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Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 17 May 1958, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Cloudy with a few clear inter- vals and scattered showers. TIMES-GAZETTE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other calls . . RA 3-3474 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1958 TENSE FRANGE WAITS (FOR DE GAULLE MOVE Explorer II |Flames Sweeping | Secret Dicker | General Breaks J Going Silent Ontario Forests |Between Paris, | Silence Again As End Nears | TORONTO (CP) -- A smoke(been making waterdrops contin. Algerian Group PARIS (CP) -- Gen, Charles de|across the country .0 arrest per- | | p 0|uously. Gaulle today accepted Premier(sons suspected of plotting to | WASHINGTON (AP)--Explorer on a parle . P ang were under way to throw ALGIERS (Reuters) -- Secret/Pierre Pflimlin's challenge to|raise Gen, Charles de Gaulle to III, third American earth satel up three times as rapidly as they|eyeiything available at the fire negotiations today were going on|clarify his views om.a solution|power, Two air force gen rals lite, is going silent and may come, ii extinguished and the! foday. between the French government for France's crisis. {were among those reported ar to a fiery end about the middle , oinces fire hazard neared the|| The Lakehead area was the|and Gen. Raoul Salan, comman-| gic paris headquarters an-|rested. of July. critical stage. hardest hit by the rash of forest|der-in-chief of French forces in|, inced that he would hold a| But while Pflimlin consolidated | Scientists eh The lands and forests depart- fires, A 1,000-acre bush fire was Algeria. {press conference here Monday at|his four - day-old government's 7 4|built satellite reported Friday ont said 52 fires were burn-lout of control in Horne Town.| Informed sources said Salan,|2 p.m, (10.a.m, EDT)--his first hold on continental France, the 4|that one of its two radios has "25 of which broke out Fri- ship, about 30 miles northwest of named by both the central gov- such conference since 1952 when |military-civilian rightists in Al j|stopped transmitting and the qu Foresters were able to put Port Arthur, and a blaze of less ernment and the extra-legal com- he announced his retirement. |geria who seized control of that other has become, erratic. out only 11, than 1,000 acres burned in the mittee for public safety here to| Today's announcement coln-|North African territory Tuesday j| The United States national com-| "4 v0 pyrning over 5,000 acres Sioux Lookout district, |assume full military and civilleided with reliable reports that/remained in undisputed control. mittee for the International Geo- in Northern Ontario put the CPR| Sixteen fires were burning in powers, was negotiating with|his ardent supporter, Jacques| An all « Algeria insurrection physical Year reported that latest! 00 town of Chapleau on the|the Lakehead area, The Sault Paris through two intermediaries|Soustelle, accused of engineering committee met secretly in Al estimates indicate the satellite alert as a strong wind fanned Ste. Marie area reported eight/who left Algeria secretly for|the army-led revolt in Algeria, giers Friday night to consider a will re-enter the earth's atmos-|q, ol", within 2% miles of thefires burning. Geraldton and Paris on Wednesday and returned had slipped through a police cor-| stalemate in which Pflimlin holds j|phere and disintegrate around ;,.. "vmitg White River had six each, while here the following day, today don here .and reached Spain on France and-for the moment at # mid-July. ; ; . | The town was in no immediate four were reported burning at they were back in Paris. {his way to Algiers. {least--appears unable to do anys i The committee sald there is danger Friday night but William |Sioux Lookout and Pembroke. The feeling here today after the! Soustelle, former governor-gen- thing about the Algerian defl- ;|some evidence the partial loss of 0 cio district forester, said if] Other fires were burning &t|French National Assembly and|eral of Algeria and close friend of ance, while the rebels in Algiers os Yadio contacts with Explorer Illy owing blew any stronger,|Fort Frances, Kenora, and Parry Senate Friday night passed a law| French settlers backing the re- are unable from there to put de may be due to a collision with al... ci methods" would have to| Sound. proclaiming a state of emer-|volt, tried to fly to Algiers Tues. Gaulle in