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The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1959, p. 8

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Canada to the next Paris Blen nale, which will siso he-shown in this eountry, The Society num hers Picasso, Miro and Jean Coc tenis among iis patrons ( Consuls to Open Art Exhibition Biennale '57, the first exhib tion of the Paris Biennale . § opens to members of 'The Gallery of Toronio on Fri January 9 .8t 8.30 p.m, The Consul Genersl of Veance, Jules (5. Beauroy, and The Consul of he Federsl Republic of Ger many, Gottfried von Waldheim will receive, The exhibition opens the public on January 10 The Paris Biennale Boclety, vhich organized the exhibition shows the work of young French artists every two years. In addi tion, 8 foreign country is invited to each exhibition, so that both artists and public may hecome familiar with work other than their own, West Germany was the first, and the Society has invited' Who Is The "BIGGEST BABY" In Town | Jo Aldwinckle, Piel RA 3-3474 | 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jonuary 5, 1959 New Year Revellers Dance To Two Bands at Curling Club orchestras, one on each' Mr floor, eontributed to the success Mr of the New Year's Eve celebra- Mr, and Mrs tons at the Oshawa Curling Club and Mrs. B, Sheridan, Mr, and Buffet refreshments followed Mrs, C, H. Jenkinns, Mr. and dancing Mrs, A. Wickens, Mr, dnd Mrs The successful dance was ar- 1. 1, Whittington, Mr, and Mrs ringed hy a commiitee headed J. Baxter, Mr. and Mrs, J. Rick hy Gordon Henderson and ard, Mr. and Mrs, John Nicholls prised Oscar Parker, viee-chair- Mr. and Mrs, Claude Phipps man, and Messrs. Ivan Tavim Mr, and Mrs, Howard Saywel d Jack Perry, Les Harvison, Fred My. and Mrs, Ted Chenier, Mi ay d ; WO Note tn renders Ashworth, George Campbell, Reg, and Mrs. Richard Donald, Mi ALS ' F474 4 ; i as p le w Far Steven Pipher William and Mrs. Bert Granik, Mr. and * Gap Jack W. Mercer and Malcolm Mrs, Fd Alker, Mr. and Mrs Kilo Harold Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs Among the winners of "spot R. Mackie, Mr, and Mrs, F and door' prizes were Mr, and Kitchin, Mr, and Mrs, William Mrs. Frank Young Jack Noticed among I were Mr, and Mrs. A and Gunn, Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Park. and er, Mr. George Warden, Miss Cecil Klephenson Doris Gibson, Mr, and Mrs, K. Norman Wilton Wickens, Mr and Mis, A 8. Clare McCullough Mepstead, Mr. and Mrs, Roy L.[H."W. Neil, Mr [Whittington Mr, Charles H, Pea. Pam cock Mr and Mrs Mr Mr. and Mrs Mi and Mrs. C1, and Mrs. C. Atchinson, Mr, and H. Atkins, Mr Mrs, Les Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. | Jack, Mi and hr Ewart Diamond of M George Cambie Mr hs) is Rant, Jyornii pd Fi oi ilfrec ar ran rs ores Mrs F Jane | the late Mr. Diamond A, Hamel, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fordham, Mr' and Mrs, Leo Gloy:| O'Neil. The bride, the former Mr Photo by Ireland raing Me and Mrs. Les Kyeniss Mr. and Mys, William Joyce, | Miss Fmille Musovonchan, 1% Mr, and Mrs. A. Howden, Mr and Mrs. Jack Biddulph, Mi | the daughter of Mr, and Mrs and Mrs. Peter Simmons, Mr. and and Mrs, Howard Take, Mr, and Mrs. 8. Piper, Mr, and Mrs W. Mi Ray Weeks, My. and Mrs I. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs, D°V. Wallace Young, Mr. and Mrs. G June McDonald, Ronald R. Lee Rradd, Mr. and Mrs. Roly Kinton, Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. § Word Mr: and Mrs. 8 Clark, Mi Mr. and Mrs. RH. Broad Mrs, © MeLaughlin, Mi Mr. and Mrs. R. A Jobh \M and Mrs. John Horky, Mr and and Mrs John F, Brock DR. Dodds, Mr John and Mrs J. F. Stewart lee, Brantford; ygio manesa Cain, My, and Mr. and Mrs. H. GG. Mosier, Mr.