LUCKY BALL FAN RECEIVES PRIZE Jack Meagher (Jef) la. shown { eon y aN senson md Mesgh | shove Beceping # cheque for | er, lucky winner of the $000 from duck MeAdem fe gen pny by the Me president of the Duilele Sports | chants, 1s & member of Ihe ive % Social Clb. This dub sup | wire Duplate organiiation poried the Oshawas Merchants | TimenGinretie $all Phos 10 THE DANY TIMESGATERTE, Friday, September 7, 19% Ini |ONE-MAN SHOW! Wilmer Fields Is Star At Plate Bs Well As Pitching Oshawa's Win Wimmer Fiabe ik oh # ORE THA buseteil show here # the Kins Hh Gri Wei Badin Vest WL BE Be PARES 8 hile Onpwn Merchants to #8 Yb Wy wah over Bueheger Venthers W the tied game of the ples Com ty senior baseball IeRgne SERN ad The wih, ClewR's second Ww thie saris, pul them WHR one more mph of # berth wn the fingie Rampal the winner oH he 6, Thomeeramiond series. » Khomnas Hake WH 199A RHN WH their bucket wih 8 74 vw Ww Brantiors tush wht. Both rons FEI jim. id ERnes WwW Kiehener wid #4 Thomas, FINE VITOWING FORM With kis phching chore sons Ficlas made i muir £omemition 7s og VIAOrY 1st IEW He Rave wp only seven his, 1s sed only one lane vik ana Mriek Low sight hatiers, He wis Wn Wow We only once, wm the Hith ming Fat (VKuste opened the Bh or Pruthers with #8 wnge snd Don herhnrer. ohowed with anther Ei Boh Fiescher slrnek owt ang then BiB Alan grownded wa whist Win heen #& Bowhe-play bil Boy Lelevre hobied Mary Hil's 1s al nd, lepving Vand ar Then Boh ' r have iW sehnser | SPORTS MENU "Everything from Soup to Nuls" by Geo. H, Campbell SPORTS EDITOR (Keele bhived med 1a eit BEOVIRE fed - (Connor ay for Ihe thrown Vasey apner (Onernm FHIEA RE IME ICr ENCE rhatier heing alowen 1h and then Johnny Am Wh ni Alin h Biehener's third run of the inning BRA her ast of the game Behnury and Ambrose whi paced the Pabthers with we hills apiece, gach singled in the 7h Wik Bik hits enme alter wo mt nd when up ty wet bike ver 7 hiiapen iH Ve Wil om #4 home a 16 peor 4 ONE MORE NEEDED! That's the position that hoth Oshawa Mer wn heir ie chants and the $1, Thomas Figing kre In at the moment ctive Inler-County senior hasehall league semi-final play! rounas Aging, who won at home Wednesday might 41, came wp with a 745 wi to defeat Brantiord Red Box on thelr own dlamnd 1ast might, J he gins 10 look as Ui the Bed Box are (altering. Thelr pillehing stati must be In» bad way, tov they've had a three-man sail pHening wesdily for the past two weeks with only shout two days Layali, Bramiord gos back to St. Thomas tonight for the third game and (hat round may b sli Hnished up by midnight Wilmer Fields was the manoithehonr (iwe hours and elghi minutes, lo be exact) here at Kinsmen Badium last night, He nol only turned In a superh pitehing periormance, ss he imiled the Ki chener Panthars to seven hits hut his one-man slack was jst good enough to clinch victory, all by Waell, He walked once, had twa triples and bwo doubles In five trips te the plate, His periect pheht was also heightened with five REUs, He simost put one over the wall for 8 homer--any one of the last three or any will, Wilmer sonuidn't he Wlamed I he figures the walls moved every Hime he threatened, He bounced the hall off the leftfield will, off deep cen dre, ob 480 feet and the righifield wall alen, Kilehener had only one Eood Inning against Wim, they got four hits that frame wi even ot that, & double-piny instead of the error that cropped up, might well have meant » shutout, since two of the Tony hits came alter the hobble FREDDY THOMAS was another who was belting the old apple TOOK BiG LEAD EARLY feriham ur abhed five run lend f 1 Hekle the Oshawa tang, Marv Bich drew then Cee Hall singled. Boy followed with Binge Hien Poulka jan 1y throwin sl the plate Wil Fields followed with # trivie. Balle Leveille fanned hil fl ithe Ih frie HB WEI Lele carn i JV # when Harry fi ® Freddy "Thomas rev & wih