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The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1959, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, , Janwery B, 1959 ty, Jo 3.9. iC ad __WeATHER | Hyll-Ottawa Team [ TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-| Drifting Snow Slows SESE BN i..." Thorn To Dunnies | Synopsis: Frigid Arctic air {dominates the weather over most| By THE CANADIAN PRESS (wards got untangled, Hull rag LJ [J LJ y %4, 7 Yi Z Traffic In Distr ct / / ' {ot Canada this morning. Arm-| Whithy Dinlops have been run-|up six goals in the first half of ' / 7 2 4, |seong la Northwestern uate ning away with the OHA Eastern|the Jame and then held on grimy \ ' po 7 (reported a temperature ¢ Senior A division honors all sea-| against a fierce Whitby comebac Ontario County traffic was all, R. E. Sims, Ontario County snowbound on its way to pick vp / HY, IH 4 g A but paralyzed Sunday because of road engincer, sald today that |e school children this morn. ' " ; 7a oh ] How ito at 3 An. Bisar i son. but they're still having prob- drive that almost gucoseded. 20-30 mph northwest winds whip-| county road had been blocked for Ing, Passing motorists assisted i Hit 4 py [snowball areas be te, jams with the third-place Hull-Ot-| y uet, in [] ; ping sub-zero arctic alr across|a great Jength of time, Roads the driver in freeing the bus and # Yi / ; 71 roraly lear throughout the awa Canadiens, scorer, ¢ ree goals the district causing poor visibil.| which had to be closed were open-| no serious disruption of classroom | +, " Ji / are Boner i lying vf Wo and Whithy wit [] Wek: villa Broden, Jovi putable_ dnd ity, drifting and treacherous road|ed as soon as possible by ¢ wunty [time was experienced. Oshawa 4 Y% 2 1 / thor Dioture is expected today series, a owing 1 -|\rewcomer Leo .Gravelle conditions, crews, schools reported some tardiness : . 2% / {Wes iy Bg gid bhi rainy 4 place 'Belleville ¥arlands to etching his ALLAN Sinden Faery aati oc of ea | Mss ret cla pat at 0 mt se somal cn ¢ Bi Va Ber 3 Sm, wie et Eo i, Lk gn oe su A il Be ment was out throughout the both ways on Highway 401 be-|tlons regarding attendance and gd, ty ' Southern Ontario during the day, sin ly hips By ight and cl t th Osh Toronto al- being on time, 4 4 : ; a | emperat ton} morning. The. condition" which| though some difieulty had been| FOF the first time in many >A % ; [are expected fo be a little higher| Whitby hammered Hull 80 at EARLY RUNAWAY =~ brought county traffic to a virtual [encountered by motorists trying years skiers attempting to reach § , Bae / , # |than Sunday night's with further| Whitby Baturday to avenge three 4 the first 52 minutes at standstill Sunday afternoon has|to use the passing lane. the Oshawa_8ki Club, east of f ) J ---- , [slight moderation of tempera-|Consecutive losses to the Cana.| oF rie nn 4 been resolved and most roads| Scores of minor accidents were Kirby, were turned back, | i tures Tuesday. |dions but the Hull skaters came yh ~ elu ied . were reported clear today, | reported by Whithy and Bowman. ! The Jow, shiers ga makaged airy |" Regional forecasts valid until Foaring Duck oi ove oe Subs 2 an ome ¢ly Accor ) v 2 p ACC [7 0 make [he ciup, ¥ b 4 4 2 x a , 4 le eater Office Dominion Pu ville, Proriueiat Bailey ge early Sunday morning before con ! J : ' i Li. midnighy Tuesday, Ontario and | ' Delioville usted buck Kin woul, Ret MocDonuld, bis Mg its 4 a.m. forecast today, the ef-|dropped to as little as 25 feet in|ditlons became critical, faced two ! hd gi) | (western Niagara regions, Wind. ® d is a weekend ouch of the first two periods, fects of the frigid arctic afr will|the swirling snow. {and three foot drifts when they 74 ' . y sor, Toronto and Hamllton: Sunny Toad tour, MacDonald getting his first of the hi. today. The cold] Normal winter driving condi. attempted to leave. | p i | with a few cloudy intervals, an| SECOND SHUTOUT Pisin eg . fs his is expected to diminish somewhat tions were restored in