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Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 17 May 1958, p. 14

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14 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTY, Seturdey, Mey TV, T9Ow wise | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads [| me 8--Building Trades 10--Sharpening Service 13--Gordening & Supplies13--Gardening & Supplies L OFFICE HOURS E, Friedlander, Hunter and Co. BRICK laying, block pli _ general AVOID the rushi Have your iawn. LANDBOAFPING, gardens plowed, I Please Note INDEX ntants and Auditors, 64 King cement work. A. J. mower Power disced, clean-up ncn © rr ll TO WANT AD [ae Bach 1 Yai a, Toe oe, Scien. ia nd Loi 5h, Soe Piss whi seed wei iz ty| CROSS TOWN SOD [Bitola se TALDRING this column; dsder, 3B. Comin. gl M . revs paving, A WEL. . ey sand L ve Phone Birth, Memoriams, Cards ol 1 CLASSIFICATION |i Tiopkins and Company, Ceriitied 88812. © yy May2! foam, Foon saris. 8 SUPPLY pi pn BRL Th Own materiols made up. IYER ee E i Public Accountants, 172 King Street! yy ros or puting full contracts or|FOWER and hand lawnmowers and a 3 ' Alterations of all Kinds, 9 AM. SAME DAY Il 1==Accountants East, Oshawa, Ontario. BA 83503. sub . contracts, block laying, shears greet aud, Sy filed sale, chicken or cowl A.1 solled fertilized sod, cut |M. os and Invisible weaving, DEATHS -- 1 2--Barristers une 3 floors and footings, concrets, steps, Pick up Selivery. RA 3190 Junal manure June 3 fresh daily, Delivered or laid, 22 Junell Prompt service, 11 AM. SAME DAY 3--Ch MONTEITH, Monteith, Rethl and Co. | curbs and sidewalks pre-fab or poured.| HAVE your lawnmower sha now, Ee ehm------m-- SS, i" DIAL RA 3-3492 3 Suisroctor Chartered Accountants, licensed Trus.|RA 5-6937, EE WA Ta ag nl ABSOLUTELY fimest Fra sstimetes, y F104 deliv 10 Prince 31, ue Sun Station) | , Oshawa, Stratford, To-| FINISHED carpentry, all kinds of eup- 102 Highland, RA 8-863. Junels hiring sn Win, Gets: SS Baa oe, WE fo 0 i vor) NEED CASH? LEN PULLAN Coruna | Rieh, Cav Ro". iighilook CAs. George] ramates tres. RA $4957. 1 LAWNMOWERS ! Mrviky $89, (English Teilor) oe] bl, CA; = -- V FEDAR © edges -- 19", BIRTHS | 7 Saveon a EAA Rd Pog rar ig PANTS = Waiivipers Supplies LAWNMOWERS | ving Rl a he RL W. H. PARRY "ve 7o~--Veterinar (coe Street North Oshawa, Junet paint, 85 Simeoe Street North, June 10 LAWNMOWERS | 100" delivered. Also other shade frees Londscaps Supplies, Flog- See Seaboard | di Trades - RATES = fra fe SpE awa IgBoition WATER WELL DRILLING | Jone. Rockers, Cut: Htove, COLD FUR STORAGE DA Gh 3 Mncond won, Set te Api Bobo A aL py hu GERALD FULTON Quick Service ond a Guaran- CAWNE sod gardens piovgied, 3 Loyed, Tractor Grading. "Your Lending Neighbor ON THE PREMISES Ny I et Govt, Licensed Driller | 1200 Iob. Pickup and Dali. {ied ogden Ed, i| DIAL RA 52279 | LOANS UP TO $3,000 | PHONE RA 56312 GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Bolici- Reasonable Prices STAN'S 53076, Mr, Len May 17 Vs Simeon 31. Son | MORRISON FURS Mark) wish to announce the arrival of || 13--Gordening & Supplies jors, she, Jia Simois Steet South. Honest Workmanship SHARPENING SERVICE ROTO . ' their darling baby girl on May 13 in | dpe hold Repairs Dial RA 's-2278. Resifancs phones: Well Tile For Sale Apply Jack 1 Ajax Hospital. (Sullborn). | cus 0d Gross, Ba. BC, A Caps Tar v RA 5-4067 Cor, Kin FT a RA vy Omawa RA 19073. OSHAWA ACME 29%a Simcoe St. th 12 KING ST. WEST © June 10 # 2 LANDSCAPING, . RA 5.1121 Soin 2S JACKSON -- Bay and Sandra (nee | |é-----Insuronce BOB