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The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve 'tising . RA 38-3492 All other calls ,....... RA 83-3474 WEATHER REPORT Very cold tonight, Mainly clear and not quite as cold, Tuesday Winds decreasing. dhe Oshawa Times Authorized As Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa Not Over we Per Copy VOL, 88 -- NO, 3 FOURTEEN PAGES ss ------ OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1959 rom -------- STORMS BATTER CITY | MORE COLD FORECAST | % | Traffic Tie-Up In District Drifting snow and bitter winds the West accompanied by strong spelled havoc for Oshawa end|winds and snow spread over One district mc orists Sunday, An|tario during the weekend, At least Arctic cold wave, blanketing most nine highway deaths were attri of Southern Ontario, gripped buted to storm conditions, Oshawa, | Temperatures plunged by as The lowest recorded tempera- much as 30 degrees vith the are ture In the city was 8 below dur. rival of the Arctic storm which ing the night ¢t the main fire had been moving slowly southeast ha'l, Simcoe street north, Ux.lacross Canada since the New bridge recorded temperatures as! Year began, low as 20 below zero, Skles cleared throughout most The storm tied up motorists on|0f Ontario Sunday afternoon, ex. district lghways and caused cept where the cold front was ig: im' po tor the death trap morning but Fidel Castro's supporters kept a close armed watch on the city AP Wirephoto one of the . nto the heart of the Cuba | i , city In background Tension man a machine gun post overs | eased In the city somewhat this SUPPORTERS OF the revols | looking malin streets | of | utionary government Stores Tax! named provi Castro, was v the jubilant. youn ell-appointed Apparently Only armed on the of obeyed oen - prayers search MOSCOW (AP) mic rocket hurtled farther into outer space today at more than 1,000 miles an hour and the Rus slang sald they expect it to go day A heavy-set bleached blonde is the helleved to be the kidnapper Chionchio day or Thursday An announcement 4 am Moscow time (8 p.m, EST Sun I'he baby was to day) sald the 1%-ton rocket was have been baptized Lisa Rose J940.750 miles from earth and Fhe father, a 268-vear:old law. [146,878 miles. from the moon ver for the Port of New York] Authority, appealed again for re turn of the baby. He said same She al ated Chionehio ii announced the from Spul wa Moscow radio missile called Lunik {nik and luna, or moon wargaret | LATE NEWS FLASHES Plunket is the denny EX-Leaf Coach Appointed Belleville Manager BELLEVILLE (CP) Billy Reay, fired In November as of Toronto Maple Leafs, today was appointed assistant il manages Belleville McFarlands of the Ontario Association eastern division stakes today the and wal Famil He and the have household rest of the him Patrick -year-old princess royal the coach 1" gone H 3 ca of the eligible Key MN ort to the Mar Is been constant companio sie ihe Ray Family moved to U.K. May Recognize Urrutia Regime Sandringham LONDON RIDING, LUNCHES Margaret and 01 ha In count esta Christmas Britain Cuban regime of man sald today studying the Dr. Manuel Rewters is question Urrutia, before of reco | ' new a fore ofl na 1 West Ge | Mayor Stresses Need | ; ForCityM erHere ° Mayor Lyman Gifford announce [wen would add to its efficiency ing the sald extension this year, ed today he was in favor of the at a later date," thus enabling traffic to have an city manager form of govern. COMPLETE TEXT east = west arterial street from ment, but that the majority In| Following Is the complete text Stevenson road on the west to Council was opposed to the plan, [of His Worship's speech; Wilson road on the east, His Worship made the state "Last January on assuming the! . "According to our five-year ment in his speech of accept-|office of Mayor of this city of plan the underpass under the ance at inauguration ceremonies Oshawa, 1 accepted the responsi- CPR at Wilson road is to be in City Hall today as the 1050 bilities placed on me by the elec built this year and this should Council was sworn in of this city with a feeling of have a two fold effect (1) of "As you are all aware,' Hi that Worship continued, "I have al ready expressed my views as to the farm of municipal govern ment which I personally favor for this city, However, 1 feel that the majority of this Council are nol prepared to go along with my ideas, but I do propose, starting immediately, to call all depart ment heads to a meeting, once a week, and endeavor to more elf) [elently put into practice the poli. {clen lald down by council from ™ [timé to time and possibly the h success established by this type Bus Purc dase March Of Triu: | 1 h [of administration, after It has » heen thoroughly tested, might : lead City Council to consider