office, 4 | meteor cloud, causing damage to be used. Fire control officer-L. M. Af- gency in France was that theé|day night when the crisis began,| Thre was no sign of the Al the transmitters. Special trains stood by In case|fleck said below-normal rainfall bridge between Paris and Algiers|but was placed under police "'pro-|giers "committee of public sal The satellite, an. 80-inch-long it was necessary to evacuate the|this year has left forests tinder- has not yet been cut, tection" in Paris. |ety" backing down in the face of metal tube, was shot into space| "or 3 900, Firefighting speci-|dry throughout the province. He| It was believed here today the| De Gaulle's impending state-| overwhelming parliamentary supe March 26 after the successful alist groups worked Friday night|pleaded with the public for cau-|French army is working to get ment could prove the decisive|port for Pflimlin. The committee launching of the army's Explorer | "0 ti "the blaze, Aircraft had tion during the holiday weekend. rid of the youngest and most hot-\move determining whether|/was set up Tuesday under paras Authorized As Sesond Clos Mell TWENTY PAGES Post Office Department, Ottewe Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy YOL. 87--NO. 116 ue tracking the army- was WASHINGTON (CP) ~-- problem of wheat surpluses--and Canadian criticism of how the United States disposes of them ada, that they are afraid of pos Merchant came under criticism = bas occupied opening phases of sible U.S, trade protectionist from some members of the com- ing to develop a market for fu- ture wheat sales by shifting the taste of Asian people from rice to wheat and is not happy about "getting kicked in the teeth by Canada for doing something she cannot do." PRODUCTION UNLIMITED Senator Hubert H. Humphrey (Dem. Minn.) said Canadians were to blame for the size of their wheat surplus because, while they had a price support policy for wheat they had no control to limit production. They expressed their views at a Senate foreign relations com mittee hearing. The committee is on the Canadian phase of a study of U.S. policy around the world, and one of its objects is to im- prove U.S.-Canadian relations The senators questioned Living ston Merchant, U.S. ambassador to Canada, for more than three hours. Merchant told them Canada buys far more goods from the Police Think False Alarm Aided Bandit does off that men have to swing the big stick to/130,000 employees on the two Widiam | enol: 5. Jom Jam keep the trains running transcontinental roads and sev- [on ui ar Ys The prime minister, according eral smaller lines. Loa informants, put no heat on, The unions want an increase in| FRENCH PO I and the navy's Vanguard which -- headed members of the Algiers/France will be precipitated into|troop Gen. Jacques Massu after A French police officer | this week. There were clashes | drastic powers to head off civil [are expected to stay in orbit for | d S h | committee of public safety. Ia civil war or find a solution to|rioting against the possibility that street during one of the demo ts of Premier Plorre Pflim- | a committee of Parliament SPUTNIK SPOTTED a1 NOT PUBLISHING Car An C 00 As wartime resistance fighters prosecuting the war against Al. strations that swept the c i. The lat equest for AP Wirephoto Russia, whose Sputniks I an . 1 here demanded his return, Pre- gerian Moslem rebels. Rta rere - - + --|came down some time ago, mier Pierre Pflimlin said he did| The French government has let | . hd od ton vehicle, this week. | In common with man . | Hits Same Branch {the violent overthrow of the gov-|rightists to seize power had been Moscow radio sald Sputnik III} the daily newspapers across | 3 Pu ils Hurt | MONTREAL (CP) -- The hold-| ernment. {reported since the last governs . . completed its 23rd circuit of the, Canada and to permit mem- | Pp {up of a Canadian Bank of Com-| "But the general would render|ment fell April 15, The plotters | At Sunnyvale, Calif., scientists Si ro) i i TILLSONBURG (CP) . » | A hd hd hd | ! ee : holiday weekend with their | 1a the fourth at the same branch in|make this point clear," the pre- army's support for making de ms B ( : anada reported sighting the new Soviet) gamilies The Dally Times- Jiiyout Sos and 3 automobile col. nine months, {mier told the Senate. |Gaulle a military dictator, yaze yil t blish on [TF a) erse reidav's i . ol i ple Tl 1C1S Y "In" Mosclw, Soviet scientist Gazette will not pu Friday and the big vehicle car.