Clancy's Ontario he May 22 disced, slasnup ly i» soil, sod, Plitz) are happy to announce the birth | 17=Money te Loo, vices for small business, HAULAGE LTD. of a daughter, born May 16, 1958 at A 5.0397; . a daughter ay » reet West, Room 1. Office, RA 509 Jack C. MacDonald |T1--Business Opportunities guupexs worked, vesdy or 9 for Wanting COBOURG OFFICF the Oshawa General Hospital, || 18~--Loan Wanted F 8 0 : || 180--Mortgages TTS Tr har FET Shop In Oshawa. downiows Toca. (0d Ught eusiom work. $4120 Sod--Loam--Fill King Street West or Better JOHNSTON =. Arl and Walter, --Persona |GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar. 9 A a son, 6 Ibs. % oz "Reginald Keith, at|| 19--Per i | risters, Solicitors PAINTER & DECORATOR d h opportunity, Write Sox Cleaning Cal the Oshawa General Hospital, on May|] 20--Cortoge |6 King Street E. R : Russel " Paperhonging end Painting 228, Timi Ey TOP SOIL Sand--Gravel--Stone FR 2-7461 MODERN it wholesale in SHARPENING AND and bro tind at er stone, Rockery, Cut Stone, BROOKS -- Lyall and Dorothy (nee|| |2--Dressmaking Chu" 1 OE OF DOE A ee Rapa A a ys eh role ii, JE ow SL) 6 yARD LOAD $6 | DIAL RA 3.3528 [SEABOARD FINANCE CO.| pay QDERN. DE ATHS 24--Maorket Bosket on a, Bmess Son, Hay All work Guaranteed HOD 07 at JL Io i K Baek Sond {ho 9g Jue Formerly Bellvue 321 OLIVE AVE, Dou, Wood lin, Wn SIL mandence, BA 330 Moy 17" COL OR SPARE TIME | PHONE RA 3.3162 A CRAWFORD [Ti=stoes ie + on ror semis Arrangements See 280--Hunting eGimRoN wed Bade B Bhsionsy ART STEVENS ig oo Td May 20 : by assignment of legacy backed up by LEWINGTON'S or Wanted North, RA 53566, Charles C. McGib-| Basement dug, trenching ond urnmiied. future. § (850.00 OSHAWA GARDEN y, a Ft Ton rs Har a sd gow it ser King 5. Eon, Om nim wares ar AR ng he ion 431, Times-Gozetty, $25.00 per hundred pieces. May 26 18a--Mortgages une (2 doors from Kam's Drug | 35--Employment Wanted oar ts Ast Woes. honee: June 16 SE od 1plied and loa. feet, HOLLAND NURSERY [tom cit and #1600 "up, 22--Rodio and T.V, Repuin June 2|| 37--Male Help Wanted Whitby, MO 82761. Money to loan. FOR RENT 3.3222. AND LANDSCAPING = Sn UH pec aired, installs | 23--=women's Column OWMAN, David L. Barrister and Free Estimates OF CANADA LIMITED 25--Pets and Livestock |Z. T. Baimers, BA, Barrister, Bolicitor,| 80 Nossou St. RA 3.7080 | Write Box 436, Times Gazette, 113) SRE C00 Fo: CALL ts til june 16 RA 5-7193 ", May 24 For Funeral Flower 28~Summer Resorts HONEY wanted -- 3000 well secured ING 29--Summer Properties For Sole JIET% SC on ages, 20 Simcoe Street EXCAVATION $1,850.00 For monure, gravel ond fill. |jquid securities and by life insurance, Our new shirt service Is 30-Lost end Found bon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. / 2 Ww. FLOWERS dls septic tanks installed, weep ing or experience needed, Box Privét Hedge, 24" high, RA 5-3756 awa, RA 51043, 4) gv GIBSON -- GEO, RUSSELL 24 King St. Eost, Oshawa 34--Auction Soles | ters, Solicitors; R. D, Humphreys, QC; BROOKLIN® 173W 1114 store), 36--~Female Help Wanted Office, RA 51177; Res. RA 5.4604; or SERVICE STATION 86 Tounton Rd, W, -- RA city, rural and summer cottage proper od, Jnatalt. all | May 3 {| 38--Mal Female Help Wanted || Junel ; ale or Female Help Wa Ey PLASTERING BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Moy28| For complete landscaping [Lid 113 Sir Ta hull 4 BE «3 39--~Agents Wonted " ork, in, 4 , IN MEMORIAM | =i riod Cia 17] NEW AND REPAIRS | Lien oor Chore i | te a 7 Ey Bg --] ec cal wor an une- of d st and se mi Ages 4 Room ond iol Wires | Residence, Dial 3.4029. ~_Junell sticco, sidewalks, founda --- haniea COURTICE SOD AND nursery' stock, etc, Call RA [chase first and second mortgage Lovin RA LL 3 MC an ; : . . ; . 