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Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 17 May 1958, p. 8

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8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTL Seturdey, Mey 17, 1958 | ENNISKILLEN Claims 100. 0 0 0 | Histon Clack | A ir Re tal i a H on omer. Reds In Canada | ow. mew. Plans Prepared |Day was a good reason for a | 3 : % family gathering for Mrs, E. C.| By GEORGE KITCHEN (clothing parcels to relatives in leh bus wot bees rng shee! OTTAWA (CP) -- A written SINGLE ENTITY ih | Ashton at the home of one of her| Canadian Press Staff Writer |the Soviet Union. por Ro en PO an ing agreement detailing joint Cana-| jn remarks about the pending '7 |daughters, Mrs, G. F. Beech,| WASHINGTON (CP)--The un-| Canadians wishing to send par- weeks, pp Reeve Mike dian-American plans in the event |, cement Mr. Pearkes spoke of # |Maple Grove. In addition to her| American affairs committee of|cels to Soviet relatives went to a » Deputy . VASE or Soviet air attack on this con i * [children and grandchildren, Mrs. the House of Representatives 10- [Soviet agency in Canada ang Jadvka, iy Sounc ts Week tinest is to be tabled Monday in the need for Canada and the U.S. ~ |Ashton's brothers, Allen Stainton, |day made public an estimate by picked out merchandise which| ihagnid Halec 130i 11 OS the House of Commons. to be considered a single entity - Enniskillen and the Rev. Harold |a Canadian witness that there (the agency undertook to send, peing hs BUY o tg AL Th: New York Times says the for air defence purpo es. Their | and Mrs. Stainton, Courtice, were/are 100,000 C ists in Can- there was no parcel post| ghly come that ,oveement authorizes the joint 2ir force. units should act as a at the party. A musical program |ada. to the Soviet Union. [on Smpletion it should runigoieeg to retaliate "without gov. single team, was provided by the younger| The estimate came from Milan IGNORED WARNINGS 10 years, ernmental consultation" but cov-| An emergency such as a Soviet members of the family. Rev. Mr, | Jakubec of Toronte, who de- A |FOUR-TEAM LEAGUE ers only tactical defence weap- air assault would leave little time Stainton led in a lively sing-'scribed himself as president of( "They disregardtd our advice President of the Lakeshore Ons--'and not strategic nuclear for consultation and the agree SODg. the executive council of the Mu- and warnings completely and felt ng, Baseball Association, Ar. bombs which can be loosed in|ment would establish conditions Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright|tual Co-operation League of Can-|communism is not as dangerous| pnoja Wade, of Newtonville has ad-| retaliation for an enemy attack under which RCAF squadrons were thrilled on Mother's Day to|ada, made up of 18 various eth. inside of Canada as it is outside. |yicoq that' there will be a four-|unly upon the authority of the could be ordered into battle from _; hear the voices of their daughter, |nic groups originating behind the They have absolutely ignored the team Juvenile League along the| president." | Colorado Springs wit ap. eon Mrs. Bradford, her husband and|Iron Curtain. (id terms of Lakeshore this year, with the ad-| This concurs with the Canadian proval being sought the = their grandson Bruce, by phone| Jakubec, Slovakian - born em: jand {thought 9 nly in terms of miseion of a Juvenile club from| government's previously - an-| Canadian government, --r-- from Tucson, Arizona. ployee of the Ontario govern- military attack, which in nFlOshawa. Other clubs in are Co-|nounced ideas about the agree-| Opposition speakers had s iio Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin|ment who came to Canada iniopinion is a secondary thing." |yourg "Newcastle and Bowman. ment as voiced by Defence Min: | gested that the nine RCAF squad soe visited Louise and Marjorie Me-|1953 and Spneared before the ig group found the Conserva-|ville, The season will start on ister Pearkes in the Commons. rons involved as of Aug. 1 had 2" Intosh, Whitb committee at his own suggestion, ives 'more favorable" to their|the holiday, May 19, when Osh. ug. dL n gah, ¥ i iH Oshawa, visited said in testimony taken 1ast AD-lyiews and hoped the Situation] a will ake Le Abul i play.