| The Mrs. Brownie Wingo, Hickory, Copeland, Mr. and Mrs | and Mrs. O. G. Farrar. Mr. and Osborne officiated at the mar: her orth Carolina; Miss Rena Lang Mr, and Mrs. John | Mrs. J. Simmons, Mr, and Mps, rage dune Audrey MeDonald Har Dr. and Mra. 8. L, Osborne, Mr Ivan Tavlop and many others and Ronald Reid Lee in the chap: green and Mrs, Frank Elliott 0 el of Ontario Ladies' College ce Whith Mr, and Mi ' Whithy Tuesday evening, Mr. hat MeQuoid and Maste MARY HAWORTH S MAIL [J, R, Robertson, organist, played of yellow ri M MeQuold, Mr. and Mrs the traditional wedding music and Thy moon y Quoid, all of Rrightoy twinkling bernie. A \ Mr. and) pig Mr and haskets hride wa Vent Mr. Earl F. Hedge, Pickering formed Davis, Mr.\Karl Hall Wehster from Agincourt Oshawa residents who spent the H 8 Lee, Mr. New Year holidays at Limberlost and Mrs. W. H. Lodge included Mr, and Mrs ¥ Mrs. O. J Hall, G. Storie, the Misses Carolvn, Di Mr. and Mrs ane and: Barbara Storie, Glen ton; from Scarborough wood Crescent; Mr, and Mrs. P ind Mrs M. W, Morg- H. Phillips, Besshorough Drive and Mrs, C. J, Bickerton. Mr, and Mrs. 8. A. Willson, Glen out of town and Nancy, Masson street; My W. GG. Hall and Mrs Aage Johansen, Miss Rosalind and Frank, Glenwood Court; Mr. and Mrs. EW. Peter son, King street east and My Mrs. Ralph Schofield gy and John Women's Editor to by Ronald Bilsky, D.C, Chiropractor Specialist In Palmer Specitie Upper Carvieal Method We learn in grade school physiology that the hody is made up of a hon framework enclosing organs, snd con trolled by the nervous system, Pecullarly, many forget. this fundamenta! fect, and as tine goes on, and when sickness Is present in our hodies, we may think of the affected area as A lone structure in the hody, rather than connected with the nervous system For example, In 8 case of heart trouble, the heart fails to function normally; conse. quently, symptoms of pain, shortness of breath, dizzine is eleetern, result, It is only common s.nse to locate the cause rather than to try to care for the heart As a separate part of the hody When one stops to think that the heart has a hookup or nerve connection in two ways, one set of nerves As An necelerator to speed up fune thom and the other as an in hibitor to slow down funetion, it hecomes clear why the "machine" must all be in order to receive perfect re sults, How much betler it is to restore the nerve supnly for normal function, This example Is true of every organ that we have In the hod It should he that when any organ falls to receive its normal nerve supp'y from the hrain through the nervous system it will cease to function normally, This, then is the basis for sickness or . sease, Correct the cause through Chiro. practice adjustments and health is the natural result, William Goulding G, H. Goulding Jack Perry, Mr and Mrs and Mrs Two | | ba health com Koowirdy, edical Mirror COC letters, As many Questions but for obvious reasons for all the nice wn, Thanks he answered in this eol replies must be brief n Ing slow-lsarners In public sche Is but some type of training pro gram should be provided. Men tal guthorties have said that re tarded children may profit by ntinued education as much as Q. Several years ago | received treatment for varicose veins, The skin where the Injections were made is now quite discolored, Con the blotches be removed? A kin Is not of INCOM alter injec and Mrs Mrs, Andy Mrs, T. Goch R. 1. Cox, Mi Lawrence, My Mr, and Mi Mr, and Mrs Mr: and Mrs Mr, and Mrs and Mrs, Farl those dancing { of the Darkening re than their brighter com This doesn't mean that all fade wilh retarded children Ve still f those ar nths or sn, ' ome completely adequate adults hut at least they will not he entirely dependent and social useless ge, said Profle of Education, that efforts heen "e ta prov children long-range educational programs, In fact society seems to have done good job in denying them oppor funities al The rodes fs 10 can impr if the skin i en