wd then MErehamis Wea as HE power ks Tel (VCORE BIW OES Whe biti lot Fhomes toy on "ow" WHE #VErYhny Bee suis and then Genrge Brin wd ¥red Achar woah swngled fiw pn BRE coiess, 14 compas the Oshani roby Merahamis wicked Will Alan for we more rims Ww the owt, des by Ball wd eles, WAR ier we ok, were Ilowed wih a fdowbie by Winer Fildes, seor me hth Allen retired ot the end oA fo innings with Don Oherboiier 1i% Wg aver mond duty. In the sth Mier two om, Fidas doumied, aid Levelie snd Fred Thome on wed to seve Levelle, making W 4% Yad Bulger picked the Tih wid came ok HW with only one i iowed, In the wh, Jerry Fry folie tok over the picking Wh na Hian's fare (66 well EXTRABASE, BLAOWS Once sion 0 Was et pbase Wits that Oia the demnie, Lelevie opened the WBE wR & WEE Went 10 hd on & wild pHeh na seored on RB IAIGA4 wall 1p bw Fidlds. With one oi, Thomes belied s Apubie and scored Hier | Bimseld on an Heid ouL #8 Sin ge hy Frank Hooper Hooper, # Bowmanville wk inte the game Wn the #hu wiley Cigarus Brain vis hit on the head by & thrown hell flowing # foreinut gL Ind base and B suse try for & double Hon well ton, handled 1 base Bad & WE on We only Bp ana drove no Brum Wilmer Fields vies the Wg hist ting siegr in the He had two triples and a pair of double oy ital of five Hall and Brahin had two hit Freddy Thomas with picked up we donnes and wmgle in four yi cial trips, Fields had a periect hating might, fourdordour, plus " ayy Akent kill er 44 nicely Pei INE Vielory yg nA vii Lefevre Aieie while wn KB's didi Defensively Hall Very well nn centre herring the Brum action Cai perinrm with 1s of the "i Vie field i St. Thomas Elgins Need OneMore Win THE CANADIAN PRESS power man in Oshawa Mer drvive for a Bemiov Inter: | Basehall League pennant 1s Field hirake great led terehanis over Kilehener lend In thelr hie He By the chant FOUny Wilmer | Fields {with ot Reriormance as he In a 1448 vielwy Panthers and a 2 Lal-tive series ol semi-Hnal playol! perfect night at the it hi Interecounty had # Thursday night | se at Brantford. The #440 Jead In thel Box 7H Enging five sel WIN IN 1TH Meanwhile, In Mor semi-Hinats Box gained a #4 win over Frond Tigers, The Hed Box now hold » #40 stranglehold in the best-of seven series Ihe Red Bax eame from hehind a Hl count to le the win gave West of the Nickel Camston Balt Hed seve | i ek (Indians Whip Braves 76 Even Playoff Round ' Blorads oo) ¢ Part wih Pi ow the THE BOX SCORE oA z 4 KYICHES ER idan id Aptis Bh Vort wrath #4 Knieer of, p Velvia ¢ 0 Keste Ih dd Viecher H Alien p {Br isralesry (Fringe yp of, of i 4 4 ] I 4 f Ld i "ov na asanaasaR 1D D222 ANP JWR WR ¥ ed mmmwen--gp Te (rrr Ig) -~Heparea (hy) Wehaeed HAW A fick us Hall of Letevie Fide vy Lavelle Thomas th Connor #h Brinn, of Vileher ¥ (& 1 Hooper TR 2mm 2200R NE su LL = Wem EBB D ANP A Fis A H h L 4 0 } f Ld wo sat alS ho a RR RR Wa 1] rr Munn 4 (k)~Heplaced Brabin wn #h Kitahener 000 020 006 4 7 Oshawi 0 WL ase V7 The summary: Errors ---Peiutkn Lefevre, O'Connor, Potprd I. BRI-Ficlds (5), Brabin, ¥ieh er, Behpre, Ambrose, Levellle Thomas (2), Woaper, IBF lscher Thomas (2), Fidds (2), Levels WFields (2 1#0L on hase KEichener 6, Oshawn § Bases " hile--olt Fields |, olf Alan of Oberholier 1, olf Frylogle BO-hy Fields 8, hy Allan 2 h Fryloge 1. HOO Fields, 7 in Sinmngs, off Allan # hits in 4 In mings, off Obherbidzer 4 hits In 2 mnings, off Balser | bit in 1 In wing, off Frviogle % Wits In 1 In ming Band KER--Figlds 54, Allan ih, (heroes 224, Frvloge #4 WEP Frylogl Balk Oberhilier W-Fialds (0), 1~Alan Umpire Fevragu, Blanley, Cul Inton and Bryant, T--2.08 INTER-COUNTY | PLAYOFFS BEMIVINAL PLAYOVVS Last Night's Beores 14; Blehener, thomas, 7; Brantford Reries "A 5 2 Oshawa Ll] 5 wi 2 I Oshawa st Kitchen Oshawa Bilchener I WONIGHY Ld Baturday (i cheney al Oshawa Beries "RK Kil Neeessury) I g U] al pl 8, Thomas, Brantford TONIGHT Thomas