4 ing Street East, LEN rotars CARDINAL -- In | of al] 43--Wented To Rent foun &_ MacDonala, oie ay Hons plastered, waterproof Capital required -- $2,500 |LANDSCAPING SERVICES 5-7442, Tou PR IN A King Str "x 4 tae a ake Ris, foiaes, UHR dear nephew, Gerald Cardinal. wholl 44--For Rent North, Phone RA 8.8511 Junell 18. BOX 68. Pi de HOPE Sod sprayed and fertilized. WE hve clients with monies to pik x MA_ S903, RE cd passed away May 13, 1897 45--Recl Estate For Sale DONALD Blake Dodds, Barrister and WOOD'S PLASTERING Lawns levelled, sodded and chase first and second mortgages and GORONKT TV owners! for facto: Lov emembered and sad 4 AJAX SOD SUPPLY te of sale at a discount, Louis trained technicians, call RA 8- avingly remem ered and sadly miss: || 45o._Real Estate Exchange Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Tele: RA 8 131 1 | seeded, Loa. 1 and fill shrub- asresments oC " ng Ba Ea ained, tor nisians, A ! || 46--Real Estate Wanted phone: Business RA 55501; Residence betv. F ; I" Y Phd i 4 June # y. For free estimates co Sod del Oshawa, RA 3.4942, May une elivered and laid, loam, CARDINAL -- In loving memory of || 47--Automobiles For Sale RA 8.5973. June} Moy 28 FULL OR PART-TIME Ed. Knowlt dear son and brother, Gerald Francis | (5 A tomobiles Wanted |CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan and DELIVERY CONTRACT 4, Knowlton, sand, fill and stone, grading, |19---Personal Cardinal, who passed away May 17,[ {o--uiomobles ante Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, No- RA 5.6047 ; Ph TORO errand due PORTABLE T.V. 957 = Automol Pp tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build. BARGAIN No selling or experience re " | asphalt, excovating, one TODGHAM'S cartage ol Thane ' Ys cannot forget, your smiling face, || S0--Articles For Sole ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, 34 3344; quired. Oshawa to Trenton June3| AJAX 431 or RA 5-3422, Jetvies, Sod sold deliver ons for 4 ond. vays, t C; N. y ' . _-- ee This smile that won you many friends | 51--Swop and Barter (ac. %. Drynan; 'G. L. Murdoch. Wont to build a fence or Cor or truck ond $950 re- June 15|AAVE you Grinking proviem? i SALE OR RENT In those happy bygane days. i Bold, 52--Legal Notices [NHA mortgages arranged June2| shelves? We have in Oshawa quired COLORED une Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 402. Times PARKWAY T.V Your cherished smile, your heart of| CLASSIFIED AD RATES o limited quantity of well For interview -- TT | Gazette, -- MOY 2 ; | 5--Nursing Services sawn, good quality, kiln dried WRITE BOX 434 PATIO SLABS For Sal HYGENIC wipplies (rubber goodw),| 918 SIMCOE ST, NORTH v8 80 good, unselfish and kind, | 25 words or less -- Pine Lumber, Stock is dressed TIMES- GAZETTE or oaie mailed post paid in plain sealed enve- RA 3-3043 at wonderful memories you left Cash Charge lopes with price list, 6 samples 25 behind to 34" thickness, Sold and laid, brick or stone io, Mail Order June Deep in our hearts your memory ul 3: CONSECUTIVE 1.88 2.07 MARNWQOD 4" wide at ,06c per lin, foot barbecues. Free estimates GOOD LOAM ig Fol samples. 