Whitby and | gus FOLLOWS PLQW 7 ip a . occasional snowflurry, and Very| ou, yenderson collected his! 20th. cold today. Mainly clear and not| econ ghutout of | all Playing coach Ike Hildebrand Tuesday when current north. Bowmanville over night. Provin-| of skiers, including a [ies y . ; mw, y west winds of 20-30 are expected cial police reported roads as betng|, The group of from High Park ¥/ : : 1 |quite as cold Tuesday. NOFthWest| wy iy, while his mates fattened|added two in the third before Red to become light westerly, Occa-(lcy In spots today but sald If|gy "cy, 1. in oronto, were obliged | I aL 3 winds of 20 to 30 m.p.h, decreas | oie" Looming records, Playing| Olsen and Rags Raglan got the sional snow flurries are forecast, motorists exercised caution there (© Cot heir vehicles out at a' | , RN HS ing gradually today, light wesl:| 0 u0p gia mith and Tom 0'Con.|Kingston goals. AUTOS TRAPPED {would be no difficulty, | one-mile-an-hour pace to Highway © Vi A) oy tuesday. sistern Niagara|L% scored two goals each with) At Cornwall it was a lot closer The most rious tan eur, BELOW AT UXBRIDGE 1 etd 1 Widens rive | BR orn Bate dae, Kane, George mclenks vi Beles adn th win a ed Sunday afternoon on Highway oes lemperature wag report. Bl Rothe on y OW ii / 2% |glons, London: Cloudy and Jory Bi TY en fir. Joi a) Lelia 12, north of Whitby, where a xbridge w | : . ; 0 (cold with snowsqualls and dr t : : large number of cars were trapp-|zero mark was recorded. Port| Ten t the le bus ad ov. -- i |ing snow today, Sunny with oy 1 Tudes, Inu Whitty Saude eel - he gi ed, Police reported Highway 12/ Perry and Blackstock had lows | ve wid to warn people of "| |cloudy (intervals, an occasional | PAY € ut owt py Mg ragh the a, ver ha ar ore in conditions as the worst encoun. of -18 and Bowmanville, -14,70CH" IWEmaeT 14 WOH ind Part: ay, 4 snowflurry, and not quite as cold 3 fod whe ked pth fi lod and G die B || tered in 15 years, Trapped ve. Brooklin reported a low of "lo. (8 BLISS PURO VELL eluh 1) A bo Bi Tuesday. West-northwest winds |, Je JEG, leo) Rog pogo dfs Brg incement Job, hicles were freed oatly i tie LR] do was recorded members vou stationed at Kirby © Wh . Zi 1 [20 to 30 m.p.h. decreasing gradu. or be Smrke fired his 21st against | us - . Ld | iv on No. 12 were com. 876 temperatures recorded at 9 corner and saved additional ditt : a - HA aly today, light westerly Tues | It was a different story at Hull| Cornwall with Ray Laplante and phe on | ories of 12 minoy 8m. today, Whitby temperatures oulty oh any Sy i # gy ih » A Haliburton, northern Georgian Whee the ome STev Fai y #| Dennis Boucher scoring for the Disated by 2 Moker of J crews Datillsled those of Osawa except CC The Tew on hy wy, 68 be eT ol : , ys Bay, Kirkland Lake and Tim: e ore the y for. | homesters, cleared the heavily-drifted snow, | at the Whithy Lake Ontario pump: th 1 untered gales up|' j ? 1 ~ a SE | mins-Kapuskasing reglons, North ; . /liere a low of -12 was/the slopes encoun p i J ' | : Clear and very police re-routed northbound traf: house w t h and Impossible skiing ' op , / Bay and Sudbury: Clea a fie to Country road 2 which runs Tecorded aly wis morning [6 5 ot hon to blowing snow, | © Vis i [cold today and Tuesday. Winds PRESS DEPLORES 9)¢ f | # ¢ 2 {northwest 15 today, light tonight house temperatures at between Oshawa and Port Perry, Pump 10! Enterprise Hill, on Highway 35, | it am. was -10 and Lake Ontarlo ' y ) {and Tuesday, Appeals were broadcast asking was 36 degrees. [12 'miles nortt of Newcastle, was | 1 of ; | ia wiry ivhdeast ISIE yu egrees : the scene-of a 200 car tie-up Bun-| ¥ / did : he AE 7 i Farocstt Lj rg ot oe eqason or and Highway 118, north of Orono, SCHOOL BUS SNOWBOUND day afternoon, As many as seven i. bi Ppp LR, da LR " wis ton ght, Hig Tuesday: until they were plowed out, Traf-| Conditions on a country road OPP constables were on the scene y fice had returned to normal early near Blackstock caused the Cart-| throughout the day in a success AMERICAN NATION