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Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 17 May 1958, p. 12

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' 12 THE DALY TIMES-GAZETTL Setwrdey, Mey 77, 1999 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity ee 1948 This Week mee This Wash on igh ey Close Change nigh I. Low |New Project Lower Interest "To Mine Ore Rates Suggested Sairs Tigh Low ives Changs High Low ,SUEBEC (CP) -- Premier Du. By ALAN DONNELLY Fo of CMHC was made publie 3% + 15% 14% Plessis ay annou wing the ernment agency "ow Ta" is 1st Zs® am ws |ject by the Steel Company of| Canadian Press Staff Writer Tast I i a2 i pind {Canada and Wabush Iron Com-| OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition of ali NHA morigages--a remark- {pany Limited to mine iron ore pleas for lower interest rates on able rise from 4.8 per cent in [in Ungava in an area siraddling| housing mortgages have been 1946, Last gd high interest [the Quebec-Newf ded in the with 10| rates on money market 3% dor boundry. Bra. sonal In a action | steered ri away from mort. % | Mr. Duplssis said the mining|on the matter, |gages. 7 project as outlined to him would| Liberal and CCF members Fri-| The idea of the federal treas- sso [cOSt $250,000,000 and fnvolve the day suggested ways of reducing|ury paying half of the interest s |establishment of two towns, the|the maximum six-per-cent rate rate for home buying citizens was 5 construction of an Iron ore con- established on government -in- presented by Liberal Alexis 26 centrating plant, a power plant sured National Housing Act 10ans. | Caron, MP and former mayor of #5 and shipping facilities on the St +|One proposal was for the federal full, Que. He said the Quebec Fatiadian 1 Stoel Advanees ---------- bared dect! nes by 30 M1 Ww MS on the Stock Sales Nan he Torontn Block Exchange this week, Issues unchanged 0 Jockey pr $18 . " ' 1 Ja + totalled 153 © Jock wis 4460 50 48 ; Mines f 807 175 178" --3 » Volume for the week was 13,080,000, down from the Ont Loan 2s 2 7 20h fh 6 A+ WH $8 evious week's 14,343,000, Total sales for the year Orange Cr 825 3 "on Ss 2 date are 225,171,000. (Quotations in eenis uniess Page Hers 729% Acad Uras oa 8 n i marked 4.) Parker 125 Anoeats 24680 245 Poo Pins new $615 Agnico Akaitche FBS WO ree 196 § Pembios pr 65 33000 Slosk Bales Wigh Low Close Change High Low PC Jewel 165 Albs Expl rn Lake Cin $200 110 200 12% L Dufsult 16741 75 Powell R 1855 4h 2% Algom Lake Ling 9200 11 Pow Corp 878 it Industrials Premivm 10 Alfons 31a L Ow ui A L Shore . An sene 2m #0 0 Yen Anacin is Luz Anglo Hur Lamague A Rouyn Ansil Arcadia Arcad wis i 5 ou FET » S ° ~obui¥y Eula > ¥ . Sx Endy Alta Alta Algoma Alumint Alum | pr 5 $23 4 » Alum 2 pr 782 $B 47% 4TH Analog 7 0 Antics Imp 640 " x bb] p 100 ssTsssace 2 Maurice 13000 Salada s 7 Salada ss A Balada s B Balada wis +live A £3 3 t= La Nelo cvn. » 3 Ss Simpsons SKD Mig Somville pr Southam A Art debs A Art wis Atlas Steel Bank Mont Spartan #05 Bunk N§ 1087 $58 St Pav 2020 Ban Pow A 38 833644 364 St Radle 100 Bath Pow B 225 816% 16% Stedman Beatty 75 Steel