a Before Council ' change in our elvie government Oshawa Barrister Z, T, Salmers or u a S Castro will appear before city council to . night gin behalf of members of Consumer Price Local 1255, Street Electric Rall By LARRY ALLEN The rebel chieftain, now com way and Motor Coach Employes,| HAVANA, Cuba (AP) ¥idel mander-in-chlef of Cuba's armed who are attempting to purchase Castro and thousands of his fight. forces, ordered an end to the Index ess Y pnd operate the Oshawa Railway ing men today continued their praying Several strike that hae . us service, | slow westward march of triumph closed stores, business and indus h Of P The current employes of the to Havana, . tity and ted wp transport and Tent oint J 0) g, P y announced thets. teniions. of wt |tewas-and. villages turned out io] He had said he would call off| OTTAWA (CP)--Sharply lower tompting to purchase the system |choer as Castro. and is motos- | the strikevhen ho was com inced | price; for § number of fiods Dee, 18 after council had ap-lized" @olumns made thelr way Havana war safely in the hands | shaved the consumer price index roved an offer Dec. 16 by a|from Oriente province, centre of of his men, There were still some by one-tenth of a point during indsor concern to operate the|the rebellion that overthrew the|scattered Batista holdouts, but re-| November, cutting the cost-of company with a maximum sub-|dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista ports from his commanders in|living yardstick to $26.2 on Dec, 1 sidy of $37,000, last week, Havana assured Castro the situa. from the record 26.3 on Nov, | In a letter to council, Mr sal.| The progress was slow; Cama. tion was fully under control and the bureau of statistics reported mers sald the employes had or. guey, 300 miles from Havana, nothing could upset his hard won today anized themselves under a Sunday night; tonight Santa Victory | This first decline following four emorandum of Agreement to|Clara, scene of the defeat that! There were immediate signs of consecutive months of rises in apply to be Incorporated under forced Batista to flee, 140 miles a return to normal in the excited living costs occurred as a decline the firm name," Oshawa Trans: farther along the march, and CIty in average food prices offsel portation 'Corporation Limited." [Tuesday Matanzas, 50 miles from NEWSPAPERS APPEAR rises in virtually every other seg The agreement, he sald, would the capital Newspapers began appearing ment of the price index, The in save citizens of Oshawa $70,000f Castro and his men were ex. Again flung open thelridex is based on 1949 prices equal over a period of 10 years, It|pected in the capital Wednesday doors and buses resumed (ing 100, would also provide security of afternoon for one of the greatest operation, Industrial workers be employment for the present em- welcomes in Cuban history ja preparing to return to thelr NE T loyes and assure local citizens . AR . jobs WS COLUMNIS dyed Oshawa people would eon BAN BIG WELCOME @astro's bearded soldiers pat trol the franchise Manuel Urrutia, rolled the streets with: rifles, | SPOOFS 150 Mr, Salmers pointed out that sional president hy pistols and machine guns, arrangements had been made hy! flying from Santiago de Cuba this guarded government bu il dings LOS ANG S (AP) Los the employes to subscribe the morning to Havana, A big wel: and banks and roamed the lobbles(* Angeles Mirror-News colmun necessary funds for the purpose come was arranged for him, with!and corridors of hotels ist Paul Coates called -150 of purchase and that no one government offices closed so that I'he security situation was en people by telephone and could help but benefit from the employes could participate hanced | rebel high com: agked this question suggested draft agreement The people of Havana awaited mand's order to the thousands of | "Do you think the Mann He added that seniority of pres. Castro with full stomachs far the militia men, many Act deters or helps the cause ent employes and pension plan first time since the collapse of of them to turn in| labor, and if vou feel It commitments gould, in effect, be the Batista government and the the most of deters. would you vote for its refused under the proposed purs|dictator's flight to Ciudad Tru. them a few were, yepeal?"" chase by Windsor interests jillo in the Dominican Republic street | Coates found that 38 per cent of those polled want to . repeal the Mann Act, which Port Hope Hill CITY PRAYS | since 1910 has made it illegal -------------------- to transport a woman across | state lines for immoral pure I bl | : poses mpassa e a 1 na Oo The columnist said only 12 per cent realized the question PORT HOPE For the first was rigged, time this. winter, the Walton| street hill defeated all of the ef B Plum Blonde forts of