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The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1959, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Dunnies Thump Habs 8-0 Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8.3703 But Lose 6-5 In Hull Manager: Lloyd Roberison By CLIFF GORDON \ / centre making his first start hd : H | Whitby Dunlops batted Ma or Predicts Future Freight Train | 500 ii the A - [a 1 W pm" Gi by Bg 1 had been most On otis SNR 10M one againyl the "successful in their previous starts . third place Hull - Ottawa Cana- 4 ; uts 11@ I108@ |diens. On Saturday night the| | G / against the Dunnies, appeared Dunnies walloped the Canadiens * / A very confident as they skated ! 4 f * | ORILLIA (CP)--Four firemen|8-0 here at the local arena as 5 / 4 out for the start of Baturday|f TR. Xpansion 1t Y on duty raced to a lumber yard Henderson picked up his second | ) ; night's i Trey Weis ou put 7 [fire Sunday, forgetting to warn|shutout of the season, On Sunday J oo : i helt Pace oy atin Vihe ] 30 others by a new alarm sys-|the Dunnies staged a tremendous ve "Eastern Sr. A league, Tom (the| 12 an inaugural address de A was found: that there are 143 tem, then had a train slice their (rally after (railing 6-1 early in 7 bomb) O'Connor started the ball v | ivered this morning to the Whit- li. y Ud hi ™ industrial - commereial rentals: hose. stretching across the rail-lthe second period to come ouf a i : i by eouncil, Mayor Harry Jermyn 4 wi that there are 486 houses and WAY tracks [close second best at 65 as the felting gid te Tocdls hog ind wat has hinted that the time has i R | properly constituted apartments| The small crew confined the Canadiens managed to hold on to 7 one with' Chaszowskl and almost arrived for the town to , "1 rented: and' that there are 483 fire in the boiler room of Dimen- their early lead { 7 7 4 Smith picking up the assists on consider enlarging its borders to F 7 "4 apartment rentals which fall{sion Enterprises Company. The mhe punnies after a slow start| 7 the Tos y We | bring town services to residential | short in one respect or another other firemen arrived an hour|i, he 8 nday game, really turn- 7 y 5 2 Nt were playing short areas surrounding the town, He! / 4 of what is a minimum require (late after a volunteer found hele on the heat and had the Baby " handed when the next goal was also predicts even greater indus |; 9 #4 ment. We know that there are! fire hall empty and called them, |... 0 hanging on the ropes at the scored, Jack Kane, the fighting trial development Jor the town, wh 4 '4 also a number which do not show | Flares and flashlights failed to final bell. Bob Hassard made his man from Peterborough came His address to council follows, / ; NH upon the assessment role, Much stop the freight train which cut|g.o Jiavt (or the Dunnies in yes- ' up with some terrific stickhand- At this time 1 would like to ; Ty ald has been said of the failure of the Mow of water just as the fire) orday's game and played a bang | Re and backhanded one through extend to you eight council mem- bers, to the Clerk-Treasurer John way, I wonder what this situation was quickly hooked up, Damage R. Frost, and his staff, the asses- A adds to municipal cost. It seems | was estimated at $3.000 sor and his staff, works depari- § > 4 " Gg ; to me there is room in Whithy for| Orillia"s new alarm system ment -- the Chief of Police and © 4% rental housing that ean meet the rings telephones in the homes of his assistants, all the elected and cost requirement, regular and volunteer firemen | opt against the Cornwall on the visitors and took a 340 appointed boards and commis. ; We still have the county costs When a receiver in the wall Is Cravien ~maway of the game Loe same as ead as Samolenko combined with sioners, Tom Scott and the Cham- . with us, for which I personally lifted. Dunnies had the night be |Attersley and Sinden to make it ber of Commeree, my Sratefol y feel we receive a very limited ISUNDAY IN HUL.. fore 30 and the rout was on. That, appreciation for. that wonderfu J benefit, During 1958, no single The Canadiens were chomping pun OME BA( however, was all the scoring for and energetic support that has municipal committee budget ap- CLUB CALENDAR at the bit for this game as they DUNLOP COME BACK showed the first frame although both lot before long. The Dunnies the Habs' cage travel to Napanee on Thursday] | ; dia night for an