GETS NEW FLA ung . today. Iwright school bus to become | ful effort to keep traffic moving. This Is the nation's new flag ( ual 13 red and white stripes. | This photo was released by the London 4e por <4 ec ine eT. . as designated today by Presi- | The 49 stars are arranged in | White House, Toronto ... . dent Eisenhower. It has the us- | 7 staggered rows of 7 each. | (AP) Wirephoto|Trenton LONDON (AP) ~ While the 87 runs, It may sound sky high . OBITU ARIES Osh awa Rink - - - neveee---- SAA -- - Tocketin ot Alana are de for the Polo Grounds but It was gh, Britons--io quote one local the lowest achleved by an Eng- In Ontario (CAPSULE NEWS master of understatement--are|lish team in Australia since 1904, MISS CARLOTTA (CARRIE) Dowling, of Faw grand MAYOR STRESSES NEED i Tog 5% ey nang are seeking aro for the Eng: Ti Engle. children. i © Buln School Pl a offs "Spineless leadership puts Eng: (lish downfall. Th two most com. | The memorial service will be Y (®) gun ar Y R I aud od go Tosted an eight. WOWY SeVetcel are Srisli- ani column headline In 5,000, . weod Hospital, Chicago, Saturday, |, 4 at the Armstrong Funeral Jan. 3 of Miss Carlotta (Carrie) 4 By THE CANADIAN PRESS copies of The People, Bunday| Reporters covering the series Y |C! ny, Ei ph we Heb Ady Sito EEE SEEKS SeX FINA |p ™ m7 fir ih Ent Tl i gk os for three weeks, King Street United Church, willl syso0iation's schoolboy champi- AIR PORT PARKS BOARD | exposing national Is w{bed at nights t the boys out 13 A daughter of the late Robert 11" yg a ot In| Cnship at Welland Jan. 17 with 8) pprporia (cp) -- Provincial daughter Marie, linked togethe +'To pursue the development of) 'The Board of Parks Manage thle Fg Bg We |eye to Aussie charmers on the Courtice and Mary Grace Grills, Mount Lawn Cemetery, © (chance at the Canadian title #8\p)0 have" warned a group of by 4 hula holp, were killed Sat. |e, Oshawa Airport during 1980, iment in the City of Oshawa' has| Gillie, MICEVAEV® beaches. ton . hi "No ga in Dating | : I Disp Pes. nal entry was Men--some of whom were re- | urday when they were thrown * 3 ses in a Sore Jon OUSLY work aver . ++ stag. THIS LOVER UNLOVED ' ve ¥ v ' " nship, Nov, 29, . She| MRS. ERNEST MARTIN picked at Oshawa during ported carrying shotguns--to halt from the motorcycle they were unlie with this Council. Titls | money (namely one mill on the FINE ¢ . cried the SUD Su inittiery are dang Whelhiet had resided in Chicago since 1023.| The death occurred sudden! ) | t y 8 u ' ¥ 0) eekend - whan Johnny Ryan's |OPerations after they learned the riding as It skidded on a COrREr: should provide a broader and ggsessment) which has been allot: "a, © eapondency 1s over the would be better equipped io more significant base for negotl: ted for that purpose, However, / ois} ww Sodreice lived ui Pasting.) Cowman, Malicba, Sunday, Jan, | on from Oshawa Collegiate and|Mmen were searching this ares township un , She train 4, pecca Jane Vipond, widow 4 isince Christmas fo Cl od as a i at a Postgraduate of Ernest Martin, vy Martin Vocational Institute beat Sob aie Brava Sev) LOT at... ahions with a Department of vie all appreciate, that from me, 21s of the ELIsh sricket team Handle J ag Rui Tl Hospital in Chicago, After re. suffered a stroke about two weeks inh 5 a a Ce, |" Police have been on the lookout Hungarian-born Count Peter Es. ATANPOR ih i 0m we mustio time we are continually asking| qo. "A ugtralin, In Surrey instead of in the stands. celving her registered nurses de- (ago. WC anol rated Te srovin. for @ man reported to have as- terhazy, now a Canadian citizen deal In this matter, the Parks Board to take over "myo phoiich stars, in the second, "This ungallant and indelicate gree in public health nursing at| Born at Brooklin, Ont., the de-| 1'F y { Yi ph | saulted a six-year-old boy In alliving in Vancouver, was married) "Our local Airport Is a Reglon- more land for park purposes and|,r rive oritical test matches with| question Is being asked every- the University of Western