name Colonel Simcoe if it were|the problem at a meeting later this gation to imagine a murderer's Lakes iron ore shipments during GETS 8TH TERM impossible to Jie x Governor | {wee feelings ba waiting on the scaf-|the 1955 season totalled 87,459, 853] OWEN SOUND (CP)--E. C: Sar-, | i BLL a fold to be haliged. The vicar, he. 5 tons, highesi since 1953, the Lake gent was returned Saturday 5) "But that doesn't really seem USD NOOSE John Wesley Stone, was urging h 1i{ Superior Iron Ore Association re-|eighth term as mayor of Frost Suggests Name-Change ; tisfact ither," he said, "be| ILFORD, England (Reuters)--A 3 For New Lord Simcoe Hotel (cause John Shae Pb > lcnurce of Cw Hire Shuck Sougragation to préss for the Suit Super Saturday. Ship m ents|Sound. He received 3,478 votes | {totalled 184,390 tons in December, |the civic election as compared TORONTO (CP)--Premier Frost/fece complex problems associated much more than just a colonel.' hy head into a noose erected from Plturned the first sod on the site of with changing company, names."| He said the directors of Lord|a crucifix in his church here Sun-| ORE SHIPMENTS UP {compared with only 17,644 tons inj2,542 for Randall S. Browne, a {the new Lord Simcoe Hotel Thurs-| The board would consider the Simcoe Hotel Ltd., will consider!day night and asked his congre-| CLEVELAND (AP) -- Great/December, 1954. only opponent. |day and then suggested its name] \be changed. John Graves Simcoe, for whom | gg Ithe $9,500,000 hotel was named, was| |a colonel and governor but never became a peer. | | Mr. Frost said the men behind | § the project should "carry on the 53 dignity of traditions of ths prov- ince by naming it the Governor Simcoe." | But it may not be easy to change | the name. For one thing, there already is a Governor Simcoe Ho- tel at Simcoe, 40 miles southwest {of here. | Referring to the significance of {the name, Mr. Frost said Simcoe, former governor of Upper Canada, | x= i presided at the first parliament of # Fad ! B® Upper Canada in a small log #R Lod i | building on the banks of the Niag- 'z |ara river. : CHILD BRIDE TO WED WANTED To Fo Now 13. Hertha' Herlog, the f oll by the | | John Mg of Brockville, pres-| xs re 4 Now 18, Bertha Herlog, parents were seiz y the inva- |ident of the two companies which! 4 sa Dutch girl whose marriage at 13 ders. The child and a Jurse Io oil own the, 19-storey Men's & Ladies Racers i ioti h\ usted hid out [hotel on King St. West here, said caused fatal fFioting 5 Maley, | in the hills of a Malayan vil- following the ceremony that his sits on the lap of her fiance, | Jage, where she wed a native |group "always wanted to call the g§ Johan Wolkenfelt, 20, in Bergen- | school teacher. The marriage [hotel the Governor Simcoe." Qp Zoom, the Netherlands. | was later annulled when the mo- | They decided against it because Bertha was raised as a native | ther and father, freed after the [there already is a hotel bearing gi in the jungles when the Japan- | war, traced her and claimed her {that name. f ese occupied the Dutch East In- 395 4895 ; custody. | "Now, if we do decide to change # . dies, now Indonesia, and her | HIGH QUALITY Central Press Canadian 'the Same; Mr. . Vdd said, : wel : ELECTRIC DOMINION ROYAL 14 Convicted A r TRAINS : TIRES aes a : = oe Twin Diesel i - a (Free Tire Inspection) UT. 3cC : : 3 SPEED al . he = . Vitrede Track ; PLAN Why 'not give d ; . 10% Down -- "Gift Certificate" : J Terms fo suit for a pair of tires? Of 'Prowling' f Teo Other Sets your budget. DRAYTON, Ont. (CP)--Fourteen persons Thursday were convicted 17.95 - 35.95 © GIVES FULLEST ENJOYMENT rrom HIGH QUALITY rca vicror | Friday, December 18, 1955 18 {THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, i EA IP GE CD A A A a RS Pay 3.00 down and take up to 26 weeks to pay off the bal- ance . . . that's the easy way to solve your gift problems, Hundreds of Gift Items to choose from . . . PACESETTER CONVERTIBLE PEDAL CARS Save 25% ROYALINE BICYCLES can other models -- Fire Chief -- Station Wagon -- slightly higher. RCA VICTOR + + +» The Ideal Gift for Any Motorist EASY SHOPPING eee imermmn Use Our "LAYAWAY PLAN" Small deposit will hold any article until Christmas PROCTOR AUTOMATIC POP-UP TOASTERS Gives you the same wonder- MIXMASTER JUNIOR The best Junior Food Mixer made Hallowe'en incident when one lost the sight of his eye after ed hit by shotgun pellets. eye after being hit with a shotgun TV SET. pellet. Two others, Murray Gross, ; pp 20, and a juvenile, also were in- (Rey Eight of the 14 district residents convicted' of prowling were fined $5. The others were fined $10 or ful results with all types of bread. Best Buy on the Market 3 SPEEDS 48 BOND ST. W. RA 5-6511 The 14 were charged with ee] out lawful excuse prowling at night on the property of or near the house of' William J. Archi- bald of Peel township. Drayton is jured slightly. TO APPEAR LATER Archibald, 69, Jesse Williamson, 40g@of Guelph and Isaiah William- sop, 45, of Guelph, are scheduled to 10 days. + Evidence was that there was no damage done to the farm D. Wade, defence counsel, con- tended that prowl as used in the MEAGHER'S 5 KING ST. W. RA 3-3425 "OPEN FOR BLISINES$$" "vc KINGSWAY =< / CO. -- HARDWARE -- KING ST.,E., on Highway No. 2 (Just East of the Townline) Shovels - Bolts Nails - Saws - etc. Ontario's Largest Tire Sales and Service Organization rr SE ee EY of "prowling" as defined in a new section of the Criminal Code. The charges were laid following a 20 miles north of Kitchener. RECORDS -- PLUS BETTER PERFORMANCE Police said Roy Lambert, one of FROM ANY. RECORDS) the 14 fined Thursday, lost his left © PLUGS INTO YOUR RADIO OR appear . court at Guelph Wednes- d on charges of causing actual bodily harm, police said. Criminal Code means to 'go about ig search of plunder or prey. SAT., DEC. 17 KINGSWAY SUPPLY LO. = Drop in to our New Store and see our complete line of PAINTS Sherwin-Williams Kem-Glo Kem-Tone -- APPLIANCES -- McClary Ranges Refrigerators Washers Your One-Stop Hardware Headquarters SERVICE that SATISFIES -- KITCHENWARE -- Pots - Pans - Ovenware "Plenty of Parking Space" Kingsway Supply (o. KING ST. E., on Highway No. 2 Telephone RA 5-8851 "Open Nightly Until 10 o'clock" Plenty of Parking Space Cooking Utensils - ete.