Brantford {Metra and his assistants sent candidates throngh thelr paces is hill League game, {Casanova of Windsor atiended only Liplayolls | vight-half {| heeaune "LUE classes hegin Bepl of # po Ig foe | He WB. Cinden with # he IA RIA gpd 4 is 1nd bry a Ls | gave Braves Whew fis we re. | in the fourth, Wadiek sighed, sneak iiser Ward drew & valk 6. Bam 7, Condon wid 15 (Hh the ory Aubenyiha It Bignn with # pak, Io 1oree Wh & rn. In the With, pr wi / lt Gindon come home with bis Eats ost Fin Indians hid trois with M Vale's peng for a! yt ad Gilmore witked wn the 4, Ww ay Wy WHE FRE oid Jihenyiie snd 19 soe Cimore scons in the lowrth on pn error by Fair wd » homer Wy Love in the 1th, Mehonsid Gahagher witked nd Preen led to be (lowed by Love's for thiee runs a mild' 5 siomed Suhenville with the Wile rn, Wn the top of the bh ININANG: Gihons, %, Brady, oh; Wehowid, ss; Gallagher, ¢, Ween, of; baa, th; Ghimore, rf Ralng, VW; Jubswvile, p; Bich wedson, W BRAVES: Fudge, tf; B. Guindon, Wi, Fair, v; Bapiorkowski, ¢; Wa | dick, Wh; Baker, WH, Monchesny 4. Gundon, ss; Sign, » Yurchuek ef rl; Ward, W in 4th Western U Grid Squad Opens Drill | LONDON wp dahon A FOOTBALL 116? While Bud Grant of Winnipeg Blue Bombers Is all wh og re cave km loryprd pass dentified Cuigary iy fA Wo the mid aver Griapt's head 19 knock Bown the pass, Calgary ampeders won 151% wn the Wer tern Imerprovineial ¥oothell Un lon game a Winnipeg CF Photo) SUNNSIDE FEE WEE GIRLS WIN OVER WOODVIEW PARK In a CRA Pee Wee Gilg Boll played at Bin ihe home om the University of Western Ontario | nyside Vark wt Ws foothall drills under way club defenied Vhursday { This was sn exciting slugging Bixlean veterans led hy eapiain mutch with Bunnyside scoring st Ted Coline from last yemr's squad | least two runs In every ming ex 1asl might Woodview 154 were on hand with five mare still espt the third, A sixrun splice an winning, ont Hall them in with | i triple daines RB walk to report, Tackle Ted Homan, the fifth kept gunrd Wl Turchon, ends Don Bi: | Bosal hitting Hager and Jim Henle and, deten: | Powell getting sive hack Byron Young have heen! In the Mh delayed hechuse of work The rest of the Jarge Western sauad is made up of PIaYers mov: three more runs and Just enough ng wp from last year's Intermed: lo win the game as i turned out ale team and a group of husky | Parker had & homer in the fourth freshmen Hor the winners nlso and sion Chief 18ll-hack with Mitchell, Noss! and Powel dd most of the hitting for home sam Wanaview girls got twd runs In the first on a single, walk and single hy Boddy in the third, In the filth, they # Wig seven « run rally in almost every player figured Woodview made & great hid in the sixth, Bennett's homer spark: {gn four run rally that put {them in front for the moment 14 to Jackin hy Michell gave the candidate Willie marning workouts as he is stil volved In Interentimpy hasehall with the Bt, Thomas Fi ging, Sophomore Doug Alehison from Mitehell, Ont, wha looms ss the hest het to take Gino Fracas' spot, was handicapped of a loot Injury received recently in a» baseball game Twori-day drills will gontinue un V1 had whi h nthe sixth | Torontn Maple Lele & chance 19 CRA SOFTBALL | | Man announced Thursday that ihe and | | the event doubled by Parker and homerun | playoll, But 'n view of the Toronto winners | Eainout, only a similar rainout of a | | the | Richmond 21 | 1s Tint, Mandryk seored | Chiefs, hae six games to play and i He | Bquesze hunt seoved Nino Esoslers 12 hut after Bunnyside got three | from third hase with the winning All-Stars Yestardey ps Bago Second. F he paves rvs oosly ph me |i wa by Dong Taylor md ire utes | SPOR wy Wade We had # inal of A. five Ag ie bk he 16 Teceived good up rd ina vis yh rarely trove # We rans Wn the | Fisher oi 12 hellers v Mania, oi (RDAY'S SSTURDAYS GAMES © Heer Fppiirs 0 vi i oe gy [ Rysn wis Browning