Ontario| ceased was a daughter of the late| 0} vi Hn eB cr eh bo Wing. barn in this town 50 miles west Saturday to Elizabeth Wilson, a a! one, serving the district bound. there 1s no doubt that the time |g." civalians, have been play- where," reported Frank Rostron in London, Ont, She then returned | John Vipond and Naomi Bray. Alpin ol ar th Tod ph : or of London, | 22-year-old shorthand typist, They, ed on the east by Port Hope and has now arrived when more. oo "ir thou were standing on In the Sunday Express. to Chicago and for many years resident of Western Canada for| om Fob Walkerville Colle ate |met two years ago in Vancouver|Cobourg, on the north by Ux. money must be alloted to the thelr heads, which In fact they, He gave it a delicate answer: was medication supervisor at En- between 30 and 40 years, she was» in ti i'd a » ) : BB TAKES EYE ., where the count fs a photo. bridge and on the west by Metro-| Parks Management to accommo: |... [Though all the world loves a glewood Hospital, {a frequent visitor in the Oshawa te ub Collegiate | MEAFORD, Ont. (CP)--A 22 grapher, Miss Wilson lived at politan Toronto, date the ever increasing de- lover, it is inevitable that he { deceased was a member of area and maintained her friend:| oo {year-old man had his right eye Farnham Royal in Buckingham.| "In recent weeks, we have mands on that body, and I pro. EASY LOSS should not be as single-minded f)8 Moody Memorial Tabernacle, | ships here, | Another division will be settled] Coved Saturday after it was ghire, been actively working with a|Pose, with the sanction of this| They lost the first test two in the pursuit of cricket as if his , She was a former mem.| Pred d by her husband Saturday. when the Brockville plerced if a BB alr gun pellet substantial and responsible Cana-| Council to Immediately call in the|yveeks ago without difficulty, flancee were not here." but of Ebenezer United Church number of years ago, Mrs. Mar. nin 'of Terry Walsh meets Davd|oee ooh hos oy oy, dnxl | HEART ATTACK FATAL dian Alr Carrier (possibly one of Board of Packs Management to| Saturday, in the second, they| The Sunday Pictorial pumined where she was a member of the tin leaves 'two sons, John and pao iu Renfrew contender in ue B Siow lls new weapon.| SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--Sey-|the oldest in Canadian History)(® conference to discuss the 4, held an apparently unbeatable! yn the feeling of nal ne cholr and taught in the Sunday Clifford Martin, of Roland, Man-|q 'playoft at berth Both won i cracl Dully, a native of Ire-imour Berkson, 89, publisher of with a view to bringing, at last, ture financing of that body and position but managed to throw It|with front-page pictures of a So- School, as well as being an active ltoba. od tne over duty jane, Jas Wounded hen Arthur the New York Journal American, |a scheduled alr service to this|What lands we are propasing tol away. viet sputnik and a cricket ball, woitker in the community, |" Also surviving are three sisters, weekend BEvion, I4 enon to a veranda died Sunday of a heart attack.|community and to this city. turn over to them from time to| mye English batsmen were all|and a huge headline saying: She leaves three sisters, Mrs, Mrs. Howard Mackey, of Port| or _ [to show him the gun, {He was a former general man: | "This will require an up-grad- time and assess our costs Ac-iout fn their second Innings for("aw , , , nuts to them both." Blake Courtice (May), of Cour. Perry, Miss Elsle Vivond, of ATOMIC CLASSES | WON'T RUN CANDIDATES |n8er of International News Serv.' "0% TU JO el SF ie air. | cordingly and see if it is not pos. ---- ties; Miss Alma Courtice, of Brooklin and Mrs. 8. Soanes, of SYDNEY, Australia (CP) -- A| WINNIPEG (CP) -- Walter /°% Pow merged with United nor 'and close co-operation from *Ible to furnish them with suff! oo : Chicago and Mrs. C, A. Wight Oshawa; four brothers, Wilbur, [new course at the University of Taylor president of the Manitoby PT€ss International, |all those