| Friday's loot, estimated at $5-| The premier meanwhile was| Whether this plot was devel |A. A, Shternfeld suggested that I ig 1 : ; lg f y : being observed as Victoria | i to $49,700, of which only $3,000|to organize a tough police regime|Gaulle, France's wartime resis. The (U.S. than it sells here. He said solutions of commendation" to/Sputnik III was launched by al po Vid Hee into a Ho gly. has been recovered, police say.|to oppose any rightist move to/tence hero mow in retirement, h ; | nly three were Injured and|q an has been arrested in|seize power. |was not known. mounting U.S. ownership in Can- program. {for previous Russian satellites. i only one of those remained in Olle man Jas D hires 5 P hospital, Five other youngsters|y,idups, It was first reported that|security troops patrolled Paris|gency powers, Pflimlin issued an . | od were shaken yp but sent home prigay's Joot totalled $12,000. while special agents ianned out|open challenge fo de Gaulle to a U.S. Senate study of Canadian- measures, and that they don't mittee for not including in his| wer 1rewor after being amined by a dog-| {explain whether he would agree American relations. Two Ameri- want limits on U.S. imporis of prepared statement Canadian re-| A J Ps took Cana-| Canadian oil |sentment against the action of N The colifion occurred 1§-mites of ® coup, The general remained i . hf ~._ |southeast of here and two miles | silent under the watchful eyes of Senator Wayne Morse (Dem. sador said, the committee was in|committee in linking the late 1S a S a eo Ci | ; Ore.) asserted Canada was general agreement. But Morse Canadian diplomat, L. Herbert ports sald three children were] * r killed when the North Walsing-| ing U.S. wheat sales to under- Wheat question. year-old secretary to the Cana-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS | ! developed countries for the "soft" Morse told him the Canadian dian cabinet, to Communist ac- i n . Parliament should be passing "re-|tivity in past years. currencies of those countries * ar I 8 r w-- -- -- Mav po! a | 1 | to be quiet this year as sunny, brated May 24 until Parliament|ywhich it came to rest on its side. RRSP ATPRIARE | Po F T bl ol warm weather throughout most|decided last yeay that the first WASHINGTON (CP)--Smithson- Dildy, 12, part of a schoo! group. £' OF 1 €ITID1@ Morse contended Canada could vheat for those - L h M t not afford to sell wheat fo A Canadian Press survey Making it always a long week- Mayo, 14, were taken to Tillson-|the death of a 2%-year-old Cana-| "The rest of the class was 0C ons er The U.S., he continued, is help 10 Year Menace Y lend {burg hospital where they were dian girl who wandered too close down the hill. I heard a loud | INVERNESS, Scotland (Reuts - Ave - > y . 5 " 1 y display ate, Jdling on De end will mean a chance to drive|and {loved Io Xo home. A third Zoo. {up to look and this little girl was €8)--The big hunt was on today " in v v ¥ " |pupil, Susan - Fletcher, 9, was| Ag JORONTO (CP) hu yniver increase on the Asian strain long weekend | them for the start of summer- {aken fist to hospital at Hazon [fought vainly to save her Friday, lion had caught her by the leg Tempting Monstet o Joop Ca ps iki o A * : 5 ities DUrg and en to Lon Or | n i Jog v | 8 V, su dicted Asian flu may continue to h swept across the province| Fireworks are banned in some| 564500 activities. 8 ondon for fur-|ittle Julia Ann Vogt was hauled|and was pulling, be ac r 10 years. i : : ' . 0.8 Jenate lof 10 years 000,000 persons in Ontario, mostly/fax city and county and Dart- Season has just opened. It is a| Police said. bus driver Cecll|and decapitated. |tried to pull her away, but the J ea 7 seatyre haus {the university's school of hy- children and elderly persons, he| mouth, N.S. In Quebec, Montreal-|Dig weekend also for trout and|Aspden, 54, swung his wheel hard) The grandfather, Hary Jack- (lion was stronger. He kept pulling | i ¢ glene, told the annual meeting of : . ] , |and the bus veered off to the side tap Re . orl him cooked up by canny Scots hotel Dr. R. W. I. Urquhart, honor- putting on a fireworks display, times. Feigao ay side talk and was Enable » five 2 "Tre 1100 sta walking owners to boost their summer Friday that more and stronger ary treasurer of the OMA, said it|although firecrackers are sold in v4 £ oherent account of wha p- rted vaccines will be necessary to " i in rive: APPL . . : | The hunt was kicked off by