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Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 17 May 1958, p. 11

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( THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Setwrdey, Mey 17, 1958 11 ! 4 ital of P: Workshop Department, The Asungion Phun the "mw | Times-Gazette, Oshawa, Ontario, |S0oV: WEE oF f y FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C, WHITMAN REMOVING VARNISH ion my upstairs bedroom window Las toothed which are #| QUESTION: How does one re- sweats In cold weather, Is there worked into the ersck between | Mi move lacquer and varnish from any way fo prevent this? | he Jame and rt he 4 door hinges? | ; | paint, carefully w! i oR ANSWER: 1t is safest to re.| ANSWER: Fry driling twe oF |knite could also be helpful, Plae-| | move the hinges first, to BVO | 4 eter in the bottom rail of | 18 of a screw driver! damage to adjoining painted ¢ wood, Then soak in lacquer thin ; ; ner. or paint remover, following Ss ely 10 813. 0 oh ure {the frame, and prying sideways ' carefully directions for neutrality, sagh, Should this fall, the| M3 sometimes be enough fo, j ing afterwards, |only other remedy will be to|Preak the paint fm. There fu) | REMOVING PAINT weathersirip the windows to Pre-\ een sash and frame. | | QUESTION: Yesrs ago TIMES-GAZETTE HOME OF THE WEEK NORWAY PRINCESS First lady of Norway is Prin. | y cess Astrid, yunger daughter of King Olav and late Crown Princess Martha, * [worTeagE Loans| | avansste | Ralph S. Jones Barrister & Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. South Dial RA 5-3525 we vent fhe mols, aim nr Jon) VANE : {flowi ING PA 5% (used a cement paint on our base. [oo 1E through and aroun PEEL ges of the inside window Into . r By RUTH W. SPEARS floor How ean we remove the Weatherstripping would be ania "Olin hone" ot" Until' we re-|to plan It you have: this sturdy | old paint? excellent idea anyway! painted, the paint held up well, |ta with Slashed donenss in | ard, Pattern , which | ANSWER: The remaining paint STUCK WINDOWS ha a Sat oh the DRE avery sep and even tives ean be softened with an Infr a-red| QUESTION: We bought a rath. | remedy it? nctual-size guides for eutting lamp, held about a foot from the| old house. Now we ean lends of supports, is 40 cents, surface, and then scraped only two of the windows raised,| ANSWER: You probably ne-imyic pattern also is included in |with a wide-blade putty kn * | The windows were painted on the|glected to remove all traces of the Lawn and Garden Furniture Much easier and quicker, how-|o. qo "wig i the best way to|Brease and grime from the wall ip, yet No, 38 which contains full {ever, would be to use a flok the windows open, without before repainting; or to dull the girections for many useful pieces suing machine - low rental. harming the frame? gloss of the old paint if it has # all for $1.75, Orders \ well worth time and work you ossy surface, The only remedy, dd 10 cents service charge, a | save, | ANSWER: Some hardware I'm afraid, is to remove the pres. Address orders to the Home MILDEW ODOR stores sell an inexpensive but ef-ent paint and start over again, fective little tool for just this Job. being sure to have surfaces of QUESTION: Our apartment 18 The almost heart - shaped bisde wall thoroughly clean and dulled, LORNE GOODMAN i Plumbing & Heoting 758 Mary St. RA 5-1044 DINING a. ve LYING we wer not odorless, there is always a . strong smell of mildew ~ and. shoes get moldy, We are three wend ARS [srr IN CARACE "e's 110° BRLIZIWAY 10.5" + 16.0" The Bullding Editor, Oshawa Times-Gazetle, Oshawa, Ontarlo, You eculd have either two or three bedrooms In this brick ( ) Please send mie further details about how te obtain standard T20ch style home, as you pre Builders blue prints for home design No, 386, Plans entitled "71 Selecied low cost Homes for Canadians." I make remittance ea Gazette.) rr Address. .......oo.s BARRE NRRRRRRRIRRRIIAS payable to The Oshaws Times- BRAS ERR RRR RARE santana YOUR GARDEN Blue Beech Deserves Much More By A. W, RUNDLE A tree of outstanding merit that should come in for more attention than it has formerly |had, is the Blue Beech, or Car- 'pinus caroliniana, It may be seen Attention