concerned. It will re. clent funds to keep a Jig First Auto Canadians In Cuba SCOTTISH POET DEAD [quire the resurfacing of the pres- the demands Rade upon them by . CAMBRIDGE, Eng. (AP)--Ed. 50 Mt Srp, Seed SVU IG WINTER WORK PROGRAM. Licence Sold Seek Evacuation win Mulr, 71, Scottish poet, novel: yc icles' This will take time, Ma te Be yegretie a ry! IC OTTAWA (CP) ~-- About 87 of Ebenezer United Church, will| ment will be at Roland, Mahitoba, ing enrolment from teachers, and [He sald the party's sutive felt |15t and critic, died Saturday of a t tudy. To do this a y conduct the memorial service at Tuesday, Jan. 6. I had to be broken into two rs and He "people of Manitoba did not heart affliction. He was a Charles os should be set|!nto the winter works project In| 'The first motor vehicle license Canadians In revolt.tora Cuba, | [ 5 |Ellot Norton professor of poetry!' a higger way than we have but oiaiey and drivers permits for most of them tourists, have asked the Armstrong Funera) Chapel at understand the Social Credit ob. | 4 : pegs Shi] Rape | . Jods ) QL 09" Tat Harvard University In 1056 I can assure that some projects 1950 went on sale this morning in to be evacuated, the external af: Interm \ [und 1057. He was winner of num- such as the construction of sew- d lad , bain Will be in Ebenezer | CAT-ASTROPHE erous literary prizes, | CITY A ers has already been approved |the new Departméut of Transport faifs Sepyntotnl io td 4 3 (CP) Pr 1 y let, and investiga: office in the Oshawa shopping| ps move them ou Friends are asked not to cell| | ERINDALE Ont. (CP)-Prow! wit " and contracts ; (© a : af Te dre sthed, Wh fe ol A TRENTIE Tor mee ren {LCi i oll of & torts a MICHIGAN STRIKE ENDS _ | DISTRICT tions are being carried on at this centre. Havana have been taken and a [ raver-mats ' A |cat fell down the chimney of |, (i AIREY moment as to what work could be me series of numbers on plates most of them are believed to be ay evening, ' | Arzew looks and smells like a Pr ats on the ship's deck. | o. |A Grand Raplds newspaper strike mp provided and the cost In cleaning sehicles In the Os) y | | Tom bemoaned the life of a sol. [1eINZ Nebelung who called fire-| 0 ded Sunday CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT P 8 cobt for passenger vehicles in the Osh-| already In Florida or on thelr dozen other ports along the Al Ninety lator .(ended Sunday with members, up city owned property within the go this vear will begin with! way th Kes id MRS, THERESA F. POGUE dier, and that fact that the chance. MN: Ninety minutes later, after | f | in RA ul } {AWA area Lhis year w ¥ way there, a spokesman said, (gerian coast -- old, hot and un. pl h [a basement fireplace had been|® International Typographical| The divine source of true wis: (Creek Valley area and I trust this|Ao1000. The new markers have | I 7 In poor Lealth for the past six savory, {se of retu ning from the jungle taken apart, the cat dropped to | Union Local 30 voting to approve dom and goodness was stressed yj) he coming before council al: white numerals on a black back- | In adgjtjon (0 the tourists, months Theresa Frances Gra:| It looked good to us that morn. | Vor In Indo-China were about one| Sh 4F gave one loud cry and |® NeW two-year contract with the/at Christian Science services on|most Immediately ground |about 300 Canadians are reported ham, widow of Charles A. Pogue, |ing in the fall of 1951, The tramp |? eight, TRG Sit. L evening Grand Rapids Press and|Sunday, Jan. 4. DEPUTIZING FOR MAYOR | ' I : {to be permanent residents dled in Oshawa this morning. steamer we called home, work, LITTLE FUTURE ' the morning te Grand Rapids "In conclusion 1 would like to! The first license plate was pur- Cuba, now taken over by rebel She was in her 80th year, {and some other things was ted| He left us and ran down the pi RETIRED PROFESSOR DIES |Herald, The publications, mem. | STREETS CLOSED [point out to this council the de. Chased shortly after oe bureau leader Fidel Castro, A daughter of the late Mr. and up to Arzew's pler after a Medi: [when a bugle or per GUELPH (CP) -- Hugh L. Ful: [bers of Booth Newspapers, Inc..