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Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 17 May 1958, p. 5

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5-GAZITTE double Plontek followed by a) Kiwanians Bod Stroud, Dint for the plant's official epening. [being unfaithful, 24 per cent had THE BARY TIM he Seturdey, Moy 17, 1938 3 i AeA right field by M. Jor-| DAY-BY-DAY Sleep, Charles Risk and Andy They will work until noon andthree or more children, although dan and a deep fly to left field Milligan, all of the Pikering-|all money earned will be put only 10 per cent of the group as 8 y MacDermaid plated another Dunbarton Club. Special guest into the .club's funds for welfare whole had three or more. DI S I RI¢ | un in the sixth for the winners, CANCER SOCIETY MEETING {as Kiwanis Lieut. Gov. Murray and children's work. | The eighth inning was the big/ The Women's Section Whitby |Sandford, of Agincourt, who paid | » an one for the Oshawa team as Branch of the Canadian Cancer |an official visit to Whitby, UNFAITHFUL WIVES i | RE UPHOLSTERING th { it nd Societ ill hold their month) H wi Te We pg er pi: Pon Bg May 2, at TAKE PEE WEES TO GAME | LONDON (Reuters)----The more | Fine Selection of Fabrics | | This afternoon, the Whitby [children a young wife has, the Free Estimotes ! - error by the Chalet crew to tally the Council Chambers at 2 p.m. ! CONTROVERSIAL PROBLEM Swiss Chalet four runs. [Kiwanis Pee Wee Hockey team ore likely she is I bt wuiaiis PHONE MO 8-2344 Don't forget every Wednesday KIWANIS GUESTS {will be guests of their sponsors, | 8893 a report wir Bgois 1. ZAYETTE night is Fastball night in Whitby. Guests of the Whitby Kiwanis the Kiwanis Club of Whitby, at A re ng counsellors pub-ili cia Low Lim, on Any O ! . heirs), Next week it will be the Lati- Club at this week's dinner meet- the Buffalo Bison-Maple Leaf Town Hall Is Planned Team Loses mers and Tony's, game time ing In the Hotel Royal included) pall game In Toronto. The club| The survey covers 25,000 Prob: 8.15. ot | provided the trip to their team lem marriages in Britain dealt with by counsellors in a period LINE-UPS i 8rd MacDermaid as a reward for winning the | j35, M.'Jordan Tein town Pee Wee championship. (of three years. J ' T SWISS CHALET: Done Lee cf,!1st, Booth ¢, Mroczek ef, Nich- i On S Trees Pro ert To Tony S Lewicki 2nd, Dewsbury rf, Mec-iolls rf, Loreno 2nd, Bagnell p. |EARLY BIRDS | Of all the wives suspected of " Bratney 1st, Kennedy 3rd, Ma-| Line Score | i FILMS By CLIFF GORDON hovlich 1f, Galand ss, Weston c, | R H E| Many members of the Kiwanis I ' ' "" © |} ! Whitby's most controversial|ing, a police station and other died in 1945, bequested $100,000 'GO TONY'S-GO" The ehant Sullivan p ISwiss Chalet 000 000 001--1 2 4 Club of Whitby have volunteer- ! buildings onlto the town to be used for a new was right, the score was right,| TONY' Sih) iont ' 101 001 04x--7 8 2 ed to be on hand at 4 am. on DEVEL lem in many years seems to municipal service 8 {town hall. Interest has accumu-|but the weather felt more like titi ded Tou -- eee | May 81, at the Ralston Purina FOR MISSED plant to assist in preparations well on the way to solution|the two-acre block. of when council th! At a meeting last week, coun- lated to raise the value of the hockey weather as the hes motion to bully + Welk Danes Bio bought the block, between estate to $145,000 today. league was Sshered in at the | -- PAPERS 2 HOUR Fil oan we ToT ef oi, Fi ran aac ems oe ba : Dylilas Siveet west. Counc] also 00). he Dropeity y All members of council were|Chalet team from Toronto and i WASH ER I IN WHITBY SERVICE authorized the property commit-|out of interest from the Arthur tee to en ig nd cost of Allin estate, left to the town in|asked by property chairman handed them their second