| ESTABLISHED IN 1957 been committed to NORAD's ite " A | This is the background. command without parliamentary * ds Me gi ; -- an dai ril 3 that while it is difficult to " | Mr. and Mrs, C. Pethick, and his now would change "and a more|ing in Bowmanville, Meanwhile . NE ACCOMPANIES MISSLE IN FLIGHT ister, Mrs. E. Strut say how many Communists there appropriate and realistic ap- interest is still trying to be Canada and the United States &pproval. AIRPLA | Miss Shirley Mills, nurse-in-|are in any country, he would es-|p.oa0h will be taken toward the drummed up in Port Hope for -ast Aug. 1 established the North wo [ timate that there are approxi- American Air Defence Command SPORTS BRIEFS i danger that faces us within the!an entry from the Hill Town. w A US. jet fighter hovers over | Force base, New Mexico. The | force Mace ha eed of 650 |training, Peterborough, spent the 8 a Mace set fish missile on a { jet can destroy the missile over EE au 2 ' 3.9 Spee sion | eckend with 2 Hither, Mrs. mle nm oF Conats. from Jakibes, Wo Teashed Canada a Sloeady Spciug, Cole, Opes: = flight from Wendover Air Force | the sparsely settled land at any g . y . 1 bi g|in , said a number of trained OFF IMPORT LIST | i ein U capabl of alteration in flight. j . Albert Oke were |a number of regular members oi i i { | agreement, SIGNS WITH ESKS i base in Utah to Holloman Air | time if necessary, The air Pa ern rea wig ins Mr. and Mrs. |the Labor - Progressive party,| Communist agents had infiltrated EDMONTON (CP) -- Rollie) Its commander is Gen. Earle ppMONTON (CP) -- Dom i covering the Communist party of|the displaced persons and other yo "2 50 oar 01d halfback who! Partridge of the US. Air Force Stiller 22, co-captain of the 1957 wee Cameron Oke, Oshawa. refugee groups that had been ad- {came to Edmonton without fan-|and his deputy is Air Marshal | njversity of Oklahoma football 77 Canada, and the rest or a greater fare eight years ago and became Roy Slemon, former RCAF chief team, has been signed or Ede es | Shei n, a little girl of | BURKETON | go la Nortmat 2 nd from| part is composed from various Milley. taal" England, to join her father in (innocent « "founding 'orgamiza. {>I A AGE. one of the outstanding football|of staff Poti _ : ve | n Eskimos of the tern E. M. McCOY | Bowmanville, She spent Mother's tions, usually posing as interua- . players in Canada, drops his im-| The two countries then set 1niop rovincial Football Union, od wa --FR, 2- t, nd | tional, humanitarian, pacifist, i {port" tag here Friday. The Ed- about drafting an agreement on | "sw Start Reporte "ROBERT CZIRANRA VR. 27657 | BURKETON A( the Mother's) masini gd Cox iy 4 Yost, labor, Migs. bevel Oshawa Auto Hits { maonton Eskimo backfield Star 1 | what NODE Folin dita So. | C081 ae Je Se, oe Serv. i | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, |cial, insurance or liter: patie H 0 receive his Canadian citizen-\yjet air attack materialized | lent M th So Driver Fined $25 I oo is he Sector a Sunday visitors of|izations and associations of Boy On Bicycle ship papers in a ceremony at the aoainst North America, [Wl be Sopveried a facile and: otnher-o0n . » The entire service was under the Mr. and Mrs, Ross Sharp. which there may be 50 In Can-| STURGEON FALLS (CP)--Re- legislative buildings. | Canada's defence and external : Followin Mishap direction of Mr. Logan. The, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue|ada as such. | 10. was killed Fri affairs departments scanned the] MERCHANTS INK CATCHER B qu t H Id g choir sang a suitable selection were at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mas-(?8 RED PAPERS {ian Lagasse, 10, was killed Fri- SIGNS FINANCE BILL |draft, added comment, and