THE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve tising .RA 8.3492 All other ealls . TIMES coo JRA B-8474 WEATHER REPORT Continuing eold, cloudy intere vals with a few VOL, 87--NO, 293 Price Not Oyer og 7 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1958 he Oshawa Sunes Ao Elfed boparimens, Shave. EIGHTEEN PAGES 0 0" i oar Bolen "BUILT BY GENERAL MOTORS /v OSHAWA 000 CT 3 ¥ CY » wp REGOV @ WN Bullets Block Plot By Thugs WASHINGTON (AP) Four| gunmen, one of them disguised] {as a priest, stormed the home of | la well-to do building contractor Friday night, They ran into a po- lice ambush and {bullets In car MILESTONE IN CAR PRODUCTION Almost barrage of gunman showed up in two cars and Marchegiani opened the door tectives crouched behind lving-| room furniture Four patrolmen were deployed s 'near the house, four hours later the (week Mass of Cold Rir Shows No Sign of Shift By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nearly all of Canada lay gripped in a vast Arctic alr mass | today and the weathermen nee little hope of a change until next | Vancouver was the only major | city to escape near-zero temper. 'MISSILE MONKEY' ERY FAILURE Hunt Nose Cone In S.Atlantic WASHINGTON (AP) The search for a nose cone of a US, Army Jupiter missile which ear- ried a monkey 600 miles into the air has been given up, the army announced this morning, CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla, (AP) The U.S. Army fired a monkey into space early today in the nose team that awaited the nose cone's into the earth's atmos. phere apparently ran into trouble, If all had gone well the sub. merged cone and its precious cargo should have beer retrieved from the Atlantic in the space of about two hours at the most, In Washington, Capt. Norman Lee Barr of the navy medical corps sald information radioed back from the monkey's flight in. dicated gravitydree travel does not cause adverse physical change, Barr called this the most sig nificant finding so far in the mone key's rocket flight, In his statement, Barr said: "The heart rate was only slightly accelerated and the elec. tro-cardiogram remained normal throughout the entire period of observation, , , ." Nearly two hours after the 4 am, EST launching, Brig.-Gen, Jack Barclay, commanding gens eral of the army ballistic missile agency, announced in Washings ton that the nose cone hit in the intended target area, Navy ves. sels were searching for it, The Jupiter's maximum range is about 1,700 miles but the army declined to say how far the mis. slle travelled or where it landed in the South Atlantic, Earlier, the army sald the rocket passenger is a squirrel monkey, which it described as "an intelligent monkey native te " One gunman was killed, Two| "This Is a holdup," one of the atures overnight. But that westcone of a missile, But the others were wounded eritically, men sald "Where Is Your const area had troubles of its own|chances of recovering the tiny 1008 4,000,000 mark will be reached | yo fourth escaped, wan aud companiony Dy 108, italy oly | Alive apghated elim, h st 3 J a sanv's | haf 1960, (See story page 3). | Deputy police chief Edgar Scott p h "rom the British Columbia In-| Hours after the launching of the now | first 30 years of the company's afore ny pi Py ed tour men had intended marched the contractor up the ierinr clear through to the Mari Jupiter intermediate-range bal: Gen. de Gaulle President of GM of Canada, H. E, Walker, at the wheel and longtime employe Clarence Duncan look pleased in the OUR CHILDREN ARE SUFFERING' Back-To-Work Pleas 3.500,000th car to roll off GM bettering 250,000 a year com- | operations, it is expected the | Oshawa since pared with only 1,000,000 in the With current production lines In he 14,000 Inco workers here Any decisions they reach will be reported to foreign ministers of the other 11 Atlantic alllande powers, who are expected to join In a united front against the So. viet move, The regular Decem- ber meeting of NATO forel minjsters and other officials opetis In Paria Tuesday, SAYS PLEDGES REVOKED Dulles flew In from Washington on the presidential plane, Before leaving, he had accused Moscow of going back on Its own pledges [when Premier Khrushchev pro. [posed to make West Berlin an unarmed free city Berlin was not on the official agenda for the NATO meeting but was certain to assume a large place