set SE a A 7, Sy Dupe {I EAE Phone Bo. jutier 10. your. plctures béilding au administration buld-11951, The former druggisi, who COUMCINNE Bon ook Cr on lfc YiNllors 14, Hebind fhe. ter-| k h harp and i rific two - hit pitching of Norm I i make sure they ore sharp an eillor $54 Correll suggesied thar pieching | TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY vor cuananrn || IMO, 8-311 || 05 in, Complete the police and fire departments Bagnell, | WHITBY CLASSIFIED [m5 te cr seen) Sit wa soso io re Sid || 1 rou bere mer recived your : Colborne street but the adminis- as he mowed the batters down y AWringer rolls in stock, || Times-Ge by 7 P.M, Call | L tration building be built on the|With deadly accuracy. He fanned BY-LAW NO. 1545 speci | Price on com. zette M., FEMALE Help Wanted -- Part time FOR Sale -- Findley gas stove, three| no cite He claimed that the|8n amassing 15 in his first ap-| . p overhauls, registered nurse required for relief burner, thermostatic controlled oven, é 5 a; Wi fer. pearance of the season. He is- BELL TAXI I ay Teuire Or | 26 | downtown merchants were suffer \ N. E end | privately owned. Reasonable price, 1 A Isued only three free passes as and statutory holidays. Please state Brock North, Whitby. 116c ing because of inadequate park- | 1 3 I eel as a n wit i ' i a " a ow Sunlifcations and salary, to Post Of0¢® FOR Sale -- Evinrude motor. 3.3 hp, (ing facilities and the site of the "'S 8 ants app! n near , . No person shall allow a dog to run ot large on parcels of ole wart, ov _pissid 'Sutween I 200, BROCK ST. §S, TERRE aoccd vo aiied ew aor. | 18 Phone MO 83-3288. 1162 present town hall could be raged Seaton fom, mate Bos Booth land of 5 ecres or under, within the limits of the Township And Applionces | " MO 8.9022 Te Tallon er sow ob 455. Independent | FOR Rent -- Five room apartment, in to make room for a metered s os 4 Afi Vand during the months of May, June or July. 118 Brock St. 5, Whitby MO 83707 | Service, MO 8-2081 June 17 how building. pA a. ol ries | parking lot (also pays a terrific game han @® rE {Watson street, Po y. y ling the big mitt faultlessly. Al YOR Rent -- June 1st, semidelached ¥om Ment -- Three room apariment,( Councillor John Wootton en- [ght ae ng the route gy the . No person shell allow a dog to run at large anywhere in the fue Bedsgo Yom bungalow apartment, yh size, reasonable, Phone MO 8.260). \visioned a civic square Doing Bou {losers and was tagged with eight Township from Sunset to sunrise ot any time of the yeor. FOR Rent -- " "furni pr prep on the Trees property, including hits and the loss. Joe Piontek| yon Be Kitchenette, stove, "ire, FOR, Rent -- Furnished room "ora town hall and possibly the li-|jeq the winners with a pair of| . No Dog shall be allowed by its owner to become a nuisance hot wiles gis lstge ivusexesplng to MO 84257. _ Juneis pray. He suggestion Jat 8 hata doubles with Red MacDermaid| or cause annoyance or damage to any person or property ' "two girls, 308 Perry WANTED to Rent -- Cottage or small Shell could connecting for a pair of singles ot any time of yeor. Aeutiemen or two girls ey house between ol epost, Beseh ana block 2 pout of interest, at vat ad Jim Lorevo rapping out a FOR Rent -- private clean bed sitting oni Y: oi ili bis : Rhperius ", Y¢ double and single . Any dog found running ot large moy be disposed of by the room. Kitchen' and bath, suit one of Why. = __________Mmade up his mind about where Jim Jordan and Bob Booth police or any person appointed for this purpose by the two. Abstainers. Phone MO 83795; 604 FOR Rent -- Three room Sparimenis, the police and firemen should be had the other two bingles off y Byron South, 1de furnished. Kaen Hor ov. Mo 's.3055; 1. Dut said that the present town Sullivan. Don Lee beat out a SEVEN ploughed acres for