exhibition game and TAKE 3.0 LEAD then play back here on Saturday | heen enjoyed during 1056, and proached the cost of this item, had absorbed one of the Worst! (heir true fighting spirit and lems missed some grea t| = new homes to pay their municipal | Was almost beaten, A second hose |p game, He will be neard from | the pads of a hewildered Cyr in . | | The Dunnies kept the pressure |' may 1 solicit" for the town of Perhaps the following compari MONDAY defeats of the season only a night came back as only a team with chances in the fing! three min. Whitby a continuance of this sons might be interesting Whithy Baptist Church Ex. previous at the hands of the (he spirit of the Dunnies can, "¥ support for the coming year 1958--County cost was 114.450.00 plorers mighty Dunlops, They were de: gandy Air finally had his valiant Back handers were the order| No one of these bodies can on gross basis Whithy Baptist Church CGIT, [termined to get revenge for this efforts rewarded as he clicked on | the day for the Dunnies it ap-| completely realize how important, MAYOR JERMYN (a) $10,000 more than the gross) Whithy Ontario Hospital'one and they waded right into 5 pass from big John Chasczew- PEATed in this game. Alf Treen, this lone Soperation is to the! 1eost of Whithy's Public Works, | Nurces' Alumnae the local squad 3 Jaf : SE the robust defenceman of the overall welfare of the people of ginning of 1958 was B600 people (h) 2'4 times the gross streeis All Saints' Anglican Church' PI , . = Dunnies, made it 40 with just| Whitby in meeting this era of As ung o very Tatest Bl eons. eon Evening Guild glia I They Jia u yery food don ot alt i Jasons Inte Harry such a shot much to the joy of development we are courting at population now Is 10,538 people, (¢) Three times what side Faith Baptist Church WMS ia ing iA Apa; hid e Aten J ! o ig wih is the near 2000 fans who were in present. Let us all never forget This is an astounding population walks and pavements cost on United Church Senior Evening lL Period as (he iby ome second gost Of of game. WIth oii ondance, Tom O'Connor, play: that this town is made up of thelgain of almost 25 per cent in one gross basis Auxiliary WMS, three unanswered goals in the, Sandy Air and big John again gel-|jno one of his better games, came people residing here, and their year (d) Twice what the police force PUESDAY first period as their plays were!ting points on the play up with his second goal to make " This brought the Whithy best interests must be the prime . " s 2 team |" o the oil at Assessment figure for _ sTi{coN Us OR gTON Daly Faith Baptist Church Young g A ram to life and they were buzzing WU Mark ha ride consideration of this council a h ! all pire I sometimes wonder If purposes at Sa beginning o I Th ave Pacmie's, Atiociation : over the ice like they owned the |i, ¢anadiens, this fact is momentarily over" oi b. The present "gf. part of counties Is to have St. Andrew's Presbyterian § ; rink, With 50 seconds to go In the" "1ye"10 57 mark Sinden click: looked, and the welfare of mate-|Hire® Su Jegt to whatever change city status withheld until | Church WA IE ; middle frame Pete Babando fired oq with Ktcher to give the Dun: rial things is placed ahead of the he court of revision might make, |¢is a, & PORU"| Bt, John The Evangelist Church} and gs 18 Paced ou i the assessment for all purposes is |}atlon has reached 20,000 people, | yy, | fg human needs. ) apy a clever man $15,597,310, These figures show (This new situation Is at present!" whithy Baptist Church ¥ has been gulity of seeing the jd) an overall gain In excess of 3' under the Towns and Villages w ! vidual trees, without being able to io" aoiavs or greater than 29 fection of the Ontario Municipal see the forest per cent over 1ast year Conference, Any move to raise INDUSTRIAL AREA Much has been said, about fie Rresen: city Fequirerents wit The trend of this area is set assessment balance, and per Sreate ven wi e pred discon Auxiliary North West Group ¢ ' h ntinuten of viay age eh te a industrial by forces beyond our haps a very brief inspection ment among the hundreds of WEDNESDAY |B 4} J , Sunday saves as he fought fo pro- ur' lar function | fs towns and villages in Ontario EDNE! | i " The Dunnies waded right into tect his second shutout of the sea gontrol, Oui, Particular function i might be of some interest. At the Again In 1059 may 1 respect Whitby Red Cross Work Room, | % . 