must he § found " Canadian cities hoth we ® fore and after the 10.day meeting The Hest pi" gad of British ily til wh at non pot Mh hi Gebmany are We for iehener ares and thowe fram 3 wil slay In © Quehee Clty before leaving for Ni # afara-on-thed.ake, Bicentennial Celebrations Mark Acadian Renaissance the Tiger od oinly 16 exirast wn "A oi Js hl = Wi CONCIA) WiBIAh he nbs 19 (AL fn lye wo and hd worn, Ih ene 4h ALROIR's shrine Wn valley will he # Pi wh down the eurigin on # 19 LA "ny village ty village thanksghving ones bean mn yene of Mardi Grin irons Wend of religions BEYRY , FOUSHIE VRIRGES, 'HIN Eh aE, ER ARREING RI IY WOFY EVERY Kook snd eraany ol the Giwpe, Lapmiwiann md the Mii Link from Caraquet, NB, 1 Archit, H8 Belting the theme in color and Haden rg HK mes ol Cannon's tore: mh oak, Whors, says Long: 6h wis 56 1gNor em i fuers hit Wis poem Writish for an operation y+ hod hy oloniunl Governm Ml wells and carried oi fig pri ey Fron oops Wnpor! th 1 governors Toy 4 years, over snes the Bova Bootie mam iand came British, had (ried A FOR BETTER HEALTH How To Bathe A Baby Who Fears The Water By WERMAN N, BUND First Wnprassions me # hihy A iinor sceident, while he | Ing bathed may make Win hl 1d ol a hnth, Maybe you'll get & 1 sop i we, He's apt lo ve meinher how tnneh ed ni { l the next time you ey 1a hathe im WATER Or perhaps you'll put him lo 0 wiley thal is either foo "a or to hot, "The temperature fi water should he hw Lo] 100 degrees, Test I with your yr how, The water should feel warm and comboriabile, I you meeidentally bump him Wm, he nay remember Then, the nex fie you rk bo 10h Nine him a min have rouble, ah wrohably ery i gener ake # fuss Yau A mak Maly tars worse If you insist LJ giving hn a ALTA fr Hin 1h Wn # sponge bath Or sh, d Mh we "ray nonah 0) wes Vien 0) With your han hoi, wih Hema an BYGONE DAYS HM YEARS AGO Theve weve 10 letter caveiers on the post-office stall, on the Mh anniversary of the auguration of the letter carrying system, Your of the original REVEN CAIVIONE Were still on duty The explosion of a homemade ga saline stave, made on the alr pres Bure aystem, caused g serious fre al the home of Wied Evans, 47h Kigin street, A quarietie fram Oshawa, Miss Garrow, Miss ~~ Hose, Mis, Hale min and Mya Fisher entertained ab the Courtice Bunday sehool harry soci, held al the home of Mi and Mya ri Lowe, Mrs, Mo Paviae, violinist, alsa entertained AW Pepper, weed Inapeetor Wilh Ly Uh an tax collector In Whithy an # eommiasion hasls to try and wollen $00,000 tn Arrears Mrs, Jahn Tull Hon, eolohen od her BOK Birthday at a hivth day party al the home of Mps, file Blanton, ¥lon Cle Mandrell, and Miteh Ken nedy Hed for the men's ou anid Mish bitin Weeks Wan the honors far (he ladies In the al Nietle ovens de GMC plenie at Alexandra W Iwart Everson, Col. Frank ( np pell, and Elid Wall were in A Pon, Ohle, and witnessed the na tional soapbox derhy, Mes Aolionh 07 Mary street, held a farewell Lg at her home In honor of Mes Bittle, wha was leaving for Englang Miller and Libby Lid. gol the Plumbing and heating contract in he extension Being bolle to the voleet hullding at GMO, Mesrnines nntiew, (Haver, Bran tan, ui, Cillard, and Donihty were the prise winners al a eyohig for the Releho lodge and held at the home of Mrs, WW on Chureh streel ie fe the soap 18 Ao od, fe A A M your wel hand over Yor nae him 1 "film, wet wash eloth Famous Artists Did Ads B [§ i hahy hi with & Answer pl Arig id vi 3 i wh fi il A dor i dry with & soft lewd, fie fast "now and oo a od alli wih an his win el Wim used to walter py you ean try Ms regi path, gain ar Wh phe dB YE ave lo Longuer wll have to go Kibo / oy) Ww wer nih A no fio 4 Waker EE you ean rs Ub Answen ] rat ling at 8 ' EE at Lr ax porsih For This Motion Picture N Jame