Can 2295 Beay Lumb § Propane 610 Beay 1, pr bd 2 8 Prop wis 20 Bell Phone 12046 841% 40% Suptest ord 7375 Bowater 225 400 385 28 Suptest com 200 Bowater pr 190 $444 4% Suptest pr 15 100 ' Merrill Bownt , 3 MBs 41% Switson 1150 p 2 » Meta Uran bad Brazil [2] 5% idrim Milliken Mind, 2eogele SuBala > vessus.rnl.digul Br ink b'H 821 21 Br Tank pr 175 847 "wae 47 --% Taylor PC 325 Br Tank wis 122 810% 10% . Tay PC pr 50 Bright pr 1265 $20 20 ' TorD Bk 2372 $43 42% BA Ol) 518 $384 37% } x 3% T Gen Tr 75 936 ¥ id BCE 4 pr 80 0% BO% Y Y Tor Iron 25 9284 28% BCE 4% pr 50 M3 4 3 . Tor Mort 14 $102% 1024 102% BCE 4% pr 145 S40% 4544 T Fin A 2005 $384 37% 3% + WH TODAY'S EDSELebrity MR. EUGENE OGAUDREAULT, Taxi owner, Montreal, Que., "It's the finest car I've had in 25 years! It handles like a charm , . . and responds marvel- ¢ |Lawrence River north shore. treasury to shoulder half the in. ul, | The wn wad be Bui near erst cont Seven fu 4 gous pigs a [300 moles Rortheast sf Bo Works Minister Green made no terest charges for provincially- lity, reply on that suggestion, but approved joas, red ucing by . {made clear that the government about half the borrower's Bid on) Halve the feels any cut in the maximum | charges. fron ore and its concentration VHA rate might dry up the flow | If that were adopted nation- - into pellets, |of private mortgage lending. lally, he said, CMHC would pay . The discussion developed on a about three per cent of National government bill to make avail- Housing Act mortgage interest, Hint Shutdown able another $350000,000 for di. CCF members Frank Howatd _ rect mortgage lending through Skeena, and H. W. Herridge, A i Central] Mortgage and Housing |Kootenay West, suggested CMHC | Of Fruit Plant Corporation. become a sort of credit non 25 No one opposed the bill itself, which would make housing loans" ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- A|It was passed in its second day at a rate of two per cent-- reliable source here reported lof debate and gent to the Senate. enough to cover administrative (Friday that York Farms Ltd, a That cleared the decks of ur- costs with a bit left over. - major fruit canning plant at | gent government legislation. The BETTER THAN REQUIRED 7 Niagara-on - the-Lake, will not | Done speech Sibate, jmesupted| r. Green replied, in effect, operate this summer. ollowing party leaders' speeches 51 "tno government is doing ° The company, a Canada Pack-|1ast Tuesday, can resume Mon | even better than required by law 7 ers Ltd. subsidiary, handles a day. (in establishing the maximum ' wt, Jarge part of the fruit and to-rwo BILLS PASSED NHA rate. Oy mar Baar 005 ' ] ats Jroduction of the Niagara| ,. er measures, passed by The act stipulated the maxi. Broul Reef Ll] y 2% 15% township area both Comm nd Senat e-|mum rate should be not more Brohrst 000 " 950 980 10% 700 | If the plant closes, it will bring mmons al ate, Te-|, nh 2% per cent above the rate 4 f 0 $94) i T Fin B $38 36 3 +1 Brunsman 5% 7 8 ceived royal assent and became 4 pel ¥ BCE 4 %pr 110 80414 944 y to four the number of plants in long-te vernment bonds. BAL 850 49% T Fin spe $42 41 41% + Brunswk 7 200 965 5 : 3 87 4 |e area that have decided not |AW--the new Parliament's first On long-term BO $28 Th 7% -- Buffad 8 ; ' zn 3% 20 [the area ave dec not | ezisiation. OF ided th .