| The following streets will be mands upon the Mayor are very speied a Lv am, bY Brite] Most of these permanent rest. Mrs. Willlam Graham, the de-|terranean crossing that would! garrison hove ihe town Well: ! 78, retired professor of have not published since Nov. 25. closed Tuesday for construction: heavy indeed and I must confess Meant license number | js|dents have Indicated they plan to ceased was born in Ops town: have put any travel agency out ' chemistry at the Ontario Agricul-|They expect to resume publica: pitson road south from Bloor|that in cases where I have MI Yomult in Hovava and the sure (Ruth), of Bowmanville and a|John and Myron Vipond, of New South Wales to Instruct sec- Social Credit League, sald Sun-| brother, Leo J. Courtice, of Osh. Brooklin and Frank of Port Credit ondary school teachers in the use day the party will "not enter any | awa. |and five grandchildren, | of apparatus to demonstrate nu-|candidates In the next provincial Rev. Harold Stainton, minister | The funeral service and inter.) clear physics had an overwhelm-|election, expected this summer. | | ' : 4 ried in St. Paul's Church, Lind-| The derricks rigged to load a Before he turned the light out, Was born on a farm at Kingsville, [won a wage increase of nine cents| ustle avenue from Glengrove st.[the date set, (sometimes two or say, Jan. 11, 1806. |cargo of esparto fens there was| MY Sipmate In the bunk above Ont. an hour the first year and 10/{o Glenbrae treet: Simcoe street [three of such are received for one|transport were reminding motor. Mrs, Pogue came to Oshawa nothing for us to do but wander|™® 3ald "Poor guy -- there's not RUNWAY CONTRACT cents the second year, north from Nonquon road to Tan- date) I have repeatedly asked [sts that the new point system Lo ---------------------------------- jer a Ontario drivers will go into ef: | " daughter, Mrs, W. H, Perry, 208 gionnaires, spear-fishing for oc. deck battening down for a short|Que., has been awarded the con- Icebreaker May at Simcoe street north; Tecumseh some Instances these various| Oshawa boulevard north, [topus, and just strolling along the |VOYage to Civitavecchia in Italy, |tract for a new 4,000-foot runway avenue at Simcoe street north; groups have been very put out Eden United Church, Bobcaygeon, The French Forelgn Leglon lowering derricks, securing hatch: (port. The firm's bid was $672,024, and since living In Oshawa had today is a little disappointing. © and washing decks to pay| ACTRESS SWALLOWS CAUSTIC Streets will be kept open by Mayor to be present. However, I her of the Woman's Assoclation | oiven nl aboard y breaker D'Ib erville was expected | 1d chosen place to drab khaki denim ard, and engaged in earnest » pected tions, such as bad weather, may 'mayor or an alderman 0 | Predecoased by her husband |Witnoyt his pillbox hat, or kepi, conversation with our ship's offi | SobClous, Sunday nig ne today to reach one of the 13 for-| require the closing of streets not well in advance, represent the| MELBOURNE, Australia (Reu- ship Dec. 16, 1870 and was mar-|of business. [rolled on board, a little morose: [tural College, died Saturday. He|tlon Tuesday. The union sald It! street east to Wolfe street; Glen: already made a committment for| % \ Officials of the department of -- July 20, 1944, from Bobcaygeon ashore, On the way to the town, | Much future for him." TORONTO (CP)-Tracy Con- ton road east; Glenbrae street at|these organizations to consid | and had made her home with her we passed several groups of le.