31.00, Co., Box kept. | A professionally operated 6" wide at .10¢ per lin, foot 13--Gardening & Supplies ond delivery, RA 3.3291, W. H. Parry, RA 5-2279 |Hamiiton, Ontario. we L loved you tov dearly to ever or | od ha +13 HAM 300 3.30 nursing home, for ladies, pro- 8" wide at .12c per lin, foot |r Prien ror tilled. Tas. Janes : Y: June 15 Prompt -- Same Day Always remembered by Mom, Dad, It not" paid within 7 days the vides the patient with a sense Have your choice now a MeDiarmid, 304 Bloor West. RA -- DALWOOD Johnny and Rita f Charge rate will apply, of security and Jel being, MILL VALLEY 3.7901 seme. a msm---------- SAD 24 HOUR " " \ i not excelled anywhere, Locat- WANT sod? You'll be missing a good| #7 | H n William, Andrew Sais tog A eg Mig BUT Bl ed ot 26 Elgin St, in Bow- LUMBER CO. LTD. bet if you don't call us before you SPRING PLANNING SOUTH END 1626 SIMCOE ST. NORTH away May 19, 1954, aged six months. || tions. Subsequent insertions ordered || manville, its spacious grounds 112 SIMCOE ST. N. buy. We deliver or sell in field, RA ah He was a flower too sweet for earth, | ot a later date constitute a new afford out of doors recreation TEL. RA 5.3568 ji SEA ER jus ORDER NOW SOD SUPPLY Under New Nireemrt TV SERVICE soll, cement, grave i. | Sent here for a while original order, God marked him when He gave him Professional and Business listings in privacy, Retererices w re. Moy18 Phone RA 5.2549, May2s| Lown Seeds, Bulk Vegetable Top quality Sod delivered or Businessmen's Lune it CALL RA 8-5286 Abn Lok ie With a sinle 35.00 per month for 3 lies dally. 0 pe R N. MArket GOOD quality loam and sod. Laid or| Seeds, Flower Seeds, Lown laid. Prompt delivery, Free une Always remembered by mommy and ih addi! eK -- oS ou Mery 35731 eg. N, g SEVERAL THOUSAND |delivered. RA 59642. May28| Co vilizers: Garden Fertilizers, estimates. We also supply ANYTIME daddy, A | 3 : ) 0 lind $ ond c sign, figure, count as @ May 21 YARDS OF GARDENS ploughed or double disced. Peat Moss, Fruit Tree Sprays, sod in the field for trucks. ELECTROLYSIS OSHAWA CROWELLS ~-- In loving memory of word. Box charged 15¢ edditional, Lawns levelled, tractor and loader our first darling grandson and nephew, | Classified Advertisements TOPSOIL FOR SALE work done. Also top soll Mil. Beatty! Garden Tools, Bug Killers, RA 5-8552 Removal of Superfluous Hair, ar ' Haul Dial RA 5-218, i duff will be | Wiliam Andrew Frederick ~ Crowell | MUST be in by am. the day of | ANDEN ARO Si For Delivery June Horie vurde 27,728. Priore ELECTRONICS who passed away suddenly May 19, publication, Office hours: ally : : 1 1954, aged 6 months 17 days {| 8-5, Saturdey 8-12, Immediate Gelivery in elling done, experienced operator, Free VERSLUIS LANDSCAPING Genosha Hotel on these dates May 29 A little lamb too sweet and pure | Whitby, Oshawa estimates. No gardens too small. Glen . i ) ; || REGULATIONS-- | J ' { C tment. Upon this earth to roam; "the: Deity TimesGaastte n | N RSING HOME manville and Ne w= |Munro, 41¢ Park Road South. RA 5.7887, ( ooper Smith 0. SERVICE for appointment June9 Sm Ana" Toon our ane "Boneh be ble fi Jute 13 For all your garden needs nd took our dear Bi ome, not res, ie for i -- sntve-- hon hv ~To dearly loved to be forgotten, advertisements submitted awit | KING ST. WEST castle, TREE removal and trimming, wood| 16 CELINA ST. RA 3.2312 Evergreens, Shrubs, Roses, CAMPBELL'S Orandma and Grandpa Ellegett, uncles|| than in writing, nor for more thon Exclusive nursing home for ALSO cut with chain saw, free estimates Apr. 20 Perennials; Loom, sod, stone Heather'dale d ' . Bud and Billy, one incorrect insert t d- Also odd jobs done. RA 57754. Juneld NG am y | vertisemment. mor beyona. whe price convalescent and elderly peo: RUNION'S Sod Supply. Sod Iaid or de eee | All work ond matericl guor- BEAUTY LOUNGE McCABE ~-- In loving memory ef || charged for a single insertion of