who advance may I t her that the spot will A dermate Act Fw otel WEDDING PRINCIPALS at Albert | William of Street United Church were Mr. awa and the bridegroom is the and Mrs William - Hilmer Mi Donald Crothers " A. Johansen, Dr | Kell, Mr, and Mrs, | and Mrs. Gilhert Mrs, Leonard might be con ly It seems strom ity one I doctor ted abbut the | I proving Q. "According te school author: ities, our B.year-old son con't learn. bs there any point in keep ing him in school?' ==A mother, should be given a mpelte examination by a phy EXCHANGE VOWS Brent My bridegroom is Mrs. Frank and Mrs, D. I. Rrown, Mi and Young or and the Mrs and of Raglan Arent, and the home of | Gordon the late have not ide mentally with i} dition greater Mr Franklin Diamond Lor mare ahose | "- as solemn aon of Married recently Musoronchan Osh torded of Ie red in the parsonage / rtie pect United Church former Miss F Hremt son of and Mrs. William a the velyn Your sor George O'Neil of Maple Grove Photo hy Mary's Bludio daughter of PERSONALS Mr. and Unionville Mi and Enniskillen 1 ol Mi several There icigr may he Answers do not necessarily re Heer the epinien of ell doctors The diagnosis and treatment of diseases is the function of the patient's personal physician Questions directed to Dy, J), D Ralston, Science Editors, P.O, Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, On: tario will be incorporated in these columns when possible, Published as a public service by t learn ight somes If reqsor why he He may: ha or eye hear ( y afflicted car or remembered helped Plight Troth in OLC Chapel i 4 Hi There may d arguments against keep at the Lee Mi vedding included M and Mika M Flenoy M H ter Le Mr ite and Mr Mrs, EJ Miss Mis land Creek Stiver Hohhs Hobhs Mrs Stuart § Oshawa guests en hent 18]] Mi and and Mrs Relko Mrs H Ren Joan M Donald M Gi smi fr Mrs Mrs. George on Houlder ANI ng awe Relay and COrSnge red ro Assisting lee wa mn satin ih soft Al and matching feathered furs L] Reverend ™ 4 I, | sores es comprised Frnt her, Mrs ipphire | for training J J Ww Cord (iray ol p sn hrown the Lee-Mec ded Mrs. R Sutherland M Toronto guests at Donald weddir nel Sutherland, Mr. Kent Mr. and M f I and M I. FE. Haskins Mrs, Jame Haskins Mrs. Ha Rayner Deacor M and Mrs Miss Fre were M Allan Wi White, Mr and Robert Hal all ore Gerald mink and Richard IM Frank M and Mrs on corsage One of @ series of articles published in the public Interest to explain and the p of sclontiti chiropractic, written by Ronald W Pilsky, dogtor of Chiropractic, wh often Is oted at 100 King 8 Kast (Flare Theatre Building), Tele phone RA 8.5154 ne (le Mr and Mi My Rowmanville hone heing spent and white Christmas trees with blue lights chrysanthemimes heautiful setting The bride is the daughter and Mi Claude MeDonald to Oshawa and the bridegroom the son of Mr. Harry 8 lee Agincourt and the late Mrs n he of the couple Cobourg Ng A rose A red ensemt al and Marriages Wrecked By Parents Girl Seeks Columnists Advice Dear Mary Haworth: 1 hope you can help me gain some in sight into my problems. 1 am an onl ehild, now 3M. My parents ever since 1 left home, have "fol lowed" me When my Joar i gardenia co Charles G F of NM I return! Toronto, | ni the M and Mrs My er Ma of MaKe Le something awful" isn't going to '8 happe.. to you, if, in trying to Of move ahead on the road to ma. Aileen Lee turity, vou have to roll hack their, The bride given in mar would-be interference in your life riage hy her father. She wore a AN 4 WOMAN hallevina gown of white nylon net| udged on performance, your And lace with long sleeves and J WAS an, My Other Mr YPU Celebrates At King Street Centennial Hall ypu from and Mrs were High first ehild was born they moved next door; and to make a long story short, within a vear 1 was divoreed, they had my baby and 1 was actually told hy my mother that I could get out. 1 got