44 ~ the Hull team in the final period |son. BE Ee IE at ery wots, point 'out. 'that _ecosomyl RUA Group of .. Jojo's) and cut their lead fo a single gAyyRDAY'S SUMMARY ) | / should be carefully' practised, Anglican Church goal at the 22 mark as Smith 1st Period Tacks JSiuslion, te king. sent iifidestias, NA Sv Sent We have come through a slight , Benevolent Rebekah Lodge completed a three-way passing 1 whithy, Tom O'Connor, rhith 1 ed. rich nd industrial. which healthy, At |Fecession recently, and 1 believe NO. 132. play with Tom O'Connor and | Chasczewski, Smith 8.34 ois Bountitul Ming Shy: A ig 1088. La rt one of the great lessons we get Hillerest Home and School Treen, This, however, proved the| 2 whithy, Kane, Smith 14.27 Located in this Lake Ontario is made up -- 62,3 per cent resi-| Tom It Is that "Thrift is still a Association - d final goal of the game as both| 3. whithy, Samolenko virtue." As managers tof Whit. THURSDAY teams played a very close hard| Ayiersley, Sinden 15.17 Attersley and Samolenko getting |in the hag A 5 the helpers on the play. This cut| 1s the final 20 minutes the omens Mission Circle the homesters' lead to » pair and [punnies fired home two un- United Church Woman's Mis 'A 0 1 9 ed to | ht! y the Dunnies appeared to be rightianswered goals as they complet strict where, within a 100-mile! 3 t ) . district wh . dential and 37.7 per cent profes |hy's economic welfare, we should Salvation Army Women's Home || checking game from here in Penalties -- Black 8.56, Black | radius, 80 per cent of Canada's sional, commercial and industrial markets already exist, Whitby Is This Indicates that proportionate indeed fortunate, We are served ly residential has increased 1.7/0Ur management, with the long by the finest highways in North per cent search for greater efficiency in League, . ICE CHIPS . This was a 2 13,53, Tom O'Connor 2, 13.53, Co-op Guild 4 different type of game to the Begin 15.45, Broden two mis. us Salvation Amy Youth Fellow. displayed a much batter type 1s 45, Gauthier 18.12, Chasczew- Finally, Gentlemen, one of the ship. : ANDER hockey. . . . Bob Hassard, the|gki 1812, Ted O'Connor 18.35, JOHN HENDERSON newest 'arrival to the Whitby | 2nd Period decreased 17 per ent, I think we can rest assured n- that In-this change little can justi- Most Important tasks we have is SATURDAY home a goal with linemates| ian. 5 6.0 lead and it was all but | and Industrial - com. TANge saving it will produce for FRIDAY [ one the night before as the Habs conducst and out of the game| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jonuery 5, 1959 against the team he helped win| The first 1950 baby horn to | parents resident in the town of Ajax arrived at 10.30 pm, in the Ajax and Pickering Hospit "FIRST 1959 AJAX BABY 2 ounces Is the first daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Tony Kaperski and is a sister for two-year-old Peter, The baby will be named al. The baby, a bouncing 8 Ibs, | Caroline, The father is very i proud of his young daughter and 2 Bodies Found By Snowmobile Rescue Party HEARST (CP)--The bodies of two men missing in their light aireraft since Dec, 23 were re-| covered Sunday from bush five MONALY ioe Jess | A back in the game. The score ed the rout. Henderson in the miles west of here hy a ground anadian Legion Ladies' fs, i ; stood this way at the end of 40'|50al cage came up with some|party using a department of lands and forests snowmobile Maurice Begin, 25, pilot and owner of the plane, and his pas. senger, Roland Marrier, 35, are believed to have died instantly | when their ski-equipped Aeronca nosed into the ground 100 feet from a trans - Canada pipeline clearing The bodies were found pinned in the two-seater alreraft it is probable he will be called on to hand out a large number of cigars at the next Kinsmen Club meeting --Photo by John Mills EANIT SERVICE WHITBY MO 8.4922 There's no Substitute for Experience! SHIRT LAUNDERERS MOTH AND BURN HOLES REWOVEN on a search flight, and the loca-| ~ The downed plane was Soc tion radioed to search headquart. ers in Hearst Cpl, F. M, Meads of the pro-| vincial police detachment here| said the cause of the crash is not | 0 tages, we have available anfiably be sald in eriticism, Of the promotion of healthy interest United Church 4 W's Couples much sharper than they were|CAMP: made his debut and play-| 4 whithy, Treen, Myles ... 