ple. on - an omens DRIVEWAY livered. Sold in field. Roto-tiller rental anteed, Free estimates, Private David Gilmore McCabe who|| the advertisements in which error Nurses and dieticions in service, Top soll grading, Phone Ajax CALL RA 5.9642 Specializing In was killed in Italy, May 17, 1984, occurs. And also reserves the right attenda sy service, 9. M A. W. RUNDLE May26 CHILDREN'S HAIRCUTS pver Temenberd by brother, Mas 4 Sonny Sdvartiing tering 10 radio, PAVIN SELLING out exhibition, dahlias, 4 for ay RA 5 7792 SERVICE son. wi sification. . a - PHONE RR i A 2330 A y June9 0 h 111i , Ari rag hg hed june2| KEN ASHMORE [rie iiifioma. ie" ims 5% GARDEN CENTRE GARDENS : : Nastia (Nellie) Maglushen, who pass na Ploughed, roto (tilled), end For that Special Someone T.V. Aerials . Church Street, Bowmanville, ed away May 17, 1955 U.S. Army Private 6--Optometrists PAVING CONTRACTOR LAWNS and gardens Roto-tilled, ¥ Thone levelled, ready for planting, A complete line of MIDO, Thres years Dave passed sway and | C. H., Tuck, Optometrist, specializing RA 8-8412 RA rma ay 2 Everything for your also lawns and hedges, very LORIE and BULOVA welche Installed gone, " in muscle anonialies, eyesight WELL pl "manure for sale, by yard Diamonds, Bince the one we loved 30 well Takes Lead Over ace nomalies, eyesight and May 29 [or load. Phone RA 5.3736 {Fk garden reasonable rotes. Phone day Dia ir DIAL Was taken from our home on earth, - a With Jesus Christ to dwell. invalids examined at home, RA 5.6143 GARDENS Roto - tilled, reasonable or evening The flowers we place upon her grave Pro Golf Rivals Disney Bldg, 31 King East. May 26 rates. Phone RA 81388 after 4.30 p.m.| Annual plants in boxes RA 5.1339 CORNISH JEWELLERS RA 5-9135 le Jote df er Wy sew if MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP)--Pte. plete foundations, framing Flower and Vegetable Mey 22 Your Watch Personally ter, Olga, Paul, John Hara and grand. jolted the pros Friday with a ing, 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax, 23--Women's Column MAGALUSHEN -- In loving memory Surveying and Engineering, 12 Bloor arn te oT | reasonable, Satisfaction «| ervation at "The Rouge Pine Avenue, RA 5-533. May To hear your voice and see your repair! finishing furniture, kitch: May19 May wither and decay, 7--Surveyors Block laying, footings, com- Juneld 20 BOND STREET WEST neath, -------- ; h h nal never fade away. enugn. | Mason Rudolph of the U.S, ATG 7 Horton and A Ontario Snd wimming, Workmanship LOAM, GRAVEL AND FILL| Seeds, Peat Moss, Loam, |14--Household Repairs Serviced. avid DAY OR NITE " r : t and sod. FURNITURE ired and reuphol- oy daughter Jo-Anne, |four-under-par 66 that gave him 728 : Junelo| J, & A, CONSTRUCTION Reescueble raish Sermen $d stered. See our Materials for Tecover. a two-stroke lead in the $20,000 F. J. Donevan and Associates, Land PHONE RA 5-0551 Grivew ys ' # Trees, shrubs, Ever. |ins. Bruce R Dalton, 75 Charles) pANOUET HALL available ' d the d dmother | Memphis Invitational golf tourna- bro . ii - : for wedding receptions an SPECIAL ~-- heat permanents, $4.50, Nastia Nellie) EA mat iii Stront East,. Oshawa, Ontario, "Juneid May29 RA 5-2156 os Big Thin Thi gt RELY Seovered bowling ih PR Make o res- sola waves, $5.50. Page Hairdre What would if 1 could Rudolph, an amateur, was|DONALD WH. Trollope, Ontario . une 4 ' ' ual et smi "Hello, Mother in the same old way, | | down the middle with every Surveyor, 218 Alice Street, Alr conditioning, oil, gas, Trees Etc, jad, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa UP-l . Hill Restaurant". dain