in the discussions, Prelim. inary talks within NATO have in dicated support for a firm stand by the big powers, | There was a wide variety of opinion, however, on Just how this firmness should be expressed In the formal answer to Khrush chev, London, Washington and Paris have made it plain in their Informal comments that they do not intend to be squeezed out of | Berlin, where they have main [tained troops by Joint agree ments signed by the Russians ¥ | 3 rer. hmker, 88, who suffered a stroke in Saskatoon Tuesday night, HELL IS COLDER THAN PARADISE HELL, Mich, (AP)-It was colder in Hell than in Para. dise Friday, As a matter of fact, both places were frozen over, It was snowing in Hell, Mich,, and lee was piling up at the fringe of Paradise, Mich, It got down to eight below zero in Hell, but only five below in Paradise, Hell is a tiny community 18 miles northwest of Ann Arbor, Paradise is a village on the western shore of Whitefish Bay, northwest of Sault Ste Marie at the eastern end of Michigan's upper peninsula EL CAJON. Calif, (AP) ~ A|night. The teenager aimed a 25 [homeless youth a family had be-[rifle at him and said: frionded 'was sought today for| "I have a cop tied in the slashing four children to death house, You're going to drive me and shooting their mother, out of here The bodies of Mrs, Lois Pender: Pendergast drove at gunpoint gast, 37, and her children, rang- toward San Diego, 10 miles away, ing in age between 9 and 2, were|On the outskirts of the city the discovered in their home Friday youth ordered him into a service night, station rest room so they could The six{oot-four-inch youth had| exchange clothing. The man grab. been living with the Pendergasts bed the gun away from Harrison for the last few weeks doing odd but the youth slipped outside and Jobs around the house. disappeared, Thomas J, Pendergast discov-| Pendergast told police he had ered the bodies of his wife and picked up Harrison hitchhiking children, but not before the last Nov. 2. youth, identified as Charles Har-| 'He told me he had run away vison of Rochester, N.Y., had di-|from home in Rochester because his father had taken his college appeared, Pendergast, an aircraft worker, money away," sald Pendergast, 'He was a quiet, studious-appear« sald Harrison was walting for him outside the house when he(ing boy and was a big help te arrived home from work Friday!my wife around the house." "overwhelming Journalists are or valve wa lov from the "tree-rustlors." The hreak In the weather not helped the tree farmers frost Is valves gas 1057 has he stated to make the smal ler branches extremély brittle and many trees ruined in transportation Ruyers in the city, the farmers point out, will not pay for any thing but symetrical trees alermo are It Is quite true that clothes make the man--and in few cases it's the WOMAN Weans wo oa | clothes a Ontario ga he checked hy a gov United depart given at n the applications and to pipe «1 or licences ¢ » 10: gen Friday | W wit the pooner, 8 nade on ga and a amination will be in there an ne EL I'wo™ other Canadian ships be low the stuck canaller were ex pected to pass through the re maining locks and inte Montreal harbor before morning Meanwhile the St, Lawrence River has choked up with ice and the depart said would leebreakers three or to complete the "im ' of getting moving valves install since Jam. 1, could 1057, as well as sections of pipe line. Pressure 1 be ried out and welded joints will be and trapping ships spot-checked And it has chilled the dreams Mr. Spooner hipping men who have cham spectors headed As a winter engineers will hegin the ation Monday The coront ju stallation of the p which allowed ga the road into the I vo died in the te car. real most Ams o in hy experienced pioned Quebec City nort Rehind the Westeliffe Hall were dd the ine elght downbound ships, including valve three foreign freighters hey were the last Roy'than 40 ocean and canal an that would have been trapped in land for the winter had the canal con-| closing deadline been enforced on examin to kidnap Felix Marchegiani, 61 sais Fo wo, He Veuteon times generally clear skies|jistic missile at 4 a.m, EST there A tip from the FBI foiled the plot,| Where N.ra, a ale nega f an i pushed the mercury down, [still was no announcement of the |dnughter had been sen and |" A storm which dumped from gate of the little