|At May 1, the rate on 20-year $63 57h 89 +14 : Buff" Ank 2 1 2 / ; 24% 15% to operate this season. legislation, One prov 8 BOV-| teral bonds was four per cent $8% 2 2% + 4 Butt RL 0 , % 3 9200 a a i | Only the Canadian Canners ernment with an interim money oo era ones ribs NHA id bir 5 "ow ue Buses Wy iow Alger 35700 ri | plant at St, Davids would remain supply and the other extended to jlo Ba per Phone 315 4 Wh 8% BN + New Bid 73000 wer lto handle fruit from the area. '|June 28 the period for seasonal b¢ 0 MEL 1S Ub FL Cul oy a Brown Sia 4 oo Tr vom wow mh 590 New Cal 6000 24 2 3 | Spokesmen in the industry at. unemployment insurance benefits THIET 10668 Of he Sov Ballochs A 1301 90% ols +1 ; 5 so. ms +1 Camp RL : New Delhi 70900 tributed the closings to the large| which otherwise would lapse to- ernment might de or housing arm oe 1% . 3 A MOY Hh Tu & priors 5 9 108 48 N Picken nu [surplus of some commodities, day. | poppe Tt he o E--iontrealsy Burrard A 300 0 i : Ph in m4 MN. 2 € Maiant N Goldvue Tifa - " fi such as peas, corn and peaches, lo As the Commons housing de- jy Sone pose 4) {Af onireal 4 an CN ar) 130 1 . Cal Pow 620 $0 69 60% 10% So Viewty 2 pl " Can Thor N High 10622 i 3 from the bumper crop last year./bate progresse spa) te clearance projects, in, which the Can Brea 110 350 350 350 0 Walnwr .anam a ow Hosco federal government shares, the [4 © ad 5 5 + y v] 0) N y Can om? 101 Bou 2 ne tu ow 2 War pain Can'Enn Neiore™ 10300 u. S. BUSINESS cost of roads, sewer and water Can Cem pr 347 204 27 Webb Knp San Met " Neylung 10800 [facilities be included. The federal in Yon 3 i Ir, Jee ui elie Canta" a } § Hoe, R 1 F and aise snout bo Mmoncaved 1a an Mal 3 - 5 e op f Cariboo 505 + » y ! ylam 316720 and also shou " £ hn M k 3 ; p w "" 2, $44 Casiar Nowner 12000 ecessionary orces 75 per cent from 50. ional Wemon a" aals $mw 2 24 -- Cayo 335 28 300 330 N Senator 2000 3 A ig . aro Mien re wr Pasty Safe 4 \26 897 W on y $28 5% 1 Cent Pat . 3 Nick Rim 2400 8: 2 - Sound-Muskoka) urged more - E 276 #12) 1 124 1 'y ven ape is wai pi na 2 rs : oo § Nira 1900 ¥ 1 3 Runnin Out Of Steam eral housing loans in small " Wire B Ts Hrd 114 1344 p " 2 eon Ope Pen Wlogw 108 a4 Chester 2 % 2 i Noranda Si 0% 40 40 Y% | centres where private lenders 7 i, 1, y Il J orgol 3 4, 3 -- » ew Has Non tome Bw 3 White 1 pr chin Notfariie 23752 5 | By WLATER BREEDE Jr. (early spring went deeper than| Just don't want to be bothered." dn Brew pr 510 $3014 30 ; 3 2 5 Wood JA Chimo Normetas J 49 | NEW YORK (AP)--The U.S.