the token fees as a method of pre-| In Ottawa, purchasing of fire Convicts Say np Ostuander, driver of the car, "We're still trying to determine mouth, He was growling. I Tan ppc. Frogmen with underwater usual pattern taken by such dis- venting abuse of the province's/ works by under-16s is banned and § . IRL just what occurred," said J, Lear away. eases. Bagdad succeeded only in giving viewers Dr. Urquhart, who is the medi- private property. In adjacent | The incident occurred as Jack- nett said the first 200 attendant | fy io) Britain a 50-minute the strength of that given last Cal profession's representative on Hull, a bylaw requires the police {son was escorting Julia Ann and to arrive on the scene identified fall. will be available this Year. the Ontario Hospital Services chief's permission for use. There | wasn't around. ' "mo (Commission, said the charges|are stringent laws governing sale Metho d U d Scurry For Meat [z00. The girls had come here male named Pasha. | BBC camera men plan to re- ronto and Montreal =iak S se | {with their mother from Chilli-| Grimmer, however, sald thel "he search later this year=- Dr. Rhodes advocated vaccina-| graf ron se of doubtful validity-- ver, | TORONTO (C Tw LONDON (Reuters) -- House-|wack, B.C., for a visit. Their|lion was not definitely identified. | {iis time with the aid of the te a * ne 3 od Cocina that it is only the poor who abuse] In other cities and towns resi- P) T'wo con | ) oe p Pr Or tober tor + i 9 - . hs hy a "lday searching for their tradit-\was en route here today. After the child was pulled into| gaperal amateur Scottish frog- children, persons with lung dis-| pr G, A McNaughton, 'chief of| careful with fireworks and police Br vine Fi armed robbety jon.1 weekend roast beef as meat| Julia Ann, clutching a bag of pe|the cage, a lioness named Prin-|;men are planning a search of ICIS: Seart Jud wht the Hospital for Sick Children's have suggested that storekespers | stirs day Bt a) lquiry Inte supplies ran short due to a mar: nuts, somehow got away from her|cess mauled the Jemiatns. Zoo| their own next month, using une § sons, infectious service, said a disease not sell them to children. | : R The S ket rkers' strike. grantfather and squeeze 3 keepers retrieved the after | : explained that immunity lasted once thought to be a form of non-| In Medicine Hat, Alta., 12-ycar-| that they were offered lighter re- Warkers qutke grantfather aud squeezed through 0 H QeTwaier (gearchiamps JF vem | A ! onfassl distributing centre, was almost spectators some six feet away extinguishers. | The owner of a lotal fish) hatchs The speaker reported 462 per- be viral meningitis. money to buy firecrackers by his for confessions. : [fro i tah i omryn} spe: i { > s by | |e stely closed by , m the lion cages. A lion sud-| By a tragic coincidence, it was Iso plans to ask-for permis. {sons died in Ontario in 1957 from He said the results of a survey mother but he had some given to| Altogether, three prisoners completely closed by the walkout|frc on cage ery also plans p i 3 h [Tuesday in protest ov ir-| Police said the only other ap- little British Columbia girl had|edge of the lake in the hope of pneumonia or bronchitis arising symptoms of viral meningitis are/ pocket and they exploded, burn-|the federal prison at Kingston to nue Say) protest over the fir kal evewitness was Wesley | died from a lion's attack. Hi Nessie to the € Lore {from it. rovernment igures " -------- nt : ---------- ------ ( are less serious because crippl- knee. He will spend the weekend Police Commission which is in-| ¢ 1956, he said. ing aftér-effects are absent. lin hospital. |vestigating 17 charges under the| |detectives Harold Midgley, Will- iam Quennell and Horace -Mol- AY a olie | n TORONTO « P) Doll e be The Feb. 15 service station rob-| eve a ase ad ° |b was the one for which three armed bandit who escaped with in} Aide ofa $1,200 Friday from a downtown (®) Y nion eda S wie Mn iy wie Sontes Commerce, 'hen detect A car had been patrolling the By JOHN LeBLANC as the national interest demands ways over the same issue that | ne Be ectives Foked wp the ay . : : . sion, Those three call just before the robbery, It| OTTAWA (CP) -- Labor leaders, No informant would try to in-|strike -- the question of cutting I Ah 0 of ee! was a false alarm and by the think Prime Minister Diefenbaker terpret exactly what the prime down the number of firemen em. |" » | dit had disappeared will get