squirrel monkey, |ghoulder during the gunfire that|W : ) irre Agrees To Ru [almost wrecked the living room hiding Scotia, New Brunswielr ng "Little Old Reliable." . considersd serious, The FBI tip-|hit oie 2 the family If they|whirled into Newfoundland with a| 'We haven't given up, we're y . MN re xture of sleet and driving driz ped police that a gang planned OPEN a mixture of 8 : For Presidenc to kidnap Marchegiani, take him| Just then one of the two gun-|,je Jlonk_Sood ie Sousa Sos hid PARIS (Reuters) Premier) Md. and force him to open|ted detective Leonard Kragh he-| storm which is expected to blow|templs to recover the monkey agreed to fun for president of his safe fired at Kragh | 4 tonight, France's Fifth Republic HOUSE STAKED OUT As Kragh and the, other Mflcors| ory , ------ [PINAL bo W n . SUDBURY (OP)--An emotion:| About 100 did so while shouts,| One urged district municipal by Rene Cassin, president of the |ani's wife and the couple's only dashed for the door. Police bul. charged meeting of 3,000 women, [boos and cheers erupted from the| leaders to act at once to recall| provisional constitutional com-|child, Antoinette, 19, upstairs and|lets dropped three of them. The ieienpbaxer known, to fire a primate on a held in open defiance of a union beats. Remarks flew back and|a meeting of the Inco and union mittee, after called on de then hid in a bedroom, Three de-'fourth escaped ie! Jousuey ute space and bring " W the confusion | Two addressed to Mr, Solski| (, 1 the Vdature To Get Home Friday to get their striking hus above N assin sald the candidature of bands back to work because 'our| Mr, Fabbro finally got the|Asked the union to agree to new Georges Marrane, the Communist the flight of about 186 minutes Earl Sunda that the monkey fared well as The women, gathered in the] The arena meeting was sug [Nage Incense In the first year of | als now fs official Y Y Je vw eommunity hockey arena, en- gested by the mayor after a "We are prepared to see our Each candidate for the presi ° The missile warhead hit the dorsed resolutions ealling for a/group of strikers' wives began dency must have the support of 1 n Strate ister Diefenbaker, closing off a predet ined target area more | 40-hour week without gains,' one eo 1 world tour five days early be- tional Unjon of Mine, Mill and to demand municipal Intervention total of some 75.000 will choose nal wheduled to arrive in Saskatoon ing site. However, indications th eri 1 ; : The 3 ) ni : | were that the U.S, Navy recovery Central and South America, the International Nic kel Combany pute. Mr, Fabbro suggested ito" "Ta 10 week prior to| The grand electors who will] PARIS (AP) ~ Foreign minis |Sunday. morning. {were thal Ye +, Navy recovery Central anc South America, strike, which has run 82 days H tved 1 Frid night J for p N wt Germany gathered to o arrived here ay nig "As wives and mothers we are front of elty hall and offered the | duction cutbacks due to a slump- bers of the National Assembly, Plus He in at & ido about shocked by the way the strike is women use of the arena ing world nickel market {mayors and various county and land, New Zealand, Soon after his ome O85 ou fon read, 'But t of all|6e8, sald the meeting Id only al 1 1 dues! The f I of West Berlin, arrival he Tettived 8 beiephane solution , 'But most of a | mal e mee would only all Inco employees who pay dues, The first round of voting Dec indie s were that message on the co! on we are ! rin at our hurt tha union a pland and called (to mine-mill, imeluding rank-and:|21, at which an absolute majority| Advance indication Fa . Women enter! members htron or and §." (the arena were handed leaflets guch a vole would be conducteiiwmsnimonsly to produce a large|maintaining Western hrotection of i embers which ealled|hy the union and be supervised majority in favor. of de Gaulle, |the eity 110 miles behin bedlam at one point when Mayor the Idea dangerous and uniimely {by. a group of local men and| Joe Fabbro, acting as chairman,| The four resolutions presented women of integrity outside of the (Fifth Republic the president will| State Secretary Dulles of the for a vote, He asked those oppos |the mayor by Mrs. Leon Breen {pointed by the Ontario govern greatly increased powers, He will|Maurice Couve de Murville of ng the resolutions to come oul{who headed the chief organizers ment so the wishes of our men appoint the premier, negotiate 'rance and Helrich von Hren |stances, dissolve the National As-|Sunday to begin studying Khrush I t T ] T Thi | chev's Nov, 27 note hao] 'Rob F Cc S 1 S Wilfrid Richardson, district far " mers, report that organized Eaton Attacks "War Plans Board inspectors will make a held responsible by the jury . ; PH rg ! complete inspection of United! mqhe fuel board will require that operating in the Area It is ex.