GUELPH (CP) -- Catcher ..rt anque e COBOURG -- Allan Phillip na", 3001 Gasket of flowers ters', Bowmanville. He estimated there are about|day night when hit by a car while | passed it along to Washington in| O'Connor has signed fo play with COBOURG -- A Mother _and| Corot ests Friday by May. [a3 Presented by the Curran's| Mr. and Mrs. Frank MeGil, 23 bg 3 In Tarlo JO5 Filne a his liga » Bil ni Thursday rest January. It was one of the t0pios | Guelph Merchann for the 1038 Son banquet jor the 20d, Scout oi Tr eines bY ag family in memory of the late and Dox. Miss San Page, Jo. Jes Canuts in vavious 13%, Eugene Moore, 64. of Oshawa, |a bill financing construction of an | discussed : by External Affairs | Senior Intercounty baseball sea- and Cubs of St. Michael's was|! edn Mrs. Curran. {ronto, Mr. an I's. i Jakubee claimed also Com- told police the boy was heading arena for the 1960 winter Olym- Minister Smith on a subsequent son, O'Connor, regarded as one. [ of the top receivers in the league, ' ld recent] ditorium|0f careless driving, The charge =; Mrs. Levi Glennie, To-| Bradley and Brian, Maple Grove, : ; 5 Be St he School. followed an jaecklent on Mey 4 routs, re lente, To roi Fries Day visitors of niet ite .) Canada Jire vest, Javallel wv is Sar, whey Ye Cames x Sheer. valley, vith i Jan boon repre WL Ch rscevers the league; Highlight of fhe by hid OPP ro A t, testified. the chan aud Thomas Trick, [mast LT Harold * Ashton [000,000 which he sald Soviet hicle to avoid oncoming traffic. be built with funds already avail-| Washington, helping meet a Cana- | years in minor professional base meckerehiet and. beads to_ Scout. accident occurred on Highway 2 Mra and An XA land boys were Saturday evening|agents collect annually In Can- Eugene was the son of Mr. and|able to the defence department, |dian government desire that it|ball. The Brockville native has Bec Cybigrs = h = This ou at the CPR crossing in the early, arenan 'E Tonto: vis d i visitors of Mr. and Mrs. 8, Ker-|ada as "customs duties" from Mrs. Antoine Lagasse. An in-|{It will be constructed on govern- be available shortly after the also played with Gal Bran! a iodo Trslors 3 award morning. Evidently Copeland had! family Te. ric [yarchand. and VA : : nadians sending food and quest will be held. jment-owned land. Jopening of the new Parliament. |ford, been following another car, a Mr™'and Mrs. Murray Abbott| Mrs. H. Mills and Shirley visit-| ~~~ completed the course as set out by the Boy Scout Association of short distance ahead. and Kathy, Bowmanville, visited/ed Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goodes,| ® Canada. The course is held at] When the car ahead slowed ny. ang Mrs, Howard Abbott|Port Perry. Blue Springs, a camp near Acton, |down .at the crossing Copeland apd family, | Mr. and Mrs. Reg Wearing, and The neckerchief is grey with a|failed to see it and came in col- Mr and Mrs. .W Johnson and | Rickey, Thornhill, were Rr green tartan, The beads consist/lision with the rear of the other yynda, Tyrone visited Mr. and guests of her parents, the W. H. of two beads on a leather thong|Vehicle, it was charged. Mrs. John Wotten | Moores. The car was thrown into the wy and Mrs, Cecil Hyde and] Mrs. Allan Werry was hosetss and is a ica of the beads pil Hg vila ¢ Baden-Powell, ditch and damage was estimated Lynda, Toronto, visited Mr. and|to a dinner party and shower on 8 , ) ' . . founder of the Scouts, Chief|at $900. Copeland's vehicle re- Mrs, Thomas Hodge and family Thursday for Miss Sylvia Meek . Dinizulu, who was A in|ceived §75 damage. |and also visited Mrs. Argue. |Ing, of Hamilton. Those attending " the Zulu War, | Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean, Mr. gre Mr Dil Masking, Pi AA Only four other persons in Co- . and Mrs, Elwood McKee and hy hb . U, ' " bourg hold this award, Lou Grif- Licence Plates Ricky, Maple Grove, attended and Mary, Mrs. 8. Osborne, Whit- fith, district commissioner, John the Mother's Day service here on /by, Mrs. Art Stainton, Peterbor- Clement, assistant district com- . {Sunday missioner for Cubs, Bruce Jones, | Cause Of Fine | Mr, and Mrs. Howard Abbott Mrs. Ross Lee, Redron, Mis, >. district Cubmaster, and Bill Bay- |and Carol visited Mr. and Mrs, |A. Werry, and Betty Jape, Ennis- ; man, district Scoutmaster. COBOURG -- Henry Vaneslan- A, Abbott, Oshawa. killen. . eee. | der, 24, Castleton, was fined $25| The Sunday School anniversary| Mr. and Mrs. L. Allingham, » . |and costs by Magistrate R. I.