Sarentt, Inde smile drive, accurate in approach, ond coal burners, Sheet metal 1] Patio Stone. Wall Stone, [Dial RA sos, Juneld Rougehill Shopping Centre setiere, Mrs, J. Hendershot, 308 Park 32,08 with You and talk awhile. sharp with every putt, 8 Building Trades work and built-up roofing. RAY S Tooke; Per Mowers, CALL Bam TA S10 or RA S50 for Atlantic 2-7861 oad North, He did what he thought best, oy os dour first, iv leaders TENDERS wanted a OF housefram- LOCKWOOD HAULAGE Tractors, Tillers, Lawn [en cupboards. All work Wataniond. P Servi CAMPBELL'S e put s arms around you ~No ng (rough carpentry) in Oshawa HEATING LTD 0 21 ersonal rvice . rnaments, Garden Fur- SERIA... And whispered Come and rest'. iment, Rudolph was the only one [Phone RA 8-1521 113 ~Alway d by daught , - A : 3 Anne, John and. Srandehiren"""** to maintain the pace. Jf:ty Fur-|ALL plumbing and esting supplies. 288 Arthur St. RA 3.2511 BULLDOZING niture. neys bullt and repaired, FRY To's Janitor Service. floors ex. STUDIO Phone RA 85-3521, Harold R, Stark Ltd,, talled, f 3 . i MeaUAID_in loving memory of a8" Goa isa. OV CO [plumbing "heating una endneering| Junelll AND EXCAVATING ds Chie: tio, Home and facary lo Jor Fine four iB motes Ads Haun. Pi t t 1 {it C = Sern % Sues outs : EE SAND GRAVEL RA 5.] 764 ing. Let your cleaning prob be PORTRAITURE 0 pass way May " Vv e 9 . 8676. payinaly, remembered by her bu Middlecolf crept up on the lead. dal Whit Pring. To : LOAM AND ide FURNACES CLEANED [mise Fred simuies, RA V481e havi SINCE 1908 Hoa oad Hide ¥a¥{ers. He added a 67 to his first|™® South Alax. Phone Atax 72, GRAVEL SUPPLY TOP SOIL 1015 KING ST. EAST COMPLETE FOR SUITS -- DRESSES 26 SIMCOE SOUTH y : round 67 for a 36-hole total of FyiimEns, contraciors -- Carpente d t I, loam fill, road SUMMER SERVICE ¢ RA 3.2532 dOTREELL 10 loVias JMempry of 8134, / Work: Aeration: rents. Titoaey moar cod vep doll, gly vr 1ood Free Estimates, June? OIL FURNACES $7.00 Oshawa's Finest Cleaners who passed away May 18, 1954 Of the first-round leaders, Er. (inets our specialty. No Job too big or d dF tisfoct Reasonable Rates 4 ee vit was just four years ago today. pie Vossler of Midland, Tex. fell [Small Free estimates. Work guaran. and sand, For satisfaction : COAL FURNACES $4.00 DIAL RA 5-1023 We sion by an open wrave, (nie vossier of Midland, Tex, fell iced. A S713 or MA 308. "Maym| dio RA 3-228] BEVERWYCK Oshawa -- Whitby -- Ajax "WHERE WELL DRESSED Whom we loved but could not save. (Harbert of Northville, Mich., | By POING and excavaiing, RA 5-5279 Calls Accepted RADIANT CLEANERS WOMEN SHOP" oe . o ) We knew our thoughts could not slipped with 8570135; and Bob Brothers. 52 Charles' Street June 10 Moy 29 GARDENS PHONE RA 8-1905 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | LA By JACQUELINE Awaken, [Wylie of Calgary blew to a 68-|CARPENTER work, framing, trim. ANYTIME May 17/e DRESSES e SUITS & COATS Her soul in its silent clay, -- } k H fo ud our thoughie Beside bur, 74-12. [fine Yieten caiosin, Nin somovets| . , \ OEw BUTLER TOP SOIL ON NO. 12 Junel5 o SPORTSWEAR MILLINERY erie Ig el JR gi [Bas stall. Work wa BUILDING CONTRACTORS $7. PER LOAD HIGHWAY NORTH |15--Instructio: D & J CLEANERS RD JACQUELINE James and daughters, sons-in- Li and p Sradohiitren, Veteran Ben Hogan 5, fittings, Brickwork, Block and Stonework, GRAY HL oD-=LOAM OF WH ITBY . JiLinan schoo ae aor: Windows, Storms Washed, CELINA ot ATHOL WAGSTAFF--In loving memory s sed, changing from Chimneys, Fireplaces, Masonic Temple, Fridays, Saturdays. Wal hi Downtown Oshawa v } septic tanks to