rent. Whitby GES in Taree, bein, 114¢ property should be sold. {perfect bunt down the third MO 83032. ne | Councillor Willard Dodd «ald base line in the third and Al DOG T A XES Buy now on special 'blue coal' municipal council, LAWN mowers sharpened. Pick up and | that he would like to see the pres-| Dewsbury lined a hot one off delivered. Phone MO 83708 or MO DRIVEWAY. GRAVEL ent site of the town hall used for [the pitching hand of Bagnell in Budget Plan...and save! 84977. June 15 yy Coarse or fine, $7.00 per all three services, as it would be|the ninth that scored their run. JOR nT Lirde fursisned 7908 oe load, Cement Gravel, $1.60 |the most convenient. |SCORE ERRORS | i J : jude, ses own vows, wie o hopiair |, Yord, Send end Loom Fil. {MOVE SCALES | prony's opened the scoring In| 1, DOG TAXES IN 1958 will be poid to the TOWNSHIP »1. Save money! You get big special discount by . SERIA "| For delivery to Oshawa e Fr oh . _ (the first inning as they made : i : FOR Rent -- Cottage. For particulars| 'Whitby - Ajox area -- ERIC | Speaking sgals, Consellior Cor. good a pair of errors, an infield ASSESSOR who will issue the licenses and Dog Tags. ordering now! phone MO 8-3423 4c/ BRANTON -- MO 8-2660, rell suggeste a ie towniout followed by another infield All owners of do : . gs must be prepared to pay the DOG TAX 2.8 : . Save worry! No big winter bills. Buy nowe DRIVING instructor, with late model May 30 £cales could be moved to the ,.t the run scoring on the play ear to work days only. MO 8-3428. 115b/ . works department headquarters The locals added another in the to the ASSESSOR on demand, pay later on easy installments! FOR Sale -- 1950 Hiliman car in good on Mary St. and the police and (hird on a double by Loreno and condition with _ battery needed. $100. NOTICE TO {firemen could have new build- ifice fly by J. Jordan, A i Phone MO » 7 1 CREDITORS | ings, opening out on Colborne 3 Sacre BY oy 9. Joram 3. Save time! No last minute rush-you can have next winter's coal safe in you?" bin now! Bia ine hacrom 34 pie snd Bundty { street Reeve Ken I id that h double disc harrow, 14 plate 3 I ver ; eeve Ken Lee sa at he was 156 IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN | Councillor Jack McAvoy said fully in accord with plans to build implements. Phone MO 8-3625. ' y on oe fa that he agr vit] oun 0] » . . . tare, ® town hall on the Trees prop-| You Are Cordially Invited to the ALTERATIONS, remodelling or Build GORDON ROGERS, late of nything ood, trim, sc , tile, i Iw, ' : Anuthing in wool, & i Screens Se; the Villoge of Claremont, in |Wootton's idea of a clvie square. erty, He suggested that police Pacleums June 16] the County of Ontario, For- {He said that he did not favor put- and firemen get a new hall at -- furplahad mer, Deceased. ting police and firemen in the . . DO i Nie of Soren pathy aio : civic square but suggested that a Ye Har of te present town hall th Anniversa Celebration washer and dryer. Between Whitby and All persons having claims |, 0. library might be included, ang pots SE moved to pro Oshawa. RA 5-665. © against the Estate of JOHN |He urged that the town stay with- | FOR rent -- Two unfurnished paar | GORDON ROGERS, Deceased, {in the bounds of the Allin bequest ALL IN ONE The blue coal' Guarantee ments, one with bath, one with shared who died on or about the It possible. Savor Harry Jermive sald that t | of the PRESENT OWNERS | 01 1 conics on ly top quality, specially tested Pennsylvania ane Path, Apply 121 Brock South. MO 8-3053.| : Lid) 2th doy ot diy, 1957, a9 Councillor Harry Inkpen, who he would like to see police, fire --| hereby notified to file proof ff : : : § : . y CUSTOM sewing draperies, mea- b offered a written brief on the and administration all in the % rl ¥ OM _ se 30: draperies of some with the undersigned | 1 atier suggested that police, ad-|same building, if for no other| of the thracite receives the 'blue coal' seal of approval -- ue coa the blue tint that is your guarantee of quality. surements taken and eut from material p h Jou have purchased. Free estimates.