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Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 17 May 1958, p. 13

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visited with the Reverend and THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, Mey 17, 1958 13 God's People Tested ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON , sews» suse | BIRPLE GROVE i roves Suhre Secipiws Numbers 13:17-33; M4 ; in Toronto on Tuesday. MRS. D. C. LAVERTY Mothers Day visitors with Mrs.| MYRTLE She SOY She I et i Correspondent E. Ashton at the home of her| and saucer were e ives to her MAPLE GROVE--Mr, and Mrs, |daughter, Mrs. Gordon Beech MYRTLE -- Mother's Day was Hy token of remembrance by the Bert Snowden became the .par-|were: Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman, observed in Myrtle Church at!WA members ents of a son on Wednesday. Scugog Island! Mr. and Mrs. I.'a combined service. Rev. H. H.| A reading was given by Arm- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swallow| Travel, Beth and Bruce, Osh- Mutton and the superintendent, strong. Several amusing games were recent visitors with her|3Wa; Mr. and Mrs, Orval Ast (Allan Downey, both assisted In were played after which a lunch mother, Mrs. Fred Ashton, To-|lo% and family; Mr, and Mrs. ithe service. A baptismal service|lwas served. ronto. Harold Ashton, of Enniskillen; was held when Dale Christine,| A euchre and dance will be Take Laird 'won the Tomer Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-ipeld May 23 In Myrtle Hall, spon. yard iy Tie ) competition Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. W. yard Mason, was baptised. Algored by the Parent-Teacher As for the best nature picture, given Bragg, Providence; Mr. David Mothers choir and junior cholrlgoeiation. ln Cup. "| Weldon, Oshawa; the Rev. and both passing, The guest Y Oshawa Camera Club, Mrs. Harold Stainton, Courtice; Mrs. J. Kirney of Brooklin, SEVEN YEARS FOR THEFT ao eduesdiny Maho Ly Allan Stainton, Enniskillen, and gave an flied talk, MONTREAL (CF) -- Constan- ladies gathered ai ie Some rhe | Sondra Bragg, Bowmanville, | On Wednesday evening the re- Ce i vs ier 9 Be Er pp Ah et, Beat ly N 10] | The children of Israel had come to The 12 men came back, bringing some Caleb said: "Let us go up at once Joshua and Caleb 'insisted that the girls, nd Mis ii RE rr a ON as 2 The presid ent the border of the promised land of the fruit from the land, saying it and possess it (the land) . . . to over- land was good, and "If the Lord de-| Mr, and Mrs. Howard Cryder-|y, were Sunday guests of Mr, opened the meeting with a poem, ty h of stolen rities. H Moses chose 12 men, one from each was indeed a land flowing with milk come it." But the people lost faith light in us, then He will bring us into man and family attended the|,nq Mrs. C. H. Snowden, [xe we know", Scripture was| 00 wort itted Segurd h . tribe, to spy in the land to see what and honey. But some said that the and they wept, blaming Moses for this land, and give it us . . . Only 20th wedding anniversary cele- M nd Mrs. Ceell Mills a 4 read by Mrs. A. Downey. An in- Was acqu ne vi # ae cl ares it was like and what type of people Israelites would not be able to conquer bringing them out of Egypt; and God rebel not ye against the Lord." |bration of her parents, Mr. and fami on To ith Mr. nD ud vitation was extended to the of ett e fi 3 yee Soom Moat Nol BI ype the strong people there. was angry with them. MEMORY VERSE--Psalm 56:3. |Mrs, Howard Foley, in Bowman- a Port P " on home of Mrs. Elmer Gordon for|, + com tage 4m f z gh op Rig] ¢ the| Sunday. -- ba cost mala, & yeuuy dale. wil ber on mother, Mrs. W. J. Cook, MOTORIST CHARGED rs. L. C. den spen - eld. with her , Mrs,| Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doyle, TO-| ars Demson secretary of the THE GOLDEN TEXT or : le Sta SOUTHAMPTON (CP)--Ji . H puodhr ARTE NORTH OSHAWA "30% ETO CT ames Ot Prichard and tami ai rol, were Sunday, gusts of Mi WESTMOUNT oh Aspoeistion, is leaving Vv. Seaman, no Sleep, 91 Lindsay | been charged with criminal negli-| pro Bartlett, Mr. and Mrs. |and