sewer a specialty, In. C Work asonie Temple, yo y Removed. all washing, John Wagstatf who died May 19, "105 2 | Boosts His Lead ataliations at reasonable rates. Infor oncrete Work, . RA 37283, Ma, pt Floor Cleaning June 11 Ever remembered by Helen, Rin and ation and estimates free on any type] General Repairs, Alterations, Order Ml See our display HARVEY Dave Reagerr Buin, tw , familly | WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, of Plumbing. Dial RA 54241, J. ad Satisfaction Guaranteed ALF LINES HAULAGE one Academs ou let, Hanland, 8 oa RA 5-8916 25---Pets and Livestock W. Va. (AP) -- py ni Bh 2 H ter now 434 King West | AS - | onstrated Friday he stl} had ine OIE. ar _rercdulid. ~spariment Fon 50847 PHONE RA 5.1905 | Of 30,000 tulips |ovom sent comaeir: sven May 30 EGU cocker soatlels for wat CARD OF THANKS onstrated Friday he still had tho ROY 3 Kitchen cupboards, recrea. 0 / TUTOR Ai Re PoAtior: cy. tay " . touch which made him one of the|tion rooms, patios, garages, chimneys, June9 RY 'May 20 old, 69 Brsler Avenue, Alax, 1+ world's greatest golfers by taking fireplaces, sidewalks, RA 5-195 -- Sell to truckers In field. . in bloom. FLOORS FLOORS FLOORS evenings May 18 2 only 64 strokes ti TRIE io... may. wish to thank all triend iY 54 suvkes W 30 wow the | ALL types building repairs, chimneys PRE-CAST N Music Studio for all Instruments Sold, Installed, Repaired by y AB and EE 2 thane na par 70 course and lengthen bis|yyi, repalred; roofing, siding repairs; O ger now for Piano, Tuning Experts with 25 years ex- gE MAN Shepherd at the nurses at the Oshawa General cad in the second round of the plaster repairs, sidewalks, fireplace, CONCRETE SOD - TOP SOIL . MANURE r ! : GWOT, Fos CL. 5 inying tiles, Phone RA 07447, Gordon = NTR. ~ > ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES perience, Free estimates, |. Ging line. Phone MO a Pls ospitai, aise Dr. Rundie, Dr. Lovell, | an Puval Jestivai, Let 338 avn Mayas NURSERY STOCK fall lantin Urea | a arorieed | bree: ng ne. A Rev. P. Zaparyniuk for their kindness ogan's hole total o 0 n sed Pianos 1 | hates ues -------- to me during my stay at the Oshawa qo the 45-year-old Texan ih CARPENTER work, remodelling kitch.| SIDEWALK SLABS GARDEN MAINTENANCE Pp g. |i ROSS ENDICOTT FLOORS sale -- We have left on HN vo General Hospital.--Mrs. A. Bolotenko. en cupboards, bathrooms, floor tiling, COLORED PATIO SLABS 1 of all instruments month-old German Shepherd a two - stroke lead over Gary verandahs, dormers. Time payment " HARDSAND LANDSCAPING , ond Used) PH. RA 5.2274 iy Apply 21 "Gibbons Street. 1166 The family of the ate Mes. George Player, the 22-year-old South Af-|plan. James Clarke, RA 51754 Ma 17.| UNIT STEPS--RAILINGS All work ond meteriols | Roses Shrubs cos St. South ' BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for to thank all kind reiatives, friends and |Tican from Johannesburg FOR rent -- electric cement mixer,] CURBING ' audranieed | : May 30 training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Y | neighbors for the beautiful floral trib-| Player made a strong bid 102% - cubic foot, excellent for small SEPTIC TANKS il | Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, bed | | utes, messages of sympathy and yer Hogan, who had started ®alks. stoops, and footings, delivered | RA 5-1721 Li ac Trees, Peat 16--Insurance | SINGER SEWING |GERMAN Shepherd pups, 6 months, of kindness, also Dr. Hall, Oshawa Gen- [the secord round with a one RA 5.7870. June BAR-B-Q's - --r--------_ |reasonable, champion bred, Apply Box eral Hospital, McIntosh