tough if it looks as though his party's declared. policy ice. [Kavaly, 7, two ut the Sonviets, A man carrying a double-bar- the railways might be tied up in against compulsory arbitration in However, this one could be set- 0 he Commis ey could |tled quietly on the basis of the! fered ofor - | tered the bank shortly after it re Which side it might get tough sonal declarations against fore. oh wet settlement. J ar Teformatory pid opened for business at 4:30 p.m. with--railway or union not ible government intervention in MORE SERIOUS gineered the 'robbery in partner- gun to the teller and demanded, But union leaders say Mr In the dispute between " ody pi 'e- sitting money {Diefenbaker served several CPR and the Brotherhood of!to land on the doorstep of the also present al Fiiday $ sink Locomotive Firemen and Engine. government is that between the! The three vcjed Ruowing the gave him a wad of bills but the here last week in which he was three Whose Somp Bits 0 mis- man asked for more. When she trying--unsuccessfully to stave mediate, Mr. Diefenbaker did not |ating unions representing about |!réatment started the inquiry-- walked out, started last Sunday Mrs. Summers tripped the ended Tuesday night alarm while the bandit was still One official said Mr, Diefen tackles a rioter in a Paris | between supporters and antago- | strife approved Friday by [some time lits explosive troubles. . Pflimlin would not be tough in launched its third satellite, a 1%- e 1Cie ras ' [not believe de Gaulle intended it be known that plotting by y globe Friday night | bers of the staff to enjoy the merce branch here Friday was an immense service if he would apparently planned to win the i satellite with the naked eye. Monday, May 19, which is ried its 40 young passengers op a 000 to $7,000, brings the total haul|using his new emergency powers oped with the knowledge of de the Canadians are worried over|the U.S, for its wheat disposal|rocket "quite unlike" those used | connection with one of the earlier] Some 35,000 police and special| In asking for the 90-day emer. tor, to march to power with the ald ns to task for such eriticism.| With much of what the ambas. the Senate internal security sub. from Langton village. First re- police. wgullty of gross injustice" in say- and Humphrey dissented on the Norman, and Robert Bryce, 48 @ L e US. w In Vancouver and Winnipeg, 21- ham Public School Board bus up| Bi H t 0 | Celebrations for the long Vie-{guh salutes will pe fired to mark|get only a few feet short of al all 1 10 1g un n [toria Day weekend were expected|the birthday, svhich was cele-|ditch twice as deep as the one in were depriving her of foreign . - - . | y y of Canada heralded the start of Monday preceeding May 25 would TAKE GIRL TO LONDON [ian Institution officials ordered a visiting the zoo, Young Dildy told Sian u een summer activities, |mark the sovereign's birthday,| Connie Craig, 11, and Edwyn|formal investigation today into|this story: eurrencies, e showed that community fireworks For many Canadians, the week- treated for superficial injuriesito a lion cage at the Washington scream by the lion's cage, I ran| Dr. Rhodes blames much of the| Victoria's birthday becomes ato lakeshore cottages and ready her" horrified grandfather in front of the lion cage and the|for Nessie, the terrible, tourists sity of Toronto doctor has pre fall, The germ affected 1, Maritime centres, including Hali-| In Ontario, the pickerel fishing| ther examination of head injuries. screaming into the cage by a lion| "A man grabbed her arms and|this week to determine whether Dr. A. J. Rhodes, director of said. ers have to get a permit before|salmon fishermen in the Mari-jover at the moment of impact|son, 67, suffered a mild heart at-|and got her body in the cage with Or If Nessie is just something the Ontario Medical Association : Sydney Richards f thbor- i y is | business. would be undemocratic to charge/the stores. Sydney Richardson of neighbor-|pened, around inside with her in his| fight influenza if it follows the - od -- h 3 cameras who probed the iake new hospital insurance scheme. fireworks displays are limited to " Grimmer, associate zoo director.| Homicide Capt. Lawrence Hart.