3.34/vei known but there will be an abundance of electric energy at course we like to see industrial for the young, and the sports Club 4 : s ed a standout game, He will real-| g' Whithy, Tom O'Connor, here the night previously. ly make his presence felt with al *' smith 'Kane low cost, and by 1961 we will be- commercial assessment, but be. Minded of our community. 1958 SUNDAY hor come an actual sea port, giving lieve me, the present situation ia Drought us any Worthy Astoms United Church Young People's ite Bch Boustier, te clasty | fume or two under his hai + | 6 Whitby, Sinden, Etcher 12.57 us direct water access to all parts very very sound. This 40-60 bal. Plishments, of which we may be 1,40, ke a I a ng |Bob Boucher, who Is the spark) penalties -- Treen 4.00, Begin of the world. Gentlemen, how can ance which Is considered ideal by | Yery roud. Forsttiost of these, Is ---------- ---- spark pi ug 9 he Ha atag in | plug of the Habs' attack, was to'g gy, LL A CE Ro RR TR py eg ed na, pole, "oe Boat Soriay M88" a pr sure . answer to financial stability, be. © Y, 4 trio of goals, , . , Hard worki ' 8 preme Being lieve me Championship in Senior Hockey, | 2 Rabid Foxes minutes. He fired a trio for the|gamy Sinden of the Dunnies was | ' Whitey, Smith ui 0.18 During 1958 -- DuPont of Can-| Another statement that ha s(n by our own Whitby Dunlops afternoon as he led his mates to (he hest in this one as he trig-| 3 whithy, Smith. ada has seen fit to begin opera-| caused me some concern {s made = At Oslo last March, Our Dun.| Ww 1 A h the 6.5 win gered a pair of goals in a losing] = gave" med O'Connor .. 14.26 . 0 re ot oy Eoin 8 8 re ane, be a 30-minute flight. The first goal the Habs sause 1 srk 87 {came with the Dunnies playing | ihe 10 penalties handed out in st rhaltes USSR RIS + fons on its fine new site, 1950 hy some -- 'We are being sunk|!0P8 represented Canada well, a By THE CANADIAN PRESS [short handed as Aftersley was|vesterday's game will see the first unit completed. by debt." not only in hockey, but in Also during 1958 Colonial Alumi-| The (debenture - assessment) dian sportsmanship, They are a investigation, Marrier, 35, the proprietor of a drycleaning shop here, was the | father of five children. Begin was | |a department of lands and for-| | ests employes. He was married with three children i The men left Hearst two days before Christmas on what was to p ' [ 7 ) st Period ai 957 way Breat credit to Whithy, | Two rabid foxes and a wolf sitting out his fourth penalty of | M h L f num Company has commenced balance at the end of 1957 was | Sting ou on en oh Ou SATURDAY AT WHITBY 1. Hull, Boucher, . ec anic un | galn a Whithy man, Mr !were shot after attacking animals|the season its operations on Brock street|16 2/3 per cent of the assessment (Broden, Annabelle) north, This Is mot the whole Balance at present including | Tod Litner and his 'Bantam All. and people at various Ontario tremendous Job of trying to get a On Saturday night the Dunnies | b 5.12 2. Hull, Boucher, St 1 F d 8.06 0 en, oun Sally | story. A survey made of the presently authorized debentures Stars Hockey team brought to points during the weekend (rally going but were just unable|went on another scoring spree as Trewiblay Whitby industries in 1958 has re- most of which will not take ef- Whitby, Eastern and Central On.| In Toronto, two dogs had to be|to get by the Habs' defence who|they whalloped the third place| ¢ pment ro vealed that expansion of their fect until 1960 -- is about 16 per tario championships. Still again destroyed after they were bitten appeared considerably better in Canadiens 8-0 in a bruising game | Tao play Dumouchell 8.48 plants and equipment have been cent, Because many of present! \® have Herbie Cooper's Whitby by a fox. The fox, chased 1'4|yegierday's game than they did at the local arena. Playing coach Penalties -- Longarini 3.01, At the case with all of them. May I debentures depend for repayment Merchants' Intermediate B La- miles from where it , originally the night before Sid Smith and Tom O'Connor led (00 can white 9.53 hb add too, that at no time in our upon water rates, or light rates, dies' Softball team, who, while was spotted In North York Town:| "The Habs built up a 40 lead the local attack with a pair of" "4 peed' entire history have we had so and educational grants, etc., the eV did not win the actual cham. ship, was shot after a two-hour early in the second period as goals each with single counters' wu Broden much active and ambitious indus: (net debenture debt to the Whitby PIonship. represented Whithy well hunt Broden, who failed to last a full [going to Jack Kane, Geo. Samo-| *' piack Boucher 11.37 trial inquiry as we have at tax payer is around $060,000, or '" {he finals at Fort Erie It was the sixth fox shot in the period here on Saturday night,|lenko, Alf Treen and captain g whithy. Sinden, Hassard 12.56 present actually about 5'a per cent of Another recreational accom. Toronto area since Nov, 17 picked up his first goal against| Harry. Sinden | Hull, Boucher, i > CHICAGO (AP)--A lightweight mechanical lung unit stolen from a polio victim was returned to] police Saturday by a man who| sald he convinced the thieves to, give It back to the partly para: lyzed man, The 100-pound device. valued at ORY 6 An Interesting study of thejtotal assessment. I would hazard plishment, which I hope will do. Near London, a 40-pound wolf | hic former mates to make It 4-0.] Smith, besides scoring a pair| Rroden, Tremblay 13,1092.000, wa. stolen Friday from effect of Industrial employment a guess for I have heen able on the average Canadian commu: to study the balances for only a | iv | r Oy . place to live In, Is the Whithy Kilworth during a hunt for foxes. | ico start, Captain Hawry Sine|and cut the lead of scoring champ | 3. Whithy, Air, Its bit to make Whithy a better was shot by William Gorman of| "pic cor the stage for the Dun |of goals, picked up three assists| 7. full, Anflabelle 14.00| Henry Messerschmidt, 32, of Elk: horn, Wis. He had left it in his| nity eame to my hand this week. limited number of years back, urling Club With its new curling It was flushed from a pine grove jo. 10 wag the big scorer for|Bobby Attersley who was held to Chasczewski ...... 15.58 brother-in-law's parked car while a ' Year J 1 will attempt to interpret it to that it rarely has been any lower Jig ( ' h by his 16-year-old son Billy's pet |i; joing Whitby team, trigger-la single point in the Saturday g Whitby, Sinden, you as follows: based on a unit of proportionately o0sing, may say that 3 dog. g | ) 80 modern Industrial employes During the year 1958 our Delleve a good project for 1950 At Woodstock, a fox attacked a First--they Increase the popu: Public Utility Commission has ¥0u!d be to once again attempt dog and 32 pigs before it was lation by 342 people had several requests, for the ex. to acquire for the town Coron: cornered and shot. The dog had Second they create employ- tension of water service and one ation Park, and to improve it'tc be destroyed and the pigs, ment for 96 additional people. [request for the sewers heyond AS An encouragement to hard bwned hy Gordon Cucksey, were right back and took a 5:1 lead as not last too long as he picked up Blach 8,35, Begin 12.08, Chasczew | Third they require 108 house- the borders in the area surround hall which Is still one of the finest quarantined at his farm, 13 miles Boucher completed Bly hat pick & pair. of Piston Penulusy ski 12.08 srd Period holds, or family units ing us, Gentlemen, these requests of sports west of Woodstock with Broden and Tremblay get: and was pu DL AL, £ ; a : : r er Fourth -- they require 315 tele offer us some food for thought - ting the helpers on this one |the 15.45 mark. Many of the fans 11, Whithy, Smith, hones : It cannot become us here to Just 50 seconds later the Habs|were surprised at the move as Tom O'Connor, Treen p ; ann meu made it 6:1 and it appeared as if!much as we were, as they had, Penalties Longar 14 newcomer Hassard getting the Connie Broden of the Habs, 10, Whitby, Babando, assist on the play making his first start of the sea Attersley, Samolenko ed his first goal of the game with game Chasczewski, Alr 16.13 pital The Habs, however, bounced son against his old mates, did| penalties Boucher 250 He can survi undergoing a checkup at a hos: Messerschmidt. returned to us- 19.10/Ing a bulky, more tiring model, ve only two hours! without artificial aids Police sald Lugene Blacka:| more, 25, told them he had read about the theft in newspapers go/and iater heard a group of men in a tavern talking about selling such a device, Blackamore said Fifth -- they produce 33 school merely turn a deaf ear -- careful hd hd 4 . ' . . 