|many of the experts had thought -- an Cal A 3913 Oi4m 13 1 Woodwrd A Coch Will Norsyne 600 ' \ 1.4 | economy marked time this week (it would. da Ceisn 100 M3 33% 18 " : lo Nod ody Be Noa 22000 oJ |after nine months of running| Gross National Product -- the Crem" 145s Yio on nT Coidstrm 28000 2 23 3 Nors A wis 6820 fis |downhill, {sum total of all goods and serv- Col'leries 1005 420 400 410 +8 Colomag 4 ie 7000 12 101 | Signs continued to multiply that | |ices produced--was at an annual, Coll pp B02 10 3h Loulaghe Sy 7 2 Norva 70 104 the slide that started last August|rate of $422,000,000,000 in the first i a 1 3431 Hn 04 +1% v4 , 3 ur w ; C Belkno 1500 87% Th -- W p 77 rl C Callinan 6800 $7 % =~ Con C Cad ou 205 75 +25 Denison Con-Key - |may be touching bottom and re. | quarter, down four per cent from 1 Obatka + |cesstonary forces are finally run- the record high of July-August- O'Brien |September last year. Ogama Here and there you could see, Government statistics Showed 400 16% 16% 16% + % Den wis the decline in Inventories in the D r O'Leary Hd signs of improvement, BG Fen 11M Opem 0 875 | Contracts awarded in April for first three months this year was ! on Gillies 1000 7 ! 11 future construction showed athe sharpest ever recorded. Best lously. Myclients 2 | king- -sized gain compared with guess was that inventories in| ll speak highly ol ning out of steam, 25 MO Paper Ogilvie 3 Third CG Inv 300 b L § L ' Zellers 100 Cdn OI 8 Arrow 200750 Srmsby C Oil ws Halliwel 75975 29 3 Oxisko / Siw 28 Mi 12 Howey 2660 Si nap» A 1957 after trailing year-ago fig- many lines would be down to| of its beautiful vile m : Marben 30 1 - Parbes hi ures for the previous three rock bottom in a couple of | styling. As far as 3 408 98 08 u 4 M and 8 10707 Fardeo 2 4 ary months, Road building was one months. That could set the stage| I am concerned Paymast » [of the brighter spots. for a modest upturn in produc. | ... Edsel is the ideal car!" In every ¥ 65 $100 Morrison 7000 405 830 4 W \ 5800 425 920% 245 853 1602 811% 850 #812 1320 $158 2063 $37 135 81064 1610 $18 500 $114 400 270 600 168 Crestbrk wis 150 78 Crown Trust Zell a Acme Gas 33950 Alax 3000 AFP Cons an All Rox bd Am Ledue sian Amurex Anchor 10100 Asamers 7050 Bailey § A 6115 Bailey § pr 675 Bail 8 5% 1650 Banff 6300 Bata 5200 Bralsa 500 Britaita 7960 Tungsta Conwest Cop Corp Cop-Man Coprand Coulee Cournor 40719 000 10142 13760 142500 57500 83273 4500 13500 11325 20695 26300 1500 -- We » - - Pee Exp Peerless Perron Pick Crow Pioneer Pitch Ore Placer Pow Rou Pr Bord Preston Pronto Pronto wis Pros Air Purdex Que Ascot Que i | HOUSING TO IMPROVE? At the same time, the National | forecast a 10-per-cent increase in housing starts this year. s kept on ding at . pace "that almost matched last year's record rate. Produc- ition of steel and automobiles, |while still far below year - ago ievels, moved up a bit. Theodore Association of Home Builders | occ tion, jobs and income. New car inventories are melt- | ing fast. On March 1, there were | ,566 new models cramming dealers' lots and showrooms. At latest count (May 1) the total was down to 777,445. Auto output this week was the | highest since March, But the total--86,600 cars--was down 32 per cent from the same week last respect Edsel is the one car that is really new. And here's great news 1958 Edsel prices start just above the low-priced field! See what an Edsel can do for you--see yous dealer, today! Drive 1958 EDSEL FORD OF CANADA im ------ ramsnas-- nuk Ronee Croinor 14200 ' MH Hi ] 5 4 Calalta 20800 60 wat | 6 48 Crowpst . 