pyramid shaped tree, rather col umnar in form. It is quite com- pact and a durable type possess ing remarkable longevity, As al permanent plant for screening purposes or for planting in re. areas Vi its natural habitat stricted out the hardwood region of Southern Ontario and Quebec to northern Georgian Bay, its bluish - grey bark readily dis. tinguishing it from its neighbors, As a rule, it shows a preference for the edges of streams and 'marshes and is seldom found in pen sunlight, Its principal advantage for 'ourposes of landscaping, aside rom its very handsome appear. ance, is that it never grows too large for today's small proper ties. One would class it as a medium size tree, seldom reach. ing a height of over 40 feet, It stands alone to great advan- tage, its delicate foliage and graceful form making it a good single specimen, while fits au- tumn coloring equals that of the Maple. Its European counterpart grows to a somewhat larger size, with fairly similar foliage, habit and shape, but it does not have the brilliant fall .oloring the Carolin- ian boasts, This latter variety of Beech is the Carpinus betulus fas. strie is an excellent choice, Both the American and Euro- pean Blue Beech will stand con. siderable trimming and hence] make a very good tall hedge In| most locations, since they are able to thrive in shade and even| under cover of other larger trees, Le Notre, the famous 17th cen- tury French landscape architect, made wide use of the Hornbeam, and many of these plantings may still be seen in the palatial gar- dens of France which he design. ed for the nobility, | While this species is of fairly slow growth habit, it will thrive| in almost any soll and has the added appeal of being quite re. sistant to insect attack, All in all, this tree will prove riost satisfactory in any number of locations and for a wide vari ety of uses, whether for hedging or as a specimen tree which wil provide ample shade in years to come, without taking over the entire garden as some of our fer, One bedroom with built-in bookshelves might well he used As 8 study, guest room or even an office, It's convenient to a powder room, too. There is a large breakfast nook near the kitchen. Basement stairs Are within easy reach from kitchen Living - dining area is placed { to the rear of the home for privacy, and for another good reason , , , a lovely view of your flower garden from generous rear windows. The built-in desk in the master bed. room saves space and the two other sleeping areas are also | good size with ample window area, There are built-in china cabinets In both dining and breakfast nook, Breezeway and garage are attached. Standard Builders' blueprints cost 4 $0.75 a set may be obtaine for this design No, 386, For further information write to: , De less a tree would be welcome, it| The Bullders' Page Editor, The Times - Gazette, Oshawa, Ont, A Home Planner book entitled "71 Selected Low Cost Homes for Canadians', price .75¢., In- cludes this design and may be obtained at the newspaper office or by writing to same address, you need 7/ Roto- Hoe © Eliminates heavy § sod tiresome hosing. Once over 'does the job ~ no plows, discs and har. rows 10 buy, #® Revolving teeth the | this | feet above perfectly dry ground, | Could outside dampness be the cause? The down spouts run|| down on a concrete slab and are| | not connected with a pipe to! |take off the rain water. This) | |ground is wet, What can be! + {done? B ANSWER: Even though the|' {ground under your apartment)! |seems dry, there Is always | ' | ground moisture present and if)' |the surface of the ground orf, your floors are not 'molsture-|' proof, they should be made so.