ow 16 the first baseman This pate of roms put the Odi | #4 awe hous Wn front snd they added | Montreal Royals! In First Place By TRE. ARSOCIATED PRESS A reinedont game may cost! Oh onion "p Ploy Ai Toh 4 i for the Internation! League pennant Montrew)'s 448 victory wer Col wmbns and Toromta's 21 loss to Hovane in 11 ionings Thursday mgm. put Monirest nto first place hy helt nn game. The dillerence 5 10 the gamewon cdimn, where Montreal has 90 to Toroma's #9 Langue secretory Harry * Sim vs Oshawa Had Fark, 390 am, Yin Bame | Flin OABA Juvenile: Oshaws side Wks and Trenton 1 Cohowg, 19 pm ai ng game of series yn Toe OABA Inter A, wd Hagges Jp ion oe ' Hy pm, (ind ome ra venile 'A' " 4 | Hamilton dwveniles ve on ay; jen Asians, #t Ale b by wm WA Widget lm Play iv" bob aa Lesion inbiont ve A wt Peterborough y , 1.00 pm, OMA Vee Wee: Oshawa nyside Fark wl neers, Th Z ok he ALR nl ila, ) ian ks evita ark, at [ , | Fined {ino the | schedule, day. Thus ane can't he siieered marnationsl Les gue wmeh ends next Mam | 4 i Montrenl keeps on Tiwonta won't he able to eaten Royals Simmons also announced thet, in the pennant of B be will "he decided In & one - game W's ve Peterborough Pelarhorough Bowl, # wd deciding game Oshawa Minor Ff nil Ist oa Hl ' Bimaene Ha Py of series Park, at Bathe 4 series, I necess Jidy (rd game Woodview scheduled for ry pm a Montreal geome would make » te possible WHAPS UF FOURTH Houhester Just howl wrapped wp | the lowrth playoll spot hy heating hut Byracuse kepl mathematical chances wlive hy heating Bultslo 41, Ro: chester, with & 4% game edge over Byraense has five remaining dim William's pinth-inning single, | which drove home Chics Fernsm deg with twa out in the ninth, pro vided the winning run for Royals 'Finch hitter Emilia Cusche's ERNIE CAY WALLEOAI and PLYWOODS FHKE ) HA run In the bottom of the 1th in Woodview missed In the 7th, Boddy helng on 8rd hase with the Wg rin, when the game ended WOODVIEW: Levine, Mandyk, Boddy, Germond, Snowden, Ben: nei, MeEachren, Thompson, Ror right on the besser last night, He had two doubles and a single and his single would have heen # twohagger too, M he wasn't nursing a had | Fo Fh C limp, Coe Hall continues to carry # full share of the logd, he had two en On / hits and turned in » fine eentre-field chore, Roy Lefevre an Goorie only ole walk, steuek out eight! Gene Floveyk, who relieved EE Causa ta, Aho eg ain ot |e t aw ve wp even sary, Mi umm i, Bi ie Mere 4] LLU i) i i " Lud wh iia SEVENRID Inning, was given fred eonked with a throw and Hooper handled 15t hase nicely, also had a hit! In the other semi final, § ir the win, Harry Fisher went all and an KBI for his lone appearance, Only player to go hitless was Mary | Thomas Kiging scored (we rung | the way on the imeund for Brant four Wits in four [against BE Thomas with three runs | were good for three until the. 12th, when Elgin pushed the mound, he Issued | aeross Iwan Fung plate, gelling (if Necessary) Hrantiord Batirday Thomas nt G-87's Win Ov Western Tire 9-5 "Ulysses Curtis To Join Balmy Beach TORONTO (CF) Ulysses Cur Us, W-yenraold haeklislder walyed aul of the Big Four this Anos, hie ning at Havana, Esealera doubled and was advanced to third via # suerifiee SI Rich, He hit one in the 7th that would have been a hit but he was to [In the 180 inning to heat the Wed ford and Bave up 14 hits walehing the blame himself, he slond a moment or two al the plate, Bit go down the Iat-hase foul line instead of gelling under way Im mediately, Oshawa Legion Midget All-Stars defeated the Peterborough All-Stars B:1 here at Alexandra Park last night as they opened thelr OBA playoff vound, This was a great game all the way with Boh Winters limiting the Liftloek City hoys to only three singles, The Inoal lads go hack to Peterborough tomorraw in finish out the se vies, And while on the topic of agedimié hasehall, we'd