out, but took my son with me That was 10 years agn. The vears since have heen hard, hut [ grew up, stood an my own feel and completely supported myself and my son, Now | am married again and have a wonderful hus hand who has adopted my son and we all gel along perfect! However, once again my pay ents are "eclosing In" on me Without invitation they moved to this eity and as we have heen friend! they seem lo husy" once more my hushand into near them, In fact, the bought one, and 1 am hushand would .pecep did. Then | he the "under-the-thumh" with them WORRY OVER RARY Also 1 am expecting another hahy (whieh they don't know vet and 1 am worried how Am going ta keep them from taking over again the haby comes. They wouldn't even me pick up my firsthorn cause 1 didn't know anything about children! How ean | fight them when | am flat an my back parents are just two humbling, scalloped neckline headed with fumbling, selfish, not-very-hright seed pearls. A crown of rhine people, who haven't grown up suf. stones and pearls held her ficiently to treat vou fairly, or to shoulder-len ih veil of nylon net cope with the aging process In edged with narrow lace 'and she themselves carried a crescent bouquet of The. are still ehildish and im. Talisman roses pulsive, and uneasy with fears Me maid of honor, Miss Joan they can't define, They are cateh- Hobbs of Enniskillen, wore pea Ing up with you, from town to cock hive velvel, sivied with a town, In pursuit of a past that harem skirt and a feather hat return--a past econcerning/to mateh She carried a crescent which they have some guilt sense of dark red roses at never having loved you rightly Mr Allen White of Agincourt No doubt they have hopes (1) of acted as hest man and the ushers reducing their load of pessimism Meo Willlam G, Hall and hy continuing te share it with Cecll McQuoid, hoth of Toronto (Wha else will listen® 1; and A ypeceptinn held at the 2) of "forgetting" themselves hy Flying Dutchman, Rowmanville tn your affalvs Receiving, the mother usual hest of In: wope™ a sheath style frock of blindly Welt ychite orlon lace over taffeta with moss gree. course hat and acces back to the question AMY ARAINSt thelr without hurting emotionally, 1 think that you've more mature vith and Janet, Peg Masson street SV RIIENEO J 2 4 =F = &~ ADK SnnIe | NEED NO IRONING Mr. and Mrs, Chester McQuaid Centre street, were New Year's at the home of their ter, Mrs. Peter Hymmen Mr. Hymmen, Kitchener guests Oshawa Preshviery daugl brated its New Yea in the Centennial Ha of Btreet United Church The hall was |} | rated 2a ments and gr nis for tl tive neea ple of K The e\ cele part King and won't Mrs, A 8 street, has as New Mroand Mrs. W Foronto and My fr Halifax Miss Helen don and Mr, J) Chr MeLeese, Arthur Year guests MelLeese from Robert | deco orna foes Peo waulifu N Fleming "mn vere the Young Chureh il 10 with 11.40 when of Cha ! \ 0 eve MeArthur n Hart da of Lon spent the Miss Mo Ars avenue vo WAS \ he "gel trying to huying tmas ho trying manage With the from thelr viewpoint TO PEACE 1Hng hride's talk house almost SOCIAL NOTICE "i'w hack in position \! vdstone thur's parent anil a 'As me Charles Silver, G tentions serving WAY Now how to NOBLIVErs \ auditorium of watehnight he Reve would Refre of ma: | Your \ \ HOUSEHOLD HINT Add distinetion to an ordinary chest of drawers or huffet hy af an he. TINIE the ceramie and cloisonne drawer pulls, which come in rich and unusual de mem wip and ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. Mervyn Gatohe AWA, Wish t the en her, Li lan Mul Mis Holland take place a Street Un | ( eh a\ 3, 1950 ell the got to sph Mr 0 nid some of new NOLO come tually gement o he a } in \ nd dal them confidently an from of peace and pro foun, sell-reliance in per onality- and with a of heart that forgives your own shortcomings, Then vou will feel fully their