|, Cover the ground with strips of | polyethylene plastic, or molstur- ' and vaporproof building paper, | | | cement, Also, the water from the $7.95; $24.98 per 100; 3.41, "PLANT A HEDGE" - "ORDER NOW" : ___ (SHIPPED AT THE PROPER PLANTING TIME) CHINESE ELM PRIVET R050 MOLTIFLORA "AMURENSE" "Noture's Hedge of variety, medium | Hordy Roses" --2 #1. growth=--the only branched hardy kind; 12. Inch size, 100 for | $15.95; 135. | inch size, 25 Moroon-rea oil ses size, 25 for $8.98, or | for $6.98, or yon. 1th an aa $34.95 per 100, $22.95 per 100. | 532.00 0s 100. FREE OF FFD SPIRAEA SWRUB (3 fi.) FOR EARLY ORDERS ALSO CANADA'S FINEST COLORED GARDEN GUIDE BUWMANVILLE Easy~Fastost Growing 12:Inch size, 100 for 18-inch size, 100 for $32.98; 2.ft size, 25 for $6.49, or RED BARBERRY BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERIES (Phone Day er Night MArkes 3:334%) downspout should be carried away from the house at least 10 to 15 feet by means of a trough if possible it should be led off to a dry well or a sewer hy an un derground pipe. To get rid of the mildew odor, you might (try {sprinkling chloride of lime gen: erously on the ground under the house [STORM BASH SWEATS QUESTION: The storm sash PLUMBING & HEATING ALL KINDS WE DO AT PRICES, THAT ARE FAIR TO YOU ", SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. M. WILSON & SON TEXACO 1487 SIMCOE ST, N. AT GLOVERS ROAD CREECH'S FINA STATION 1180 SIMCOE NORTH ONTARIO MOTOR SALES (B.-A) SERVICE STATION 136 KING STREET WEST - NAGY'S SERVICE STATION (TEXACO) 408 KING WEST COOPER'S TEXACO STATION #6 BRUCE STREET CALDER"S ESSO STATION 275 KING EAST RUTKAY'S TEXACO STATION 506 RITSON RD. 8. LLOYD'S FINA STATION SIMCOE SOUTH KEMP'S E550 STATION 200 BLOOR WIEST NATHAN'S SUNOCO STATION KING WEST AT BURK STREEY MACKO (ESS50) #52 BLOOR 87, &, GOCH'S SUPERTEST STATION 437 SIMCOE ST, 8, ONTARIO -| |HOME DESIGN No. 386 overiapping at tenst six mehes| bd bl a hat tLe LLL seas vrs irar i | ' and sealing with asphalt roofing| NaVER WAVE WE MADE $0 NUCH MONE IN MI SoMMNY EVER RELDY ILS TOMEET,, YOU BUILD FOR THE FUTURE WHEN YOU BUILD WITH HENDERSON'S CONCRETE BLOCKS You get a relioble cost con- struction with our new concrete || block construction ~ they ere equally edaptable te the con. struction of your home, your farm, the community, school or & commercial building. Ask the men who ere experienced in concrete block, A Henderson Block neighborhood contractor or architect ~~ to specify Hen- derson Concrete Hendersor "ONCRE TE PRODUC Give your home a "New Look" See us about a Home Improvement Loan for permanent improvements to your home, Repayable in monthly amounts, For further information, visit or telephone our nearest branch, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 775 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU Main Branch ~~ N, §, McFadyen, Manager © Simcoe St. N, Branch -- W, G, McLarty, Manager 1465 King $t. W. and Stevenson Rd, -- D, D. 0. Bell, Maneger Oshawa Shopping Centre These Sensational New DOUBLE-DOUBLE HUNG Aluminum Windows ELIMINATE the need to add costly Storm-Screen Windows "later-on" | SAVE forever--up to 35% of heating costs compared with ordinary wood larger trees do -- to the gar- up and serste wil the BRICK windows | break the soll, Riltivate be: tween rows, destroy weeds, mulch leaves and compost, © Trims lawns or cuts high grass by attaching "econo my 20" Roto-Cutter Attach. ment, new self-propelled 22" model or 26" Roto. Cuter (for 3.3 HP, Rotor Hoe), Change from tiller 10 cutter in seconds with new "PRESS-MATIC" Hitch, 'Ladies are particularly enthusiastic about the Roto-Hoe. It's so ory 0 handle. Roto-Hoe for 1958 offers a choice of 3 models and 6 handy attachments, Prices are surprisingly low, Before you consider the many imitations, why not find out why, since 1936, tens of thousands of gardeners have bought the pioneer of all front-mounted tillers . . , ROTO-HOR. Write for free literature, FALCON EQUIPMENT COMPANY LTD. 199 Danforth Rd. Toronto 13, Ont. 2075 51, Joseph $1. Lachine, P.Q, tigiasta, or Hornbeam, It is a|dener's dismay. Talks To Explore BNA Act Urged OTTAWA (CP) -- A CCF MP|any questions on the subject said Wednesday the federal gov: ghoul ' ernment should call a federal Should te addressed to the prime provincial «+ municipal conference to explore the possibility of giv-| Mr. Diefenbaker was absent ing Canada a new constitution be. from the House Wednesday, at. fore it marks in 1967 its centen- | tending the funeral of A. Clair ary of Confederation. | Casselman, Progressive Conserv- Erhart Regier, Burnaby-Coquit-| ative member for Grenville-Dun- lam, said in the Commons that|das who died Sunday | Canada's constitution, in some re. ---- -- spects, 'belongs to the horse-and- buggy age." Specifically, he referred to