like to point aut that one of "Red" Jubeaville's hoys registered 16 sirike ols In a Binning Little League playoff game last night BRIGHT BIT Bantam Softhall teams are into games of thelr fst round playoffs tonight and If Berd games are neces sary, they are to be played tomorrow Right, In order to sel the for the quarter-final round to get under way on Wednesday AWA minor teams see OABA playoff action on Balurday nyside Pee Wees going to Belleville while the Radio Park Bantam Papen thelr round against Belleville, here at Radio Fark tomorrow aller Hoon third and deciding game of their OABA Inter, "AA" round SINE ELKS play thelr Srd game with Trenton Leglon, at Cobourg fmorrow afternoon game of thelr OBA Junior "A" playoff round, Baturday afternonn they win, they'll likely open the next vound against Cornwall Reaver on Monday afternoon in Cornwall LOCAL BALL FANB have ghaneces of seeing an Inter-County playoff game here Baturday night BUNNY hove tomorrow night. If Merchants win in Kitehener and Si ousta Brantford tonight, of-7 fial sevies here an Baturday night 62 District Women Golfers 'In Two-Ball Tourney Here Blaty-two golfers teed off Thurs day afternoon at the Oshawa Calf Club for the women's distriel two hall foursome competition, Part ners were classified into three "Hights acearding 1 handles for (the hale medal round The twahall 18 held annually and at a different eluh sach time, Nexi your, Kawartha Golf Club at Pet wrharouih will he the host Prise-winners weve a Wi FLIGHT: 1st low gross Williamson and M. Hallowell Fuariormugh nd low gross, Griffin and J, Duntield, Kawartha, ard low geoss, D. Mitehell and | gram, Part Hope, 1st low nel, 0] A. Giroux and Mrs, Geo Taylor, Oshawa; Sad low net, M Tanner and BH. MeBlride, Pelerhoy al H Ard low net, 1 MaeGillavay ad A. Haldimend, Kawartha, 1st ow putts, Mes, BE. F. Armstrong and Mee. A Murphy, Oshawa nd law putts, KE Baptie and D Lawrence, Pelerhorouih: hidden hole, BE. Selkirk and 1. Selkirk Kawartha FLIGHT Ist AECOND ross, Mrs. Jack Hreansn Mes. Po Wallace! fad low FP Manleee and M. Neer Peter Borough: dvd low gress, EE. Cham Borlain and 1D. Hamley, Kawartha Ah low gross, M. Gorman and 3 Biith, Lindsay Ist low nel Laidley and A. Gyegory ay Bad low nel, Mes. Bruce Hadley and Mes. Ho Smith Oahaws Hrd Bw net, Mrs, HH Blewart and Ms Chris AR, Oshawa: 4th low net, M. Hay and D. Hoy Po bay bi * Crone Park oulh: 1st law putt Vieadows [the Dublin mA Armstrong. Port Hope: 3nd | Belfast they W Puls, GO, Hall and J Blacey, ers 2108 Poterborougn THIRD FLIGHT Mes, Draw derson, Oshawa O'Nell and 6 ded low gross, Mrs. Oakley ford and Mrs. M, Walker, Osha Ath low gross, J Clapper, Peterborough ross, DD Bmith and N Wry, Part Hope: 180 low Begun and A, Collins, dnd law net, BD. Wood and N Kawartha; avd low gross Ken Tipney and M. Pelerson awa Ath low nel, Mes ¥ and Mes. P Mackie, Oshaw low net, Mra. Ra Campbell Mrs. Bruee Gordon, Oshawa nw hie KE. Bands and 8 or, Peterborough; nd low M. Smith and © Fria Hope TEE TIME and Mary Oakley Crawford Murphy 10 win the Bassett Ball Foursome Trophy Jrascitation Was Hiven or Miss Vera Apdon befor departure for England A competition was held and were wan hy! « Miss Arden Bross Mrs, Drew Jacobi nel: Mrs Ken Tipnes Mes. Oakley Crawford Ist low @vos Mary Bross Jacobi and nd low Norton, Wh net Helena and Mys low and PONE, w law CORK WINN PURLIN (AR) {oy hurling and TWICE '| | fonthall in Dublin oathall team beat he Bunday hy hey 11-6 1 the second wlan Onl with the Bun KIRBY'S TV go ta the Liftloek City Saturday night for the in TRANSPORTERS go to Belleville for the second I wh it Panthers heat Merchants tonight they'll play the bth and Anal game Thomas Eliging and Oshawa will likely open their 4-out An | Part Hope Craw Lamens and H low Hraoeks i | Kawa he Beall Mrs | sh Larner ith and Wl Hietoh pits Port Highardson Anderson defeated Mia Ani