| Early next day, we were on struction Inc., of Ville de Tracy, |Glencastle avenue; Byng avenue representative from Council, In'fect Feb. 1 of this year. | She wa, forme: ber of I \ | | FURNITURE e was a mer member dusty pier, a |then home, we were too busy planned for Toronto's Island Air v Orchard View boulevard at Sim: |v/hen 1 have explained to them ng an 0ses Reach 13 Ships coe street north, dat it was Impossible for the| 20 Chureh St, RA 3.3211 attended King Street United The Jegionnaire's much attenti { | hd y 's del + | hav ' he past year, been : { y i glamorous blue ch atlention to the group of FWY < 3)..F SB the engineer's department when: have during the past year, t Ww ore Church where she was a mem: 4 white uniform Is gone, having 'egion officers who marched TRL Migs Fil stor MONTREAL (CP) -- The ice: ever possible, Emergency condi: successful in having the deputy 0 us Id 1a | Jan, 2, 1045, Mrs, Pogue leaves , = y eign freighters ice . bound In ve ll N ti Thi .|ters)--Australia beat England by A e looks just like any other sol.|cers. They soon left, to board| ol rors X on the above list, city at these functions. This sys-| ) two daughters, Mrs, J, M. Gra-|giae ! y 40k ane of two large troopships ry mona doe Searpy, Dociar Montreal harbor since early Dec- tem having proved itself very eight wickets in the second 4 = ham (Laurene), of Toronto and . : had tied up overnight. hg ember, ATTEND ASSEMBLY satisfactory in 1958, 1 propose to/cricket test here today. f Mr W. H. Perry (Marguerite), LACKING IN RECREATION A band aboard one of the troop. pucendy hog Swulloned tn as oi Department o transport oft Gordon Hunt and John Saun.|follow the same policy in 1959, Final scores were England 250] A ity are a grandson Moy Yeo jousd Siasly 1ack- ory played "La Marseillalse' and condition was described as not SH 2 Is ne ay Bight Be ke ders, of Pickering: Ron Mercer,| "No one can be giccensiut in iin 87, Australia 308 and 42 for, Everett R. Graham, of Oshawa drifted to what was apparenty| N rlane perio. Jan ofl company whart at the east. Of Stouffville and Jack Tudue, os era ay ask| a. stralia al the first test A DEAL . : . /e followed the tr i font phawa, wi the teachers ! | Australia also won the first tes yea) oni the only cafe In town, and satiof the harbor, they Sop kipe wut WASHINGTON ( Fr yd Ameri Ir sige of Hours) Juehor and| OLR vere Sung the District |vou for the same measure of sup- on Brisbane by elght wickets, The te natal Jo7vice Bint Sowh Among a group of legion: we turned north. lean Airlines today laid off about | ship hae oy Heres} who attended the three-day as. POrt given me this past year. I/third test begins in Sydney FH ------------ Chapel Wednesday, Jan. 7. Inter: wena : ast loutaed that he/ Our ship wallowed through pla (20,000 of its 22,000 employes be-|in the afternoon. 2 [sembly of the 10,000 moniher| VOU also ask for de ol day. | ment will be in Oshawa Union!for the legion iia lo Senile eid waters on the uneventful, two- cause of Inability to settle a strike| Eight miles of {ce still separate Ontario Secondary School Teach ype; WHioh a Without | ; ay trip to Italy, over wages called by the Alrline| the D'Tberville from the other 12 ers Federation in Toronto 1% this none of us can give maxi: Cemetery, spend thei y \ ater earl og Bo a STOWAWAY APPEARS [Plots Association. Negotiations ships, berthed in Montreal's Inner Week. mum service to the municipality MRS. JAMES CAIN [learned that most of the garrison| It took less time to tle up 1 JC KIDE an end to the 17-day harbor, It would take her two or - [which we have been entrusted to | Following a prolonged illness .s Gorman -- remnants of Rom: [Clvitavecchia than it takes 'walkout SOnHued, three more days to reach them DEEP FREEZE [govern for the next two years) the death occurred at the To- me's Panzar Corps -- and that pronounce it, and two sailors went| QUEMOY SHELLS KILL 43 [and start them on the 800-mile| permanent frost extends 600 and may every one of us, who ronto Hospital, Weston, Sunday, 2000 Jegionnaires were leav: o TOKYO (AP)--Pelping Radio voyage to the Atlantic, : ¥ hav A " ' de- , caving to a locker in the alter-er f a 4 hits feet below the surface at Resol- have been vested with any de : Jan, 4, of Emma Dowling, bel he following day for Indo-China the ship, to get mallets and of claimed today that 48 persons, The