| Solicitors on or before the |p.iniciration library and a pos- reason than economy. He sald | 'or cutting and hanging. MO 8-3151. 7th doy of June, 1958, : ; i : June 10] 4c thot dote th leit {*ible bus terminal be considered that a new hall would exist for| . FOR Tan Paris Taruiahed oom. er thot dote the solicito™ for the square, He suggested that |75 to 100 years when the town Call us today! Clean, Safe, Low-Cost Heat FOR Rent -- Partly Il proceed to distribute the Central. For sale, almost new iron Will proce : |the present buildings be de. would probably have a population double bed, $15. MO 8-246. May 26] said estate having regord molished. of 15,000. E C C | & S J S d & S CENTRAL sodding and gardening. ood only 1 the claims of hick | Deputy-reeve Everett Quantrill| He urged that the present build- : . U. UI0Xa on ames sawaon ons sod, delive: or laid, manure, roto * |said that he would like to see ing be torn down or sold as it : i --sanitars| DATED at Whitby this 30th [only an administration building was a dead spot in the shopping On the Evening of BROOKLIN, ONTARIO 244 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY SE. anks clean: \ | .| day of April, A.D, 1958, on the Trees property. He said area. : 24 AT hen tans laatalled, Waller ra: ¥ A that he felt it unnecessary that| Council authorized Councillor | PHONE 75 PHONE MO 8 35 June '34 * ALFRED M. WOOTTON an auditorium be included in the Alex Scott's property committee | & WOOTTON, plans, [to investigate the cost of estab- THURSDA Y | Don't be color-blind about coal -- buy 'blue coal' BUY and sell used furniture. Soscial Sg gi bey 53; 304 Dundas Street West, He said he would like to see lishing all municipal services on | ture. All work guaranteed. MO 8.3033; WHITBY, Ontario. tthe present site retained, being the Trees property, especially an 111 Brock South. Junel2 ds fan i i i SS aaa Sein WLBERT FOLFORD. Ce" Vere na sed or parking, an i i They i egy MAY 22, 1958 231 Palace May3,10,17 Sther ares might have to be pur- authorized to retain professional PRE-SEASON SALE 'es INSTALLED IN YOUR HOME entrance, $12 per week. 'advice if necessary. ------ Fo a Flowers for the Ladies, Eats, Street, June 14 DS amt oe NOTICE TO =r ms SESE 50 masomar [I "=e | ANTHES ADVANCED DESIGN Jack Mulligan, Whitby, MO 8-21 | IN THE ESTATE OF ROSE June 11 E| |ZABEH CRUMB, late of PNRSIMARING "ad alierations. Rev. the T f Ajox, in the | Entertainment by Our Organist same wr se bn vn on 0 ae oo | [Motorcycle Scrambles Are y Gur Org day to Friday. MO 8-4398; 863 Byron D sed | Noth. ea Moy 28 Pesevsed, . . Norman Howard SPECIAL, balance of washer stock, st! All persons having claims | Sl t d F V t D | meno" Ji 0, Smt Soot he enote of Roe | OAALGA FOI VICIOIlA Vay | : Bal d Se , 309 Brock South;| ELIZABETH CRUMB, deceas- MO 2081. ii a ed, who died on or about the By ALLAN BAILEY WDHS GIRLS TRIUMPH SPECIAL 10 wultes of cheste | 3rd doy of October, 1957, | Ontario County Motorcycle] whith: istrict Hi -- » . must be cleared by June I. 13de ore hereby notified to fils |Club has lined up a full card of merely swamped Ajax tiigh tou. With 100% Safety Shut-Off For Your Protection pendent Sales, 3M Brock South; MO| proof of same with the under- (exciting motorcycle scrambles on|week in an Inter-school track and signed Solicitors on or before | Victoria Day. Practices &T€ field meet, All the champions and FOR Sale -- Used furniture wultable| 0 74." doy of June, 1958. slated to start at 10:00 a.m. and| . . : for"eotta d th mie | ' | y | runners-up were Whitby girls, ® dependent Sales and Service, 309 Brock| After that date the solicitors [the races begin at 2:30. land most of the other events ANTHES Hi-Boy or Low Boy South; MO 8.2081. 