equal, and tranquilly froe to he yourself, despite their Anne, to GG \1 ny edding Is to hertu and AN DASIS Jan when Vou charity HAVING Wringer Troubles? let he on Januar at d Eskimo Girls Show Charming Manners CALGARY CP | In the hospital? I am a nervous wreck after a day in their company; Just see ing them makes me sick; and | shouldn't feel that way about my, parents. H whe rice to possibly) huffy displeasure How do you get that wav? Well, this reservoir of invincible grace develops gradually, but persons con life to and poise urely, in Who selousiy rn over thei * How in m\ wha solve iL pretty ANCE people make can | the prohlem soul? My you il God He mind You do it hy "helieving that and hv opening vour His guidance support protection and refreshment every dav, and many times daily To get on the heam of this higher vibration source of wholeness, read Hannah Whittal Smith's classic The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life Revel publisher) Mary Haworth through hey ne are We are wringer specialists, Our experts will rebuild your wringer as good ey new , LL sonable rates ! mo girls, wha can ha ¢ can n Ca in hushand says {f 1 dont want them here, | needn't have them; and my son is learning to do the dislies and clean the house S00 you see the problem an ethical one. Do you have any recommendations" SK THEY'RE NOT GOD Dear SK. Already a flash of ight VS AN A deep | heal nv 10week NINE eeonom JACK BIDDULPH APPLIANCE SERVICE (Jagk Christie, owner) Rear of 48 Simeon 0, RA 5-1179 For Pick-up and Delivery n age If ta M provincial in and al government pros | and Rsk MPOTLINITIES Aris from 0 | Attend the Is tute of technology A Teder ram to t Al As part of N, in Indians Ar mo to f Joh vou've had recon ing What souls n paTAnLS uncon And counsels not hy mail Wi her ANE hand developmen in mn vit column n and dread of et in that they aren't God rahlem Sona of || Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E. A Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, ¢ 91 Centre Street. Fridays & Saturdays. nterview this news le SOCia needed vi your 0 clear LL Clots pillow cases that DRY SMOOTH? sparkling white, resist mildew and retard perspiration odors, You'll save time and work, HAM FOR RREAKFAST Frizeled ham for hreakfast is p A& Rood wav te use leftover ham Fry thin of ham until becomes slightly browned and he gins hump or Serve with shirred on fresh breakfast m na ravelling sald the girls are jus slices and enjoyed the on other teen-agers ¢ Wash them, hang or tumbles dry them in vour automatic! Only Tex-made brings you new "Magicare" sheets, created to . . Rs i rial Cp VY # Get § Texomade features in stay siky=smooth, wrinkle-free by an exclusive new process! ne " lagicare' sheets and \ pillow slips: more inches in Any method dries them , tant] ! § . they'll never need ironing! length; mare threads per inch; 1 ( i | 8 finer cotton, more finely spun; plus Certified Launderability with ne we ironing! Get "Magicare" sheets on sale now at Canada's finest stores! n TY frigate" and vestern dav shop eR fins IT'S LIKE PUSHING A WHEELBARROW UPHILL WHEN YOU LACK A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA You can LH one at HOME Wn your spare time. i ore 17 or over and have leh , write Interesting Free booklet--tells you how Graduates will receive the High School Diploma of the Amarkana Schook AMERICAN SCHOOL | say St Kingston, Ontaria BUYING A RUG? Before Do . See Our Stock HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES * Cut down laundry hills , out ironing! N \ vont "Magicare" to wash n half the time, , , stay NR You are easiest even ar) N * "Magicare" centre fold makes hedmaking easier, Princess INFORMATION: RA 3.7253 oii a at et fata oe > \ WhE § FEAL fe wilting ve NAME ADDRESS } ; LE EE EE EEE EE EF EEE 8 RA 30202 174 MARY

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