102% D Fndiy pr 120 $100 Cal Ed 1160 923% j- 0 p20 +14 y n D Steel ord 671 Calvan Con 800 Dom Stores 61 C Oil Lds 3300 Tor - ry C Oil L wis 3300 a ; C8 Oil wis 6200 x | 3 y ! C8 Pele 4008 «d 1 C 500 Dom Wool 1575 25 25 15 10 « J Bey 29200 EWwkK C Deca wis 42400 Easy Wash p 100 813% 15% 15% + 8 18% 1% Cdn Dev 11818 F.con Inv 50 $35 35 3 +34 3B 3 Ex Gas 200 4" 8 - Que : HE 22 |V. Houser, outgoing chairman of | year. 5 2 ve 1050 500 4s 49 H Sears, Roebuck and C vs Daering ' : 2 Qua y B 20 said the big retall chain's spring D'Argn . - Q Metal 02 922 Wn sales have been, "decidedly en- De Cour 7 Qunston and the economy In improve- onl p Bridge 22} 4 3 Cab a 7300 D Fndry 3346 $30 | F couraging' general should show ment by fall, Stock prices, on the other hand, | RC Ali broke sharply, Wednesday the | h ! E Amphl 13000 "w Roch market was thrown for its Plagest Emp, Lils HM bh 3 CN estd 2335 105 10 of 13% 93 East pul 3080 0 1 non ay nu 1 = frday loss we te yea. Equit Life 0 $53 5 5 ome z 8 ast Su 585 0 5 3 Fam Play 4002 $19 10 184 + % 14 & Husky wis Bids - East Min 12036 Ryanor 000 The latest batch of U.S. govern. | « « D'Eldna Quemont Deinite Radiore Dome Rainville Donalda Rayrock Rexspar » 0 Duvan 14100 Rio Rup Monarch Margarine's Contest BIKE a DAY for the Month of May plus $25 Grocery Order for your Mother! ; ' 1 Fanny Ho $18 15% 18 + MW 1% Prospect 6023 ! Elder 158335 102! >. 1 Si Michael 4000 9 9 9 | : ment figures showed that the bus- Fed Grain 1275 $32 3% 2 26 mi 0 05 Eldrich 7000 San Ant 33015 Fed Grain pr 400 928 28 28 20% 2944 Suinen 200 El Sol so Sand Riv 63700 iness decline in later winter and Fleet Mig 200 43 43 9 -3 8 al Canso Nat 4106 Eureka 30648 Sheep Cr 500 Ford (US) 435 838 ATW TW --1M 08 ATW Canso Oil 2603 Expl All 126050 Sherritt »2s Ford A 1950 $77% 78. TT +14 Thin 6614 Cent Del 7513 Falcon 5030 Sigma Foundation 433 #224 204 = W 2h 10% Charter Oil Faraday 9185 8 Miller 1200 TORONTO (CP) -- The ronto Stock Exchange Ph Moe Fraser 008 $2414 24 HW - \ Com Pete Fara wis 243% - Sil Stand Fr Pole pr 2580 800 760 780 30 Conro FWest T 5000 Siscoe 113% Friday that Cradock Securities Ltd. has been suspended as a Gatineau 1330 $35% 34 MM -- W 3 C Allenbes - : Fed Kirk 1000 Gat 8 pe pr 109 $104%4 104%4 10444 = W C Dragon Franer 13000 Gat 54 pe pr 120 $1005 100'4 1004 -- V4 C East Cr Frobish 7798 Gen Dev 42580 $1814 184 184 +18 : C Mic Mae Frob debs 10 Ge 408 355% SA MM w Con Peak Gaitwin 40200 GMC 907 $38 36'4 36%a + : C West P Galkeno 119290 GS Wares 378 IW 7 The + W Cree Oll 1400 3 Geco Mines 2608 GS Wares pr 120 84 84 4 Cree wis 8850 21 2 Genex 55 $151 150 150 44% Dev-Pal 62043 15: 9 Geo Scien bo Dome Expl 1815 Gnt Masct 13000 Puvex oe 1...8 LL Glant YK 7443 member of the exchange under GL Paper $204 28% 2m - Glacier 13700 the audit by-law GL Pow pr $25 2 25 Fargo 8630 700 0 800 Glenn U 2000 . GN. Gas HTM TH + W Gen Pete as Goldale 1000 Eric Cradock, president of the GN Gas pr 25 $40 40 +3 3 Gen Pet A 2600 30 320 320 r Golderst 170118 firm, and Joseph B. Ryan, ist GN G 280 pr 115 842 @ +1 A Gr Plains 50 $18% 18% Gold Eagle $3200 