D'Iberville has broken ie on Cornwallis Island in the gree of authority he given wis: Regarding loved wife of James Cain, 320 {a po were killed or injured in the through 20 miles of ice plled up! " | ve." An Ils avenue. Mrs, Cain, who Ot the Tobe io ated ry Souig Jock out the wedges bombardment Saturday of Shan-|to 30 feet thick downstream hell anadian Aretie. : dom and guidance. was fn her 7and year, had Deen pn oniy in French and German They omencn ihe Covers. tou Village on Tateng Island by Montreal Island during the last) Ll H In poor health for two Jeane (with his comrades. aderes an kh Ney ops) the door, and a Nationalist Chinese forces on|three days, " | Born at Tottenham, Ont., Mar. |p "0 lg pr lish eS od k A clad figure burst out,/Quemoy. The broadcast said the| Two other icebreakers are to 16, 1885, the deceased was al, tradition bs poet, > wi them bath flying, then Nationalist forces will receive|start upstream Tuesday from daughter of the late Joseph and| (0 (CRD ¢ joglon, he sprinted down the gangway to| well + deserved punishment for [Lake St. Peter--about 60 miles Need aloan would tell us nothing of his back: |disappear between the warehous: this criminal action." Meanwhile [from Montreal -- to help the z C tte Dowling, She was mar | rled-at Alliston, Ont, Oct, 31, Sround, except that he had been es on the docks. Reds, by National count, |D'Iberville, ? ' the legion five years, and had Following the fl y | the Sts | =re---- -- 1908, A resident of Oshawa for © ' ' & the flow of Invective| fired 7,560 rounds at Quemoy Sat -- - H oe s, Mrs. Cain had previous. only jve more to go. Jones, he to our fallen shipmates, we heard urday g WHEN: MONDAY & WEDNESDAY ited at Newmarket and Bow- sald his name was, Tom Jones, thelr story, and noting the futility DANGEROUS GAME EVENINGS manila, and he was slated to leave for of searching for one man on the! PARIS (Reuters) -- Janos Dut d she leaves Viet Nam in the morning. crowded dockside, searched the ticher his 123 « year - ol A : sel ge lak Busan ¥ Ww. Pat. Mellowing to several glasses of locker Rod a. and shai p-- Yeap = d Who Is The TIME: 8 P.M. WHERE: ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM + Isette, Tom's conversation be- It had never be V: riok-4Emily), of Aurora; Mrs, H anisette, \ad never been so neat. No INWAN ZARD ) 4 North (Della), of Glencairn; Woke & good education. oo) Ming was missing, but ropes, LO RWANIED HAZARD avk (1) A LOANS Mrs. A. Hurst (Alberta), Mrs. | speak on any tople, tools and cans of paint had been cian: wes ork § nig ok / W. Norsworthy tabs, Miss Bt te ig to Me {wy fa Rasy arranged so that the Heed wok ut Work Suniraay might 4 Room 1, 190 Simeos 51. North, Oshawa Olive.Caln, Mrs. H. Sills (Marie), | ¥¢ os were things in locker looked about twice its|open ge 'nament, They CliyeCain, Mss. N. Suls (Marie: England Bd Where wit Td i etal ed out twice i ope 0 ult dourcarnent, They fi TF] LARGEST ALL.CANADIAN REGISTRATION Wednesday Jan, 7,8 pm, of awa and two sons, Leon. heac and some wax paper lay on top of cement. 'G ie 1 Harvey SEAN SOMRANY fi of Lh Hamilton and Bud, of He walked back to the ship with a large paint can, There was writ mn Ed pit Th AR " hid Q )t 37 KING ST. E EVERYONE WELCOME =e No OBLIGATION Oshawa. us at sundown From the town ing on the paper, a careful script, he toured the course to change d : gt S ED BY p Also surviving are two sisters, came the plaintive walling of a which read: "My thanks to your! the position of the pins and cups | ay. Dilding Joan) te Wlinem Thue), Jute 21 CLAS LonoUCY ' REY. wo BRIEN Minerva Barr, of Meaford muezzin calling the Mohammed. helmsman, it was a wonderful before play started it Ri In Town GRU AS F110) = Orv ow Nown 9% Yavuties RA 5 8444 | - Mrs. Charlotte Ruddock, of an population to prayer. Arab trip. See you in England simple. matter to replace the 1 & brother, Herbert slevedores working through the' The nole was signed "Tom". |cement-filled cans. pias "

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