| has become the chief preoccupation of the United States | pected that request will be government, Cleveland industrialist Cyrus Eaton sald today, bution system and a check of all yan 1 1057, be registered with|g . ' ) lor the district in an effort to alority" J n rals and here are have been gi 4 " ot 1 majority' of US. politiclans, generals an lines where there have been gasithe hoard by Dec. 19 catch the thieves, who are sald relentlessly driving us toward war." fective pipe Mines! ..o' explosio \ icat { font Minister Spooner said Friday, Kos SKPIONEIS OF INGChons 6] Most farmers in the aren grow To Probe Bus-Train Crash IHSLTIAN 1rO0N a8 A OASh orep WINDSOR (CP)--A full-scale investigation is being two companies blamed by a €or annpaval hy Jan, 15, 1959, of all|ye ope 5 of oner's jury at Burlington Thurs installed since Jan. 1 oa! perations of the cause of I'riday's bus-traln erash that killed two children near Essex, An Inquest will also be held, but the date has explosion in nearb which killed two person i . . | British Vehicle Hits Mine by Mr, Spooner is partly in keep ANICOSIA Cyprus (Reuters) A mine attack was made ing with the jury's recommenda Greek-Cvpriot FOKA terrorists announced Nov, 22 that they pipelines were halting active violence during the United Nations Cy ernment agenc) Suburban inspection 0 cover ' y phy TR . 'Fire Damages ment will study evidence 1P uc < ! | al 1 a the inquest A aintime Two Floors ton recommended asking provin cial authorities to set up a hoard ar or oute lu ed | ject all pipeline to gg KENORA (CP) Fire exten: {ssue permits sively damaged the two top floors line y rel howed Canadian freighter through the ice-plastered Cote St [has had trouble coming upstream tel in the heart of Kenora's main Although the Westeliffe Hall squatted stub Paul lock, The trucks, parked on{because of heavy vapor from the street business section province id M Lo Friday night, defying the ingenu canaller with winch drawn Te icebreaker Ernest La There were no reports of injun Shee ks Will he M5 jy of canal crews trying to move cables, The ships and the tugs les. No official estimate of dam tribution com which had became trapped i y \ | f Montreal harbor also tried pulling low gear, shallow, sluggish Lake St Pater The 70-year-old building's thiek i dy ndicition . The unseasonable sub-zero cold bul nothing worked stone walls prevented the flames el ve pin installations United Suburban will he re A spokesman. fol ness hlocks, firemen said and weary canal crews ment of transport The fire, of unknown origin smash it; ice has piled up 0, ( Bin, | four . : bibbumiiny the Ao foul fay I 0-room hotel at about 10:45 p.m blocking access to the sea mense Joh the ocean| ji yaged out of control for about sea ' ( the 30 rome y no longer offers easy passage to. Two other icehreakers, the N fought to 0 ave) --y the Atlantic 800 miles distant BR. MeLean and the Montcalm, 1:30 am Thursday advised 2M ocean ships!reach the Gulf of St. Lawrence | four year old Sidney Bihun at Montreal harbor docks to stay from Quebec City, which son of Mrs, Ann Rihun, put until conditions improved shipping companies have widowed owner of the build. | Marchegiani was shot in the BL Were, 1 ere the two nine to 14 inches of snow on Nova | nicknamed variously Gordo and of his home, The wound was not| The officers, fearing they might prince Fdward still trying, but the chances don't I . 