R BACON OLLYWOOD (A If you find your eyes il ml Hd Ayer ements far "The onion you have good Anpireeiation of an he akeleh of Burt Lancasier with boy and dog was dons hy Thomas Hart Heaton, one of the finest an Ios controversial of American artist ' 0d Ture Bento Produeer Har, d he pik | he on always had admired and knew that he wis ae thy wha wouldn't some i [] al Heeht alan Feimambiered nlon's famous statement which hl flvak Clty Art Tuatitute by th n A that time Benton sald hawdy kines and sploans---even 10 women's elubu---thag have them that wold Hon # atatement like that The artist was Haw did MM wi ion : work the conventional in Advert of him fired fro mhin teaching Jo ohn he "Wd paler well my Jains oy Wine In art museums,' (ih fared Ahan "who might he vipe for a movie offer Cable Ship Arrives For $40,000,000 Project * MONTREAL (€P) = The cable ship Monarch was arvived off the Newloundiand oopst for the start of the speond phase of a 140,000,000 | trana-Atlantie cable prapeet, It was announced today Douglas ¥, Bowie, president, and general manager of the erawn owned Canadian Overseas. Tele onmmunieations Qutparation CL the Monaveh's arrival from Britain marks the start of the fist open son laying aperalion of of he Je The Maonareh oar y miles of despsen oable in her tanks The frat VAN of eable, fram Olavenvile, tid, to the edge of the oontinenial aholl, wan haved The Investment Dealers (MEMBER TORONTO Far Wiarmation PIAL RA 5.1104 THOMSON, KERNAGHAN & CO, BOND and BROKERAGE OFFICE 16 KING §T, W,, OSHAWA Awnclahion of Conade STOCK EXCHANGE Resident Maw, ERIC R, HENRY wd od a ada hin for the os TW fio bio Pi ul future "Tayaos om ii " at 1] HE oA wl o fd hl Ve a A Heme " wasn! ble * {} nthe first doy CLL id g oy MN Stsiehing, he poh oni a v the star and i" movie with Wy! ou akin an atl \ flo 0 ji il i gy y ary, ound fie on Teaving " (LLL ng he ng ani ole iy i pb y he iA ih reac aed the alrport, the ye Bl Was gh WAR anion, AOAMe tat friends 1] Hi al Heal, with Ann 4 PA one even p Inte Ax thi hig wlor, VOR he LAneAster, who 18h't wsed on Heil i late for wo ¥ I Ements whi Mo the ~ B00 les oul last June. When il ther perme, the Monareh will " fe the aeean gable to the shore Howie hid the ROoOni we) MOL will be Doyed §00 Miles ¥ 0 hl faant Abo Fil he ht ike as i ihe and 0 nil om or, po of By i Homi sly th 0 In Sep: RE yaa diay Thorius 16 or poe vomited from the wi Wl holats Ff frum Mew "fond to 6 / Won wy back i on lake walter ho nk: the wo Bowing, ay 1a of Wry APOSErS whieh 1 avenes pedessd the wh Aone Father than frome tent ot Agudion add wii pin ind ¢ ve way io Wow Hrine wick Bivlon and Prins The i Clwird dot ed (rs were Ji Cd yi dt enireme has whip, westwmd lilo Sinn Wrens, ey oe adian | for we Canadian Honored In Ke OTTAWA (0 rr. viluntary feller ane i" vir hy the mayor " ik mm widows # oh UR avian wir 7, Lota a id 4 10 Et ity Tl iphal, di Suving 4 dont A inn on Conn no nove oLeburn i it hy "a aly, i here she In AWARD FOR E-- ih AE hf Hl Hb a dor ph id tation y Ad ihiat, i of hi ut he LAA . rem. LOOK MOMI Proud smile on face of Dave Burroughs, ; Yl PORES HU Davhin Be Mount be Toi, Hi ding aunty {] wih hauled put of Kure L oan Lake vid od Bi oy i oak ue, oes 0 ind the vid was using a -- hug and a warm for ki Phota) FAIRBANKS: MORSE for all SOUTH BEND Equipment In Vartente, 137 Hathaur Bt In Toronto 137 Harbour 8, BEND COMPLETE LINK af quality mashing taal is ndw avaliable fram Falibanke Mare ght agpens Canada, This In eludes 8° and 10° Bench Lathe 10 ta 14/24" Float Lathes an thee madele of Turatl Late South Rand 14° Dell Prats, 7* Bengh Shaper and Pedestal §8 Genders are wlio avallable fram FM ar tha malar South Bend distrihitar In Canada ol BM Naa Tol, BM S000)

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