family. aA | 4 VIOLET KIRBY an returned home after spend- th A 3 A % 1 Correspondent {ing a week's holiday at the home | e(5 ne iy Friday: Napway Jealh 0. hay aud family, Weston, were| Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burton, | HARMONY UNITED CHURCH NORTH OSHAWA--Mrs. Helen Of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beadle. |lear.gid mother of eight child-|[ecent Bests with Mr. and Mrs, Heather and Bob were weekend | ,\ 1) Tem CHURCH On Floyd et Gibbon W. Foskett and children were visit-| Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rundle offren, who lived on the Saugeen| yy." "wi, Bes Brin * Es esi : EE ih ors with her mother, Mrs. Frank Detroit were recent guests at the|[ndian reserve near here, . Gordon ch' Bulls, Tonto. Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., B.D. inister: Rev, Wm. A. Gi Minister Orgonist: Mrs. Willard Cook, |- Ross Metcalf, ARC.T. ARCT. | * Kirby, Orchardview, {home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Run- | il I Jor: aud Me Sylvia, [Bovmanvile aad Cyr cin The | The Christian and Missionary Alliance | Organist and Choirmaster To | Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ferries, dle, Nonquon road, along with were Mother's Day visitors at the Maple Grove ; : : home of Mrs. James Collett,| Mrs. Roy Lutz of Orchardview Christadelphians Richmond St. E. Pastor: Rev. Wm, J, Newell una 9 am #1 BELIEVE IN THE Port Perry. 'and Mrs, Violet Tebble of Toron- (CHRIST'S BRETHREN -- SEE |i (Between Control Pork Blvd, and Cadillee N.) HOLY SPIRIT" I Sylvia Rundle leaves on Friday . MATTHEW 12:46-50) . . Detroit, _the(!0 ave returned from a week's|| 1 jtq seekers after Truth | OSHAWA CHRISTIAN BUSINESSMEN ost BN (Nursery During Service) 9:45 AM. -- JUNIOR, for a holiday in | guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Run-| vacation with Miss Cora Lutz to apply for 'Free Bible | 11:00 AM.--M A | Ge. land Mrs. Ruby Carmen, of St.| ary, | i 4 AA Ay R, WALTER LANE 11:00 AM, SENIOR CHURCH Mr, and Mrs, Willlam Garrett|Catharines, and a few days in| ~ | --CITY COUNCIL Any ror MANY YEARS MORNING WORSHIP SCHOOL {and Mrs. Frank Braham. of Williamsville, N.Y., with Mr. and| NO ORLICATION f ~--A STUDENT OF GOD'S WOR % 2:00 P.M. -- NURSERY, Stouffville, Mr. and Mrs. Jack] rite 2. 00 P.M. MR. DICK MATTHEWS croment of Baptism a A od. M Allie Hoak, siste: MN f----, PRIMARY CHURCH Craggs of Oshawa, and Mrs, Ed-| Mrs. ie Hoak, sister of Mrs. | CHRISTADELPHIAN | CALS, MANAGER ANDREY ANTENIA CORD A HEARTY WELCOME SCHOOL dard Shemilt were visitors at the Lutz. Mae Lutz and Laurence| ECCLESIA SPECIAL MUSICAL ARRANGEMENTS AT EACH SERVICE-- TO ALL YOUR COMMUNITY CHURCH home of Mrs. Violet Kirby, {Davis motored to St. Catharines F 10:00 A.M.--ATTEND OUR FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL . Mr. and Mrs, Fred Beadle, Post Office Box 121 {Orchardview, visited Mrs. _Bea- jon Sunday and Mrs, Tebble and Shai, Ontario Mrs. Lutz came back to Oshawa {with them. Tyrone Women ; GOSPEL HALL CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A, Minister Enjoy Meeting | LUTHERAN Gibbons Street 40 NASSAU ST, Mr. R, K. Kellington, Organist end Choir Master MRS. W. RAHM | Bh | CHURCH Baptist Church SPECIAL GOSPEL SERVICE - fl 10 A M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL TYRONE Mrs. R. Glaspell, 'president of the Woman's Mis 150 Albert St. Patter conducted by sion Societ ed the May BE ey eh a) rane aGm [| aevace wrens EVANGELIST RL. BOOTH 11 AM.-DIVINE WORSHIP Return of the spies from the land of promise, |with the poem "Mother's Lome BA, MA, BD. | SUNDAY 7 P.M "What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee."--Psalm 56:3. | Mrs. Albert Hills gav ihe | 3 gave the wor : M ship period of the meeting which oy al Come and hear these Gospel Messages IVERYONE WELCOME SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON BE ee oy Toate Nn an. | | A Very Cordial Welcome to All attend because of {ll health. Other 11:00 AM. M T S a 10:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP Moses Sends en 0 PY: by Mrs. J. C. Cook and Grace| * SUNDAY SCHOOL "Repairing the Breaches" || 17 ERIE ST, DIAL RA 85-3872 REV. R, E. DARGAN, Pastor Albert Street United Church Smith, "God's Way is the best - 10:00 AM. Out The Promised Land Way", and the sudy book by] oot ces | 7:00 P.M MINISTER -- REV. S. C. H. ATKINSON Col. Mrs. Fred Coles, Salvation| " " EVANGELISTIC SERVICE CHURCH ; THIS IS THE LIFE ' By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (of Isreal murmured againstia't; will speak to the soclety| Channel 6 -- 12:30 PM. || "AN ESSENTIAL GRACE!" | FREE METHODIST h 11:00 AORN NG SY ORSHIIP After their wanderings in the Moses and against Aaron," and|n. Fred Jackson Long Sault wilderness Jinder Moses JJoader. al begged that : iid captain be ladies are invited to attend. Used ! 7 PM NURSERY AT THIS SERVICE ship, the children of Israel came chosen to e them lothing is to be left at Mrs. A. | a to the border of the land of prom-(Egypt. They asked, "Wherefore Hill's 2 y 18 as p bl FOR ALL $5E Groups P.M. THE SUNDAY. EVENING HOUR ise that God had said should belhath the Lord brought us into| myrone Church was filled Sun- EVERY SUNDAY roadcast C theirs. The Lord commanded this land, to fall by the sword? '\day morning for the Mother's FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MORNING WORSHIP "WINNING FRIENDS FOR CHRIST" shua an Moses to choose 12 men--one| Moses, Aaron, Jo Day Service and the Baptismal PASTOR'S SUBJECT -- "WALKING DEAD MEN" 9:45 AM. --PRIMARY THROUGH SENIOR $.5. THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR 11:00 AM. --NURSERY KINDERGARTEN, BEGINNERS, EVERYBODY 15 WELCOME I . "GOOD NEWS AT NIGHT" from each tribe--and a leader, to/leb fell on their faces and rent gervice during which the follow- hui the land of Canaan, to|their clothes at this lack of faith|ing ems hobs baptised: 812 HORTOP STREET "see the the land, what it is; and the|in the Lord who had brought|Flaine Evelyn Davey, daughter of . : ren of 'Ontario. ond [Quebat: people that dwelleth therein,|them out of slavery and led them nr and rig Keith Davey: Bar Affiliated with oo Sapsat Cored fon © Sriat o end Q whether they be strong or weak, |across the wilderness. Those Whoipape Lynn Hall, daughter of Mr. | usic Director: Mrs. M, Joyce few or many. And what the land/had searched the land reiterated Mrs. Stand Hall; Steven! MEMORY VERSE Larry Phillips, oy of 'Mr. and | Guest Minister: REV, J, H. CURTIS S A d ' U . d "What time 1 am atraid, 1 wil trust in Thee."--Psaim 84:3. (Mrs. L. Phillips: Katherine Mary} 11:00 A.M.--"FORGIVENESS OF SINS" CHRISTI AN SCIENCE t. Andrews Unite urch Mrs. Chas. Penwarden; Karen|| 7:00 P.M.--"SO HE DID IT AGAIN" MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A,, D.D, is that they dwell in, whether it|that it was a good land and, "If|Jean Philp, daughter of Mr. and| FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST Organist and Cholrmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M, be good or bad; and what cities|the Lord delight in us, then He/Mrs. Ronald Philp; Robyn Su- 9:45 AM.--Church School -- Closses For All ly they be that Wey dwell in, (will bring us into this land and zanne Woodcock, daughter of Mr. | A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:30 AM. 11:00 AM.--THE AVERAGE MAN whether in tents, or in strong|give it us; . . . only rebel not yeland Mrs. Harold Woodcock; Vicki | SUNDAY SERVICE 11 M ECT: ! ai holds. And what the land is|against the Lord, neither fear ye Bernice Rahm, daughter of Mr. | I AM. -- SUBJECT: 9:50 A.M.--Senlor, Intermediate and Junior Classes ' | whether it be fat or lean, whether the people of the land . , . their and Mrs, Kenneth Rahm; pod | MORTALS AND IMMORTALS" 11:00 A.M.--Beginners' Nurseryand Primary Clatsas there be wood therein, or not./defence is departed from "them, | |John Willlam Harvey Werry, fad be vo of $i08 €oMDEe, Sy ug Hel Jara Bd od Mra. Percy Wersy. | Wednesday evening meeting ot 8.00 o'clock includes || 7:00 P.M.--JOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE STREET bring of the fruit of the land." The people would have stoned PERSONALS After 49 days the men returned, [their leaders but "the Lord said| L. James Alidread is suffering CALVARY BAPTIST testimonies at healing through Christian Science. CHURCH Dis of rt no, Mote, Hig Jon il 8 0 RAP, sp | Reading Room Hours In Church REV. J. K MOFFAT WILL PREACH ey i Ee CE will it be ere they believe Me, Mr, and Mrs. Larry Dewell, Mr. | CENTRE & JOIN mo Edifice Monday 7:30 pm to 9.30 J . though sentest us, and surely it|for all the signs which I have| and Mrs. Wallace Munday and Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. floweth with milk and honey; and|shewed among them?" family, Bowmanville, Mr. and 11:00 AM. AND 7:00 P.M. this is the fruit of it." BEGGED FOR PARDON |r. Ron Mebonale and family, ig However, they said that the, Byine Segged te Lord 3 aE va, i, Som REV. JAMES GREEN NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH people were strong In the 1and|.,..,.4ing unto the greatness of Mrs. John Broome. Missionary on furlough from Jamaica will be preaching at and the cites were walled. They | Thy mercy, and as Thou has for- Brian Crowther, Kent, England, || . : both services. THE SALVATION ARMY | SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD Od Ot 'eiants) and many other Elven this people, from Egypt arrived at Me sud Ms. Rowland WED., 7:45 p.m. -- Rev. JOE PARKER, of Japan MISTER r= REV. 1. A MELLOW B.A even unt sow. RoIihes 00 ainescays to ne 'Mission Color film "Suicide Mountain," dramatic | SIMCOE AND OAK STREETS =~ MR. J. RRO tribes which would have to be ov-{" "wis 4 the Lord said, T have Evangelical Mission ~ par- work on their farm. ang ercome before the children of Is. {domed according to thy word."| Mr. and Mrs. K. Davey and| true story, filmed in Japan. BRIGADIER AND MRS, VICTOR MACLEAN 11:00 AM.--"FIRST LOYALTY" rael could possess the land. {But He ordained that those rebel- Elaine are staying with Mr. and . aatly In spite of this discouraging re-|jious people, because of their lack Mrs. R. W. Pascoe, Enfield. | | 7:00 P.M.--FIRESIDE HOUR in the ladies parlor. port, Calbe said: "Let us go up of faith, should not see that land| Mr. and Mrs. H. Woodcock and| 9.50 P.M.--FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLB-- at once, and possess it; for We|He had promised them, but family, Oshawa, are staying with' SUNDAY SERVICES : Rev. H. A. Mellow, B.A., will give the message SUNDAY SCHOOL are well able to overcome it."|Caleb, because of his faith, Mr. and Mrs. D. Davey. ' Caleb believed that although the should see and dwell in the land. ---- - SIMCOE STREET 11:00 AM. & 7:00 P.M. : AM. --JUNIOR, INTERMEDIATE TEEN CLASS. AM. --PRIMARY AND BEGIN people of the land were powerful.| Realizing their mistake, the) formed the choir. Miss| ERS God was Stronger and Youd Bive) children of Israel did attack the jeadery Jam i Moi Yo guest PENTECOSTAL CHURCH I 2:00 PM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND NURSERY SERVICE IN NOTING Hous em the victory and the land. |pegple of Canaan, but against the go10ist. ! | PRAYED TO RETURN counsel of Moses, and without" Rev. H. Stainton baptized the REV. R. A. BOMBAY, PASTOR BIBLE CLASSES But the people "lifted up their taking the ark of the covenant go)lowing children: James Arthur voice, and cried and . . . wept|with them, and they were over- pavid, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Challenging Messages -- The Best In Musle ond Song that night, And all the children come and slaughtered. Bothwell; Douglas Lee, son of 11 am. and 7 p.m. rid ami m------ Mr. and Mrs. Manford Good- REV. WwW. CRAWFORD EVERYBODY WELCOME po Sty I nited Ghur r | [honored couple the reason for murphy; Shirley Irene, daughter Yas Ned ; oo - From Great Britain ext Week-end 74th Anniversary Services Commissioner Mr. and Mrs, Dick Wood; MAPLE GROVE [the gathering and Mrs. G. T. Of A John. All 2, ; May, Lorna Marie and ohn on, guest preacher Ottawa Citadel Songsters = Bartlett, sister of the bride of 20 Naley ay dria or ond 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE CLASSES © Watch. for Further Announcemants, I REV, MERVIN A. BURY, MA, B.D., Minister MRS. D. C. LAVERTY years, presented them with a set Mrs. Jack Morton. ALL WELCOME Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist Correspondent of dishes. Miss Shirley Cryder- The Mother's Day 'story was MAPLE GROVE -- Mr. and man, on behalf of the grand- read by Mrs. Howard Bradley. . Baby Creche, Mrs. Howard Foley were given a children, presented them with a, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snowden, | " Youth Department Nursery and Church School Surprise party by heir family on mixed bouquet of flowers. The Debbie ad, Patsy, Be owmanville, i 10:00 A.M, 11:00 AM. the occasion of their 20th wed. bride and groom both responded. spent Saturday afternoon wi is 11:00 AM.