Twi recently hel thal 1908 | poy of V fw low anil low hel put Cork qualified untae alldreland finals in both Antrim hal In a UAWA Befihall League semi-final playoff game at Alex aden Fark last night, the GH7's defeated Western Tire #4 Western Tire were held off the seore-sheet for the first inning hat they broke out In the second stan gh ln Acore five vuns on & series of solid hits hut they van oul of steam doing IL apparently since | they didn't scare again In the ye n mainder of the Winging game | Western Tire didn't seorg them | pelves until the third and they took the lead in that inning with six runs, They added singletons in the 4th, Bh and 7th frames In complete thelr tolal and earn the win, giving theip pitegher Tamblyn wood support after the disastrous | Mae ning WERTERN I uns y, Ih nined Toronto foagh of Arlo Bughy Poothall "Ry Curtis, with Argos for five years, hopes to make Beaches a siepping stone to a higleague AE yy i Ww far from convinced that he doesn't belong In Big Four com pany By going to Beaches, Curtis Joins two other former Argonauts, Billy Hass and Zeke O'Connor, on a! team pul together by a group of Toronto sportemen in an effort to keop the ORFU senior group alive Argonauts dropped thelr sponsor ship of the team this year U.S. Junior Golfers Beat Ontario Team WASHINGTON (AP) dunlor golfers of Washington Thursday de feated a team from Ontario #4 In the fifth annual Simpson Cup matehes at Columbia Country Club The visitors swept all three polnts In the Lyear age group, winning the morning Seoteh Tow some and two afternoon singles hut were able to win only one ather point, Phil Brownlee and Bob Pan wail seoved the points for the Ontario team In the 14-year group, Deane Beaman defeated Ontario's Hon Capra tn the mateh between the team capiaing and Bruaee Kes sler won over John Duda Only one mateh went to the 18h hole--the 1h-yearold Sealeh four some mateh in which Manly Parks layed a fine teap shot and Reith Jowle made a four-dent out for par on the last hole and one up victory over Don White and Peter MoCaly Harry Cowan of Canada defonted [John Grubb in the 16 year-old sin ple, 4 and 8 and Cowan's twa AVeD par fou Was (he hest of the th Sarnia Imperials Drill For Opener SARNIA (OM) Barnia Tmper fle have . heen drilling through long practice sessions this week for" thelr senior Ontario Rughy Foothal Union games Saturday and Monday with Kitohener-Waley loo Dutehmen and Torvante Hoaohes Kitohener enters Poll, | game leading the lean, wn Yourke: [fo a 3506 win aver March, Bhi ithe apener ENTER HOME STRETCH Chicago, Yankees And Indians May As Well Be Just Starting By THE ASBOCIATED PRESS ai Cleveland Vor all the hathing and pulling | dians have they did during August, the thres| [i's Just another sep along a leading contenders for the Ameri-| perilous path Foy White Box, who can Longue pennant might Just aslare fresh from Bb Iwegame sweep wall taken a month's rest, (of Boston, From Cleveland, thes Vor last #8 days, Chicago, | ko Detroit tm Labor Day Cleveland and New York--all idle! doubleheader, then play all Phiirsday have heen scrapping tol Washington before entering Yankee a #landstill, Going Inte the final | Btadiim for a pal ig weeks of the season 1oday, | Willy Martin, on they're. practically in the same spot | army, will he af thes AUR.) | bee tonight | Chicago held a one game DODGERA IN FORM ! fond | Is he only aotion Thurs yw Indians and Yanks then an |p. petion Fhursday was in "re only halb-aegame in front | National League, where Brook {lyn Far the month, New York was on | made the most of seven hits) top 18 days, Chicago 18 and-Cleve fo thump Milwaukee 8:4, Cineinnatl Wand the higaest August lead. twa | defonted New York 74 and Pits Ham Yanks led by 1%, Chie ARO | {hurgh agaln edged Bt. Louis 748 he Brooks gol thelr hits in the | hy Ong {third and fifth innings, Roy Cam: | { TOO