Port Hope's massed snow | Y removal equipment. Sunday morning, at church time, the bot. ; ' | : | NEW YORK (AP)---Mr. and was seen loitering in the hospital tom of the hill, whieh terminates Mrs, Frank Chionchio walted for before the kidnapping. in the centre of the town, Was alcome news today -of their kid San Francisco police sent here Jumble of slithering pars napped newborn daughter, A city|a description of a woman who With the help of muscle power ghaved their anxlety, their hope, [took a baby from Mount Zion from the police department, many their Hospital there three years ago motorists were placed back on A by police and FBI The description fitted the women course but the assault of the hill auantg continued for the missing seen at St. Poter's | resulted In skids and frustration infant. She was taken from a Ihe California woman was! for many throughout the day: No jourth-floor nursery of St. Peter's/identifled as Mrs, Betty Jean accidents resulted, Hospital in Brooklyn Friday Benedicto, 31, wanted for parole Traffic from highway 401 added night, only 2% hours after birth. vielation, She lost a baby in 1045 to the congestion as motorists. "There are no leads," detective and was unable to have more were advised to stay off the chief James B. Leggett sald Sun. She took a baby in 14955 from a four-lane highway between Osh bassinet in a maternity ward awa and Port Hope and use No manner in which the 2 highway, child's abductor oper LORD PLUNKET? x New Suitor S LONDON (AP) entry In the Princess Margaret of duty band-holding Lord Jan od lunket, handsome, aristocratic, \fargaret and a bachelor R I'he word that bachelor, an official es Royal Family, squiring CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 © peer © ne and the have mornin rmany Rejects Russ Berlin Plan \ \ Wie re Russia turn W Herlin into a demilitarized free city and I Moscow to restore the city to its place as capital of {a united Germany 10 \ IN ' Germany today jected hey have: [q iy shooting parties over the $78-acre estate, Pl 15 pS ( od | | deep gratitude and great humil Iy "Today, one year later, 1 abolishing now exists at the location and (2) of enabling the city to com Iscores of accidents, The weather (moving across Ottawa to Monts forecast predicts continued co'd{real and in the Lake Hurons Russia's Cosmic Rocket | plete our paving program from | Olive avenue south to Bloor and | west to Edith street thus direct ing the traffic to and from Gen eral Motors away from the heart of the city, "The bridge on Harmony road south Immediately north of the Dr, Donevan Collegiate should he completed this year thus abolish ing the curve that now exists at this location, HARBOR COMMISSION An effort should be put for ward by this Council to put into operation the Harbor Commission that the Council applied for some two weeks ago to the Federal Department of Transport thus enabling the Commission to put a concentrated effort on this work and be prepared for any immed] ate developments In this area. (Continued on Page 2) MAYOR STRESSES realize that sibilities are these same respon Infinitely greater than any one could anticipate, and one feels that, under ow present system of municipal gov ernment and as our city continues to expand, the office of mayor Is golrg to require more effort and time than Is now devoted to the same "In my opinion, In 1959 there are several important projects to be brought to the attention of and considered by this council, "It goes without saying that one of the greatest problems fac Ing this city at the present time |ls that of traffic, We must eon. tinue to develop our system of arterial roads, and one great Improvement would be to imme dintely complete the purchase of the property that Is necessary for the extension of Loulsa street | from Simcoe to Mary street with the thought In mind of complet 30 BELOW ZERO 17 Ice Fishermen Trapped On Lake EDMONTON (CP) | plane lee fishermen were belleved about 20 miles north of Hay stranded far out on Great Slave River. They were reported In Lake today, trapped by Ice good condition, though apparently cracks and a sub-Arctic blizzard, lost as they travelled through the RCAF and clvilian planes were blizzard In two snowmobiles, | to continue searching near the| There was no confirmation of centre of the. 11,170-square-mile scanty reports reaching here thal who have not been heard from However, it was assumed the since New Year's Eve plane had indicated the direction heen around 30 degrees below| Missing are 10 employes of zero, The blizzard, backed by 30-| Boschman Fisheries and seven of sweeping southward across the {lake for a week B » itt B d t {commercial fishing companies | g based at Hay River, NW.T,, a T Ww d 0 29 | ' To Wed On Jan. 29 ern shore of the lake 500 miles north of Edmonton