14c| will proceed to distribute the | A record entry for these|were won by Whitby High, The| 1 y uxc es GosFired F ' . as-Fire urnaces for said estate having regard only [scrambles is anticipated, and willl champions and runners-up were, | FOR RENT to the claims of which they include entrants from Mass. |p. Menzel, junior champion, D.| Beats. Motors, Boot Toller shall hove had notice, [X, Penn, an Mishigan states, Barnes, runner-up; B. McBrien | Average 5 to 6 Room Homes Gabin Trailer, Tents, Comp | DATED at Whitby this 30th |" | been reported the Intermediate champion, Sue g It has been reported that park-|c,q4d up: Li rd Stoves, Lonterns, Lown day of April, A.D, 1958, be ir : uddy, runner-up; [nda Law, ' Rollers, Lawn Mowers, Paint y fing wil be WD hibited on oe senior champion, and G. Menzel, ST. ANDREW S FAITH BAPTIST Sprayer, Gorden Tiller, ALFRED M. WOOTTON (roadway. However, there Will ber nner.up, Also, this week, the S ial h & WOOTTON, plenty of free parking in: the wpHS boys journeyed to Picker PRESBYTERIAN 421 BROCK ST. NORTH--WHITBY bi 7 nstalle inmost For Sale -- Boats, Motors, AR , Trailers, 304 Dundas Street West, Niclas. The Tugrse for Lege rapes Fe fr 3 Jack mesh ang on Pastor: Rev, E. Corbett, B.Th, : : \ rsday r Wer p WILDE WHITBY, Ontario, since the last races, and should|for a Central Ontario track and | Comer Byron and st. John sta RENTAL SERVICE | Solicitors for the Execu- |provide plenty of thrills: and gia1q meet. REV. DAVID MARSHALL FAITH TIDINGS MO 8-3226 RUDE ROSE WHITNEY, |*Pils. |SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Organist: MRS, P. N. 3PRATY | 5.15 o.m.-Rodio Broadcast June 12] may3, 10,17 | freer ae 1 ACAN(S| "It has been reported that the gig ~--CKLB, S-YEAR REPLACEMENT WARRANTY ON HEAT EX. lof Pickering township, who won| &0nual Oshawa Presbytery Young || ¢ 45 a.m Sunday School | 16.00 Gur 8 CHANGER IN NEW 1958 ANTHES GAS-FIRED the Senior final will be riding People's softball tournament will 0. 200 8 momar unday FURNACES. . HELP WANTED again this Monday. begin Saturday, May 24. The 11 a.m. Mothers Day school, a | Therefore, to sum up, it all tournament is held to' determine Carvice--Junior Choir HAM -- 7PM ® ANTHES f ere Canadian Gas A ap. Imakes for an exciting holiday Which group will represent Osh. | "=f OUR PASTOR proved and engineered to give you dependable, Mon or woman for Janitor Duties in Upstairs han, Must be * |afternoon at Freek's farm. hear 38 reshyiery 1 Qe Bay off 11 a.m. Beginners' Class economical service, ood housekeeper, experienced in care of hardwood floors, win- |1 vndbr Ww iders Quinte tournament held at Camp Special Music MEL SMITH . Rae oh etc.; duties include setting up and taking down tables, |Lvadivok Park. Whes op 1 ore Quin - Mo - Lac, near Madoc, in Low off-season prices require installation in your home Part time job with irregular hours. Apply in writing to: [top honors. |August. Next week we will have Everyone Welcome prior to Jun. 30... A call to us will bring a heot- | o ing expert to your home to estimate your needs, at no obligation or extra charge. {yg termed .yp More information on the tourna- SECRETARY, CANADIAN LEGION ~~ JUVENILES To HOLD DANCE ment, but 'ai ihe presen, ai WHITBY BOX 1085, WHITBY pi ec, te oy ti | BAPTIST EMMANUEL || + agus soy tet gg A %o safety shut- y - Juvenile representatives are ¥ | 1 i ing another dance Friday, ROLLER SKATING FUN? REFORMED 3 matically shuts off the furnace if the pilot or burner goes out, May 23, in the arena auditorium. | Using oh pow philosopher's CHURCH | FISHERMAN | The dance will get under way at 8 why Ali a Jon re] CHURCH Oversize belt