AWFUL, BEVEN | pAnella singled home two runs and | ANd With Chioaga's Marty Mar | soared two more as Brooklyn trim on and Cleveland's Al Lopez agree [med (the magic number 10 10--any ng all the Yank MARAE | combination of 10 Dodger vietoy niey Rlengel 08 Just 100 igs and Milwaukee defeats gives | awh even the Hrooks the flag ALLE know 18," says Case, "that Joo Nushall won his 16th while Have & more 0 play and must (seven-hitting Glants. He gave up win 1d make sure. | peiliee | lwo homers to Dusty Rhodes and that's 87 wins, hut that's what tone 10 Al Dark, hut deave home will take, 1 thought hetore i enuld two himself while Chuek Harmon h with hatted in four with's home vun and Yanks ware in the Poslion (4 single ol off to a fast start on their | Pirates, now Just 8% games shy WAY tn 8 hey opened a home lof seventh-place BE. Lows after Patand this afternoon with the Wash [apending the lal three years in Hington Benators, who they have the cellar, won thelr sixth stealght theaten 11 times In 16, while White | with Gene Freese knocking Wn the aid the Tribe meet In the [elineher in the ninth to heeak al game of a four-game series 'six-all tie tanight, Box and split In 16 games have the H LJ wn Badgley, ¢ Homaniskl Gardiner, wn Cree TIRE Tutak, p Hill, ef; Clapp, #h Collins, vf; Carveth rf; Harper, vf (078 Legros, vf Dionne, ef; Welsh, Bh hi Hurst, Hp Brook | aon Ih; Tamblyn, p 'Braves Take Series Over Parts-Service Paris and Satthal Bark "10 fn straight the first the Yan Lown hort fom, for Wile Pipher, ws Deliray, Akin 0 (Iver ola f Melintyre, Braves eliminated Berviee In the AWA Longue semifinals, winnin Inst night at Alexandra sweep the series In twa Hienkowski's homer in | ning and then another by Hay nowskl, ®ave the Braves (heee runs and a fying start, They were trating 4-8 going inte their hall of the thied bul seared a yun on Mae son's homer and then added ong Lom an error and saeritios fly In 1 the ~ faurth In the fifth, four runs evossed [the plate for Heaven as Hyde [weakened and they added fone tal {11s 8 in the BIN and Bth frames to make sure of enough Parts and Rervide nt a min the second when MeCahe opened with a double and Hubble doubled alter two oul. Riek Balway hit a three van homer in the third hit Mebaughlin tghtonad up alter [ third and gave up only twa move Pung, one In the Hh on an arvor, walk and saepitioe fy and anathey in the dth on an outfield aver and nile hy Mareh PARTE AND i Heawn, of | viteh Mot ah | Halwa If; Hubble [Eharke, vi Polls, of HHAVES: Foster | I Way 5 LLL wi in din hist in Hox Hist 'Montreal's Jack Kay (Miss Supertest Hits Wins Bursary Event 112.5 m.p.h. At CNE TORONTO (OM) ree Oan: | PFORONTO (CPM) adians looked ahead today to the LIRA miles an hour United Btates winter gol etvoult, | Thursday night hy the hydvaplane With a tetal of 4.000 in thelr poek:| Miss Supertest tn a test off the ol help thom plok up exper | Canadian National Exhibition wal once on the game's money teal. | eefront fhe three, led hy Jack Kay of | ype Mantreel, Hulshed on top In he! quer a measured mile outside the bursary taurnament which ended |p ve ak water after preliminary here Thursday, Desplle a three: | way MUR Pune gver-par Yan the final 18 holes Yim Thor i Lond 8 v Kay won the fourth annual tourna 0 " 1 ren hid i ALLL \ | Porn 8 M ment with a M-hole total of 210, | Wael 8 OVALE, WAS § 00 for the spectacular A top speed of Was reached th Saturday's thanks Imperials In in Kitchener last Fri Hyde, pn {thay fonday's game will he the He far the veorganized heavhes hi Gutsell | Lnt Feiday Imperials lost quar SERVICE Cook ih sateer shaped eraft voared ( ih Ont the Hix A LL Renkowski Maeson, hi |terhaok Jack MoRelvie for the sen ih MeLaughtin aon with a hack injury, Rookie een: | Aplers, § Helshats, I Shearer, [tre Jack Cunningham quit the | [of Comerford, of om heeause of the recurrence Wa shoulder