of YPU workers in the siudy ony I i I bis nd Mrs, Morden, Glynn | and Mrs, Eastwond and Lorne and | Mis, Ble oA Ragien wept 8 # WAGE rg 16 Crone Lake on Bun | ow, i Wim and Mes. Vege left on Tuesdoy by motor to anmiae wna Manion Rows and Mrs, Disney pre Woh As wm Eastern Onis Lmard ahd Mrs, Perons wand doves and Donald and Mrs, Per | is of Rew Wembrg, Clarence nd Mis, Perkins and daughiers, | oA Torome viewed with Mrs, W,| G, Verving and Mrs, Johnson om | Sindy i Andy Morden Is muck helier! from We recent iiness md Ropes 19 he Back BM work soon : Misses Shetls Pegg and Jean | LL Pascon wie holidaying in Borthern | | Ontario } Don and Mrs, Andrews and Miss | {Doris Brown of Toronto ised) Within and Mrs/ Brown on Friday nd Mrs, Moore and grand ren, Kim and Leslie, spent! y with the former's nephew Kohert and Mrs, Moore of Tor} Charles MacTaggart and Wm, A | LBrown were on & business ng to Madoc on Wednesdry ! ul Irvine Maclean ds making re] bud pers to Ws home |. George Bialy's new hose is eom JET KIDE ing slong fine Mrs Klien Faire ovr Proc ve CORervalive mem i bi Lament for ia mthan Wom | Pioneer Locomotive ehimbs from an BCAF Silver Mar | Marville, France, after her 'Nears End Of Career eet ride in 8 Joi plane, She is CALGARY (CP) n days wre) one of six members of pare. | numbered now, but it wasn't sol ment who laured oversens RCAF | oon that the 5000 was the hig (CF from Wabtiona! Defence) | Hest steam locomotive in the Brit {Ish Commanweaith, & symbol of MAN'S triumph ' against the rugger GREENWOOD ams | There Is a possibility that one of SO Women Hold | these 6 tron horses will he placed | Lon permanent display here i Kighteen of the giant locomotive A t Meet are reported idle In the CPR hoy near Calgary, hut some are ol Wy ARY . BROWN {Ih service On some Yi Their Correspondent {main yom the haul over Hu GRENWOOD) Members of | Rockies has heen taken over | the afternoon Women's Association | 1esel Tocomotives | held thelr August meeting nm the! The suggestion that one of the | form of #8 weiner lunch with games| M00s be put on exhibit wis made and swimming in the Cedar Glenlhy Ken Liddell, Culgary Herald Fark colummist, The tourist commities Miss Beatrice MacLeon stiended of the ehamber of commerce 1 ok the summer camp At camp Quin: [up the iden and rallway officials Maedae where she led a group' have expressed Interest An Actor Slates Red Investigation NEW YORK (AF) An nctor When Reproventative Gordon H today said the House of Represen | Beherer (Hep. Ohio), seid he he tatives commilies on un-American | lieved the witness was In contempt activities, In its investigation of for not ahwering (uestions and alleged Communist penetration into | Walter commented, "1 don't think | show business, has heen helping | it makes any difference to this in the bsekiisting of actors for witness," Sullivan shouted political reasons, "OF egurse It makes a difference Elliott Sulivan, 48, an actof for [lo me, I wani to work, | have a 8 years, repeatedly challenged the [wife and two ehlidren, 1 want to committee's power to question him | work and earn a living and | re about 'ly leal associations, | sent your remark that it doesn't i his or aelivities | make any difference to me" AYE QUESTION UNFAIR Buldvan said he appeared in seve Foi plative Francis k, Waller (etal Broadway shows, in mation # fvan If he bedeved he | major dramwiie television pro: gob Jobe "despite the (net that you | gram," adding: arg a Communist " IT got these Johs heesuse of (a) I think you loaded the ques: | ent and ability, and not for any flon," Sullivan replied, | politiant reasons," Best Way To Best Workers Sober ADS = If a helpneed cloves your thinking, dulls yeur day, Help Ads In The Times-Gazette come te your speedy relief, Workers seeking jobs naturel ly turn to the Want Ads, Tell 'em about your opening for swift action! aa Dial RA 3-3492 She's good at writing ade thet pull HELP ADS got you WELP What are the discerning qualities shared by the thousands upon thousands of proud owners who have chosen Pontiac as their chr? A feeling for beauty = an admiration for fine engineering--and a sense of value i : a// these qualities can be summed up in the one word Yearswise!t For Pontiac owners are Indeed carswise, In the hurly:burly of a buyer's market, they've sifted the true claim from the extravagant! And they've found that Pontiac's choice of 23 models gives them the exact styling, detailing and overall beauty they prefer, That Pontiac's unequalled choice of engines and transmissions gives them the exact power and performance that they wish, That Pontiac's unbeatable value gives them, dollar for dollar, more car for their money! Visit your Pontiac dealer today, One look, one drive, and you'll know why, this year, car-wise Canadians have chosen Pontiac above all others, # THE DAILY TIMESGAZENTE, Wednosdey, Avgust 17, 1955 1 z Suatharight Toe-Toush Is yours with Pontiaes new Multises Hydraulic Brakes Teamad with the new front suspension, they help te eliminate nosedive siops, and give Ponties iy magnificently smooth ride, your choice of Pontiac's three great engines pushes the indicator from coal Ing te arulsing In seconds| Thrifty, Gas-Saving Rsonemy shaws up at a glance right here , , , and right from the word go, And It's the kind of economy that lasts and lasts, mile after mile, year In and year aul, This Is ust ene of the many ways In which Pontiae valve is unbeatable! 4 Smooth, Etfortiess Steering comes easier than ever, Pontiac's Tulip Design Stenring Wheel keeps you In instant touch with the Tru-Ars Safety. Heering iv gives more control, less vibration, better balance, Exeiting Now Genvenisnse Fowtures abound in the "58 Pontiac , os Foes just one more expremion of he fare ahead ond practical thinking found in overy insh of this fine Pontiac! Stunning Color Wermeny of your new Pontiac is eranted by Wing the usurious fabrics and leathers he interiors to the brilliant new exterior colors and trims, Pontlas pampers the driver In avery way! Niustrated=Pontlac "Laurentian" 2:Door Sedan A GENERAL MOTORS VALU No wonder buyers from both ends of the price scale. are switching to Pontiac CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 King St. W,, Oshawe WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED Whitby, Ont.