land her jazz - guitarist fiance, about 60 miles north of Hay River|their wedding date, friends of the and 45 miles northwest of Fort couple say. | of the lake revealed. The wedding date is RPC 2S RRS CR Distel's 24th birthday and the an EIGHT OTHERS SIGHTED 0 25 men were listed first big record a year ago las missing, Elght were sighted Brigitte also is 24, lake for some sign ot the men, | the eight men reached Hay River Temperatures since then have to the town to them, mile-an hour winds, has been |Alaska Fisheries, | The men are employes of two town of about 1,000 on the south PARIS (AP)-Brigitte Bardot When last reported, they were|Sacha Distel, have set Jan: 20 as Resolution on the southeast side| The wedding site hasn't been niversary of the release of his Originally, | and any In the Oshawa area, "or Oshawa and district weath roundup, see page two, TORONTO (CP) Pushed by {strong northerly winds, drifting snow reduced visibility and [blocked highways throughout On. Itario Sunday, resulting in dozens of traffic accidents Including a triple fatality, HARRY DE Cobourg Man Remanded In Murder Charge Provincial police detoured mo- COBOURG (Staff) Harold torists from snow-clogged high- Curtls Scarlett, aged 82, of Tren.|ways In Eastern Ontario and un- ton, appeared before Magistrate tangled lineups of cars brought Baxter in. Magistrate's to a standstill, Police at Whitby Court here today formally charg-|and Bowmanville sald snow re- ed with the murder of his 24-year. [duced visibility to 26 feet and old wife, Julla Nettle Scarlett, caused scores of minor collisions, Dec, 29 | Near Orono, 11 miles east of | He was again. remanded untll| Oshawa on Highway 15, about 200 2 p.m, Friday, Jan, 9, when the cars were trapped at one time Crown intimated It would be and had to be plowed out. Police ready to proceed, {broadcast appeals to motorists Accused, wearing a grey sult, not to use highways 115 and 112 was only in court for a few min-|because of dangerous driving utes, and was represented by conditions, A. H, Richardson of Cobourg, Hel Highway 18 was n occupled a seat in the centrallgnow und thost of ity prisoners' dock in the old court-\were impassable. Highway 401 room, Usually the accused in this [court occupy a seat in the jury tion, causing several collisions, | benches, |SEE 10 FEET There was a crowd of about 60) Between Peterborough and spectators as Harry Deyman, QC| Newcastle visibility was reduced {for the Crown, asked for the fur to 10 feet at dusk and police ad- ther remand, Scarlett was charg: vised motorists to use Highway od Tuesday last, and remanded (28 to Highway 2, avolding High- until today, It is understood that! way 1185. MAN, Q.C, police investigations are still In the Niagara Peninsula driv: being carried on Ing conditions improved in the alternoon and the Queen Eliza- . UAW Strike Vote In the Sudbury area highways were ley and police sald scores of cars were stalled in below zero WINDSOR (CP)--Members of| Six inches of snow fell in the Local 444 United Auto Workers | Georglan Bay region while the Union (CLC) have voted over-|Toronto area recorded two inches, tion against Chrysler of Canada Local 444 President Charles . Brooks sald the vote was 98 per Eldo Uranium ever no strike deadline was set, . strike action must be B bl sanctioned by the international uying ou e union, Mr, Brooks sald The unton leader sald the cur: | PORT HOPE -- Nearly a bil. unanimously rejected, {will be purchased from Canadian Mr, Brooks listed the outstand-|mines by the Eldorado Mining Ing issues, beside wages, as pro-|and Refining Limited in Port outside contractors for work nor {tracts to purchase $1,425,723,000 mally done by regular employ: |worth of uranium by March 81, ees: rest periods; health and saf nounced, Interim deliveries by contract, and retroactivity, the company are now being re- The union's contract with ported for the first time. { mines delivered 9,338 tons of THOUGHT FOR TODA uranium concentrate In a nine Y month period In 1958. This was | . ; _ more than twice as much as was Note to the Cost of Living: produced in the equivalent period | Why don't you come down and|of 1957 when 4,470 tons was Se. beth way was clear, Against Chrysler g Y weather, whelmingly 1. favor of strike ac TORONTO (CP)---Cold alr from cent In favor of a walkout, How rent offer o. the company was|lion and a half dollars in uranium duction standards clauses; use of Hope, The company has con- 1963, a company spokesman an. ely measures; pensions; length of Chrysler expired Aug, 15, Canada's 19 uranium-producing see us some time? livered, ed with erouds | was reported In slippery condi |Georglan Bay area, Graham was the coldest spot in the province Sunday with a re cording of 45 below zero, White River reported 356 below, The weather office