| p An influenza vaccine, double Th d D g Ir e ree | London Shoppers | : |show of murky water. Nessie [her sister, Judy, 4, through the the lion as a full-grown African | he said. It will be made in To would be unfair because based on/and use of fireworks in Vancou- . : " : wives scurried about London to- father, Ben Vogt, a mill worker, |LIONESS MAULS BODY { N nd radar. the privileges." dents "have been warned to be ViCs serving six-year penitenti- [ Royal Navy a Ba ease, bronchitis, heart and other . y Ia , a 3%-foot guardrail which keeps driving the lions back with fire ; 50-feet-deep lake) four or five months. parayltic polio now is known tolold Laverne Lyons was refused|{ormatory sentences in exchange| Smithfield, London's huge meat 3 001 .guarcral. w P into the 750-feet-deep lake i : 0 oriole AChip arted|denly grabbed her. less than two weeks after another |sion to set off explosions at the flu or complications, such as begun three years ago showed|/him. He put them in his hip|were brought in handcuffs from of 6,000 workers which started denly grabbed her sion to set ol plc | practically similar to polio's but|ing his right leg from thigh to appear before the Metropolitan| - showed that 156 persons died in . ---- Ontario Police Act against acting| {1 ] ™ ! 1lefenbaker Warnings=: prevented them from nabbing an other youths were arrested. They | branch of the Canadian Bank of [from them. They were freed bank area but left to answer a| Canadian Press Staff Writer and circumstances may require." {precipitated the CPR firemen's the comm time the police returned the ban- has served notice his government minister meant, in the light of ployed on diesel locomotive serv. | Robert Olsen, 18, and John 'yelled shotgun under his coat en strike labor disputes and his own per- (hot name the policemen who of-| turned back his coat to show the appear to have emerged clearly. such disputes tel: Bot. ome That te virtually: irc ship with Nicholas Mosehitto, 20, Mrs. Shirley Summers sald she veiled warnings at private talks men (CLC) which he tried to! major railways and the non-oper- sald "1 can't," he turned and the strike of CPR fi in the bank but by the time po- baker several times talked to the Olsen sald two detectives of- a fered him two years less a day if lice arrived he had disappeared |disputants to the effect that "I p swarms of intend to cary out my re ibilities to all the people of Can | ada into shoppers CITY EMERGENCY This was in the latter PHONE NUMBERS |i eck preceding the lived strike THRONE SPEECH It was followed by {tion in the throne Parliament |day government twill ready in the of (events to recommend auch action pon of short POLICE RA 5-1133 a declara FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 ~~ speéch read at Mon light either of the disputants, It ap-| wages of about 35 cents an hour, rs he acted largely as an in- |The railways have conceded noth nediary in passing along pro- ing, The dispute now is in the| side and the conciliation board stage, with etting up meetings for hearings going on at Montreal It generally taken for But two more big railway-union granted that the board formali- craps could land in the lap of ties will settle nothing and that| the cabinet before too long, andthe parties, after the usual jock-| n one or another of these Mr. eying, will wind up in Ottawa. | Diefenbaker might be inclined to! That is when it will be discov. | ow some weight around ered for sure just how far Mr first that between the Diéfenbaker will go--and in what remen's union and the publicly. direction -- to keep the trams owned Canadian National Rail-lrunning. \ posals belween one other and them is he would confess to the robbery. "1 was figuring on a five-year stretch so I said I would take it 1 had 'done the job any sinee 1 way," he said He said his conscience also be-| gan troubling him. "Well, you know what would happen to me down below --in the penitentiary--"if 1 let these other guys 'take the count." The charges against the three policemen include obtaining a statement by force and using unp- The steeple tip of 'a Presby- terian Church in Detroit loose and steeplejack Howa w necessary violence. (Hardbolled) Campbell, 66, AIR SHOW BY AN OLDSTER hired to go up and make the | bell has been in the business 40 a TR A years, wears a wooden leg of as gave him a his own making. In sequence, rd off a bit for | he makes repairs, starts down, as | spectators on the street, Camp- | uses stone decorations for foot- also It chance to show repairs. hold, swings out to avoid a but. tress, points to steeple 224 feet above the ground. Time for the trip: two minutes. ~AP Wirephoto |

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