8 ° to his office In suburban Coral|men remaining downstairs spot-\ Chill alr is following behind the By Strikers Wives are, or reson o ae 1a JE, 1 TE The announcement was made, Tw stectives M hegl- | be shooting, all four gunmen | Two detectives took Marchegl- began voting g A oun scientists, as far 1a 18 ) 3 forth, Calls of "scab" echoed negotiating committees Gaulle - leader's order, issued an appeal | . Scientists already know from n lorowd back to order, talks and drop its insistence on &|who is running against de Gaulle, | Bi | hree Plan children are suffering 4 1 sh he soared some 600 miles high HONOLULU (CP)~-Prime Min. od husbands ga back to work on al. i y " | vote hy members of the Inter-lorganizing a march on city hall 50 "grad electors," of whom al : than 1,500 miles the launch read cause of his mother's illness, is Smelter Workers (Ind) to end|in the long and costly Inco dis {the president " Three would be too cold standing In (ihe sirike because of Inco's pro- pick the president Include mem [ters of the Western Big after a 21-hour flight from Auck- " " | em out destroying our homes," one re-| Mike Solski, president of Local| "We beg vou to hold a vote of municipal councillors [Russian efforts to get th me mother, Mrs, William T, Diefen- * many (for "a resolution sald. is needed. is expected almost |they would take a firm stand for unte S er The meeting nearly turned fnto|by union m Under the constitution of the|Curtai. read the resolutions and called|to the audience were handed to| company and the union , ap-lhave seven vears In office with(U.8,, Selwyn Lloyd of Brital, of their seats and on to the ce. lof the meeting, can be fairly known {treaties and, In certain circum |saue of West Germany will meet sembly PONTYPOOL--Elgin Budd and 'ORONTO (CP)--Ontarlo Fuel Limited, Both companies were N TOR ! gangs of tree thieves are again CLEVELAND (CP) Getting ready for a third world war Suburban Gas Company's distrl- plang of all gas pipeline laid since le for ~ lic | ' made for a special police patro He said In an address to the City Club of Cleveland that the ndications o \ explosiofs or indication £ de In areas where there have heen{to he using a small truck United Suburban one of hoard will require inspection and p _ AVA aps ( | 1 Spec and suffered hea € last launched by the transport department to determine the day for the Nov. § natural I not heen set The board's decision announced THOUGHT FOR TODAY on a British military vehicle today for the first time since tion that all existin prus debate Mr, Spooner General Roberts said his The five-man at Burling 5 K Hotel or commission to approve or re enora 0 e direct inspection of existing MONTREAL (CP) -- The bar-|to try to drag the Westcliffe Hall|rel area today, The icebreaker ©! the three-storey Dalmore Ho eral inspection throu i hornly in a Lachine Canal lock the canal bank, hauled on the viver which blotted out visibility | Mant pointe freed seven ships Friday 3 her and plugging the route to pulled and prodded. The trucks age was immediately available plete ¢ made near Trofs-Rivieres 4 aaa . Na continued to make lee as fast as from spreading to adjacent busi v 0 all shut-off chilled quired 1 un \ ( take the Lawrence below Mont started on the second floor of the Awrence he freighters toward the !1i hours It subsided enough for The department of (transport were escorting convoys trying to The first alarm was sounded by But eight were reported to|cated as a winter port Mix. BRihun, whe lived in the threes youngest advo the mg hotel away I per péline weep home ol more ships lo ACTOSS of alter not in have attempted the downstream| Captain Albert Starmer of the with her gamblg § and were caught |Rritish freighter Manchester City at the time 4 In fee hetween St. Michel, 14/which reached Quebee City after was not known how many / downstream, and Sorel, 33 a hazardous pa from Mont were registered hut aif! between! schedule a week ago miles farther on real, looked over wered apparently escaped in M-below.| Wreckage of a parochial Ga Two trucks, two tugs and an They awaited the Icebreaker harbor and sald, "You' ean have|zero weather before the fire] school bus which was sliced in Canada) other ship were used Friday night|D'Iberville, duet o reach the So." . reached dangerous proportions half at a rural grade crossing COMMUNITY I CHEST SCOREBOARD two sons, was - SCHOOL BUS HIT BY TRAIN at Essex, Ont, by a New | gydents aboard the bus were York-to-Detroit passenger train | les in a ditch. Two of the 10 | killed and several others, in- where riday wa al cification mile: ane on contract the driver, were ine (CP Photo) United Suburban and the Machinery CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 56474 HOSPITAL RA 38.2211 | BN LF Company oluding Jured. $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 $110,000 $175,000 $130,000 | $150,000 | = ik