injury, Als isin, N.Y, Yankees Call Up diving he Woukent win WAYS Jim Konstanty Quick hath Johnny Chrasteeki and guard {Pole Gossleh, injured Wn the NEW YORK (AR fhe New | York Yankee Thursday reealiog | apeney 110 players fram minor league pluh Only twa players | Konstanty | oh aril pot | mow i LF nakonal LOaEWe HUASOR, Kay thee under-par oial MH {him Hive strokes ahead of pre | Waurnaient favorite RI Mawhin K noouver and Norm Smith | hey will split the $4 m whieh i the winter elrenit A PAIR haunted the the twoeday taurnament found par 1 on the § WHY {Ta Gall Club ours fogh a i ¥ the andy finish with a subpar total k hack af Mawhingey ahi Henvlek of Hah Dean of Cornwall na nl Thuesday for a Haal } vi daek Tats H AF Wale with aa 8 fae Biurnoski se al alle the higher he and Roll sald choppy waters out hreakwater prevented & peed hoat Powered Haver Al of Tarank LLLUSE URED ney must welghing 6,000 ponds hy BRAS e power ARTRLEATIE ST ALT Wha hail Sarnia, Ont, fae Thomp 0 and Wi father 1 Gordon Phompson of London pent Wind an pla And tiny ante [rontly are with Richmond, Va, | the triple A elreuit he other elght will pamplete the OUPPONE SOREON With thelr reapee: | clubs and will report ta the | he immediately | Yankees next spring. They elude | the Inter [eateher Lon Borhevet fram Taranto | Both ours of the International League, wh I Wa ane to alol with a 14870 wi and AWA 100K TH aif Pte her Hm Wd intielder Hobby Ri ai have been ardered to re: | Hve AL 1 Ai Nibih wa hat ol ord came al ir ig Wn ow A Yanks Cure § Ww lo MONGY wikeer Hal Bute "RIN y= Parker, Mitchel, | Hall, MeRae, Nossal, Pellow, G. ham, Walls, Jnckiin and Pows Sugar Kings' Otero Is Manager Of Year MONTREAL (CF) Keging (Heggler Otern, pepperpot pilot of the Cuban Bugar Kings, has heen named the Iilerhationl Leno's manager of the year" for 1068 hy the hasehall writers on the eleonl The announcement was made (0 day hy Dink Carroll of the Mon i" trenl Gagette, president of the writ: | ors' pasociation Otera, who bull 8 pennant eon tender despite Inck of "name play ors," was the eholee of 20 of 3B voting writers, Greg Mulleavy, manager of Montreal Royals, was necend with eight votes, Luke Bews all, Toronto Leafs manager and last year's winner, veesived six voles and Bkeeter Neweome, Byra euse plot, one vole Will Have Lifeguard ' In Each Swimmer's Boat TORONTO (CF) Canadian National Exhibition officials an: nounced Thursday night there will he a qualified leguard In each of the oross » the » lake swimmers' hoats The endurance mateh for the more than #8 swimmers will he held allo midnight of Labor Day, A (Bop he ifeugards have heen ve erulted fram the Toronto harbor police Their summer duty an the 'orontn benches terminates this weekend Bit the lifeguards will have mare to do than save lives, Ope of | thelr duties will he ta Jeon radio gontaet with the CONE hoat We'll arvangs transportation, make all necessary eanrvations, handle all details TORONTO THEATRE and SPORTS RESERVATIONS ENE GRANBITAND TIEKETS Avaliable tar AN Farfrmanses Dial RA 3.9441 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 312 Simeoe St §, Oshawa nffielal | | hae "000 THERM WITH EXCLUSIVE ELECTRIC SElh Lighter No matches needed! All you do bb turn the dial, Blesiris SELF dighter lights your hoster, a Duo-THERM "IMPERIAL" Available in § heating sapucitioy ONLY 19° DOWN... FASY TERMS Exclusive Due-Therm Ane furmiture styling! drop of ell with Duo: Therm's exclusive Dual Chamber Burnes ® Fine furnimare styling, beantiful mahogany finish, ® Mare heat, cleaner heat, from eve 029% WER. Farced-haat clronlation and fuel savings w with Duo:Therm's exclusive Awomatie AIR Blower, ® 2 wide:opening doors for radiant heat, Healthful humidifier, Bpecial Waste Stopper, Handy waist-high wmiral, Have matchless comfort this winter and years 10 come Mclaughlin Heating and Appliances 104 KING ST, W,, RA 3.3481