--"BL " ging anniversary on May SY After The social evening ended with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snow. ANGLICAN CHU RCH OF CANADA 0 "DLESSED BENEDICTION dinner with their youngest daugh- lunch prepared by the couple's den. COLLEGE Hi LL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH I i We . H a ter and her husband, Mr. and four daughters. Cecil Cullen is feeling much ! : SUNDAY SERVICES Solo: Mie Gordon Hover' Dwellings" (Liddle) Mrs. Ross Allin, they were es- better since his operation at 475 PARK RD. S. 8 AM.--11-AM.--7 PM. I " Jerusalem'! ted to the h The Maple Grove Church was a (lini p sek. cor o the home of Mr. and! Oshawa Clinic last wee REV. J. 'M. MockNIGHT. -- Poster | eo EVENING SERVICE Mrs. Clarence Bell, Liberty filled lo overflow ing for the Congratulations to Jack Hur | i Mother's Day Service on May 11.1," ang Ken Brooks who Ne Tt a Toe . GEORGE'S CHURCH | ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY street, Bowmanville. there the i was Beautifully dere. 10.00 A AM ___SLINIDAY SCHOO! | rest of the family and relatives) quong ihe prize winners in 10.00 AM SUNDAY SCHOO Centre and Bagot Strests I FAMILY. CHURCH had gathered rated with flowers and birds. Golden Milestone contest spon. ; | Mrs. E. Twist explained to the' The Explorer girls and theirsored by General Motors. 11:00 AM.--PASTOR'S SUBJECT -- 3. IMPERA- Rev. Clinton. D. Cross, B.A, L.Th. RA 5.2386 ----y TIVES OF A SPIRIT FILLED CHURCH || 9:30 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 AM.--MORNING PRAYER--THE RECTOR THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA POU 2M SYANGELISTIG-ME AND WES, Il TE riiiiincirme venir WAYNE HOLLOWAY--SINGING CRIT ener SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH ' I KNOX ST. PAUL'S aw a3 Wir § The Church In the heart of the city with the World on Its heart. Simcoe St. N. ot Brock St WILSON AND ROGERS Rector, The Ve Ce EE 5.5798 I MINISTER: REV.JOHN K, MOFFAT, B.A. A Ver --- - * oe TH Director of Music: Mr. R, G. Geen, LT.CM, a HE Mr. Frank Waltdr: Organist and Choir Director Minister: REV. ROBT, B. A Y Interim Moderator: REV. D. R. McKILLICAN, B.A, BD, a VID Te, Se Ha in Writ, HN THE BAHA'I WORLD FAITH HOLY: TRINITY CHURCH 11:00 AM.--MR. ROBERT GAY, B.A, B.D. i I of Simcoe St, Church will preach. 9:45 AM, 10:00 AM. Corner Court and Barrie Streets, one block east of Albert RECTOR -- THE REV. E, A, IRWIN, LS.T, Service of Licensing to Preach. CHURCH SCHOOL JUNIOR BIBLE CLASS Knowledge is a light --- I Presentation to Mr, Gay. 11:00 AM. and 7:00 P.M. which God sheddeth into | ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH "|| 7.00 PM--"A HIGHWAY FOR OUR GOD" REV. ROBT. MILROY, M.A. 11:00 AM. WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE y id MORNING WORSHIP the heart of whomsoever weunbent: The. Rev. R. A. Sharp == RA 5:7064 Yan Sui, Rev. Joseph Wasson, D.D "~~ h illeth SOUTH CHURCH SCHOOL e willeth, ' SUNDAY SCHOOL ST. MARK'S CHURCH BISPM 215 PM For Further Information Write:-- 9:45 A.M.=Junier. intermediate and. : p . STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BERLIN 45 AM. ' 'ung People, YOUNG PEOPLE'S, SOCIETY CHURCH SCHOOL OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY HE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN, SThe © 11:00 A M.--Infant Care Department in the Holl Secretary: Ph. RA 3-3281 | a6 Beurling Ave. -- Priest in Charge ' 11:00 AM.--Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary 2:15 PM,

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