|services wili be on May 25, at|Clare and David, Oshawa, visited in Film On Traffic Moore, in court here Friday. He|230 and 7.30 p.m. The music| W. Howells and family. was found guilty on a charge of will be provided by the Orono| p Ms sug Ms Join Bid aud i drivin, ith improper licence amily, ' . Laws Shown Club hg y m r s J The CA $10€ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. COBOURG -- The Cobourg Ro.| Constable J. R. Manning told der the leadership of Mrs. K.| ough, Mrs. Tom Sobil, Taunton, fary Club held its weekly meet-|the court that on May 4 he stop-| Roblin and Alden Hubbard. | Mrs. Pearl Avery, Mr. and ing Friday in the British Hotel. ped the accused at Grafton for| Guest speaker will be the Rev. Mrs. George Allison and family, The program consisted of a traf- having only one plate on his car. Mr. Seymour who, for several|visited Mr, and Mrs. Frank Alli- fic film Further investigation revealed years was minister in charge of son and family, Oshawa. Constable C. A. Meadows, Co-|that the other plate was on the| Burketon and Enniskillen and! Mrs. W, Bryan visited Mr. and bourg OPP detachment, showed|car of a friend of the accused, it|now lives in the United States Mrs. Orville Greer and family in a film called "A Day in Court." |was testified most of the time. | Oshawa. The film dealt with the various| The other person was also fin-| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter and] Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, Oshawa, traffic cases heard in courts and|ed $25 and costs on a similar| family, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs, | Mr, and Mrs, Wren, Port Perry, fllustrated, in a humorous way,|charge at a court in another com-|Ivan Cochrane, Nestleton, visited | visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Tumn- the reactions of people involved. |munity. 'Mr, and Mrs. E. Adams. bull, YOUR EYES Can Bring Sight To Another! By willing your eyes to the Eye Bank of Canada, Ont- ario Division , you can leave your good vision to a blind person. Because of thoughtful Canadians like you, more than 100 blind Canadians have had their sight restored. | | WATCH | For a letter Friday, May 23rd. Working with The Can- adian National Institute for the Blind, the Lions Club of Oshawa is appealing to every family to pledge their eyes that others may see. Instructions will reach your home on Friday, May 23rd. -------------- Express your good wishes the modern way. Give the wonderful electrical gifts that promise happier, easier living for years to come. Whatever your budget, there are electrical gifts to make a bride's heart sing . . . an electric fry pan... a handy automatic ; pop-up toaster . . . a mixer or a steam iron. For the future - . . man of the house there are electric shavers and a wonderful By willing your eyes you leave a legacy of sight to the sightless. || array of time saving power tools . . . and what couple | | | | Help the Lions stock the Eye Bank, Watch the mail Friday, May Wouldn't be delighted with one or two handsome, | 23d modern electric lamps. They'll be proud of their electric gifts rd. and happy too because they're so economical to use. | i A | ® THE LIONS CLUB & ONTARIO *¥, HYDRO | OF OSHAWA b. electricity does so much . . . costs so little ---- | It's Easy To Leave Your Eyes! | Read your instruction sheet in your letter from the Lions. Sign the Eye Bank card and send it on. Talk over your decision with your next of kin.

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