9 25 children, and sympathetic consideration eavy Lg | tin they 'might be going hi make 4/come to ae the classy litle Gauthier 7.41, Babando 1823, he told the men of Messer: | Sixth schmidt's desperate need, and| they will bring at least only is befitting, Perhaps this sit Big. by ihe Vie wid 1 ing by name w e iss port that the high-spirited so- to return the two additional retall establish. uation might best be served by [] . | the men agreed ments agreeing to take into the town » it Ww ounci Callas that London musical|),,g Seventh they require 150 of Whitby some of the surround oses 1g way . circles were buzzing With A re: eee motor vehicles ing district, thereby = avoiding Eighth they Increase annual complications and perhaps of retail sales hy $752,200 fering those people, services on Gentlemen, the above facts a better and more Immediate are based on exhaustive study by hasis. | believe these steps could Feonomic and Development he at least discussed with the Branches, and Research Depart: township council, by this hody ments of the Canadian National] Recently in answer to inquiry Railways, assisted by the Domin: from the Central Mortgage and |prano had hit "a misguided di- brought much of the traffic in rected northbound traffic to Cou " p Ontario County to a standstill on'ty Road 2, running from Rion BROOKLIN Whitby Town: Gordon . McMahon and Stan BAY, co Sir '™ ked Sunday afternoon but by 7 p.m. to Port Perry ship Council will hold two meet: Young M ) ou .! Jomas hed, nearly all roads were again back Snow plow crews were finally PEs a month it was decided at! A committee was appointed to da -- i ig a] never to normal. At one time, High: able to get through the blocked youtels fmidiv] Meeting i inv siligate a yoquint hii Man. SI any y Moi Ma one---un. lon Bureau of Statistics, Tt is my I, thorities, sur. | WAY. 12, north of Myrtle, was section by 7 p.m. and return the (In the Township Office Saturday ning road he extencec lor A quar.) "co, i id, humble opinion that this informa: De ne Blocked, to Srafne, past o which Dighway to a good driving condi: Betarook WHY. eet 'at 1.30 vn jc of a tlle to pi Thilgi Sighed Miss Callas: nat tion should stimulate us to Y included a snow-plow heading for tion, oune : ; : : portunity." every effort in 0 is 8 Jupke pssessment Deparment, of the a county road which 'was fast R.E. Sims, Ontario County road |on the second Monday of every tension said it would make Rob. # Fit se Miss Callas' plish even greater things for this Whithy. Some very interesting drifting full of snow. Highway 47, engineer, reported on Sunday Month and again at 7.30 pm on ert Thornton School accessible 0 gy opp. year contract with the old Tuna pL I in the Uxbridge area, was very night that no county road had the fourth Monday. Formerly they students now having to walk more Tage Movember 16.3. ob Ie 1t is interesting to note one or|stance, there are actually 1132 NAVY Roing most of the day but been blocked for any length of met on the afternoon of the first than a mile. over what roles she would iii two of the more Immediate sta: rental properties on the assess. Vo% back to normal driving by time. He said some roads had Monday Counell discussed purchasing) 3 3 Nu tistics. Our population at the be- ment role. On scrutinizing these, (¥ Pm : been almost impassible for short| The Inaugural meeting was land in Brooklin for a new fire WOULD CHANGE POLICY The traffic tie-up on Highway Periods but had been opened opened with prayer by Rev. S.J. hall. A three-man committee was WASHINGTON RPT oN 12, although brought about by shortly by county crews who Hillier of Brooklin United Church. appointed to investigate the possi- |. C8 (CEE tor 9 Mitton heavy drifting, actually eccurred Worked throughout the day Present were reeve William bility of such a move and to ane MB ig when a series of accidents hlock Highway 47, running through Heron, deputy-reeve Heber Down port on the purchase of one new . y Le WHITBY ed the travelled portion of the Uxbridge, was reported blocked and Councillors Myrtle Lovelock, five truck fe Amaricat road. For nearly four hours, a!for a short period on Sunday af | brother Bhi vig gong . ay Ir yr. ternoon but wa 3 all, Phone MO 8-3618 | section of the highway from Myr Was again handling "WHAT A SHAME" {fact-finding trip to five Central Q ot [traffic at 9 por i tle Station north past Prospect p.m American republics, said in a re [ot AVING EVENING SHOWS 7.9 P.M. Corners, was closed while four! The causeway across Lake Scu port of his findings that the US . " 7 Pop Provincial Police officers attempt. Rog, on Highway 7a, near Port should show it recognizes the dif- FEATURE STARTS 7.9.25 