Funeral Home, | A e | | STATE Auto insura "Save MA | . and the Rev. §. C..H. Atkinson for their stroke edge. The youngster took [HAYNES hardwood ficor expen, mC SATISFACTION GUARANTEED June 15 Moss, Box P ants Lis verTank Surance. to a yi CHINE [1047 Bowmanville. Phone MA sae personal service at your home. Call kindness during our recent bercave a 65 and missed a couple of LA LURE: Io ull t and lo: { a loved like glass, laid, sanded, finished; kit li ¥ A -- Month! or -- Boxer ies, EE py er 83 91 dearly Joved wile | short putts for. other birdies for then and bathroom tiling. Phone RA BROOKLIN OSHAWA and Ferti 1zer Ra hb Junels RENTS LS me dona ond yor "e Plodlgyc hepatitis, Mr. George E. Kelly and family. (a 131 total. 718 of RA 3.3078 May) cl RY: Phone RA 5.6076. LL THE family of the late Alex Rosnak Snead, three-time winnet of the vx Sad I enalr work, Bk. hive CONCRETE SOD SUPPLY Cut Flowers FIRE INSURANCE RepAlRs -- Free estimates |AUSTRALIAN terrier Puppies, Tor de. ] to express their sincere last 10 tournaments at his home |piaster repairs No job too smatl Very PRODUCTS We specialize in good quality WITH BROAD % by competent servicemen, [very 2 the weeks: of or small to 1 Sands he ,, ar te d if even with reasonable Ajax 1147M May od only For prompt delivery | t EXTENDED COVERAGE | SINGER SEWING CENTER [pups and full grown dogs. Registored, ; e dropped a stroke BRICKS, blocks, stone works, concrete | mpor ed | All Risk Outboard Motor and S Os} Blackgold Kennels, Greenbank ure th a 66 for 132 repairs A. Mcllvenna, West LIMITED DIAL RA - Q | Boat Policies, Save 10% with 14-16 Ontario St, Shawe Perry SIR} 1% Hill. Reverse charges June? 8 863 bs 104 y > Phone RA 5-5443 TRE Talal Tortier pupa, Insley iss Ju el2 i a Composite Policy, Auto In w! : [ ! Phone Brooklin 155 S-- -- Gladiolus surance, Instalment Plans if June 2 yg female, Phone MO of Ne June¥ f al tribut . p t the time of our bereave ORIGINAL NAME | Bhat dns SAVE $100.00 FURNACE | June3 desired - ¥ Until 1835 Ottawa was known| Notural gas, brand name ou- | - - BACKYARD BARBECUING 20 for 60c ROBERT S. McCALLUM OSHAWA TELEPHONE TRAINING SCHOOL ily of the 1 ate Mrs. Edward as Bytown, after Col John By,! tomatic gravity furnace. Reg. 10--Sharpening Service I" Gurdoo PHONE RA 5.6402 ANSWERING SERVICE DOG / ton to Dr. Maroosis, Rey Hmrat seo builder of the Rideau Canal. $399.00, NOW $299.00 or . |poWER mow - BLT . . . June 6! - Courteous operators to answer We train you to train your } y ers, hand mowers, shears, becuing ot its best, built ond Open Daily and d relay mess dog. Have him become a n O 4 os- DEEP WATERS $6.70 per mon n gos ac. scissors ete, precision sharpened, guar installed by "| i your phcne and relay y ng Maximum depth of Lake Super Cur Con pie te { Bi tal A Sm h uk ie ll Ane delivery, ASHMORE | q d til J7-=Metiey doen Fi ages 2 Sours e doy. Sten By igen. Classes ar 1618 May 26 CONCRETE PRODUCTS oundays until gake, Mortgage and agteements of sale Anois for our service now at | PICKERING 240M4 ates SHINGLING: chimneys; cement, stone purchased, NHA mortgages arranged. | AND PICKERING 87.3 * 143 K East, RA 5.2601. 8.30 p.m na r expressions of sympatny during feel for Lake Erie, shallowest| ers' Gos Dealer. Offer limited JHINGLINGL Phone RA 8-8412 . EE arpenEy Ad Ser Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur Fecent bereavement, lof the Great Lakes. June 7' tions. Free estimates. RA 88350, jere] ' June 12) doch, oli Junes June? May 18 fireplaces for bars or is 1,302 feet, compared to 210 c d Consur

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