sald tempers atures would rise five to 10 de« grees today from the zero reads ing predicted generally for Souths ern Ontario Sunday night, THREE DIE IN CRASH Winds swept snow across highs ways in the Woodstock area Sun. day and three people were killed and four others injured in one traffic accident, Five inches of snow were recorded there, A Hamilton man died Sunday while shovelling snow, Driving conditions Saturday and Sunday resulted In double fatalities at North Bay and Cochrane, and single fatalities at Cayuga and south of Sarnia, Scores of minor traffic accls dents were reported by police as drifting snow reduced visibility to as little as 10 and 25 feet on highways and impagsable. jf that swept through 4 tarlo and Quebec during the weekend blustered into the Mari. times today as all Canada felt the cold grip of mid-winter, The weather office said the Maritimes can expect wind and drifting snow with more snow falling, The prediction for most of Can ada was clear and cold with some [snow expected in the Montreal and Ottawa area today, Drifting was heavy in Montweal and Ottawa yesterday, Some [roads In Ontario were impassable [until plowing was completed, In Ontario more sun that cloud |was on tap today after tempera~ tures fell by as much as 30 de grees with the arrival of cold air [from the west. Up to six inches lof snow fell Sunday, Chess Champ, 15 Wins U.S. Match NEW YORK (AP) Fifteen year-old Bobby Fischer won his second consecutive United States |chess championship Sunday when {he drew with Robert Byrne of | Indianapolis in 28 moves, That gave Fischer an 8%-2% record, Bobby didn't lose a mately, but drew five of his 11 games, Samuel Reshevsky of New (York, the only grand master competing, finished second with |T%-3%. His only loss was to Fischer, He drew with Paul Benko, a Hungarian refugee, in 14 moves in his final match, Fischer defeated Arthur B, Bis. guler of New York in 86 moves Saturday night, rendered oti - Goes Into Solar Orbit of 2.45 kilometres (1 miles) a second when it passed near the moon Sunday, This speed, equivalent to 5472 proximately with the speed of 9,000 kilometres (5,502 miles) an hour announced by the Russians Saturday night It passed the moon at a tance of about 4,700 miles at Moscow time Sunday EST Saturday) Fass nows agency rocket would enter around the sun Jan RADIO STILL BUSY Tass sald the rocket's radio equipment still was sending data But contact will fade out gradu ally because of distance and weakening of the batteries aboard I'he result radio transmis sions between the missile and ground stations will he published as soon as it has been. analyzed hy computers and scientists, Tass dis 5:50 a.m (8) pm the orbit sald its Tord of | sald I'ass said the missile was grad ually entering. an elliptical 'orbit around the sun he Russians calculate this or bit. would have a maximum dia meter 214,250,000 miles, The would get to the sun about 91,500,000 miles would be reached of be point it] Rus close woula Thi Jan The it ns estimate will Russia's cos-[travelling at a maximum speed take 15 months for the rocket to complete a trip around the sun, br, G. M, Clemence, scientific jdirector of the U.S, naval observ. atory in Washington, said that into orbit around the sun Wednes: 'miles an hour, corresponded ap: some time in March or February the earth will pass between the rocket and the sun, The earth has an elliptical orbit around the sun, the same as the rocket will have, but it is tighter y| It takes the earth only 12 months tc make the full swing The neavest paint of the earth's orbit tothe sun is about 1,250,000 miles, the farthest 94,500,000 miles, The earth now is travelling away from the sun, having reached its closest point Jan, 1 When the Soviet rocket starts away from the sun, it will swing away faster than the earth, and then the earth will pass between the rocket and the sun The earth and the rocket will he several hundred thousand mile apart and they will not be that close again for another two or three centuries, As the rocket. moved farther into space, the gravitational pull of the moon and the earth was lessening and the pull of the sun's gravity was increasing Soviet newspapers were filled Sunday with comments the performance and preaietions on new space ventures, Bul there were no further details on the rocket itself, its launching site or nowar on ge WN IEPTUNE JUPITER ~~ R - sik elliptical orbit of Lunik would orbital path shows it approxi have a maximum diameter of mate location now --= well past | 214 million miles and minimum the moon. Russians estimated | of 91 million miles - - ARROWS mark how the Ru rocket may orbit earth 'and ot' x MD solid lin shan cosmic the sun like planets, First Jarrow along rocket's projected

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