vice - president, were out of town. Jaices H. Westell, Crad- ock's secretary-treasurer refused to come to t' » phone, Arthur J, Trebilcock, president of the Toronto Stock Exchange, asked about the suspension, said the action resulted from the fact Cradock Securities did not meas- ure up to the exchange's audit re- Imp Tob 7458 Midcon 102040 Rard Rock 13300 ) Un_ Keno 700 quirements, Mill City 39571 tar-Min 765 E 1) U Mont 9300 3 Nat Peted 600 Hasaga Vor an He sald these regulations re | Starratt Steeloy Steep R Sturgeon Sud Cont Sullivan Sunburst 4450 Surf Inlet 1000 Sylvanite 27710 Taurcan 27500 Taurcan vt 13500 Gaodyea 75 M46 4% Lo G Mackay 23 86 f -14 " $20 20 20 Hember 121 Grandue 8538 00 : Jump Pnd 3 2% n 2% Grey hk 36600 Hendshot 3 3 Jupiter 300 Gulch 22500 H Dauch 3 Guilt Lead isd Hur Erie 6 3 Gunnar 0824 Trin Chib Imp Bank 860 LI Pete 12600 Gun wis 50366 Ult Shaw sides Imp Inv A 1678 Majtrans 6000 Gwillim 6000 Ww 7 U Mining 6000 Imp Life 10 Marigold 62400 Hallnor 200 1 3 5 3 200 U Asbes 4650 670 tmp Oil 5678 Medal 12575 Halmon 276654 1 Nn Ld U Estella 300 Torbit 6000 § Bobb Tivug io PAUL LUCAS 755 Tennyson Avenue, Oshewe SHARON SINCLAIR, PENNY AVERY, 230 MeCLENNEN AVE. 140 FIFTH AVE, WEST PETERBOROUGH, ONT, NORTH BAY, ONT, KENT STEWART, MICHAEL UPFOLD, 86 TOBY CRESCENT 83 MANDEVILLE ROAD, HAMILTON, ONT, ST. THOMAS, ONT, Other Winners GN G wis 3760 378 %68 375 High 3 Gold Man 7000 GN GB wis M80 M0 315 330 Hignwved | oe San GF Uran 1300 3244 Wh N Bristol 24300 a3 Headway Vandoo 1000 7 5s [quired each member company to bro N Chamb 13265 119 33 Heath Ventcres maintain a certain capital ac-| $10% 104 104 Home Of 235 $18% 17) Grah Bsq 13000 $35 334 Ba HB Ol G 3 87% 174 Grandroy 22120 42 270 N Concoy p : H | 04 N 4 Ho > Bp 2 uh count. An exchange audit was| N Davies N Gas Exp N Superior High Bell Hollinger Hoyle Hud Bay held recently and as . result of this, Cradock Securities was| found to lack this level of cap- CAROL McDONNELL, 34 WELLINGTON ST. BROCKVILLE, ONT. FORBES, JOHN KENNEDY, 4 PRIDHAM PLACE, TORONTO, ONT. $6 " - Northeal 1 AG MW Sia 36) NC Oils $121 12 1M NCO wis S00 S00 500 NCO pr 210 170 208 Northld uw fo N $22% 22 234 2% 18% Okalta 3531 136 128 140 320 330 30 270 > 14000 $19 17% $83 #2 Lo Lu #0 ; 10200 28% 2644 21M 2 UW 3 Ul 19 orn 14160 185 165 168 $i2w MN NY - ay Ww Peruv Oils 9200 102 8 102 +12 $2 un TN + 1N 3 Loa) Petrol 13300 83 5 8 - $28 26% 26% 2 x Phillips M0 79 8 $M 43% Ww ih 414 Ponder 11300 24 33 $ila 64 6 hy 5 Prairie Oil 4900 325 310 $29% Wy 9 Provo Gas 28608 M Les Mill 121 $8% #% 8% Quonte 61152 Mass H 15 sate Bl 8 Mass Har pr 816 $00 804, 89 At 1] N sad mn M 1662 $34% 02 Wi Ni pr 236 Sapphire 600 Mer pr 100 Sapph debs 180 Mex LP wm + MW Scurry #000 Mid West 61 Secur Free 6825 M West wis 900 Souris 22300 Milt Brick S800 South U B00 InHugh-P . t 3 Ind Lake 14000 7 nn ital, Inspirtn [1] Q 00 1 Int Nick Int Ran Trish Can Iron B J Wal Jacob Jaye Exp Jeanette Jellicoe Joburke Joliet Jonsmith Jowsey 52 <Xenviile S000 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 54 © Lack Of Profit wo ms iis 2g Jaking Mystery ERRY 81 MARVIE AVE, TORONTO, ONT. Enter