P.M. | oc to sort out a rash of accidents Perry, was kept open throughout S ference between South American in that area. In all, a dozen acci-|the day, with some sections hav. (®) a 0 a as i " The door opened into a haven from hell dents occurred in this county on Ing room for only one-way traffie, Tr n Jictatorshioe Ad. demoeracied. Sunday, most of them in that Last winter, in a similar storm, | iy S304 Be gone X Jvasrving area. the causeway was blocked for ONE INJURED three days In Light Comedy so ot leaders The only reported injury was . Glen Sommerville, 20, of RR §,/ E -E t Uxbridge, who suffered a broken X Xecu ve NEW YORK (AP) The emi: captive in one . man shows of FOR MISSED leg when his car crashed into a Of E I] . nent conductor asked the re. planoplaying and joking, didn't ditch in the blocked area t D nowned soprano whether she had get a chance to do much of either, PAPERS Visability in the Prospect Cor da on 8 1es ever bounced a bottle off the head Miss Callas talked from Milan; ners district was at times nil TORONTO (CP) - David John of Rudolf Bing, geneval manager Sit Thomas from Nice, France; N AJAX during the afternoon, because of Dowsley, 79 retired advertising of the Metropolitan Opera aml Rorge when he gol the [] the drifting snow. In a matter of manager of the T. Eaton Co. Col| \, said the soprano chance from his Connecticut minutes traffic piled up in the lege Street store and a former | It would: be-a. shame. tor the farm 1 you have not received your two-mile stretch and brought all|resident of Kin, Satur. t ; : , Times by 7 p.m. col | 8 | " Kingston, died Satur bottle, you know--really,"" she BING GOOD.NATURED v ' hi north and south traffic to a halt day. | (while tow-trucks tried to get the| Mr. Dowsley was secretary of added. | Bing looked in from the other AJAX TAXI | vehicles out of the road {the Frontenac hockey club in| Maris Callas, who excels in side of the screen. Afterwards, he Waiting to get through the tie: [Kingston whn it won the Cana. [heavy operatic roles, indulged told a reporter PHONE up was an Ontario County snow: [dian junior championship in 1910 [ehietly in light comedy Sunday "1 wouldn't have missed the plow, headed for Myrtle to plow He also was an officer in the ! hen she hooked up with program tor anything Sir AJAX 333 Sn tt 1 Sn fo oe en CINDMAS COPE the Sth concession from Myrtle Prince-of Wales Regiment in tha rhomas Beecham and Victor Thomas has always been one of or ro we OSCAR HONOLXA to Claremont. When they finally city. He came her in 1911 I on. the CBS-TV. program my favorite clowns, iss Callas AN tells must be placed before © ADULT ENTERTAINMENT oo got through, they found the going His wife, three daughters and | world." is simply one of my favorites 7.30 pm. heavy. 'a' son survive, | B. je, who bas beld audiences| Sir Thomas did not mention | - | [ | ! MESSAGE TO CONVICTS VATICAN CITY (AP) Pope . . The winter's worst drifting] While 12 was blocked, police di-| Has Inaugural Meeting [Factor ly hi Rew John sald Sunday the "hidden pains' of conscience felt by con: victs would be a blessing to their | vstricken families." The pontiff sent a message to convicts at the prison of Melun, France. Pope John said the Lord "will console and comfort" the families of the convicts, MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 8.3111 It you have not received your Times by 7 pm, BELL TAXI All cells must be Te SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 It. you have mot received your Times phone your. carrier boy \ first, If you are unable to con. tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 «7130 p.m. Only Copies of The Oshawa-Whitby DAILY TIMES- GAZETTE Available at the following dealers in DOWNTOWN WHITBY ALLIN'S DRUGS Corner Brock and Dundes Streets COURTICE PHARMACY 117 Brock Street North PALM SPORTING GOODS 130 Dundas Street West RIGLER'S STORE Corner Brock & Colborne Streets JURY & LOVELL PHARMACY 317 Breck St. S. SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE 106 Dundas Street East THE TUCK SHOP 159 Brock Street North Or at any of these dealers in Whitby ond Arca. ALMOND'S GROCERY Almonds BENNETT'S GROCERY 832 Brock Street North CORNER GROCERY \ Port Whitby DAVIS SUPERTEST No. 2 Highway West of Whitby GOLDRING'S GROCERY Port Whitby NORTH END GRORERY Brock N, For HOME DF! IVERY by Carrier Boy PHONE MO 8.3703 111 DUNDAS ST, W. WHITBY

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