driven circulating fan Is rubber mounted 8:30 p.m. and there will be door yb TRe alot ns ye nally Pav. J. M. Ward, Minister | - avie¥ operation and ig Reserve Boat, Motor Trailer, Now and spat prizes. The club also the trusty old wheels. and beli Mrs. W. E. S AT.C.M. | 3rd Concession west of Brock N. ' ' would like to express its ap; y ee dg) Wo 5 pummen, A LLM, Attractively designed steel cabinet . . . double wall For Rent Wily Wk-End © |preciation to the donors of prizes|t 9% Hot Wen fell eve REV. 1. DYKSTRA t construction insuicieq und 5 : ; Motors 32 or S hp, ...uvs $15 $6.50 [at their last dance. cabine! i NIUIOTed Und Keeps owier saNng There were about 150 roller skat-| 1 Motors 10 hp, ........ pas |» $22 $11.00 | KIWANIS BANTAMS " |ing enthusiasts in attendance last| 10:00 AM bigs Tuesday night, and roller skating|{ 10:00 A M.--Sunday School Boat - Trailers .. $15 $8.00 | The Whitby Kiwanis Bantams Uf A 4 ; $15 $5.00 [will play. their first exhibition SWings into action again tonight | MORNING WORSHIP $9.00 $35 $15.00 |game in Ajax this Sunday' after- at the Whitby arena, beginning atll 11.00 AM.--Morning Service (ENGLISH) Cabin Trailer, sleeps 4 adults $30 noon at Lions' Park, with the] 0°30 pm. be some people Whe : Ig. Ser 2:30 P.M . INSTALLATION IN . inv 3 L no : . WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES [5m rhe is same o ne sche fee na the might tu they | 700 p--bemma service |r (00000 [lf ANTHES YOUR HOME INCLUDES: i. ule 'will be 'Wednesday May 21 {tried to roller skate, but they] . E CE | 3 ® Removal of your old furnace and installation 1101 HENRY ST. WHITBY ule Vil be Wednesday. May 21 should remember, "if at frst you| EUTCH) : eo ANTIES tamace Seer Shimaey : PRE-SEASON SALE INCLUDES SPE- the furnace by using extended plenum and six- 2 Whitby's h ill be don't succeed, try, try again' ' : MO 8-3226 ithy's dome Eames i Deland you'll get It in the END. CIAL LOW PRICE ON INGLIS inch round pine to o maximum of four existing May 9 16 Played in Coronation Park. Coach ---- ai -- -- [John Lajoie is confident that the WHITBY [ INITED Cl {URC | GLASS-LINED GAS WATER Yuriy so. OF five warm air outlets and ene team will uphold Whitby's pres- 4 1 | HEATER IF INSTALLE WITH A cold air return, so two worm air outlets in CUSTOM BUILT DREAM KITCHEN tige, and come up with a winner.|} | NEW RF GAS DTN a re bn Bg humidifier, room SE LACROSSE SEASON NEARS Rev. John M. Smith, BAA, Mrs. J. Beaton, ARC.T. . thermostat, ges burner and the wiring of the Spotless, come hither kitchen, completely modern and inviting The Tacracse § dua) R K Mini Each I fon. : e lacrosse season is gradval- 4 | inister Organist. ' 109.50 Any additional work required to give comfort with cozy breakfast nook, 12 x 14 living room and 3 bedrooms g t i Many extras, Call Mrs, Coulson, RA 3.9139. ly coming closer, and all teams 0 Crusted Yo installed in your home will be charged at Our low regu- |are now bearing down for some 4 ' serious vties | Requi ty Sr ~ THE OWNER'S CHILDREN HAVE GROWN [serious practicing. 'The Brookiin a MORNING WORSHIP--11:00 AM. Fhe has token SY Spariment ond Je Snious 10 sell. This spotless game on Saturday, June 7, GIVE US A CALL FOR QUICK COURTEOUS SERVICE -room storey and a half wit ~roo nt i 73 Thithy ; p ' Renting . for $55. monthly, Hh Bie Modi ange against Wey tye Same will be : PEACE IS OUR BUSINESS" Coll Mrs, Coulson, RA 3-9139, {Spring Fair. STAFFORD BROS The Whitby Junior lacrosse M |W. . 8 club open th *hedul onumenta k UNDAY SCHOOL OLIVE HOWE REALTOR ' Boatibe in Friday. joie 30. 318 Dundes fo : 10 AM i 3% AM . HAM LIMITED 130 BROCK ST. NORTH ~~ WHITBY MO 8-2527 ast Tame Ie MO 8-3552 od Sls ang non Jinior Warikip 102 BYRON ST. §. WHITBY MO 8.2991 || 116c/ Catharines, lar rates.

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