the division of taxation powers be-| tween the federal, provincial and | municipal levels of government, | He said a new constitutional ar. | rangement should provide the lower levels -of government the | opportunity of getting the finan. clal resources they need to dis! charge their responsibilities ade. | quately, Speaking on a government mea | sure to supply the government | with interim financing until the | end of May, he said the financial plight of local governments throughout Canada is serious He would not be. surprised If some day soon municipal officers across Canada turned in mass re. slgnations in protest against the situation, Property taxes, municipal gov: ernments' main source of reve. nue, now were as high as they possibly could go but municipali- ties still were short of money, Mr. Regier referred to an elec tion promise by Prime Minister Diefenbaker to call an "informal federal-municipal conference to discuss the situation and seek ways of improving it, | The federal government could Act to relieve the plight of the municipalities without violating the spirit of the constution, He asked Finance Minister Fleming what SAVE costly "on-site" fitting and painting -- because these factory- finished windows come -- Completely Fabricated READY TO INSTALL IN 5 MINUTES | KooiVent - NASH pousLE - pousLe HuNG ALUMINUM WINDOWS I Is no longer necessary to buy prime and storm windows as separate units, © Fingertip latches lock glass Inserts In position for oll weather venlilation control. Also lock closed for prowler protection, A WALLS Modem structures have their foundations in concrete for permanence . . . skyscrapers rise up from a bed of concrete + + « the Seaway and great dams require the indestructible characteristics of concrete. Your new home will use concrete In the foundation . . . be safe, demand the same qualities in the brick above soil ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS level . . . demand concrete Dunbrik. ® CLEAN AND DURABLE ® Maximum inwlation and drafi-free protection. Four inch "dead oir" space between prime and storm. screen windows. Weather-lock meeting rails, ® Easy to clean. Self-storing Inserts are quickly removed from inside, (Except picture windows and some special models.) @ Glamourous colour. Optional Ename-alum® (infra-red) baked enamel finish In choice of 20 colours or In plain aluminum, AND MANY DESIGNS TO CHOOSE FROM (Some not illustrated) @® Finest-quality materials, Sashes and sash tracks made of heoi-treated and tempered heavy-duty Alcam oluminum, Wood frame of kiln.dried pine. Selecied Canodian quality structural glo SELF CLEANING will mot absorb dirt. MOISTURE CONTROLLED for good meorfar bond. ro a oho ot B ONIFORMITY OF SIZE AND SHAPE production controlled. - wi HIGH DEGREE OF SOUND PROOFING fe keep street noises out Oovbie-Dovble Picture Window Picture Window Picture Win, flanked by Jalovsies HIGH INSULATION FACTOR for @ more comfortable howe | AND THEY SAVE YOU MONEY--Because GREATER FIRE RESISTANCE than other type brick WE INVITE YOU TO SEE these beautiful WILL NOT SHALE OR FLAKE becouse It resists weathering | | V/'"@"modern designs in our show.room, and compare the costs with GO ALL THE WAY UP WITH CONCRETE | All OTHER WINDOWS. Phos 0 Pichre Init, Ou fobs Nong. = = 1. No expensive storms or screens to be added: They are built in! Picture Oriel ® BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME W. B. BENNETT PAVING LTD. FREE ESTIMATES 2, Double glazing saves-- forever --on fuel 3. No fitting --no hardware to buy -- they come completely prefabricated, 4. Approved for NH.A, financing. *Trademark Regd EVENINGS RA 5.1646 EVENINGS RA 5.1646 H Before you buy your new home write for this FREE informative illustrated booklet "FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT BRICK" ovame DTTINTB IRIE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION Box 2158, TORONTO, ONTARIO LOCAL FRANCHISED MANUFACTURER STORRAR DUNBRIK SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5.0631 94 BRUCE RA 3-2219 BOB MANN COBOURG FR 2:6113 ST., OSHAWA KEN SMITH AJAX BOX 30% LANDER HARDWARE BOWMANVILLE . MA 3-6774 PSHAWA RA 8-8132 Greg Rivers WHITBY MO 8-007

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