NOW = Win a C.C.M, Bicycle and a $25 Grocery Order for your Mother! = -- CT] Clip to a Monarch Margarine White Crown End Flap (or reasonable facsimile) and mail it tox MONARCH MARGARINE BIKE & GROCERY CONTEST 1121 Bay Street --~ Toronto, Ont. NAME AGE... A ary . PHONE. Store Name and 'Address whet Monarch Margarine way "pure chased sarees ------ Mark X in square "beside answer you think § is . COMach MONARCH MARGARINE TASTES BETTER BECAUSE= A. Monarch is made from Pure Vegetable Oils. | B. Monarch is Vitamin A, Vitamin D enriched. wars will be notified by mail. ee Le EE EL EEE EE] BUSINESSMAN DIES HONOLULU (AP) -- James D. Dole, the Harvard man who put pineapple on the dinner table, died Wednesday of a heart at- tack after a long illness. He was The Boston-born businessman came to Hawall In 1899 at the age of 22, | Roel Expl 4600 pt n---------------- Richwil 16590 Rocky Pet 41840 Royalite 7:10 lern oils dropped close to . points, but this did little more than dent a seven-point rise a week ago. {But metals were practically un-| changed, losing a shade less than/ 12 point. United States buyers, credited with the spurt made by western olls last week, were believed be- | {hind profit-taki.g that struck the| closed Monday, Victoria Day. {section Monday. | New York will be open. By GERRY MARTIN [the last two weeks, this week| Oils stayed down until Friday, "yt qev" changes at Toronto: In Canadian Press Stal" Writer | were even more mystified at why| but By Thursday the selling P| dustrials off 1.62 to 434.17; golds| Investment in Canadian stock Profit taking, that had been ex-|Pearec over. (up .77 to 83.32; base metals off exchanges developed along two pected, did not develop on a[INDUSTRIALS GAIN [45 to 151.09; western oils off 1.90| Gains outnumbered losses/to 134.44 sections were among industrials, The majority! Index changes at Montreal this week only of losses, however, were less Banks off 22 to 49 69: utilities off 3 industrials off 4.1 to day, but most changes were small with gains about equalling tosses. The Toronto exchange showed {361 issues higher, 345 were down| and 153 were unchanged on the| 1 |] i ] 1 tion was easier at the close Fri- [] 1 {|} |] |] 1 |] ] Canadian markets will be 2800 17mm $6 x 4 - 3 I 168900 $233 3 244 h Vulcan 1590 $0 9% Wayne 13600 9% Westburn 24400 sie | 16328 1 " 1 2383 1971 " 2 4 2 p 1114 lines this week, sellers seeking larger scale 2000 ' 0 from recent gains and Last week all buyers picking un offerings at ahead on index easier prices to rounc out ports golds shoved a gain less than a than §! 3 to 139.0 foline point. Industrials after shooting Golds broke through to a 1958 243.7: combined off 2.7 to 212.2 Stock market observers, still up almost 10 points last week, high of $3.70, up .04 over last papers off 2.02 to 1,101.84; golds, slightly puzzled at the buying of lost a little over 1'4 points. West. week's previous high. The sec-'up .17 to 68.50, | Monarch Margarine tastes better > hm it's always made from pure vegetable olls! MONARCH margarine profit Oc an Cen 3 +] Joe or 1280 Dalhousie

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